5 essential SHTF tools if you have to pass through urban areas

You assume way to much.

Do you sleep with a gun under your pillow? Do you have one stashed in the shower? Are you afraid to step out of the house without one?

Nah...but I do have one on the nightstand.
After an attempted home invasion ......ya tend to be more prepared.

How many times has that happened to you?

Once isnt enough?

Has it happened to you once?

Ya dumbfuck...I just said it did.
You assume way to much.

Do you sleep with a gun under your pillow? Do you have one stashed in the shower? Are you afraid to step out of the house without one?

Nah...but I do have one on the nightstand.

I take it you don't have any children in the house?

No I dont.
But then my father kept his pistol on his night stand when I was a kid.
I was taught gun safety from the time I was 4 years old,obviously unlike you.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
I have been in the hoods millions of times on biz.

Rules for the white man in da hood.

1- Always wear a dark gray suit and sunglasses if applicable, look like you're very serious. Never show doubt or fear...NEVER!!!!! That repels half.

2- Always do business in da hood form 7am to noon. Noon is 5am in Black Time. That repels the 2nd half.

3 Never show fear looking at the messes you constantly encounter.

4- Always coast to red lights. NEVER. I MEAN NEVER stop fully at a light.

5- Never stop at the same time at a stop sign. Coast and let them through.

6- Never wear black face.

I am actually writing a book, " Essential rules and strategies for the white man survivin in da hood".

Great advice!

I would add "Never let yourself get boxed in at an intersection, stop sign, or light. If a vehicle stops in front of you, leave yourself plenty of room to gun it and go around."

You seem very nervous. Are you driving around Sao Paulo or Bogota?

Scoff if you want to, it's no skin off my ass. I plan on being one of the master race of survivors during the apocalypse. I will re-populate the country with my genes and take part in the rebuilding of it.

You scoffers, non-believers, and other idiots who never took the time to prepare yourselves, will all be statistics.

You're posting from inside a 'fort' made of the sofa cushions, aren't you?

No, Mr. idiot apartment-dweller in some big city and potential statistic. I'm posting this from my three bedroom two bath two car garage on 100 acres, 60 miles either way from a large city.

Do tha cities make ya skeeered? Got enough Spam in your bunker?

Given a catastrophic event such as a high altitude Chinese EMP air-burst over the country, Russian hackers taking out your power grid, or a simple Islamic act of terrorism, I'd guess that you folks in the city would have between 3-4 weeks to live.

Sure, you can go weeks without food. But what's going to happen when you no longer have any water? Maybe you'll find a puddle somewhere in a ditch, but how long will it be before you come down with dysentery, or parasites start eating your guts from the inside out?

And then there's the roving gangs of hungry, thirsty people who would spring up all around you. Do you really think they'd give a crap about your life? Not hardly. They'd just take whatever they want from you, and leave you in a ditch with a bullet behind your ear.

Seriously. Decaf.

Stop. Think to yourself..."What if he's right?"

You're probably so used to having the luxury of a police department, that you sleep relatively soundly at nights. Suppose that police department didn't exist? What if because of some major cataclysmic event, they were no longer there to "protect and defend" you?

What if instead of remaining on duty, those law-enforcement officers opted to stay home and protect their own families from the wandering gangs of hungry and thirsty looters, thieves, and marauders that would invariable result from the breakdown of society?

So what would you do? Tell that that you're "Joe Cool", sing a round or two of "Kumbaya" with them, and give them a can of pork and beans to satiate their two-week hunger, hoping they'll go about their way?

A more sensible thing would be to shoot them in the face. But then, you probably don't even own a firearm, do you?

I would organize the mutants who live in the sewers to form an Army of the Night to defend the city against the forces of anarchy! I would teach the mutants to use their horrible disfigurements as weapons against the ravening hordes. After the two sides had fought to a standstill, I would meet the leader of the anarchists inside a huge bamboo dome in a Battle to the death while suspended from bungee cords and wielding weapons made from rusty old auto parts. I mean, of course.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
I have been in the hoods millions of times on biz.

Rules for the white man in da hood.

1- Always wear a dark gray suit and sunglasses if applicable, look like you're very serious. Never show doubt or fear...NEVER!!!!! That repels half.

2- Always do business in da hood form 7am to noon. Noon is 5am in Black Time. That repels the 2nd half.

3 Never show fear looking at the messes you constantly encounter.

4- Always coast to red lights. NEVER. I MEAN NEVER stop fully at a light.

5- Never stop at the same time at a stop sign. Coast and let them through.

6- Never wear black face.

I am actually writing a book, " Essential rules and strategies for the white man survivin in da hood".

How about "don't be a ridiculous coward living your life in fear"?
Nothing to fear, not in Joe Biden's America....

You really need a video to prove that crime exists?

That guy was just minding his business when the black dude decided to put some whoop ass on him. Did the victim need to be fearful for his life?

That's why it's called "crime." I notice the young man didn't even try to defend himself.

You mean the 55 year old man?

I didn’t see the attacker pull a knife or a gun. Are you saying a 55-year-old man can’t even try to defend himself? At what age does it become OK to just curl up in a ball like a baby and hope it goes away?

I'm 55....
I've had five hip surgeries,back surgery and cancer surgery in the last five years and still have to walk with a cane at this point.
I'm scheduled for another hip surgery in six months.....you sure presume to know a lot about people you dont know.
Had I been that 55 year old man I would have pulled my pistol and emptied my 15 round magazine into his chest....happy days eh?

Punkatore needs a few rounds to the chest to wake him up to life's realities.

Reality? How many "rounds to the chest" have you put into anyone in the past ten years?

None thankfully.
I dont want to kill anyone.....even though you'd like to assume I'm some kind of gun nut killer.

I didn’t say that.

You do seem physically insecure though.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
I have been in the hoods millions of times on biz.

Rules for the white man in da hood.

1- Always wear a dark gray suit and sunglasses if applicable, look like you're very serious. Never show doubt or fear...NEVER!!!!! That repels half.

2- Always do business in da hood form 7am to noon. Noon is 5am in Black Time. That repels the 2nd half.

3 Never show fear looking at the messes you constantly encounter.

4- Always coast to red lights. NEVER. I MEAN NEVER stop fully at a light.

5- Never stop at the same time at a stop sign. Coast and let them through.

6- Never wear black face.

I am actually writing a book, " Essential rules and strategies for the white man survivin in da hood".

Great advice!

I would add "Never let yourself get boxed in at an intersection, stop sign, or light. If a vehicle stops in front of you, leave yourself plenty of room to gun it and go around."

You seem very nervous. Are you driving around Sao Paulo or Bogota?

Scoff if you want to, it's no skin off my ass. I plan on being one of the master race of survivors during the apocalypse. I will re-populate the country with my genes and take part in the rebuilding of it.

You scoffers, non-believers, and other idiots who never took the time to prepare yourselves, will all be statistics.

You're posting from inside a 'fort' made of the sofa cushions, aren't you?

No, Mr. idiot apartment-dweller in some big city and potential statistic. I'm posting this from my three bedroom two bath two car garage on 100 acres, 60 miles either way from a large city.

Do tha cities make ya skeeered? Got enough Spam in your bunker?

Given a catastrophic event such as a high altitude Chinese EMP air-burst over the country, Russian hackers taking out your power grid, or a simple Islamic act of terrorism, I'd guess that you folks in the city would have between 3-4 weeks to live.

Sure, you can go weeks without food. But what's going to happen when you no longer have any water? Maybe you'll find a puddle somewhere in a ditch, but how long will it be before you come down with dysentery, or parasites start eating your guts from the inside out?

And then there's the roving gangs of hungry, thirsty people who would spring up all around you. Do you really think they'd give a crap about your life? Not hardly. They'd just take whatever they want from you, and leave you in a ditch with a bullet behind your ear.

Seriously. Decaf.

Stop. Think to yourself..."What if he's right?"

You're probably so used to having the luxury of a police department, that you sleep relatively soundly at nights. Suppose that police department didn't exist? What if because of some major cataclysmic event, they were no longer there to "protect and defend" you?

What if instead of remaining on duty, those law-enforcement officers opted to stay home and protect their own families from the wandering gangs of hungry and thirsty looters, thieves, and marauders that would invariable result from the breakdown of society?

So what would you do? Tell that that you're "Joe Cool", sing a round or two of "Kumbaya" with them, and give them a can of pork and beans to satiate their two-week hunger, hoping they'll go about their way?

A more sensible thing would be to shoot them in the face. But then, you probably don't even own a firearm, do you?

I would organize the mutants who live in the sewers to form an Army of the Night to defend the city against the forces of anarchy! I would teach the mutants to use their horrible disfigurements as weapons against the ravening hordes. After the two sides had fought to a standstill, I would meet the leader of the anarchists inside a huge bamboo dome in a Battle to the death while suspended from bungee cords and wielding weapons made from rusty old auto parts. I mean, of course.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
I have been in the hoods millions of times on biz.

Rules for the white man in da hood.

1- Always wear a dark gray suit and sunglasses if applicable, look like you're very serious. Never show doubt or fear...NEVER!!!!! That repels half.

2- Always do business in da hood form 7am to noon. Noon is 5am in Black Time. That repels the 2nd half.

3 Never show fear looking at the messes you constantly encounter.

4- Always coast to red lights. NEVER. I MEAN NEVER stop fully at a light.

5- Never stop at the same time at a stop sign. Coast and let them through.

6- Never wear black face.

I am actually writing a book, " Essential rules and strategies for the white man survivin in da hood".

How about "don't be a ridiculous coward living your life in fear"?
Nothing to fear, not in Joe Biden's America....

You really need a video to prove that crime exists?

That guy was just minding his business when the black dude decided to put some whoop ass on him. Did the victim need to be fearful for his life?

That's why it's called "crime." I notice the young man didn't even try to defend himself.

You mean the 55 year old man?

I didn’t see the attacker pull a knife or a gun. Are you saying a 55-year-old man can’t even try to defend himself? At what age does it become OK to just curl up in a ball like a baby and hope it goes away?

I'm 55....
I've had five hip surgeries,back surgery and cancer surgery in the last five years and still have to walk with a cane at this point.
I'm scheduled for another hip surgery in six months.....you sure presume to know a lot about people you dont know.
Had I been that 55 year old man I would have pulled my pistol and emptied my 15 round magazine into his chest....happy days eh?

Punkatore needs a few rounds to the chest to wake him up to life's realities.

Reality? How many "rounds to the chest" have you put into anyone in the past ten years?

None thankfully.
I dont want to kill anyone.....even though you'd like to assume I'm some kind of gun nut killer.

I didn’t say that.

You do seem physically insecure though.

I fear no one....even though I'm walking with a cane till further notice and another surgery.
So how many .45 rounds can you absorb?
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
I have been in the hoods millions of times on biz.

Rules for the white man in da hood.

1- Always wear a dark gray suit and sunglasses if applicable, look like you're very serious. Never show doubt or fear...NEVER!!!!! That repels half.

2- Always do business in da hood form 7am to noon. Noon is 5am in Black Time. That repels the 2nd half.

3 Never show fear looking at the messes you constantly encounter.

4- Always coast to red lights. NEVER. I MEAN NEVER stop fully at a light.

5- Never stop at the same time at a stop sign. Coast and let them through.

6- Never wear black face.

I am actually writing a book, " Essential rules and strategies for the white man survivin in da hood".

Great advice!

I would add "Never let yourself get boxed in at an intersection, stop sign, or light. If a vehicle stops in front of you, leave yourself plenty of room to gun it and go around."

You seem very nervous. Are you driving around Sao Paulo or Bogota?

Scoff if you want to, it's no skin off my ass. I plan on being one of the master race of survivors during the apocalypse. I will re-populate the country with my genes and take part in the rebuilding of it.

You scoffers, non-believers, and other idiots who never took the time to prepare yourselves, will all be statistics.

You're posting from inside a 'fort' made of the sofa cushions, aren't you?

No, Mr. idiot apartment-dweller in some big city and potential statistic. I'm posting this from my three bedroom two bath two car garage on 100 acres, 60 miles either way from a large city.

Do tha cities make ya skeeered? Got enough Spam in your bunker?

Given a catastrophic event such as a high altitude Chinese EMP air-burst over the country, Russian hackers taking out your power grid, or a simple Islamic act of terrorism, I'd guess that you folks in the city would have between 3-4 weeks to live.

Sure, you can go weeks without food. But what's going to happen when you no longer have any water? Maybe you'll find a puddle somewhere in a ditch, but how long will it be before you come down with dysentery, or parasites start eating your guts from the inside out?

And then there's the roving gangs of hungry, thirsty people who would spring up all around you. Do you really think they'd give a crap about your life? Not hardly. They'd just take whatever they want from you, and leave you in a ditch with a bullet behind your ear.

Seriously. Decaf.

Stop. Think to yourself..."What if he's right?"

You're probably so used to having the luxury of a police department, that you sleep relatively soundly at nights. Suppose that police department didn't exist? What if because of some major cataclysmic event, they were no longer there to "protect and defend" you?

What if instead of remaining on duty, those law-enforcement officers opted to stay home and protect their own families from the wandering gangs of hungry and thirsty looters, thieves, and marauders that would invariable result from the breakdown of society?

So what would you do? Tell that that you're "Joe Cool", sing a round or two of "Kumbaya" with them, and give them a can of pork and beans to satiate their two-week hunger, hoping they'll go about their way?

A more sensible thing would be to shoot them in the face. But then, you probably don't even own a firearm, do you?

I would organize the mutants who live in the sewers to form an Army of the Night to defend the city against the forces of anarchy! I would teach the mutants to use their horrible disfigurements as weapons against the ravening hordes. After the two sides had fought to a standstill, I would meet the leader of the anarchists inside a huge bamboo dome in a Battle to the death while suspended from bungee cords and wielding weapons made from rusty old auto parts. I mean, of course.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
I have been in the hoods millions of times on biz.

Rules for the white man in da hood.

1- Always wear a dark gray suit and sunglasses if applicable, look like you're very serious. Never show doubt or fear...NEVER!!!!! That repels half.

2- Always do business in da hood form 7am to noon. Noon is 5am in Black Time. That repels the 2nd half.

3 Never show fear looking at the messes you constantly encounter.

4- Always coast to red lights. NEVER. I MEAN NEVER stop fully at a light.

5- Never stop at the same time at a stop sign. Coast and let them through.

6- Never wear black face.

I am actually writing a book, " Essential rules and strategies for the white man survivin in da hood".

How about "don't be a ridiculous coward living your life in fear"?
Nothing to fear, not in Joe Biden's America....

You really need a video to prove that crime exists?

That guy was just minding his business when the black dude decided to put some whoop ass on him. Did the victim need to be fearful for his life?

That's why it's called "crime." I notice the young man didn't even try to defend himself.

You mean the 55 year old man?

I didn’t see the attacker pull a knife or a gun. Are you saying a 55-year-old man can’t even try to defend himself? At what age does it become OK to just curl up in a ball like a baby and hope it goes away?

I'm 55....
I've had five hip surgeries,back surgery and cancer surgery in the last five years and still have to walk with a cane at this point.
I'm scheduled for another hip surgery in six months.....you sure presume to know a lot about people you dont know.
Had I been that 55 year old man I would have pulled my pistol and emptied my 15 round magazine into his chest....happy days eh?

Punkatore needs a few rounds to the chest to wake him up to life's realities.

Reality? How many "rounds to the chest" have you put into anyone in the past ten years?

None thankfully.

So you don't know what you would do.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
I have been in the hoods millions of times on biz.

Rules for the white man in da hood.

1- Always wear a dark gray suit and sunglasses if applicable, look like you're very serious. Never show doubt or fear...NEVER!!!!! That repels half.

2- Always do business in da hood form 7am to noon. Noon is 5am in Black Time. That repels the 2nd half.

3 Never show fear looking at the messes you constantly encounter.

4- Always coast to red lights. NEVER. I MEAN NEVER stop fully at a light.

5- Never stop at the same time at a stop sign. Coast and let them through.

6- Never wear black face.

I am actually writing a book, " Essential rules and strategies for the white man survivin in da hood".

Great advice!

I would add "Never let yourself get boxed in at an intersection, stop sign, or light. If a vehicle stops in front of you, leave yourself plenty of room to gun it and go around."

You seem very nervous. Are you driving around Sao Paulo or Bogota?

Scoff if you want to, it's no skin off my ass. I plan on being one of the master race of survivors during the apocalypse. I will re-populate the country with my genes and take part in the rebuilding of it.

You scoffers, non-believers, and other idiots who never took the time to prepare yourselves, will all be statistics.

You're posting from inside a 'fort' made of the sofa cushions, aren't you?

No, Mr. idiot apartment-dweller in some big city and potential statistic. I'm posting this from my three bedroom two bath two car garage on 100 acres, 60 miles either way from a large city.

Do tha cities make ya skeeered? Got enough Spam in your bunker?

Given a catastrophic event such as a high altitude Chinese EMP air-burst over the country, Russian hackers taking out your power grid, or a simple Islamic act of terrorism, I'd guess that you folks in the city would have between 3-4 weeks to live.

Sure, you can go weeks without food. But what's going to happen when you no longer have any water? Maybe you'll find a puddle somewhere in a ditch, but how long will it be before you come down with dysentery, or parasites start eating your guts from the inside out?

And then there's the roving gangs of hungry, thirsty people who would spring up all around you. Do you really think they'd give a crap about your life? Not hardly. They'd just take whatever they want from you, and leave you in a ditch with a bullet behind your ear.

Seriously. Decaf.

Stop. Think to yourself..."What if he's right?"

You're probably so used to having the luxury of a police department, that you sleep relatively soundly at nights. Suppose that police department didn't exist? What if because of some major cataclysmic event, they were no longer there to "protect and defend" you?

What if instead of remaining on duty, those law-enforcement officers opted to stay home and protect their own families from the wandering gangs of hungry and thirsty looters, thieves, and marauders that would invariable result from the breakdown of society?

So what would you do? Tell that that you're "Joe Cool", sing a round or two of "Kumbaya" with them, and give them a can of pork and beans to satiate their two-week hunger, hoping they'll go about their way?

A more sensible thing would be to shoot them in the face. But then, you probably don't even own a firearm, do you?

I would organize the mutants who live in the sewers to form an Army of the Night to defend the city against the forces of anarchy! I would teach the mutants to use their horrible disfigurements as weapons against the ravening hordes. After the two sides had fought to a standstill, I would meet the leader of the anarchists inside a huge bamboo dome in a Battle to the death while suspended from bungee cords and wielding weapons made from rusty old auto parts. I mean, of course.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
I have been in the hoods millions of times on biz.

Rules for the white man in da hood.

1- Always wear a dark gray suit and sunglasses if applicable, look like you're very serious. Never show doubt or fear...NEVER!!!!! That repels half.

2- Always do business in da hood form 7am to noon. Noon is 5am in Black Time. That repels the 2nd half.

3 Never show fear looking at the messes you constantly encounter.

4- Always coast to red lights. NEVER. I MEAN NEVER stop fully at a light.

5- Never stop at the same time at a stop sign. Coast and let them through.

6- Never wear black face.

I am actually writing a book, " Essential rules and strategies for the white man survivin in da hood".

How about "don't be a ridiculous coward living your life in fear"?
Nothing to fear, not in Joe Biden's America....

You really need a video to prove that crime exists?

That guy was just minding his business when the black dude decided to put some whoop ass on him. Did the victim need to be fearful for his life?

That's why it's called "crime." I notice the young man didn't even try to defend himself.

You mean the 55 year old man?

I didn’t see the attacker pull a knife or a gun. Are you saying a 55-year-old man can’t even try to defend himself? At what age does it become OK to just curl up in a ball like a baby and hope it goes away?

I'm 55....
I've had five hip surgeries,back surgery and cancer surgery in the last five years and still have to walk with a cane at this point.
I'm scheduled for another hip surgery in six months.....you sure presume to know a lot about people you dont know.
Had I been that 55 year old man I would have pulled my pistol and emptied my 15 round magazine into his chest....happy days eh?

Punkatore needs a few rounds to the chest to wake him up to life's realities.

Reality? How many "rounds to the chest" have you put into anyone in the past ten years?

None thankfully.
I dont want to kill anyone.....even though you'd like to assume I'm some kind of gun nut killer.

I didn’t say that.

You do seem physically insecure though.

I fear no one....even though I'm walking with a cane till further notice and another surgery.
So how many .45 rounds can you absorb?

See? Physically insecure. You can't even talk tough without referring to your substitute penis. If you're physically frail that's not necessarily your fault, but give the mucho macho bullshit a rest.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.

Rappelling gear, extra rope and harnesses, and the skill to use it. Sometimes the best exit from a multistory building is the one you make for yourself.

A mirror on a stick. Good for checking corners and under doorways before breaching, I mean entering a room.

A small, handheld thermal scope. See heat sources before they see you . . . and find a warm place to sleep from a distant rooftop.

A hammer and chisel. Make your own doors in brick walls.

A Baofeng handheld shortwave radio. Long distance communication and the ability to monitor local radio activity.

Fishing line and hooks. Your next meal might be crawling away around the nearest corner. Good for catching pigeons too!

Arx polycase ammo for your handheld firearm of choice. It's light to carry, makes a real mess of, um, zombies . . . and packs a punch in tight quarters.

A lockpicking kit and the knowledge to use it.

A nice Wi-Fi antenna.

And rent a U-haul to carry all of this crap...
If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
A bed with some dust bunnies under it, where one can feel safe.
A couple of summers ago, I was downtown near the school where I teach to take care of some paperwork when I noticed a group of 6 or 7 young men walking the opposite direction toward me. These were exactly the kind of tough-looking guys that several of the "ah! ah! where me gun?!" pussies posting here seem to be so afraid of. As they got closer and closer I started to look around nervously. When they were about ten feet away I started running in the other direction. People on the sidewalk on the opposite side of the road stopped and looked on in horror, expecting a terrible scene. The guys walking toward me broke up laughing and when I stopped goofing they all greeted me (back when you could shake hands), and we talked for a few minutes before being off on our respective ways. I can just imagine what some of the twitchy, "I gotta have me police scanner and gas siphoner, and I'll plug 'em full a lead!" heroes would have done in the same circumstance when the pee started running down their legs. :lol:
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.

Rappelling gear, extra rope and harnesses, and the skill to use it. Sometimes the best exit from a multistory building is the one you make for yourself.

A mirror on a stick. Good for checking corners and under doorways before breaching, I mean entering a room.

A small, handheld thermal scope. See heat sources before they see you . . . and find a warm place to sleep from a distant rooftop.

A hammer and chisel. Make your own doors in brick walls.

A Baofeng handheld shortwave radio. Long distance communication and the ability to monitor local radio activity.

Fishing line and hooks. Your next meal might be crawling away around the nearest corner. Good for catching pigeons too!

Arx polycase ammo for your handheld firearm of choice. It's light to carry, makes a real mess of, um, zombies . . . and packs a punch in tight quarters.

A lockpicking kit and the knowledge to use it.

A nice Wi-Fi antenna.
You forgot the rubbers in case a quickie comes available.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
I have been in the hoods millions of times on biz.

Rules for the white man in da hood.

1- Always wear a dark gray suit and sunglasses if applicable, look like you're very serious. Never show doubt or fear...NEVER!!!!! That repels half.

2- Always do business in da hood form 7am to noon. Noon is 5am in Black Time. That repels the 2nd half.

3 Never show fear looking at the messes you constantly encounter.

4- Always coast to red lights. NEVER. I MEAN NEVER stop fully at a light.

5- Never stop at the same time at a stop sign. Coast and let them through.

6- Never wear black face.

I am actually writing a book, " Essential rules and strategies for the white man survivin in da hood".

How about "don't be a ridiculous coward living your life in fear"?
Nothing to fear, not in Joe Biden's America....

Reminds me. When our deer population becomes large, we hire sharpshooters who hide in trees and pumpkin ball the critters.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.

Rappelling gear, extra rope and harnesses, and the skill to use it. Sometimes the best exit from a multistory building is the one you make for yourself.

A mirror on a stick. Good for checking corners and under doorways before breaching, I mean entering a room.

A small, handheld thermal scope. See heat sources before they see you . . . and find a warm place to sleep from a distant rooftop.

A hammer and chisel. Make your own doors in brick walls.

A Baofeng handheld shortwave radio. Long distance communication and the ability to monitor local radio activity.

Fishing line and hooks. Your next meal might be crawling away around the nearest corner. Good for catching pigeons too!

Arx polycase ammo for your handheld firearm of choice. It's light to carry, makes a real mess of, um, zombies . . . and packs a punch in tight quarters.

A lockpicking kit and the knowledge to use it.

A nice Wi-Fi antenna.

Sounds like you guys are preparing for the zombie apocalypse. Has being inside made you watch too many movies, and come up with this crap? You gotta lay off the zombie and horror movies y'all.
We are preparing for the deprogramming Kamps and having kids taken away from us. Won't happen.

Sure it is a bad joke, just like removing George Washington from buildings was a joke too. Liberal jokes become their reality. Get it.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
I have been in the hoods millions of times on biz.

Rules for the white man in da hood.

1- Always wear a dark gray suit and sunglasses if applicable, look like you're very serious. Never show doubt or fear...NEVER!!!!! That repels half.

2- Always do business in da hood form 7am to noon. Noon is 5am in Black Time. That repels the 2nd half.

3 Never show fear looking at the messes you constantly encounter.

4- Always coast to red lights. NEVER. I MEAN NEVER stop fully at a light.

5- Never stop at the same time at a stop sign. Coast and let them through.

6- Never wear black face.

I am actually writing a book, " Essential rules and strategies for the white man survivin in da hood".

Great advice!

I would add "Never let yourself get boxed in at an intersection, stop sign, or light. If a vehicle stops in front of you, leave yourself plenty of room to gun it and go around."

You seem very nervous. Are you driving around Sao Paulo or Bogota?

Scoff if you want to, it's no skin off my ass. I plan on being one of the master race of survivors during the apocalypse. I will re-populate the country with my genes and take part in the rebuilding of it.

You scoffers, non-believers, and other idiots who never took the time to prepare yourselves, will all be statistics.

You're posting from inside a 'fort' made of the sofa cushions, aren't you?

No, Mr. idiot apartment-dweller in some big city and potential statistic. I'm posting this from my three bedroom two bath two car garage on 100 acres, 60 miles either way from a large city.

Do tha cities make ya skeeered? Got enough Spam in your bunker?

Given a catastrophic event such as a high altitude Chinese EMP air-burst over the country, Russian hackers taking out your power grid, or a simple Islamic act of terrorism, I'd guess that you folks in the city would have between 3-4 weeks to live.

Sure, you can go weeks without food. But what's going to happen when you no longer have any water? Maybe you'll find a puddle somewhere in a ditch, but how long will it be before you come down with dysentery, or parasites start eating your guts from the inside out?

And then there's the roving gangs of hungry, thirsty people who would spring up all around you. Do you really think they'd give a crap about your life? Not hardly. They'd just take whatever they want from you, and leave you in a ditch with a bullet behind your ear.

Seriously. Decaf.

Stop. Think to yourself..."What if he's right?"

You're probably so used to having the luxury of a police department, that you sleep relatively soundly at nights. Suppose that police department didn't exist? What if because of some major cataclysmic event, they were no longer there to "protect and defend" you?

What if instead of remaining on duty, those law-enforcement officers opted to stay home and protect their own families from the wandering gangs of hungry and thirsty looters, thieves, and marauders that would invariable result from the breakdown of society?

So what would you do? Tell that that you're "Joe Cool", sing a round or two of "Kumbaya" with them, and give them a can of pork and beans to satiate their two-week hunger, hoping they'll go about their way?

A more sensible thing would be to shoot them in the face. But then, you probably don't even own a firearm, do you?

I would organize the mutants who live in the sewers to form an Army of the Night to defend the city against the forces of anarchy! I would teach the mutants to use their horrible disfigurements as weapons against the ravening hordes. After the two sides had fought to a standstill, I would meet the leader of the anarchists inside a huge bamboo dome in a Battle to the death while suspended from bungee cords and wielding weapons made from rusty old auto parts. I mean, of course.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
I have been in the hoods millions of times on biz.

Rules for the white man in da hood.

1- Always wear a dark gray suit and sunglasses if applicable, look like you're very serious. Never show doubt or fear...NEVER!!!!! That repels half.

2- Always do business in da hood form 7am to noon. Noon is 5am in Black Time. That repels the 2nd half.

3 Never show fear looking at the messes you constantly encounter.

4- Always coast to red lights. NEVER. I MEAN NEVER stop fully at a light.

5- Never stop at the same time at a stop sign. Coast and let them through.

6- Never wear black face.

I am actually writing a book, " Essential rules and strategies for the white man survivin in da hood".

How about "don't be a ridiculous coward living your life in fear"?
Nothing to fear, not in Joe Biden's America....

You really need a video to prove that crime exists?

That guy was just minding his business when the black dude decided to put some whoop ass on him. Did the victim need to be fearful for his life?

That's why it's called "crime." I notice the young man didn't even try to defend himself.

You mean the 55 year old man?

I didn’t see the attacker pull a knife or a gun. Are you saying a 55-year-old man can’t even try to defend himself? At what age does it become OK to just curl up in a ball like a baby and hope it goes away?

I'm 55....
I've had five hip surgeries,back surgery and cancer surgery in the last five years and still have to walk with a cane at this point.
I'm scheduled for another hip surgery in six months.....you sure presume to know a lot about people you dont know.
Had I been that 55 year old man I would have pulled my pistol and emptied my 15 round magazine into his chest....happy days eh?

Punkatore needs a few rounds to the chest to wake him up to life's realities.

Reality? How many "rounds to the chest" have you put into anyone in the past ten years?

None thankfully.
I dont want to kill anyone.....even though you'd like to assume I'm some kind of gun nut killer.

I didn’t say that.

You do seem physically insecure though.

I fear no one....even though I'm walking with a cane till further notice and another surgery.
So how many .45 rounds can you absorb?

See? Physically insecure. You can't even talk tough without referring to your substitute penis. If you're physically frail that's not necessarily your fault, but give the mucho macho bullshit a rest.

Lots of substitute penises have been bought the last year plus. Plus the shit that squirts from them.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
I have been in the hoods millions of times on biz.

Rules for the white man in da hood.

1- Always wear a dark gray suit and sunglasses if applicable, look like you're very serious. Never show doubt or fear...NEVER!!!!! That repels half.

2- Always do business in da hood form 7am to noon. Noon is 5am in Black Time. That repels the 2nd half.

3 Never show fear looking at the messes you constantly encounter.

4- Always coast to red lights. NEVER. I MEAN NEVER stop fully at a light.

5- Never stop at the same time at a stop sign. Coast and let them through.

6- Never wear black face.

I am actually writing a book, " Essential rules and strategies for the white man survivin in da hood".

How about "don't be a ridiculous coward living your life in fear"?
Nothing to fear, not in Joe Biden's America....

I assume that starting today, Big Tech will "request" websites NOT to show such videos.

I go to England's Daily Mail for all the latest sucker punching incidents that are never reported in the American media. I fear that Big Tech may "request" the Daily Mail to ban such videos -- or else.


Most victims of violent crime were NOT in "tough" neighborhoods. They were in the "good" areas.
With the inauguration of a certain person today, I assume that violent perps will become even more brazen.
If at some time the proverbial crap does hit the fan and you have to bug out, there are five things you should have in your car if you're planning on passing through urban areas. Aside from the usual weapons, ammunition, food, personal water filtration device, a medical trauma kit, a flashlight, cash money, and handheld communications gear, you might want to consider these items:

1. A siphon pump. Handy for siphoning gas out of all those cars littering the streets. Those car-owners won't mind, they're all dead anyway.

View attachment 445362

2. A 4-way stem key. Ever try to find a water spigot in the city that actually has a handle on it? Most outside water hydrants on buildings don't have them any more. Go to your local hardware store, get one of these for about $4, and you'll never run out of water. It has four different sized keys on it that are guaranteed to open any outdoor faucet, if water pressure still exists.

View attachment 445363

3. A pair of compact bolt cutters, like HK Porter, Tekton, Klein, etc.

View attachment 445364

4. A compact pinch bar or pry bar.

View attachment 445365

5. A small folding saw. These things can go through sheetrock like a knife through butter.

View attachment 445366

If anyone else has any ideas about essential SHTF tools for urban areas, please feel free to include them.
I have been in the hoods millions of times on biz.

Rules for the white man in da hood.

1- Always wear a dark gray suit and sunglasses if applicable, look like you're very serious. Never show doubt or fear...NEVER!!!!! That repels half.

2- Always do business in da hood form 7am to noon. Noon is 5am in Black Time. That repels the 2nd half.

3 Never show fear looking at the messes you constantly encounter.

4- Always coast to red lights. NEVER. I MEAN NEVER stop fully at a light.

5- Never stop at the same time at a stop sign. Coast and let them through.

6- Never wear black face.

I am actually writing a book, " Essential rules and strategies for the white man survivin in da hood".

How about "don't be a ridiculous coward living your life in fear"?
Nothing to fear, not in Joe Biden's America....

I assume that starting today, Big Tech will "request" websites NOT to show such videos.

I go to England's Daily Mail for all the latest sucker punching incidents that are never reported in the American media. I fear that Big Tech may "request" the Daily Mail to ban such videos -- or else.


Most victims of violent crime were NOT in "tough" neighborhoods. They were in the "good" areas.
With the inauguration of a certain person today, I assume that violent perps will become even more brazen.

Brits know more about what is happening than half this board. Sad
A couple of summers ago, I was downtown near the school where I teach to take care of some paperwork when I noticed a group of 6 or 7 young men walking the opposite direction toward me. These were exactly the kind of tough-looking guys that several of the "ah! ah! where me gun?!" pussies posting here seem to be so afraid of. As they got closer and closer I started to look around nervously. When they were about ten feet away I started running in the other direction. People on the sidewalk on the opposite side of the road stopped and looked on in horror, expecting a terrible scene. The guys walking toward me broke up laughing and when I stopped goofing they all greeted me (back when you could shake hands), and we talked for a few minutes before being off on our respective ways. I can just imagine what some of the twitchy, "I gotta have me police scanner and gas siphoner, and I'll plug 'em full a lead!" heroes would have done in the same circumstance when the pee started running down their legs. :lol:
Why were you running away from 6 or 7 young men, were they of color?
A couple of summers ago, I was downtown near the school where I teach to take care of some paperwork when I noticed a group of 6 or 7 young men walking the opposite direction toward me. These were exactly the kind of tough-looking guys that several of the "ah! ah! where me gun?!" pussies posting here seem to be so afraid of. As they got closer and closer I started to look around nervously. When they were about ten feet away I started running in the other direction. People on the sidewalk on the opposite side of the road stopped and looked on in horror, expecting a terrible scene. The guys walking toward me broke up laughing and when I stopped goofing they all greeted me (back when you could shake hands), and we talked for a few minutes before being off on our respective ways. I can just imagine what some of the twitchy, "I gotta have me police scanner and gas siphoner, and I'll plug 'em full a lead!" heroes would have done in the same circumstance when the pee started running down their legs. :lol:
Why were you running away from 6 or 7 young men, were they of color?

You gotta read the whole story.
A couple of summers ago, I was downtown near the school where I teach to take care of some paperwork when I noticed a group of 6 or 7 young men walking the opposite direction toward me. These were exactly the kind of tough-looking guys that several of the "ah! ah! where me gun?!" pussies posting here seem to be so afraid of. As they got closer and closer I started to look around nervously. When they were about ten feet away I started running in the other direction. People on the sidewalk on the opposite side of the road stopped and looked on in horror, expecting a terrible scene. The guys walking toward me broke up laughing and when I stopped goofing they all greeted me (back when you could shake hands), and we talked for a few minutes before being off on our respective ways. I can just imagine what some of the twitchy, "I gotta have me police scanner and gas siphoner, and I'll plug 'em full a lead!" heroes would have done in the same circumstance when the pee started running down their legs. :lol:
Why were you running away from 6 or 7 young men, were they of color?

You gotta read the whole story.
I red the whole story where at first you ran away like a coward with your tail between your legs....Then when you were humiliated by their laughter you stopped and came back....I dont turn, i walk forward and greet the person(s) in front of me, like i want them to greet me, if it goes south from there, i am ready though...
A couple of summers ago, I was downtown near the school where I teach to take care of some paperwork when I noticed a group of 6 or 7 young men walking the opposite direction toward me. These were exactly the kind of tough-looking guys that several of the "ah! ah! where me gun?!" pussies posting here seem to be so afraid of. As they got closer and closer I started to look around nervously. When they were about ten feet away I started running in the other direction. People on the sidewalk on the opposite side of the road stopped and looked on in horror, expecting a terrible scene. The guys walking toward me broke up laughing and when I stopped goofing they all greeted me (back when you could shake hands), and we talked for a few minutes before being off on our respective ways. I can just imagine what some of the twitchy, "I gotta have me police scanner and gas siphoner, and I'll plug 'em full a lead!" heroes would have done in the same circumstance when the pee started running down their legs. :lol:
Why were you running away from 6 or 7 young men, were they of color?

You gotta read the whole story.
I red the whole story where at first you ran away like a coward with your tail between your legs....Then when you were humiliated by their laughter you stopped and came back....I dont turn, i walk forward and greet the person(s) in front of me, like i want them to greet me, if it goes south from there, i am ready though...

Wow. Are your reading skills really that poor? Did you seriously miss the point?
A special financial tip for pale faces who risk their lives in da hood.

Try and obey speed limits and traffic lights. Of course if you have to do a Starsky and Hutch to save your neck, drive like you are in a demolition derby.

These shit holes have traffic cameras everywhere because their budgets are a disaster and they have to, hook a dumb unexpecting white man for income.

Those sobs got me once. Just once!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A ticket for 31mph in a mother fucking 25. You son of a bitching ghetto libs are so god damned crooked. You'll be the first group that the Chinited States of Amerika will grease

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