460M E.L.E. asteroid due this Halloween - non-impacter


Gold Member
Dec 12, 2013
A 460M asteroid is gonna tumble by only 1.3 LDs on Halloween. At this size it's an Extinction Level Event should it hit. The Chelabinsk meteorite for comparison was about 18M and had an energy release equivilent of about 500 Kt (about 1.25x nominal MIRV yield.) If this one were to hit it'd be in the many thousands of megatons range (largest ever nuclear detonation was about 57 Mt, the 'Czar Bomba' by the then-Soviets.)

"2015 TB145
Oct 31

1.3 LD

460 m"
SpaceWeather.com -- News and information about meteor showers, solar flares, auroras, and near-Earth asteroids

It's incredibly rare for asteroids this size to pass this close to the planet.
There's been a couple that passed pretty close these past few years...I think we should build the infrastructure in space to defend ourselves from them...But, of course that will somehow harm our global economic expansion. lol.

a 460 meter asteroid could wipe out New york, London, Moscow, etc...It is worse then many nukes. Talk about destroying the economy of the world.
spaceweather's revised their info about this one, down 5 meters in size so 455M now. Better, more accurate imaging closer it gets.

A 20M impacter could wipe out NY, Paris, London, etc. If it airburst at the right altitude or hit the ground mostly intact. This one would be like a supervolcano going off. Would kick up so much dirt and earth it'd cause an impact winter, and distribute molten incendiaries for hundreds, if not thousands of miles in every direction. It would be Bad.

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