40 Reasons why Baseball is better than football

When I was a kid I liked Little Big League and Rookie of the Year. The main characters in those movies were about my age at the time so it helped tickle my imagination and dreams of getting to do what they did.
Baseball is frigging boring but it is America's past-time. It passes time from Pro Bowl to Hall of Fame Game.

Damn! Isn't it time for the Hall of Fame Game yet?

Oh and Baseball sure as hell beats the NBA. The only part of an NBA game worth watching is the last 20 seconds and that is only if the teams are within three points of each other.

Baseball is better than Football? George Carlin would disagree...


:lol: :lol: :lol:
Hockey > Football > Soccer > Baseball > Basketball > everything else.

Baseball is just way too slow, and other than the occasional coach getting mouthy with an umpire there is no action!!!

No mention of "Bad News Bears"-the greatest sports film EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That Jodie Foster, what a natural jock! :lol:
Hockey > Football > Soccer > Baseball > Basketball > everything else.

Baseball is just way too slow, and other than the occasional coach getting mouthy with an umpire there is no action!!!

Must be a foreigner ...
Hockey > Football > Soccer > Baseball > Basketball > everything else.

Baseball is just way too slow, and other than the occasional coach getting mouthy with an umpire there is no action!!!

To be a fan of baseball you have to love the game. It's not about fast action. If that's all you're looking for in a sport, you're missing out.
Hockey > Football > Soccer > Baseball > Basketball > everything else.

Baseball is just way too slow, and other than the occasional coach getting mouthy with an umpire there is no action!!!

To be a fan of baseball you have to love the game. It's not about fast action. If that's all you're looking for in a sport, you're missing out.

I've tried to get into the game. I can't stand the time from the end of hockey season until the start of football season. Everybody I work with has baseball fever. I can't go out to a bar without having 5 TVs showing nothing but baseball. Believe me, I understand that it's an American past-time. I just don't get it. Must be something about living too close to the Canadian border. :p
Hockey > Football > Soccer > Baseball > Basketball > everything else.

Baseball is just way too slow, and other than the occasional coach getting mouthy with an umpire there is no action!!!

To be a fan of baseball you have to love the game. It's not about fast action. If that's all you're looking for in a sport, you're missing out.

I've tried to get into the game. I can't stand the time from the end of hockey season until the start of football season. Everybody I work with has baseball fever. I can't go out to a bar without having 5 TVs showing nothing but baseball. Believe me, I understand that it's an American past-time. I just don't get it. Must be something about living too close to the Canadian border. :p

Nah, it's just your preference. I was raised on baseball, my whole family is full of athletes. I played from the time I first started to throw, through high school. Now I live out my dream vicariously through my softball team :lol:
Women don't play professional baseball in the major leagues because they aren't wanted.

Women don't play in the NFL because they can't.
Rugby (It is so "honest"!) owns Handball (Yes I am German, Handball looks like protectionless contact Basketball that is played on goals instead of Baskets, or like Rugby with a normal ball, a small field and no passing restrictions) owns Soccer (Muahaha, did I mention I am German?) owns Icehockey (I have a fair amount of Russian Blood too) owns Basketball (at least they get on with the fecking game) owns Football (at least something happens occassionally) owns Baseball (watching Baseball = lame excuse to drink a lot of beer. Needing excuse to drink lots of beer is already lame in itself).

P.S. Football has no meaningfull "nation against nation" matches, so It cant ever reach the epicness of Ice Hockey, Rugby and Soccer.
No meaningful nation against nation?

Obviously you have neer seen a Packers-Bears game.
I love baseball, but come on there is no comparison. Football is more fun to watch and play!
Baseball loses a lot of points IMO because of the relative lack of teamwork required. Sure, there are examples where two or three players work together to get a guy out or turn a double play for example. But by and large, baseball is a sport dominated by the individual. Players on last place teams often do well in the MVP voting in baseball. That seldom happens in football for a reason.

Another way to look at it is this: Consider a championship played between the team that actually won the title for the sport, played against a team made up of all-stars from all the remaining teams. In baseball, my money is on the all-stars everytime, in football, just the opposite. To win in football, you need to execute as a team. If one guys doesn't do his job, you lose. In baseball you only need a handful of individuals to execute better than the individuals on the other team.
Half of this list is actually why baseball is better than the Philadelphia Eagles, but there's some real good ones in here that are universal.

iSportacus » Blog Archive » 40 Reasons Baseball is Better Than Football

8. The World Series has rabid home fans cheering madly for their team. The Super Bowl has men in suits who don’t even know what two teams are playing.

13. 80 degrees and a cold beer beats 20 degrees and cold extremities.

16. Casey at the Bat vs. ?????.

17. Field of Dreams vs. Any Given Sunday. Not even close.

20. Only eight teams can make the cut in the Major League playoffs.

21. Football is communist, baseball is free market. Nobody gets dropped from a baseball roster because they hurt a team’s salary cap.

22. Baseball team strategies are determined not only by their personnel, but the dimensions of their ball park.

23. The rules are constantly changing in football (Check out what constituted holding and pass interference in the 1970s.) Baseball’s rules are perfect. There is no need to change them.

25. One of the biggest thrills for a fan in baseball is when a big leaguer flips the ball into the stands after the inning. If he did that in the NFL, he’d get fined.

27. Deion Sanders may have played baseball, but there is no way in hell they were ever going to let him announce it after he retired. Football did.

28. Baseball has Peter Gammons. Football has Mel Kiper, Jr.

29. Baseball has “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.” Football has whatever flash in the pan pop band plays at halftime of the first game.

31. People watch the World Series to see who wins. People watch the Super Bowl to see the commercials.

32. “Centerfield” by John Fogerty vs. ??????.

34. Quick, what happened in Game 6 of the 1986 World Series? Ok, quick, what happened in the third quarter of the 1986 Super Bowl?

37. Terrell Owens drops a lot of easy catches, is a clubhouse cancer, and still got a huge contract from the Bills. They have a term for baseball players who are a clubhouse cancer and can’t catch the ball: bush leaguers.

40. The Eagles are a very good team. The Phillies are World Fucking Champions!

Football had John Madden. Had. Now it has...er.....erm...

Baseball? Baseball has had more household names in the commentary booth than you can name. And, even better, even the play by play announcers are loved by the fans. Ernie Harwell (Tigers), Harry and Skip Caray (Cubs and Braves respectively), Mel Allen (Yankees, and Giants too I guess), Vin Scully (Dodgers)and Red Barber (several teams) are just a few of the many.

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