41 Million Tea Party Supporters Set to Vote


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The Tea Party is regularly ridiculed and declared "dead" by the mainstream press and their elitist allies in Washington and Hollywood. Not surprisingly, when Tea Partiers show up and rally by the thousands, they get all but ignored, while 30 Occupy Wall Street crazies in masks will always get wall-to-wall coverage and admiration. TV shows and movies take cheap shots at Tea Party conservatives, often linking them to murder-of-the-week cases on insipid crime procedurals or dismissing them as “birthers.” But a new Associated Press poll shows tea party supporters may have the last laugh in November.

The AP/GFK poll shows that 31% of likely voters consider themselves Tea Party supporters. With 131 million votes cast in the 2008 elections, that translates into an incredible voting bloc of 41 million Tea Party supporters waiting to cast ballots. These voters have already made their voices heard in Wisconsin earlier this year, as well as in Republican primaries in Texas and Nebraska.

That 31% of likely voters figure is greater than the 19% who described themselves as either strongly or somewhat liberal. Surprisingly, liberals have escaped media characterization as being a small, fringe-like group with little power or influence. At 19% of likely voters, self-described liberals would have a turnout of 25 million voters, some 16 million fewer voters than the Tea Party.

The good news for Mitt Romney and other Republican hopefuls is that the Tea Party supporters also appear ready to turn out in much higher numbers than all other voters. For instance, while they only made up 23% of the initial polling sample, which was a sample of all adults, their numbers improve as unlikely voters were removed by the AP from the data. When unregistered and unlikely voters were taken out of the poll, their share of the vote increased by 35%, to nearly one-third of the voting population.

Meanwhile, self-described liberals fell 11% from the initial sample to the likely voter sample, while moderates increased by 3% and conservatives increased by 8%. This enthusiasm gap could make the difference in November. Once unregistered and unlikely voters were removed from the AP poll sample, Obama’s share of the vote plummeted by 10%, while Romney’s share of the vote increased by 28%. That support is driven, of course, by a supposedly dead movement. Overall, the poll shows a statistical tie with Obama at 47%, and Romney at 46%.

The election will turn on who gets out the most votes. In the past, Democrats had the strong support of unions. However, with Obozo's actions and the weakening of public service unions, this may not be the case this November. So, ignore the polls and watch the reports of how many are voting early. They sometime even give the party affiliations. But, bigger numbers this year clearly favor the GOP just as it did in 2010. :eusa_angel:
Broken Knife, for you:

RCP National Average 48.9 44.6 Obama +4.3
Favorable Ratings +6.5 -2.3 Obama +8.8
Intrade Odds 78.5 21.5
The Teabaggers have a history of inflating their own numbers. Remember the Two-Million-Teabagger-Rally in D.C. but there were only around 50,000 people? Remember Beck's Restore Dishonor Rally that was allegedly attended by thousands, but only a handful of curious passersby were there?

And the Teabaggers can't very well be casting votes if they're harassing legitimate voters at the polls.

How The Tea Party Is Conducting Voter Harassment In Minority Precincts « Alan Colmes' Liberaland
longknife? As in NIGHT OF THE LONG KNIVES? It is to be hoped no one coerces each and every Tea party lover to vote any partcular ticket.
The 4th "Long Knife" Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division. Fort Hood, Texas
Since the Rise of the Tea Party coincided with Obama's election I figure most of them will vote for anyone they think that can beat Obama. I think their morals will fly down the partisan toilet.
The 4th "Long Knife" Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division. Fort Hood, Texas

Thanks Starkey, actual information! The debate Wednesday is unlikely to contain much of THAT. "Romney will try to get Obama irritated, Obama will remind millions of Americans how wealthy Romney is" apppears to be the script.........
Only 41 million! Great news Americans are getting smarter. :lol:

The 4th "Long Knife" Brigade, 1st Cavalry Division. Fort Hood, Texas

Thanks Starkey, actual information! The debate Wednesday is unlikely to contain much of THAT. "Romney will try to get Obama irritated, Obama will remind millions of Americans how wealthy Romney is" apppears to be the script.........

Even the DNC is now down playing the debates - they think Romney will win. :lol:
The good news for Mitt Romney and other Republican hopefuls is that the Tea Party supporters also appear ready to turn out in much higher numbers than all other voters. For instance, while they only made up 23% of the initial polling sample, which was a sample of all adults, their numbers improve as unlikely voters were removed by the AP from the data. When unregistered and unlikely voters were taken out of the poll, their share of the vote increased by 35%, to nearly one-third of the voting population.

The bad news for Romney is presidents are elected by the EC, not popular vote; the great bulk of these voters are in red states, which will go to Romney regardless TPM turnout. And there are too few TPM voters in blue and swing states to work to Romney’s advantage.

We see the evidence of this from the 2010 midterms, where TPM candidates did well in local Congressional districts, but performed poorly in senatorial and gubernatorial state-wide elections.
And what makes the OP think they will vote for Romney?

Ummmm... this?

Which Candidate Does The TEA Party Support? | Tea Party 911

I appreciate that it's a blog, but it's from the TEA Party. They're 'embracing' Romney.

So are the 54 million evagelicals! Ralph Reed just came out with the Christian voting guide. Reed supported and asked for evangelicals to support George Bush, but did not throw that support behind John McCain.

On election day all those little churchgoers are going to be running around all over the country getting other little churchgoers to the polls.
And what makes the OP think they will vote for Romney?

Ummmm... this?

Which Candidate Does The TEA Party Support? | Tea Party 911

I appreciate that it's a blog, but it's from the TEA Party. They're 'embracing' Romney.

So are the 54 million evagelicals! Ralph Reed just came out with the Christian voting guide. Reed supported and asked for evangelicals to support George Bush, but did not throw that support behind John McCain.

On election day all those little churchgoers are going to be running around all over the country getting other little churchgoers to the polls.

And Catholics around the country recently heard Bishop Thomas John Paprocki, Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, call the policies of Obama 'intrinsically evil and gravely sinful'. Ruh oh! There are over 77 million Catholics in the US.
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