5 Global Flashpoints Which Could Absolutely Explode During the Early Stages of 2023


Diamond Member
Oct 15, 2020
MSM probably isn't going to give you much info on these events happening in known global hotspots because they are busy trying to gaslight the sheeple into believing things are going to get better.
The last thing the NWO & their UNiparty puppets want is for people to finally wake up to the fact the world is spinning out of control & it is happening on purpose. Can't have a worldwide reset if the system ain't broke yet & they are engineering a major crash of everything at once.
Food, fuel, transportation, industry, elections, religions & justice systems are under attack from those minions following the orders of the obvious architects of the conditions they need to transform the world into a neo-fascist/feudal system where the masses own nothing & they better like it. Or else...

I would add Brazil to this list because that's where the line is currently being drawn between the globalist totalitarians & the freedom loving people who want to get Big Brother out of their country.
Go Brazil!!


#1 Serbia​

Are you ready for another war in the Balkans? Ethnic tensions have risen to the highest level in more than two decades, and the president of Serbia just convened an emergency gathering of his national security council

Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić has met his national security council as tensions rise in Kosovo between the authorities there and ethnic Serbs.
On Saturday a stun grenade was thrown at EU police in north Kosovo, where Serbs form a majority, and local police exchanged fire with unknown groups.
Ethnic Serbs set up road blocks after Kosovan police were deployed in a dispute over car number plates.
Some in the region now believe that war is “inevitable”, and Kosovo is already asking NATO to step in and intervene

At a news conference in Kosovo’s capital Pristina on Sunday, Prime Minister Albin Kurti asked the Kosovo Force (KFOR), a NATO-led international peacekeeping force, to guarantee “freedom of movement,” as he accused “criminal gangs” of blocking roads.
A fragile peace has been preserved in Kosovo since it declared independence from Serbia in 2008 following the 1998-99 war in which NATO intervened to protect Kosovo’s Albanian majority. Serbia does not recognize Kosovo’s independence.

#2 The Disputed Border Between China And India​

On Tuesday, we learned that there has been yet another violent clash along the hotly disputed border between China and India…

Soldiers from India and China clashed last week along their disputed border, India’s defense minister said Tuesday, in the latest violence along the contested frontier since June 2020, when troops from both countries were killed in a deadly brawl.
Rajnath Singh, who addressed lawmakers in parliament, said Friday’s encounter along the Tawang sector of eastern Arunachal Pradesh state started when Chinese troops “encroached into Indian territory” and “unilaterally tried to change the status quo” along the disputed border near Yangtze.
The Chinese just can’t seem to stop provoking India, and a full-blown conflict between the two nations could escalate out of control very rapidly.

Let us hope that does not happen, because both China and India possess nuclear weapons.

#3 Taiwan​

For a long time, we have been warned that China will eventually invade Taiwan.

Unfortunately, tensions in the region just continue to escalate, and on Tuesday the Chinese sent more bombers into Taiwan’s air defense zone than ever before

China sent a record 18 nuclear-capable bombers into Taiwan’s air defence zone, Taipei said on Tuesday (Dec 13), just days after Beijing banned more Taiwanese imports in the latest sign of deteriorating ties.
Democratic Taiwan lives under the constant threat of invasion by China, which sees the self-ruled island as part of its territory to be seized one day.

#4 Iran​

There will be a war between Iran and Israel.

Of course the IDF has already been regularly hitting Iranian-backed forces inside Syria on a regular basis, but we should be thankful that a full-blown war in which missiles are flying back and forth between the two nations hasn’t started yet.

Unfortunately, we are closer than ever to that point. In fact, it is being reported that Israel is actually warning that it may bomb the airport in Beirut “if it determines that Iran is smuggling weapons on civilian planes”…

According to Israeli media reports, Israel has warned Lebanon that Israel Defense Forces could bomb Beirut’s airport if it determines that Iran is smuggling weapons on civilian planes destined for the terrorist group Hezbollah. The alleged weapons smuggling was reported by a London-based Arabic language newspaper Asharq Al-Awsat, which quoted Israeli sources who said Israel issued the warning.
When a full-blown war between Iran and Israel finally starts, there will be no holding back by either side.

The death and destruction such a war will cause will shock the entire world, and the global oil trade will be thrown into a state of complete and utter chaos.

#5 Ukraine​

The United States and Russia both continue to escalate the horrifying conflict in Ukraine.

Now that Russia is bombing the living daylights out of Ukraine’s power grid, the U.S. is choosing to respond by giving Patriot missiles systems to the Ukrainians

Pentagon officials are in the final stages of preparing a plan to send a Patriot air defense missile system to Ukraine to counter Russian aerial assaults, U.S. officials told CBS News.
The plan has not yet been approved by either the Pentagon or the White House, but that could come as early as this week.
This represents a major escalation, and it is also being reported that the Biden administration has given the Ukrainian government the green light to conduct drone strikes deep inside of Russia.

As a self appointed Ukey Land specialist war reporter, I suggest that this little dispute will be over by April or even earlier .
Sleepy and the Idiot woman could have been deposed in one way or another by then , and I suspect that with both Clowns gone a modicum of sanity might inch back into WH , Pentagon and CIA .
Meanwhile Moscow will rule , supported by at least 70% of the planet with the balance, US and EU, bankrupt .

If a new hot spot emerges it will be my stomach, in which case I am with child .
As a self appointed Ukey Land specialist war reporter, I suggest that this little dispute will be over by April or even earlier .
Sleepy and the Idiot woman could have been deposed in one way or another by then , and I suspect that with both Clowns gone a modicum of sanity might inch back into WH , Pentagon and CIA .
Meanwhile Moscow will rule , supported by at least 70% of the planet with the balance, US and EU, bankrupt .

If a new hot spot emerges it will be my stomach, in which case I am with child .
I'm curious what makes you think either Joe or the vice bimbo will be removed?
If you think DC will allow that, you have a lot more faith in the system than me.
I doubt they even face censure but I hope I'm wrong.

The optics might have changed slightly with the controlled opposition GOP taking the house but the UNiparty is still in charge.
McCarthy is no better than McConell. He's just telling the other Repubs what they want to hear until he gets the Speaker spot before reverting to his RINO factory settings

Prayers for you if you are trying to have a baby!
I'm curious what makes you think either Joe or the vice bimbo will be removed?
If you think DC will allow that, you have a lot more faith in the system than me.
I doubt they even face censure but I hope I'm wrong.

The optics might have changed slightly with the controlled opposition GOP taking the house but the UNiparty is still in charge.
McCarthy is no better than McConell. He's just telling the other Repubs what they want to hear until he gets the Speaker spot before reverting to his RINO factory settings

Prayers for you if you are trying to have a baby!
There are a variety of ways for a person to be removed :-
In the case of the puppet president , health is the easy answer , whether genuine or a pillow .
Politically he can be open to removal for treason depending on the will of the people to force issues relating to China, Ukraine and his son's criminality. He would then have to be removed fast to prevent that happening procedurally .
Voting corruption in 2020 as an issue will not go away and , if and when successfully moved through the legal system , all hell will break loose .

I doubt the idiot woman meaningfully figures in any calculation . She will simply be told to step down in any of these circumstances and will do exactly as she is told . She is simply a space filler . No more and no less .imho

No baby . Too old . Just my fun remark .
There are a variety of ways for a person to be removed :-
In the case of the puppet president , health is the easy answer , whether genuine or a pillow .
Politically he can be open to removal for treason depending on the will of the people to force issues relating to China, Ukraine and his son's criminality. He would then have to be removed fast to prevent that happening procedurally .
Voting corruption in 2020 as an issue will not go away and , if and when successfully moved through the legal system , all hell will break loose .

I doubt the idiot woman meaningfully figures in any calculation . She will simply be told to step down in any of these circumstances and will do exactly as she is told . She is simply a space filler . No more and no less .imho

No baby . Too old . Just my fun remark .
Like I said before, you have a lot more faith in the system than me.

The way I see it, unless he croaks first, the only way Pedo Joe is removed is when the puppet masters are through with him & they aren't done yet.
He's got no real power that isn't approved from above.
He's got a lot more damage to do first & he'll be the fall guy as the system is crashed on purpose.

He may be the only person in the WH that doesn't know he is the patsy.
MSM probably isn't going to give you much info on these events happening in known global hotspots because they are busy trying to gaslight the sheeple into believing things are going to get better.
The last thing the NWO & their UNiparty puppets want is for people to finally wake up to the fact the world is spinning out of control & it is happening on purpose. Can't have a worldwide reset if the system ain't broke yet & they are engineering a major crash of everything at once.
Food, fuel, transportation, industry, elections, religions & justice systems are under attack from those minions following the orders of the obvious architects of the conditions they need to transform the world into a neo-fascist/feudal system where the masses own nothing & they better like it. Or else...

I would add Brazil to this list because that's where the line is currently being drawn between the globalist totalitarians & the freedom loving people who want to get Big Brother out of their country.
Go Brazil!!


#1 Serbia​

Are you ready for another war in the Balkans? Ethnic tensions have risen to the highest level in more than two decades, and the president of Serbia just convened an emergency gathering of his national security council

Some in the region now believe that war is “inevitable”, and Kosovo is already asking NATO to step in and intervene

#2 The Disputed Border Between China And India​

On Tuesday, we learned that there has been yet another violent clash along the hotly disputed border between China and India…

The Chinese just can’t seem to stop provoking India, and a full-blown conflict between the two nations could escalate out of control very rapidly.

Let us hope that does not happen, because both China and India possess nuclear weapons.

#3 Taiwan​

For a long time, we have been warned that China will eventually invade Taiwan.

Unfortunately, tensions in the region just continue to escalate, and on Tuesday the Chinese sent more bombers into Taiwan’s air defense zone than ever before

#4 Iran​

There will be a war between Iran and Israel.

Of course the IDF has already been regularly hitting Iranian-backed forces inside Syria on a regular basis, but we should be thankful that a full-blown war in which missiles are flying back and forth between the two nations hasn’t started yet.

Unfortunately, we are closer than ever to that point. In fact, it is being reported that Israel is actually warning that it may bomb the airport in Beirut “if it determines that Iran is smuggling weapons on civilian planes”…

When a full-blown war between Iran and Israel finally starts, there will be no holding back by either side.

The death and destruction such a war will cause will shock the entire world, and the global oil trade will be thrown into a state of complete and utter chaos.

#5 Ukraine​

The United States and Russia both continue to escalate the horrifying conflict in Ukraine.

Now that Russia is bombing the living daylights out of Ukraine’s power grid, the U.S. is choosing to respond by giving Patriot missiles systems to the Ukrainians

This represents a major escalation, and it is also being reported that the Biden administration has given the Ukrainian government the green light to conduct drone strikes deep inside of Russia.

"Full blown war between Israel and Iran" has Iran a smoldering heap of ash.

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