4 Americans are killed in Benghazi, and all Hillary thinks to do is e-mail her kid

Seriously, Hillary e-mailed her own kid who is nothing to the USA and told Chelsea that the embassy was attacked by terrorist.............No shit, was the embassy attacked by Santa's Elves or Buddhist Monks? The hell with the Navy seal team, call Chelsea, that is what is important.

And more important is that you morons can not understand this, well keep smoking, it's good for you.
Republicans just did Hilary a big favor by making themselves look even more stupid than they did already. Eleven hours and they couldn't shake her. That's because they never had anything to begin with.
They SHOULD HAVE told first responders to stand down . Instead they were sent to their graves.

They had to protect the embassy in tripoli . Assuming that was also a target . You act like Hillary didn't want to protect the ambassador . Why would she do that?

Her response was, What does it matter? Maybe you should ask for clarification on that response.

What was her actual quote?

What does it matter? With her two hands in the air as I recall.

Accurate quotes matter if you are going to make claims.

Her words, What does it matter?! Were quoted over and over again, Coyote. You feel she is innocent. I believe she is guilty and deserves to be behind bars for the rest of her life. We won't agree on it and we can leave it there.

One day? Hillary is going to answer to Jesus Christ. She may not think so but she is. And at the Judgment Seat of Christ? We'll all be there to hear her testimony and to see her life played out - in a this was your life - movie documentary style revelation- as everything she has ever said, done, thought has been recorded in heaven. So on that day? We'll know the truth about Hillary Clinton. All of us will! You, me, Hillary's daughter Chelsea will be there, her grandchild, her friends, associates, every member of the human race who has ever lived will be there! Any murders, involvement with the occult, etc. all the truth about Hillary will be known by the whole world in one moment - at the judgment seat of Christ. I can wait until then. We'll see what comes up at that time. I'll see you there!
You don't speak for God......despite your best efforts.
Four Americans are killed in Benghazi and only two are officials, yet 3000 die on 9/11 and never got this level of inquiry. 9/11 produced almost 5,000 dead soldiers and innumerable injured, yet we never got this level of inquiry, 90 Americans a day, every day, are killed by gunfire but we never had this level of inquiry.

There are literally dozens of American problems that we regard seriously yet none of them warrant this level of inquiry. It's time to put the toys up kids and get to work and do the job you are paid to do.

You've got some nerve.

GWB and the State Department did not tell first Responders to 9/11 to stand down and do not rescue the victims. This administration and Hillary Clinton know who gave the stand down order at Benghazi because it came from the top. Who was it? Obama or Hillary? What happened in Benghazi was cold blooded murder. And you think it does not warrant this level of inquiry? As I said earlier. You've got some nerve.

Why didn't the embassy attacks and deaths that occurred under President Bush get warrant this "level of inquiry"?

Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?

This is about Benghazi, Coyote. We need to stay on topic here and address the matter of why Hillary has been permitted to avoid answering these questions for the past 3 years. Something is wrong. It is very obvious that something is wrong with this picture!

This isn't about Benghazi any fool can see that. This is about damaging a candidate and the jig is up. After today, interest in Benghazi is going to tumble, Republicans keep asking the same questions over and over because they don't like the answers they're getting. Everyone sees this except Republicans on the committee, what kind of idiot doesn't realize if they spent the cost of this hearing on security we wouldn't even have this issue.
Four Americans are killed in Benghazi and only two are officials, yet 3000 die on 9/11 and never got this level of inquiry. 9/11 produced almost 5,000 dead soldiers and innumerable injured, yet we never got this level of inquiry, 90 Americans a day, every day, are killed by gunfire but we never had this level of inquiry.

There are literally dozens of American problems that we regard seriously yet none of them warrant this level of inquiry. It's time to put the toys up kids and get to work and do the job you are paid to do.

You've got some nerve.

GWB and the State Department did not tell first Responders to 9/11 to stand down and do not rescue the victims. This administration and Hillary Clinton know who gave the stand down order at Benghazi because it came from the top. Who was it? Obama or Hillary? What happened in Benghazi was cold blooded murder. And you think it does not warrant this level of inquiry? As I said earlier. You've got some nerve.

Why didn't the embassy attacks and deaths that occurred under President Bush get warrant this "level of inquiry"?

Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?
Because that's completely different. Anything Republicans do when they are in the White House is OK; whether it's invading Iraq under false pretenses, importing cocaine to support Contras, getting hundreds of Marines killed in Beirut, selling arms to Iraq and Iran at the same time......what ever they do, it's all good.
Four Americans are killed in Benghazi and only two are officials, yet 3000 die on 9/11 and never got this level of inquiry. 9/11 produced almost 5,000 dead soldiers and innumerable injured, yet we never got this level of inquiry, 90 Americans a day, every day, are killed by gunfire but we never had this level of inquiry.

There are literally dozens of American problems that we regard seriously yet none of them warrant this level of inquiry. It's time to put the toys up kids and get to work and do the job you are paid to do.

You've got some nerve.

GWB and the State Department did not tell first Responders to 9/11 to stand down and do not rescue the victims. This administration and Hillary Clinton know who gave the stand down order at Benghazi because it came from the top. Who was it? Obama or Hillary? What happened in Benghazi was cold blooded murder. And you think it does not warrant this level of inquiry? As I said earlier. You've got some nerve.

Why didn't the embassy attacks and deaths that occurred under President Bush get warrant this "level of inquiry"?

Prior to Benghazi, were there 13 attacks on embassies and 60 deaths under President George W. Bush?
Because that's completely different. Anything Republicans do when they are in the White House is OK; whether it's invading Iraq under false pretenses, importing cocaine to support Contras, getting hundreds of Marines killed in Beirut, selling arms to Iraq and Iran at the same time......what ever they do, it's all good.

Having Monica Lewinski stick Bill Clintons cigar in her pee pee..........................
Seriously, Hillary e-mailed her own kid who is nothing to the USA and told Chelsea that the embassy was attacked by terrorist.............No shit, was the embassy attacked by Santa's Elves or Buddhist Monks? The hell with the Navy seal team, call Chelsea, that is what is important.

And more important is that you morons can not understand this, well keep smoking, it's good for you.

Benghazi was three years ago.

Since then, the Republicans have done zip to address the real issues or focus on preventing something like this from happening again.

During those three years they've had hearing after hearing spent how many millions of taxpayer money, in what appears to be little more than a political witchhunt.

I imagine Hillary is pretty frustrated. She's not stupid enought to think they really care about Benghazi. I think I'd rather talk to my kid too. If I had one.

It was three years and still no answers. It is time that the people involved were held accountable. Hillary belongs in prison. Not the oval office.

Sorry to say it but nothing will come of these hearings.

Incompetence isn't a crime and that's what Hillary Clinton and her State Department are guilty of. Incompetence.

That incompetence led to the deaths of four good men.

If the requested added security had been there or our folks had been pulled out like the Brits and the Red Cross the attack wouldn't have happened. No Americans to kill. Way to much security. No attack.

The hearings are a waste of time and money because no one will ever be held accountable for the incompetence that was Hillary Rodham Clinton and her State Department.

Anyone who thinks either will be held accountable is in for disappointment. Our Govt. is loaded with incompetence and always has been.

The buck will always land on Hillary Rodham Clintons desk as it should.

Anyone who thinks that incompetent POS is capable of running the country is one sad partisan hack.
Seriously, Hillary e-mailed her own kid who is nothing to the USA and told Chelsea that the embassy was attacked by terrorist.............No shit, was the embassy attacked by Santa's Elves or Buddhist Monks? The hell with the Navy seal team, call Chelsea, that is what is important.

And more important is that you morons can not understand this, well keep smoking, it's good for you.

Benghazi was three years ago.

Since then, the Republicans have done zip to address the real issues or focus on preventing something like this from happening again.

During those three years they've had hearing after hearing spent how many millions of taxpayer money, in what appears to be little more than a political witchhunt.

I imagine Hillary is pretty frustrated. She's not stupid enought to think they really care about Benghazi. I think I'd rather talk to my kid too. If I had one.

It was three years and still no answers. It is time that the people involved were held accountable. Hillary belongs in prison. Not the oval office.

Sorry to say it but nothing will come of these hearings.

Incompetence isn't a crime and that's what Hillary Clinton and her State Department are guilty of. Incompetence.

That incompetence led to the deaths of four good men.

If the requested added security had been there or our folks had been pulled out like the Brits and the Red Cross the attack wouldn't have happened. No Americans to kill. Way to much security. No attack.

The hearings are a waste of time and money because no one will ever be held accountable for the incompetence that was Hillary Rodham Clinton and her State Department.

Anyone who thinks either will be held accountable is in for disappointment. Our Govt. is loaded with incompetence and always has been.

The buck will always land on Hillary Rodham Clintons desk as it should.

Anyone who thinks that incompetent POS is capable of running the country is one sad partisan hack.

Something already has come of this investigation, however at the present time the FBI is not disclosing the information, espionage in no laughing matter. It is taking so long because Clinton let her info be shared by the entire World, and that is a lot of investigating.

So Hillary, what did Monica do with Bill's cigar under the oval office desk?
Obviously it's the email of a heartless monster who killed the ambassador herself !

:lol: and did you notice how she said there were only 2 people killed and then <gasp!> come to find out later on there were really 4 people killed so she LIED and tried to COVER it up!


She actually killed the other two herself....dead men tell no tales!!!!!
By giving a stand down order. She does have their blood on her hands. Of course she knows this and she will answer for it one day before God. Where she has no influence, no backroom deals to make, where no bribes or threats will work for her. There is no appeals court at the Judgment Seat of Jesus Christ. She'll spend eternity in hell wishing she had listened to her own conscience back when she had one.

What stand down order?

Benghazi Bungle
The one the Secretary of State issues to the armed forces.
Diane Reynolds is a pseudonym for Chelsea Clinton

is it really? i had no idea...

I think you did. But it isn't convenient for you so you are trying to spin it, Valerie. It won't work. Hillary is a liar and the country knows it. You're fighting a losing battle trying to defend her. It's a case of too little too late.

Hillary did fine defending herself, actually.

If she had been up for an acting part in Hollywood? Perhaps. The coughing scene was quite the distraction. Still the truth is she is a liar and she got away with murder. It is a sign of just how corrupt and immoral our society has become. There was a time when this could not have happened.
Seriously, Hillary e-mailed her own kid who is nothing to the USA and told Chelsea that the embassy was attacked by terrorist.............No shit, was the embassy attacked by Santa's Elves or Buddhist Monks? The hell with the Navy seal team, call Chelsea, that is what is important.

And more important is that you morons can not understand this, well keep smoking, it's good for you.
Whopper of a lie.
Diane Reynolds is a pseudonym for Chelsea Clinton

is it really? i had no idea...

I think you did. But it isn't convenient for you so you are trying to spin it, Valerie. It won't work. Hillary is a liar and the country knows it. You're fighting a losing battle trying to defend her. It's a case of too little too late.

Hillary did fine defending herself, actually.

If she had been up for an acting part in Hollywood? Perhaps. The coughing scene was quite the distraction. Still the truth is she is a liar and she got away with murder. It is a sign of just how corrupt and immoral our society has become. There was a time when this could not have happened.

No, it's just a sign of how far gone some people can get when they really hate a particular politician.
Four Americans are killed in Benghazi and only two are officials, yet 3000 die on 9/11 and never got this level of inquiry. 9/11 produced almost 5,000 dead soldiers and innumerable injured, yet we never got this level of inquiry, 90 Americans a day, every day, are killed by gunfire but we never had this level of inquiry.

There are literally dozens of American problems that we regard seriously yet none of them warrant this level of inquiry. It's time to put the toys up kids and get to work and do the job you are paid to do.

Yeah, like global warming....

Four Americans are killed in Benghazi and only two are officials, yet 3000 die on 9/11 and never got this level of inquiry. 9/11 produced almost 5,000 dead soldiers and innumerable injured, yet we never got this level of inquiry, 90 Americans a day, every day, are killed by gunfire but we never had this level of inquiry.

There are literally dozens of American problems that we regard seriously yet none of them warrant this level of inquiry. It's time to put the toys up kids and get to work and do the job you are paid to do.
You're so full of shit.

911 has been harped at nauseum. The View said it wasn't possible unless somebody set charges to blow it up. Democrats used Iraq to get back Congress and eventually the White House....with the help of the worst economy since the Great Depression....which they were greatly responsible for.

You want to fix most of the problems in America today?

Send all of the Democrats to GITMO. Shoot the current occupants in the head. The real threat is these Democrats. Hillary feels we Republicans are her WORST enemies. The feeling's mutual, bitch!!
Diane Reynolds is a pseudonym for Chelsea Clinton

is it really? i had no idea...

I think you did. But it isn't convenient for you so you are trying to spin it, Valerie. It won't work. Hillary is a liar and the country knows it. You're fighting a losing battle trying to defend her. It's a case of too little too late.

Hillary did fine defending herself, actually.

If she had been up for an acting part in Hollywood? Perhaps. The coughing scene was quite the distraction. Still the truth is she is a liar and she got away with murder. It is a sign of just how corrupt and immoral our society has become. There was a time when this could not have happened.
Hollywood? You should have been featured in "Elmer Gantry".
Seriously, Hillary e-mailed her own kid who is nothing to the USA and told Chelsea that the embassy was attacked by terrorist.............No shit, was the embassy attacked by Santa's Elves or Buddhist Monks? The hell with the Navy seal team, call Chelsea, that is what is important.

And more important is that you morons can not understand this, well keep smoking, it's good for you.

You know Chelsea was jogging in Benghazi around the consulate the morning of the attack...
Four Americans are killed in Benghazi and only two are officials, yet 3000 die on 9/11 and never got this level of inquiry. 9/11 produced almost 5,000 dead soldiers and innumerable injured, yet we never got this level of inquiry, 90 Americans a day, every day, are killed by gunfire but we never had this level of inquiry.

There are literally dozens of American problems that we regard seriously yet none of them warrant this level of inquiry. It's time to put the toys up kids and get to work and do the job you are paid to do.
You're so full of shit.

911 has been harped at nauseum. The View said it wasn't possible unless somebody set charges to blow it up. Democrats used Iraq to get back Congress and eventually the White House....with the help of the worst economy since the Great Depression....which they were greatly responsible for.

You want to fix most of the problems in America today?

Send all of the Democrats to GITMO. Shoot the current occupants in the head. The real threat is these Democrats. Hillary feels we Republicans are her WORST enemies. The feeling's mutual, bitch!!

The Republicans got a national audience yesterday, one they pined for for months hoping to bring down Hillary Clinton and the rest of the Democrats. What they got was a shameful accounting by their own media of how the committee was bested by Hilary Clinton. Really, they went after her with nothing new, no giant killer fact that would have damaged her and instead embarrassed themselves beyond repair. Just how stupid are Republicans in congress?

Hillary Clinton woke up smiling, the rest of you not so much. I think the committee helped cement her run yesterday and I hope she gives the committee credit in her inaugural speech.
Four Americans are killed in Benghazi and only two are officials, yet 3000 die on 9/11 and never got this level of inquiry. 9/11 produced almost 5,000 dead soldiers and innumerable injured, yet we never got this level of inquiry, 90 Americans a day, every day, are killed by gunfire but we never had this level of inquiry.

There are literally dozens of American problems that we regard seriously yet none of them warrant this level of inquiry. It's time to put the toys up kids and get to work and do the job you are paid to do.
You're so full of shit.

911 has been harped at nauseum. The View said it wasn't possible unless somebody set charges to blow it up. Democrats used Iraq to get back Congress and eventually the White House....with the help of the worst economy since the Great Depression....which they were greatly responsible for.

You want to fix most of the problems in America today?

Send all of the Democrats to GITMO. Shoot the current occupants in the head. The real threat is these Democrats. Hillary feels we Republicans are her WORST enemies. The feeling's mutual, bitch!!

The Republicans got a national audience yesterday, one they pined for for months hoping to bring down Hillary Clinton and the rest of the Democrats. What they got was a shameful accounting by their own media of how the committee was bested by Hilary Clinton. Really, they went after her with nothing new, no giant killer fact that would have damaged her and instead embarrassed themselves beyond repair. Just how stupid are Republicans in congress?

Hillary Clinton woke up smiling, the rest of you not so much. I think the committee helped cement her run yesterday and I hope she gives the committee credit in her inaugural speech.
Polly want a cracker?

"4 Americans are killed in Benghazi, and all Hillary thinks to do is e-mail her kid"

No,4 Americans are killed and all most republicans can do is contrive ridiculous, idiotic lies – this thread being one of many examples.
Four Americans are killed in Benghazi and only two are officials, yet 3000 die on 9/11 and never got this level of inquiry. 9/11 produced almost 5,000 dead soldiers and innumerable injured, yet we never got this level of inquiry, 90 Americans a day, every day, are killed by gunfire but we never had this level of inquiry.

There are literally dozens of American problems that we regard seriously yet none of them warrant this level of inquiry. It's time to put the toys up kids and get to work and do the job you are paid to do.
You're so full of shit.

911 has been harped at nauseum. The View said it wasn't possible unless somebody set charges to blow it up. Democrats used Iraq to get back Congress and eventually the White House....with the help of the worst economy since the Great Depression....which they were greatly responsible for.

You want to fix most of the problems in America today?

Send all of the Democrats to GITMO. Shoot the current occupants in the head. The real threat is these Democrats. Hillary feels we Republicans are her WORST enemies. The feeling's mutual, bitch!!

The Republicans got a national audience yesterday, one they pined for for months hoping to bring down Hillary Clinton and the rest of the Democrats. What they got was a shameful accounting by their own media of how the committee was bested by Hilary Clinton. Really, they went after her with nothing new, no giant killer fact that would have damaged her and instead embarrassed themselves beyond repair. Just how stupid are Republicans in congress?

Hillary Clinton woke up smiling, the rest of you not so much. I think the committee helped cement her run yesterday and I hope she gives the committee credit in her inaugural speech.
Polly want a cracker?


Good reply, just like the committee you have flubbed your opportunity to sound reasonable. I can't wait for the next Hillary Clinton poll her numbers will terrify you.

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