300,000 deaths from COVID are expected by the first of December

This really shows how pitiful the response has been in the country compared to other nations. We account for 1/4 of all deaths worldwide. We also have the highest rate of new cases worldwide. Meanwhile, in South Korea, a country with a population of 50 million, has 300 deaths.

I'm shocked that the nation with the highest rate of Trespassers and BVs and international visitors and municipal density has a lot of people who get sick and recover from COVID.
And the most people dying per capita.
What do you propose we do about it?

Stand up and be heard. Stop being silenced into submission.

Stop waiting on the return of Jesus to deal with Leftist

Stop thinking your guns will save you and get involved
I guarantee you that my guns will save me.. It's hard to survive being shot by a .50 caliber.

They know what you have, and will come WELL prepared to defeat ANYTHING you could throw at them.
Your .50 cal will be like shooting wet noodles at them. Can your .50 cal stop a tank? No.
They will probably just lob a high explosive mortar on your head from miles away.

so why sit back and wait for that day?
Actually, the have super advanced "non-lethal" weaponry now.

They will turn it on, and it will either cause the victims to become so depressed that they lose interest in living, or it will explode their ear drums and they run away.

A lot of them were first tested in the first Iraq war. Most of the Iraqi army just threw down their arms rather than fight.

I forgot about that.
They are not really worried about our guns. They have so much advanced tools to disable us before they get near as you say.
Translation: a forum that will let anyone spread dangerous lies. You are correct. That seems to be what "conservatism" has become.

I'm 100% positive you have no problem that they banned Trump from advertising on FaceBook.
Could you be happier?
What he said is proven TRUE by the way.

So much for your line
So, a weak yearly flu?

Yeap...big deal...my thoughts exactly.

Weak yearly flu? Fewer than 40,000 are estimated to die from the flu each year in the US...
Actually, Fauci himself said it was akin to a . . . what was the wording? Oh yes, a "severe seasonal influenza." :heehee:

". . . If one assumes that the number of asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic cases is several times as high as the number of reported cases, the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza (which has a case fatality rate of approximately 0.1%) or a pandemic influenza (similar to those in 1957 and 1968) rather than a disease similar to SARS or MERS, which have had case fatality rates of 9 to 10% and 36%, respectively.
This really shows how pitiful the response has been in the country compared to other nations. We account for 1/4 of all deaths worldwide. We also have the highest rate of new cases worldwide. Meanwhile, in South Korea, a country with a population of 50 million, has 300 deaths.

I'm shocked that the nation with the highest rate of Trespassers and BVs and international visitors and municipal density has a lot of people who get sick and recover from COVID.
And the most people dying per capita.
The excess death rate this year is nearly identical to what it was last year.

That is a fact buddy.
I'm 100% positive you have no problem that they banned Trump from advertising on FaceBook.
Well first of all, that is not what happened. Good god man, try to follow. These are simple, english sentences.

Second, that would depend on the content. I am happy facebook is refusing to spread dangerous lies about the pandemic, for example.
I guarantee you that my guns will save me.. It's hard to survive being shot by a .50 caliber.

it won't.
But this is EXACTLY a large part of the reason the Right is doing nothing when they could have.
Like you, too many feel that because they have a few guns at home, they are ready to take on the US military.
And therefore maintain this false sense of security at all times.

The problem is, this is a war that needed to be won with intervention and participation.
Millions of Conservatives should have been getting involved in the City Hall; meetings, running for office and just fighting this movement on the ground floor.

By clinging to the "my guns will protect me" mantra, the Right has allowed the left to get a firm grip on nearly every city hall across America.
Tentacles that are getting an ever tightening grip on our liberties.

LONG ago the Right should have created it's own search Engine, FaceBook replacement and Twitter alternative.
Instead, we didn't and now they are refusing to allow our Presidents advertising and our free speech, reserving that for their minions only.
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I've been warning the Right that they need to get off their asses and create Conservative alternatives for YEARS.
Translation: a forum that will let anyone spread dangerous lies. You are correct. That seems to be what "conservatism" has become.
Translation: anything that departs from Marxist party line is a "dangerous lie." :heehee:

i.e. If independent verifiable science does not support the party line? Pay some Marxist scientists to find answers that support the party line. Eureka! :113:

Unfortunately, in America, things have never worked that way.

I'm 100% positive you have no problem that they banned Trump from advertising on FaceBook.
Well first of all, that is not what happened. Good god man, try to follow. These are simple, english sentences.

Second, that would depend on the content. I am happy facebook is refusing to spread dangerous lies about the pandemic, for example.

yeah, yeah...Good God man....Sweet Jesus....how DARE I disagree with your "wisdom"?

Of course, as long AS YOU approve, it's legit.
As long as it's agrees with the left's agenda all is well.
And you cannot see that you CLEARLY preach a Communist authoritarian spiel? Not surprised.

You are the epitome of what America is facing and proof that if we don't defeat you, suffering is on the menu.
I've been warning the Right that they need to get off their asses and create Conservative alternatives for YEARS.
Translation: a forum that will let anyone spread dangerous lies. You are correct. That seems to be what "conservatism" has become.
Translation: anything that departs from Marxist party line is a "dangerous lie." :heehee:

i.e. If independent verifiable science does not support the party line? Pay some Marxist scientists to find answers that support the party line. Eureka! :113:

Unfortunately, in America, things have never worked that way.

Well that was a lot of vapid whining. Maybe that helped you forget about your silly lies.

For everyone else with at least one foot in reality:

There are many studies regarding the excess deaths due to covid. They are easy to find No, mister beale did not read a blog and outsmart the global scientific community.
those numbers are not credible.
How do you figure? Assuming SNAFU at present continues, 1500/day dying, 114 days until December 1, = 171,000 additional deaths. 171,000 + 159,000 (today’s total) = 330,000.

You're right! They’ve underestimated. Some scientific variables considered to arrive at the 300k number, I’m sure.

Given that the mortality projections have been largely accurate for months now, I can only assume that you are a koolaid drinker who thinks it’s all a hoax that goes away November 4.

That would be quite the increase in deaths, the weekly deaths haven't been over 10,000 since early May.

Well that was a lot of vapid whining. Maybe that helped you forget about your silly lies.
For everyone else with at least one foot in reality:
There are many studies regarding the excess deaths due to covid. They are easy to find No, mister beale did not read a blog and outsmart the global scientific community.

Annnnnnnd yet.....you can't find them yourself :laughing0301:

A Suh.....wiiiiing.....and a MISS
I've been warning the Right that they need to get off their asses and create Conservative alternatives for YEARS.
Translation: a forum that will let anyone spread dangerous lies. You are correct. That seems to be what "conservatism" has become.
Translation: anything that departs from Marxist party line is a "dangerous lie." :heehee:

i.e. If independent verifiable science does not support the party line? Pay some Marxist scientists to find answers that support the party line. Eureka! :113:

Unfortunately, in America, things have never worked that way.

Well that was a lot of vapid whining. Maybe that helped you forget about your silly lies.

For everyone else with at least one foot in reality:

There are many studies regarding the excess deaths due to covid. They are easy to find No, mister beale did not read a blog and outsmart the global scientific community.

Annnnnnnd yet.....you can't find them yourself :laughing0301:

I sure can. Search for Woolf. And Weinbarger. I am not your mommy.

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