440,000 Guard Members Face Missing Paychecks As Republicans Block Funding

The military has become the armed branch of the Socialist revolutionaries. Hard to feel sorry for them.

The National Guard should have joined the Patriots on Jan 6th but instead they protected the shitheads that stole the election from the American people.
See? trump's cultists hate the military and the police when you scratch the surface.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
Tell the whole story you lying asshole. Democrats always add outrageous waste or power grabs through stupid regulations to the bills they pass. Let's see the bill disputed and what it says. I'll wait.
Oh yeah, improving security at the Capitol and creating a rapid response force, that is what the Republicans oppose. I got to say it, the average IQ of a House Republican doesn't come close to 100.
There is no need to improve security because of a false flag operation by the FBI. Our system of government was never in any danger on Jan.6th.
Oh yeah, and I just had dinner with the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus.
Oh yeah is right the hyperbole and fake patriotism is enough to make people vomit. The FBI was responsible for Babbitt's murder. That is not hyperbole.
I thought she died trying to come in to one of the inner areas being protected by the capital police, a more final line of defense. It is a shame she had to die, but it was effective. Not another single attacker tried to come through that security glass, the insurrectionist had just broken out.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
Tell the whole story you lying asshole. Democrats always add outrageous waste or power grabs through stupid regulations to the bills they pass. Let's see the bill disputed and what it says. I'll wait.
Oh yeah, improving security at the Capitol and creating a rapid response force, that is what the Republicans oppose. I got to say it, the average IQ of a House Republican doesn't come close to 100.
There is no need to improve security because of a false flag operation by the FBI. Our system of government was never in any danger on Jan.6th.
Oh yeah, and I just had dinner with the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus.
Oh yeah is right the hyperbole and fake patriotism is enough to make people vomit. The FBI was responsible for Babbitt's murder. That is not hyperbole.
You are certainly a useful idiot for trump and his puppet master, Putin.
The military is not a friend of the American people anymore. They are the tools of the Socialist assholes.
That's why the liberals want to federalize all policing. They want to control every police force in the nation.

Do you remember when our Kenyan Muslim President suggest a federal police force with powers equal to that of the military?

Four years ago this month—on July 2nd, 2008—Obama delivered a speech in Boulder, Colorado in which he promised the creation and establishment of a “Civilian National Security Force.” He further promised it would be “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as the US Military.”
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The military has become the armed branch of the Socialist revolutionaries. Hard to feel sorry for them.

The National Guard should have joined the Patriots on Jan 6th but instead they protected the shitheads that stole the election from the American people.
See? trump's cultists hate the military and the police when you scratch the surface.

The Socialists have turned the American people against the military. They do this in all the countries they take over. Nothing new.

Who in the hell wants to support a military of Queers, Transsexuals, Affirmative Action Negros and brainwashed idiots that have been taught to hate White people?
The military has become the armed branch of the Socialist revolutionaries. Hard to feel sorry for them.

The National Guard should have joined the Patriots on Jan 6th but instead they protected the shitheads that stole the election from the American people.
See? trump's cultists hate the military and the police when you scratch the surface.

My father was a proud WWII Veteran. I am a proud Vietnam War Veteran. My son is a proud Iraqi War Veteran. We are all real veterans that upheld our oaths. The shitheads that defended the Capitol against Patriots protesting the Democrats stealing the election were tools of the Leftest that went against their oath.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
Tell the whole story you lying asshole. Democrats always add outrageous waste or power grabs through stupid regulations to the bills they pass. Let's see the bill disputed and what it says. I'll wait.
We know that trump fluffers don't really support our troops. This is not a surprise.
Irony is that until recent years, our active military was filled with mostly conservatives and a majority of those I know voted for Trump.

The politics of promotion beyond O6 means that Obama-nation began to change the political correctness of those being promoted to O6 and beyond, hence the increase socialism with higher command ranks. There are still many at O5 and E5 and lower in active service whom are conservative but they are often caught between rock and hard place of obeying their commanders.

Things will likely get very messy if the higher command becomes more blatant in giving treasonous orders.

As LEOs, it's the radical Left and their supporters in Legislatures, city councils, and Congress pursuing "defund the police" and "other constraints adding criminals that are causing police agencies to see early retirements and lowered recruiting.

See my next post on the LEO situation;
Anybody in the military that supports this illegitimate administration is a traitor to their country.
That applies to assholes like General Mark Milley, but not to the troops. The have to do as they're ordered to do.
The military has become the armed branch of the Socialist revolutionaries. Hard to feel sorry for them.

The National Guard should have joined the Patriots on Jan 6th but instead they protected the shitheads that stole the election from the American people.
See? trump's cultists hate the military and the police when you scratch the surface.

My father was a proud WWII Veteran. I am a proud Vietnam War Veteran. My son is a proud Iraqi War Veteran. We are all real veterans that upheld our oaths. The shitheads that defended the Capitol against Patriots protesting the Democrats stealing the election were tools of the Leftest that went against their oath.
Sure, hun.....:heehee:
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
Tell the whole story you lying asshole. Democrats always add outrageous waste or power grabs through stupid regulations to the bills they pass. Let's see the bill disputed and what it says. I'll wait.
We know that trump fluffers don't really support our troops. This is not a surprise.
Irony is that until recent years, our active military was filled with mostly conservatives and a majority of those I know voted for Trump.

The politics of promotion beyond O6 means that Obama-nation began to change the political correctness of those being promoted to O6 and beyond, hence the increase socialism with higher command ranks. There are still many at O5 and E5 and lower in active service whom are conservative but they are often caught between rock and hard place of obeying their commanders.

Things will likely get very messy if the higher command becomes more blatant in giving treasonous orders.

As LEOs, it's the radical Left and their supporters in Legislatures, city councils, and Congress pursuing "defund the police" and "other constraints adding criminals that are causing police agencies to see early retirements and lowered recruiting.

See my next post on the LEO situation;
Excuse-making and lies.................all for their orange god.

Local Law Enforcement agencies write open letter on Reforms by state legislature…


An editorial from your local law enforcement officials July 15, 2021

Washington recently enacted a myriad of new “police reform” laws. While law enforcement leadership in Whatcom County supports efforts to enhance training, professionalism, and accountability, as well as to provide treatment alternatives to arrest, the new laws will significantly affect officers’ ability to detect and prevent crime, hinder the apprehension of criminals and render our community less safe.

The legitimate use of reasonable force to detain, arrest and capture criminals has long been a necessary hallmark of community safety. New legislation now restricts officers from using any degree of force unless “probable cause” exists to arrest, prevent an escape, or protect someone from imminent harm. “Probable cause” is a fairly high legal standard that represents a radical departure from long-standing court precedent authorizing temporary investigative detentions (Terry stops) under the lesser standard of “reasonable suspicion.” Officers heavily rely on Terry stops to interrupt crime and protect citizens. Eliminating this investigative tool undoubtedly will result in Increased victimization and many criminals remaining free.

Law enforcement has long applied prudent safety criteria to vehicular pursuit decisions. Pursuits were authorized for serious crimes based on the reasonable suspicion standard. Pursuits are now limited to circumstances where probable cause exists to arrest for serious violent offenses defined as murder/manslaughter/homicide, assault in 1st degree, kidnapping 1st degree, and rape. Pursuits for DUI continue to be allowed based on reasonable suspicion. Officers very frequently encounter situations wherein they have reasonable suspicion to believe criminal activity may be afoot but lack probable cause for arrest until the

Will Whatcom Become Seattle

vehicle is stopped and an investigation is conducted. This significant limitation on the standards for engaging in pursuits for serious violent crime, and the prohibition against pursuing vehicles even when probable cause is present for other serious crimes (including felony assaults such as domestic violence related offenses, burglaries and high-value thefts) are unique to Washington and will affect safety.

Officers traditionally have responded to incidents involving people in behavioral health crises that have the potential to escalate and create public safety risks. If grave circumstances exist, officers have the ability to take the person into protective custody. However, the new legislation limits officers from using reasonable force when necessary to do so. The legislature has signaled its intent to reduce police interactions and transfer responsibilities to behavioral health professionals to the point of stating officers “should leave the area.” While law enforcement generally supports behavioral health intervention there are not sufficient behavioral health professionals available or willing to take on risks associated with people who have a propensity towards violence without law enforcement protection.

While law enforcement prefers referring drug users to treatment rather than the criminal justice system, legislation re-classified all drug possession, regardless of quantity, from felonies to simple misdemeanors, and directed that for an offender’s first two offenses, they not be referred to prosecution. Sufficient substance use disorder treatment resources are not available to effectuate this and there will be little law enforcement can effectively do about neighborhood and public drug activity.

Limitations on some long-standing police tactics and restrictions on less-lethal alternatives will increase risks to officers’ safety and personal civil and criminal liability. Concerns have resulted in the retirements and resignations of good experienced officers and affected recruitment efforts to replace them.

The above represents just a sample of ramifications. Restrictions on interrogations, canine deployment and others will have substantial impacts as well.

Law enforcement in Whatcom County has always strived for excellence in public safety. Achieving this and capturing criminals will now be more challenging. Please be assured that despite these changes, officers will do the best they possibly can under the new laws to protect you and your family.

Bill Elfo, Sheriff, Whatcom County

Flo Simon, Chief of Police, Bellingham

Dan MacPhee, Chief of Police, Everson-Nooksack

Kevin Turner, Chief Police, Ferndale

Donnell Tanksley, Chief of Police, Blaine

Daniel Debruin, Chief of Police, Sumas

Steve Taylor, Chief of Police, Lynden
Anybody in the military that supports this illegitimate administration is a traitor to their country.
That applies to assholes like General Mark Milley, but not to the troops. The have to do as they're ordered to do.

I am disappointed in the troops. Not withstanding the Biden assholes purging the NG of the Patriots the rest of the troops should have known better. They should have refused their orders.

There is a time for all good men to stand up for their country and the time was then and they didn't do it. Shame!
Anybody in the military that supports this illegitimate administration is a traitor to their country.
Funny how those of us who REALLY served in the military are laughing at you.

The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
The bill had a poison pill, as many written by the liberals do.

What was the poison pill?
Repaying the National Guard for their costs is the only crucial item in the Democrat Party's bill. The other items they attached fall in 2 categories:
  • Wasteful and unnecessary
  • Worthy of being considered in a separate bill
Personally, I thought they were brought on to federal duty. I am not real sure of what costs were not covered anyway. Their check come from the Federal Treasury, not the states.
I figured the rub on the bill with republicans was setting up a rapid deployment force to guard against domestic attack on the capital in the future. That would call for facilities, equipment, personnel, training (initial and ongoing, long term), along with the more hardened physical upgrades in and around the Capital and would make it harder to take over the capital, next time the Republicans supported doing that kind of thing.
That's not the way it works.

Pretty much. I never got a check from the state in my life, nor cash. I have been retired so long, go back so far, we used to draw payroll and count it back out to pay the troops individually and that didn't come from the state either. That was not state duty they were on, at least not according to USPFO (United State Property and Fiscal Office).
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
Tell the whole story you lying asshole. Democrats always add outrageous waste or power grabs through stupid regulations to the bills they pass. Let's see the bill disputed and what it says. I'll wait.
Oh yeah, improving security at the Capitol and creating a rapid response force, that is what the Republicans oppose. I got to say it, the average IQ of a House Republican doesn't come close to 100.
There is no need to improve security because of a false flag operation by the FBI. Our system of government was never in any danger on Jan.6th.
Oh yeah, and I just had dinner with the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus.
Oh yeah is right the hyperbole and fake patriotism is enough to make people vomit. The FBI was responsible for Babbitt's murder. That is not hyperbole.
You are certainly a useful idiot for trump and his puppet master, Putin.
Did Putin pull the strings in AZ.? That state is going to be decertified. Also I am glad to be of some use. You should give it a try.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
Tell the whole story you lying asshole. Democrats always add outrageous waste or power grabs through stupid regulations to the bills they pass. Let's see the bill disputed and what it says. I'll wait.

The $1.9 billion legislation was developed in response to the findings and recommendations of a task force led by retired Army Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré, who was tasked by Pelosi to lead a review of Capitol security after the insurrection.

Among a number of provisions, the legislation would provide $250 million for Capitol grounds security, which could be used for physical infrastructure including "retractable, or 'pop-in' fencing, and security sensors," according to a bill summary released by the House Appropriations Committee.

There would be $162.7 million to harden security safeguards for windows and doors at the Capitol as well as at House and Senate office buildings.

The plan would have $7.4 million set aside to increase security for lawmakers, including threat assessments, and $10.6 million would go toward security measures and the installation of camera systems in district offices for members.

The Capitol Police force would get $8.6 million for body cameras, $6.8 million for specialized training and $2.6 million "to procure basic riot control equipment to outfit all officers with ballistic helmets, batons, and body shields," the bill summary states.

The legislation would set aside $200 million "to create a dedicated Quick Reaction Force to augment the Capitol Police," according to the summary.

Additionally, the measure provides funding for efforts related to the prosecution of individuals who took part in the January 6 attack.

The bill summary says there would be $39.5 million "to process the hundreds of prosecutions of perpetrators of the January 6 insurrection, including $34 million for United States Attorneys; $3.8 million for the Criminal Division of the Department of Justice; and $1.7 million for the National Security Division of the Department of Justice."

Our representatives don't deserve any extra security most of them should be executed for selling us out. That included Biden.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
The bill had a poison pill, as many written by the liberals do.

What was the poison pill?
Repaying the National Guard for their costs is the only crucial item in the Democrat Party's bill. The other items they attached fall in 2 categories:
  • Wasteful and unnecessary
  • Worthy of being considered in a separate bill
Read the link and see what the Republicans left out of their new bill.

Republicans Try New Bill to Repay National Guard for Post-Riot Protection, Minus a Rapid Response Force

We have the National Guard. We do not need a Rapid Response Force. Nancy Pelosi ignored the advice of advisors to have the Guard there in preparation for Jan 6.

Yeah, a waste to Republicans about the investigation funding. I bet they really are against that.
The adjutant generals of Indiana, Illinois, and Massachusetts held a Friday media call with reporters, telling them they are canceling drills in August and September, which will result in a loss of paychecks, Defense One reported.

In May, House Democrats narrowly passed a bill to repay the Guard, but that legislation was not supported by a single House Republican. The bill would add money to improve security at the Capitol complex and create a “quick reaction force.” Senate Republicans also do not support these provisions.

The party of patriotism screwing over the guardsmen, imagine that.
The bill had a poison pill, as many written by the liberals do.

He knows that. He is just lying.

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