4 scenarios of Muscovy's decolonization , which one do you like most ? or do you have the own one ?


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
which one do you like most ? or do you have the own one ?

Moscow empire has collapsed 2 for just 70 years, almost collapsed in 1905, and1856. the next and the last collapse is just behind of corner

one of the smartest Muscovite speaks about decolonization of Muscovy :


some basic facts and numbers :

Total Carnage as Ukey army dissolves

“It’s winter and the positions are open; there’s nowhere to hide,” said a Ukrainian soldier from the unit with the call sign Rusin.

At one frontline hospital in the Donbas, the morgue was packed with the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers in white plastic bags. In another hospital, stretchers with wounded troops covered in gold foil thermal blankets crowded the corridors, and a steady stream of ambulances arrived from the front nearly all day long."
Total Carnage as Ukey army dissolves

“It’s winter and the positions are open; there’s nowhere to hide,” said a Ukrainian soldier from the unit with the call sign Rusin.

At one frontline hospital in the Donbas, the morgue was packed with the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers in white plastic bags. In another hospital, stretchers with wounded troops covered in gold foil thermal blankets crowded the corridors, and a steady stream of ambulances arrived from the front nearly all day long."

Total Carnage as Ukey army dissolves

“It’s winter and the positions are open; there’s nowhere to hide,” said a Ukrainian soldier from the unit with the call sign Rusin.

At one frontline hospital in the Donbas, the morgue was packed with the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers in white plastic bags. In another hospital, stretchers with wounded troops covered in gold foil thermal blankets crowded the corridors, and a steady stream of ambulances arrived from the front nearly all day long."
With cost of “black gold” at 15-23 dollars per barrel, the USSR economy collapsed, and the sovok itself collapsed, and the "golden" horde ("russia") budget can only be fulfilled only with oil price at $ 42.4 and higher

Total Carnage as Ukey army dissolves

“It’s winter and the positions are open; there’s nowhere to hide,” said a Ukrainian soldier from the unit with the call sign Rusin.

At one frontline hospital in the Donbas, the morgue was packed with the bodies of Ukrainian soldiers in white plastic bags. In another hospital, stretchers with wounded troops covered in gold foil thermal blankets crowded the corridors, and a steady stream of ambulances arrived from the front nearly all day long."


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