4 White Women Stabbed by Black Male At Louisiana Tech University

They aren't, if they were they would have been no need to create new ones and amend many of the old ones.
I am talking about the present. We know things weren’t equal IN THE PAST. You keep talking in circles, you know full well that the laws today apply to everyone equally, or you wouldn’t keep posting silly responses. You keep talking about history, it’s past time to embrace that times have changed for the better for everyone.
I am talking about the present. We know things weren’t equal IN THE PAST. You keep talking in circles, you know full well that the laws today apply to everyone equally, or you wouldn’t keep posting silly responses. You keep talking about history, it’s past time to embrace that times have changed for the better for everyone.
I am talking about the present, we can start with the Justice System. There are 2 Justice Systems in this country, one white; one black, separate, and still unequal.
Because these are the folks who vote other racist folks into office, that's why you should care. Tell me how in the world as a black man can you support the Republican party.
yes or no. can blacks be racist? can blacks commit hates crimes? yes or no.
Provide the facts.


Not facts, opinions written by black people. Even if it’s the same crime, is it exactly apples to apples? Priors? On probation? City? Judge and jury? Many times it’s money that talks, not race. I had a relative serve 27 years for beating up a woman. He was drunk (no excuse), victim was from a wealthy family. All white people. Meanwhile child molesters and murderers get more lenient sentences. The white relative had zero priors but he told the prosecutor to F off, suddenly a sexual charge was added to his crime. What he did was wrong, but not all unequal justice is against blacks.
Not facts, opinions written by black people. Even if it’s the same crime, is it exactly apples to apples? Priors? On probation? City? Judge and jury? Many times it’s money that talks, not race. I had a relative serve 27 years for beating up a woman. He was drunk (no excuse), victim was from a wealthy family. All white people. Meanwhile child molesters and murderers get more lenient sentences. The white relative had zero priors but he told the prosecutor to F off, suddenly a sexual charge was added to his crime. What he did was wrong, but not all unequal justice is against blacks.
Wow, talk about an idiot in denial.

So the US Sentencing Commission just gave their opinion, no hard facts to back it up. Is that what you are telling me.

  • Police officers’ reliance on millions of minor traffic stops annually as a pretext to investigate drivers for criminal activity disproportionately impacts Black and Latinx drivers. Among those they pull over, police are more likely to search Black (6.2%) and Latinx drivers (9.2%) than whites (3.6%).13 But police are often less likely to find drugs or weapons among the Black and Latinx drivers that they search, compared to whites.14
Black and white Americans use illicit drugs at roughly similar rates, but about one in four people arrested for drug law violations are Black, although Black people make up 14% of the U.S. population.


Wow, talk about an idiot in denial.

So the US Sentencing Commission just gave their opinion, no hard facts to back it up. Is that what you are telling me.

  • Police officers’ reliance on millions of minor traffic stops annually as a pretext to investigate drivers for criminal activity disproportionately impacts Black and Latinx drivers. Among those they pull over, police are more likely to search Black (6.2%) and Latinx drivers (9.2%) than whites (3.6%).13 But police are often less likely to find drugs or weapons among the Black and Latinx drivers that they search, compared to whites.14
Black and white Americans use illicit drugs at roughly similar rates, but about one in four people arrested for drug law violations are Black, although Black people make up 14% of the U.S. population.

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Not everything in life is equal, but it’s not necessarily racist either. So, more blacks use pot and get arrested for it. Why would you believe the arrests should only be 1.2 times more? Do you know all the details of each arrest? There are so many variables to consider. More blacks die in traffic accidents than whites. Nothing racist about that.
Not everything in life is equal, but it’s not necessarily racist either. So, more blacks use pot and get arrested for it. Why would you believe the arrests should only be 1.2 times more? Do you know all the details of each arrest? There are so many variables to consider. More blacks die in traffic accidents than whites. Nothing racist about that.
Talk about not being able to see the forest for the trees, this is why atrocities take place because fools like you refuse to see things that are right in your face.
Talk about not being able to see the forest for the trees, this is why atrocities take place because fools like you refuse to see things that are right in your face.
Nope. Atrocities aren’t my fault either. Lay the blame where it belongs, on the perpetrators. You need to wake up and realize that people choose their own paths. You don’t want jail time, don’t be a criminal. Fools like you quite often blame white people for things that are your own damn fault.
I did, America.

So slavery, Jim Crow, racism and discrimination is my fault. Smfh.
Stretching it again. This is 2023. No Jim Crow, no slavery. No systemic racism. I never said or insinuated that racism doesn’t exist, it’s just not the cause of all your issues. You can stop now. We can all see that you are grasping for attention as a victim.
Stretching it again. This is 2023. No Jim Crow, no slavery. No systemic racism. I never said or insinuated that racism doesn’t exist, it’s just not the cause of all your issues. You can stop now. We can all see that you are grasping for attention as a victim.
Who said it was the cause of all my issues? There is differently still systemic racism in this country.

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