4-year-old grabs loaded gun at family BBQ and accidentally kills wife of Tenn. Deputy

Cars aren't designed to kill. Slight difference to guns.

If guns are designed to kill they do a really bad job of it. I know people that have had guns for years, and those guns have failed kill anyone or anything during any of that time. In other words, they have failed utterly to do what they are designed to do. Can they get a refund, or are you just stupid?

Hey windbag, I have read some really dumb things you have written, but really.

Take one of those weapons you think won't kill, load it, put it to your head, pull the trigger and see if it works or not. If we don't hear back, we will figure it did. Oh happy days.
No this is the most stupid reply to what his point was imaginable, as it was desperation at it's worst, and it showed big time on this response...
So then, since it is obvious that none of the regulations being discussed would have prevented this accident, lets look at Lanz. Sure, he shot allot of bullets, but considering it took the cops 5 minutes to get there, how would any aspects of the bans and background check stopped Lanza from killing those kids ?

Again: Loughner was only stopped in Arizona when he had to reload. Someone grabbed the magazine.

Lanza shot 152 bullets in 5 minutes, and killed himself when the police arrived. If he had to reload 14 times, a) someone may have been able to intervene (what if he tried to shoot a teacher, but was out of bullets and had to reload), and b) the additional time could have made him kill himself when the police arrived after only killing 15 children instead of 20.

He shot a door, reloaded, went into the office, shot some people, reloaded, went into a classroom, shot the teacher and all the kids, reloading a couple of times, went into another classroom, shot another teacher and some more kids, again reloading a couple of times, and then shot himself. If he had been restricted to 10 round mazines there would have been exactly 0 fewer casualties.
Indeed. The failure of anyone to act while he -did- reload illustrates the failure of the argument that him having to reload a couple more times would have made any difference.
The liberal/progressive argument in this thread shows me exactly what is wrong with their Utopian vision, and their mentality..

They believe we can legislate away crime, poverty, evil, you name it, all we need is the right law or piece of legislation and "Poof" it's all better now..

Racism? Legislate special punishment for a person who commits a crime or violence on a race he hates or dislikes. Forget the fact that justice should be blind to matters of race, creed, color, or how the perpetrator feels about another.. They will learn from this or others will being the idea.. Right and punishment has proven to be an invaluable crime deterrent so far...

Gun violence? Legislate against gun ownership or limit it for the private citizen. Sure because the killer isn't responsible for it the guns are. The killer wouldn't have done it had h not had the guns, or ammo, or whatever... Sure, brilliant plan, why not make money illegal? People steal it all the time,why not ban it? People start fires too, better ban fire now..

It's the whole concept that they can legislate society into perfection, that shows how truly ignorant people are. Society evolves at it's own pace, you cannot legislate it into the star trek utopia,it has to grow into it... Morons..

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