40,000 want this pit bull to live? I don't get it?

I rescued a pit bull fighting dog that had been horribly abused. After I got him patched up I gave him to a family. He was the nicest sweetest dog ever. He was a bit skittish around other dogs but okay with the cats so the new owners got him a kitten for company.
Dogs are animals and they do not (so far) enjoy the same Constitutional rights as humans. A .22 in the brain should not require a judicial review.
40,000 take the time to ask the authorities to not put the pit bull down. The dog that ripped the face off of a 4 year old neighbor boy for taking away his bone. The pictures of the boy are very sad.

So how much risk are children and people in general expected to assume with pit bulls? One attack is more than enough for me. I would be fine with city ordinances banning pit bulls. Yes, I know… it’s all about who trains them. Whatever. Do you distinguish DWI laws based on it all depends how responsible the party is who had the drinks?

This country is too much in love with animals at the expense of taking risks with children. How many kids being malled is an acceptable number to keep pit bulls in the community? How many times should a pit bull be allowed to attack before it is taken away? And, yes, I am all for the owner being put in jailed or sentenced somehow for what his dog did. I am liable for any minors in my home.

For as hyper sensitive our society is with risks of any other kind (such as toys, chemicals, etc.) they sure seem to look the other way when it comes to dangerous dogs.

In 2012, there were 38 attacks by dogs that resulted in death. Out of the 38 deadly attacks, 23 of them were by pit bulls.

Campaign to Save Dog in Arizona Mauling - ABC News

Dog That Mauled 4-Year-Old Gets Online Support

PHOENIX March 16, 2014 (AP)

A dog that mauled a 4-year-old Phoenix boy has received thousands of pleas for mercy through a Facebook campaign ahead of a court hearing to decide his fate.

A municipal court judge could rule at a March 25 hearing on whether Mickey, a pit bull that bit Kevin Vicente in the face, should be euthanized. Kevin received injuries that will require, according to doctors, months and possibly years of reconstructive surgeries.

Since the Feb. 20 attack, Mickey has become the object of a Facebook page that has gotten more than 40,000 likes and an online petition to spare his life.

Supporters say the campaign doesn't mean they value the dog's life above the child's.

"This is not Kevin versus Mickey," said attorney John Schill, who is representing the dog in the court petition. "Having Mickey killed is not going to take away Kevin's pain or injuries. The only thing this is going to do is kill a poor, innocent dog."

Pit bulls are viewed by some as a dangerous breed, a reputation their fans dispute.

Guadalupe Villa, who was at the scene of the attack, filed the vicious-animal petition to have the dog put down.

"I just looked at all this as this could have been my son, and I don't want it to be someone else," Villa said.

Schill said he is working pro bono at the request of The Lexus Project, a nonprofit that collects money to legally defend canines in danger of being euthanized. The organization has set up a trust for Mickey that has received more than $5,600, he said.

Schill said the person watching Kevin while his mother was at work should be held responsible.

"But for adults involved, this never would have happened," Schill said. "They're trying to put all the blame on Mickey."

Villa, whose boyfriend's mother was baby-sitting Kevin the day of the attack, said her friend is not to blame.

"She took amazing care of that little boy," said Villa, who claims in the petition that Mickey killed her dog last year.

According to Villa, Kevin picked up a bone lying on the ground near the dog, which was kept on a chain. That's when Mickey suddenly attacked Kevin, Villa said.

Villa said she can't understand the Facebook attention and doesn't see Mickey as a victim.

Kevin was hospitalized at Maricopa Medical Center with a broken eye socket, cheek bone and lower jaw bone, according to doctors.

Dr. Salvatore Lettieri, a Mayo Clinic physician and chief of cosmetic surgery at Maricopa Medical Center, said he was able to fix the broken bones and reattach the muscles that allow Kevin to open and close his eye.

"He still can't open his eye. We'll need to fix the tear duct drainage system — that is if he makes tears," Lettieri said.

Flor Medrano, a family friend, said Kevin continues to recover at a pediatric hospital in Phoenix but will return to Maricopa Medical Center later this week for more surgery on his eye.

Medrano also said a fundraising website has received about $6,000 in donations for the boy. The Maricopa Health Foundation also established a website that has received 50 donations.

The social media support for Mickey doesn't indicate that people care more about a dog than a child, Harold Herzog, a psychology professor at Western Carolina University who studies animal interaction.

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This is one of the saddest mauling stories I ever heard. :(
I rescued a pit bull fighting dog that had been horribly abused. After I got him patched up I gave him to a family. He was the nicest sweetest dog ever. He was a bit skittish around other dogs but okay with the cats so the new owners got him a kitten for company.

That's nice, Katzndogz, but I've had more than one problem with loose pitbulls when out walking my dogs (on leashes). One loose pitbull ran up and before I could react grabbed my little minpin mix by the back of her neck and shook her! $350 vet bill for that, do you think the pitbull owner paid the bill? Noooooo.

A couple of other times pitbulls ran up and approached my dobermans in a menacing way. I pepper sprayed them and that was the end of that.

We have encountered other loose dogs, but none of them menaced us like the pitbulls did. One husky mix kept following us in what I thought was an ominous way until I turned around and ordered the dog to "SIT!!" And he sat. LOL Real scary dog...not. :)

Anyway, here's what a pitbull did to my little Cynthia. And keep in mind this is how the wounds looked AFTER my skilled veterinarian sewed them all up:

The dog is not dangerous. When this kid grows up he'll be stealing cars not bones. That's dangerous. The dog did not bite without reason. It was protecting it's property. Teach children early to respect others.

You must not know much about dogs. Trust me. The dog is dangerous if it attacks a 4 year old. The dog has not been properly socialized or taught on who or what it can take out its aggression on.

If the pit bull had really attacked the child instead of giving the child a few chomps we'd be talking about a dead baby.

It's a pit. Lock jaw. Terrier. Shake prey.

If anyone should be put down it was the stupid adults who allowed a child into a chained dogs territory.

Now that aside I do hope the dog can be rescued and given a decent life and I hope and pray that the child recovers.
A really disturbing trend are the number of children allowed to be around large breed dogs unattended and consequently are getting bit if not killed.

Kids do stupid things. I'm not blaming the children here, but you know and I know that babies will pinchand punch and grab a dog and hit a dog. Even unintentionally with a rattle for example.

As an dog owner I would never let anyone's kid be around my dogs without me right there and I've had a ridgeback that was as lovey and gentle as could be, my next set of babies in my life were my catahoulas and now my black and tan coon hound. All socialized. All fabulous with children and adults alike.

But they were all large breed dogs. Even a loving jump up from one of them in a moment of excited playfulness would give a kid a concussion. Hell's bells an over exuberant happy greeting from Jim Dandy could put me on my ass.

I blame the adults here more than the beast. For example I'd be walking Ripley my ridgeback in a very popular park in Toronto on lead and the number of parents who would just let their babies run up to my girl was unreal.

They didn't know who I was, what my dog was, what the reaction could be. Bloody fools. Now Ripley was good but still to this day I can't believe that parents let their kids do that.

It's a pity to see all this carnage to human and pets alike due to stupidity.
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40,000 take the time to ask the authorities to not put the pit bull down. The dog that ripped the face off of a 4 year old neighbor boy for taking away his bone. The pictures of the boy are very sad.

So how much risk are children and people in general expected to assume with pit bulls? One attack is more than enough for me. I would be fine with city ordinances banning pit bulls. Yes, I know… it’s all about who trains them. Whatever. Do you distinguish DWI laws based on it all depends how responsible the party is who had the drinks?

This country is too much in love with animals at the expense of taking risks with children. How many kids being malled is an acceptable number to keep pit bulls in the community? How many times should a pit bull be allowed to attack before it is taken away? And, yes, I am all for the owner being put in jailed or sentenced somehow for what his dog did. I am liable for any minors in my home.

For as hyper sensitive our society is with risks of any other kind (such as toys, chemicals, etc.) they sure seem to look the other way when it comes to dangerous dogs.

In 2012, there were 38 attacks by dogs that resulted in death. Out of the 38 deadly attacks, 23 of them were by pit bulls.

Campaign to Save Dog in Arizona Mauling - ABC News

Dog That Mauled 4-Year-Old Gets Online Support

PHOENIX March 16, 2014 (AP)

A dog that mauled a 4-year-old Phoenix boy has received thousands of pleas for mercy through a Facebook campaign ahead of a court hearing to decide his fate.

A municipal court judge could rule at a March 25 hearing on whether Mickey, a pit bull that bit Kevin Vicente in the face, should be euthanized. Kevin received injuries that will require, according to doctors, months and possibly years of reconstructive surgeries.

Since the Feb. 20 attack, Mickey has become the object of a Facebook page that has gotten more than 40,000 likes and an online petition to spare his life.

Supporters say the campaign doesn't mean they value the dog's life above the child's.

"This is not Kevin versus Mickey," said attorney John Schill, who is representing the dog in the court petition. "Having Mickey killed is not going to take away Kevin's pain or injuries. The only thing this is going to do is kill a poor, innocent dog."

Pit bulls are viewed by some as a dangerous breed, a reputation their fans dispute.

Guadalupe Villa, who was at the scene of the attack, filed the vicious-animal petition to have the dog put down.

"I just looked at all this as this could have been my son, and I don't want it to be someone else," Villa said.

Schill said he is working pro bono at the request of The Lexus Project, a nonprofit that collects money to legally defend canines in danger of being euthanized. The organization has set up a trust for Mickey that has received more than $5,600, he said.

Schill said the person watching Kevin while his mother was at work should be held responsible.

"But for adults involved, this never would have happened," Schill said. "They're trying to put all the blame on Mickey."

Villa, whose boyfriend's mother was baby-sitting Kevin the day of the attack, said her friend is not to blame.

"She took amazing care of that little boy," said Villa, who claims in the petition that Mickey killed her dog last year.

According to Villa, Kevin picked up a bone lying on the ground near the dog, which was kept on a chain. That's when Mickey suddenly attacked Kevin, Villa said.

Villa said she can't understand the Facebook attention and doesn't see Mickey as a victim.

Kevin was hospitalized at Maricopa Medical Center with a broken eye socket, cheek bone and lower jaw bone, according to doctors.

Dr. Salvatore Lettieri, a Mayo Clinic physician and chief of cosmetic surgery at Maricopa Medical Center, said he was able to fix the broken bones and reattach the muscles that allow Kevin to open and close his eye.

"He still can't open his eye. We'll need to fix the tear duct drainage system — that is if he makes tears," Lettieri said.

Flor Medrano, a family friend, said Kevin continues to recover at a pediatric hospital in Phoenix but will return to Maricopa Medical Center later this week for more surgery on his eye.

Medrano also said a fundraising website has received about $6,000 in donations for the boy. The Maricopa Health Foundation also established a website that has received 50 donations.

The social media support for Mickey doesn't indicate that people care more about a dog than a child, Harold Herzog, a psychology professor at Western Carolina University who studies animal interaction.

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This is one of the saddest mauling stories I ever heard. :(

The worst for the little boy was that this was so preventable. The adult involved were beyond stupid.
I rescued a pit bull fighting dog that had been horribly abused. After I got him patched up I gave him to a family. He was the nicest sweetest dog ever. He was a bit skittish around other dogs but okay with the cats so the new owners got him a kitten for company.

That's nice, Katzndogz, but I've had more than one problem with loose pitbulls when out walking my dogs (on leashes). One loose pitbull ran up and before I could react grabbed my little minpin mix by the back of her neck and shook her! $350 vet bill for that, do you think the pitbull owner paid the bill? Noooooo.

A couple of other times pitbulls ran up and approached my dobermans in a menacing way. I pepper sprayed them and that was the end of that.

We have encountered other loose dogs, but none of them menaced us like the pitbulls did. One husky mix kept following us in what I thought was an ominous way until I turned around and ordered the dog to "SIT!!" And he sat. LOL Real scary dog...not. :)

Anyway, here's what a pitbull did to my little Cynthia. And keep in mind this is how the wounds looked AFTER my skilled veterinarian sewed them all up:

Good for you on the pepper spray. I always carried it in the city. Beats the heck out of trying to break up a dog fight.

I think the worst times were in dog parks and you're stuck standing there with a nice stranger and the woman is yacking away at you and she has a pomeranian who is giving your big dog that low throated growl and snarling with its lip curled up without its owner noticing and you break out into a sweat praying your dog doesn't want to turn that little fuzzball into a squeaky toy on that particular day.


No matter how good your dog is the temptation is there sometimes for them.
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There is a needed place for Pits in my life. I have intruders, tresspassers, attempted drug deals, prostitutes and trantients attempting to break into the unocupied rooms at my motel almost every night.. In fact as I am typing this the dogs are out on the decks barking and growling at someone/s. I don't have to go out yet as I can tell by the level of meyhem how the threat is being handled. They(My Pits) are quiet now so there is no need to back them up. Thing is that the "scariness" of this breed of dog is useful in some environments. I wouldn't want any other breed doing the job. Some breeds just bark all night long at everything they hear. Pits are self assured, at least mine are, and just do the job at hand and when the threat has passed they immediately go back to being friendly and good company.

It's sad about the kids and adults that get attacked by this breed. I've been thinking about breeding my dogs(neither the male or female is fixed) but honestly I haven't met enough interested future owners over the last couple of years I would trust with the responsibility.

I get asked once or twice a week by strangers if and when I am going to produce a litter. I just say "ya...Maybe I just haven't found the time.." Truth be told I'm not sure I want to take the time to get to know 8-10 families that thoroughly where I would feel comfortable placing one of my pups with them.
40,000 take the time to ask the authorities to not put the pit bull down. The dog that ripped the face off of a 4 year old neighbor boy for taking away his bone. The pictures of the boy are very sad.

So how much risk are children and people in general expected to assume with pit bulls? One attack is more than enough for me. I would be fine with city ordinances banning pit bulls. Yes, I know… it’s all about who trains them. Whatever. Do you distinguish DWI laws based on it all depends how responsible the party is who had the drinks?

This country is too much in love with animals at the expense of taking risks with children. How many kids being malled is an acceptable number to keep pit bulls in the community? How many times should a pit bull be allowed to attack before it is taken away? And, yes, I am all for the owner being put in jailed or sentenced somehow for what his dog did. I am liable for any minors in my home.

For as hyper sensitive our society is with risks of any other kind (such as toys, chemicals, etc.) they sure seem to look the other way when it comes to dangerous dogs.

In 2012, there were 38 attacks by dogs that resulted in death. Out of the 38 deadly attacks, 23 of them were by pit bulls.

Campaign to Save Dog in Arizona Mauling - ABC News

Dog That Mauled 4-Year-Old Gets Online Support

PHOENIX March 16, 2014 (AP)

A dog that mauled a 4-year-old Phoenix boy has received thousands of pleas for mercy through a Facebook campaign ahead of a court hearing to decide his fate.

A municipal court judge could rule at a March 25 hearing on whether Mickey, a pit bull that bit Kevin Vicente in the face, should be euthanized. Kevin received injuries that will require, according to doctors, months and possibly years of reconstructive surgeries.

Since the Feb. 20 attack, Mickey has become the object of a Facebook page that has gotten more than 40,000 likes and an online petition to spare his life.

Supporters say the campaign doesn't mean they value the dog's life above the child's.

"This is not Kevin versus Mickey," said attorney John Schill, who is representing the dog in the court petition. "Having Mickey killed is not going to take away Kevin's pain or injuries. The only thing this is going to do is kill a poor, innocent dog."

Pit bulls are viewed by some as a dangerous breed, a reputation their fans dispute.

Guadalupe Villa, who was at the scene of the attack, filed the vicious-animal petition to have the dog put down.

"I just looked at all this as this could have been my son, and I don't want it to be someone else," Villa said.

Schill said he is working pro bono at the request of The Lexus Project, a nonprofit that collects money to legally defend canines in danger of being euthanized. The organization has set up a trust for Mickey that has received more than $5,600, he said.

Schill said the person watching Kevin while his mother was at work should be held responsible.

"But for adults involved, this never would have happened," Schill said. "They're trying to put all the blame on Mickey."

Villa, whose boyfriend's mother was baby-sitting Kevin the day of the attack, said her friend is not to blame.

"She took amazing care of that little boy," said Villa, who claims in the petition that Mickey killed her dog last year.

According to Villa, Kevin picked up a bone lying on the ground near the dog, which was kept on a chain. That's when Mickey suddenly attacked Kevin, Villa said.

Villa said she can't understand the Facebook attention and doesn't see Mickey as a victim.

Kevin was hospitalized at Maricopa Medical Center with a broken eye socket, cheek bone and lower jaw bone, according to doctors.

Dr. Salvatore Lettieri, a Mayo Clinic physician and chief of cosmetic surgery at Maricopa Medical Center, said he was able to fix the broken bones and reattach the muscles that allow Kevin to open and close his eye.

"He still can't open his eye. We'll need to fix the tear duct drainage system — that is if he makes tears," Lettieri said.

Flor Medrano, a family friend, said Kevin continues to recover at a pediatric hospital in Phoenix but will return to Maricopa Medical Center later this week for more surgery on his eye.

Medrano also said a fundraising website has received about $6,000 in donations for the boy. The Maricopa Health Foundation also established a website that has received 50 donations.

The social media support for Mickey doesn't indicate that people care more about a dog than a child, Harold Herzog, a psychology professor at Western Carolina University who studies animal interaction.

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Of course the dog will be put down. As for it being a Pit? Well I'd venture to say that just about any dog wouldn't let anyone take a bone away from it. No matter the breed.

The real villeins in this piece are the people who gave the dog the bone with a kid around and the stupid babysitter who wasn't watching the kid. Of course no one will put them down.

As usual the dog will pay for the idiotic actions of humans.
I have taken quite a few animal behavior courses. Don't try to school me with your ignorance. Dogs will bite if someone tries to take their food or something else that the dog considers theirs. The only one that can do that is the accepted pack leader. The child should have been taught not to try to take the dog's bone. In fact how about teaching a child not to take something that doesn't belong to them at all.

I have encountered many people who think taking away their dog's food or toys as a way of playing with them. That is the fast track to making a peaceful dog generally vicious.

bullshit to you and your courses...first thing i train my dobermans to do...is 'give' that command means to open your mouth...simple as that...i can take food out of my dogs mouth or bowl...and the dog should not attack anything belonging to the pack leader

if my thor attacked a child....as much as i would hate too.....i would have him put down...simple as that...

coyote is right....biting is not a natural behavior for a dog...even biting a child is not natural but to flat out go on attack...the pictures show this was a true attack and not a quick warning snap
thor got his dumbass on lock down for simply barking at a kid....made the kid cry.....no real harm was done but thor's behavior needed adjustment......and he is not fond of the virgin mary it does seem and likes to pee on nativity scenes....i get phone calls
even a chihuahua would bite if his bone was taken away.

parents are should be more responsible with their children, specially around certain breeds that they know are more dangerous.

My two cents.

You never owned a dog, did you?

Its clearly you know crap-all-nothing about them

Not every dog bites when its food is taken away. In fact, very few would every consider biting if they're socialized.

No dog I ever owned would do that.

That pit needs to be put down and in all likelihood its owner ought to be put down, too.

I feel sorry for the dog, of course.

The owner? not one bit of sympathy
The dog is not dangerous. When this kid grows up he'll be stealing cars not bones. That's dangerous. The dog did not bite without reason. It was protecting it's property. Teach children early to respect others.

Troll Alert
Not the dog's fault. Was simply reacting on instinct. Could have just as easily been any other larger-breed dog resulting in the exact same result. Singling out pits because the public's ignorant about dogs and behaviour (especially their own) isn't fair.

I owe my life to a dog, a collie who when as a mobile-toddler fell into my grandparent's fish pond with no adults around. Evidently (I'm told) I would have drowned if not for the out-of-character alert-barking of the collie. I've since made it a point to learn about dogs and other animals. And I can tell ya, there's no such thing as a evil dog.

Great story. I love dogs. There may not be such a thing as an evil dog but their are some that are mentally insane. i've seen plenty. People then go and breed these dogs passing on the mental defect. SMFH

I forgot to add that Chows are truly evil!!!

I had a Chow/Cocker Spaniel mix growing up. Meanest, craziest damn dog I ever had. He would bite whoever or whatever he could. On top of that we named him Mister. Bad mistake. The mailman would get ambushed by the dog and be trying to get away and here we would be yelling; Mister, Mister get back here. Of course when the mailman heard someone yelling "Mister", he would pause and the dog would catch up with him again.

It got so that I think that dog liked getting maced. He was crazy.

Jumped a fence to fight a neighbors dog, with a muzzle on. Tore that dog up. I forget how much the vet bills were. And Mister had a full muzzle on. Got a hold of that dogs ear and never let go.

Mean ass dog those Chows are. Along with some crazy inbred Cocker Spaniel. That is a bad combination of dog.
i dont care for chows....i prefer a warning snarl....or growl...but no a chow will go from that docile friendly look to biting the crap outta ya....without a warning.....not too fond of cockers either lol
All pitbulls should be eliminated. The entire breed should be eliminated. Wiped off the face of the planet. That goes for sharks too.
Okay, keep the sharks, but we have no need for ptibulls. It's pure emotion and unreasonable bias that they are allowed to live now. They serve zero purpose.

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