President Biden Makes Another Good Move: He Keeps and Expands Trump's Tariffs on Chinese Imports

None of which are worth coming up here for.

Sure, there is absolutely no way someone would want to come from a poor country to get some free stuff and housing. It just isn't possible. I know you guys are a little slow, but this is getting ridiculous.

Says a guy who never did a hard day of his life thinking calling someone a ditch-digger is an insult.

I don't even know what this is supposed to mean, but ok.

Start acting the way Jesus said to, and I'll be happy to respect your religion.

Jesus did not say, "Blessed are those who fuck porn stars, give tax breaks to the rich and fuck over brown people." (Actually, Jesus didn't say anything because he never existed, but let's not dwell on that.)

I never said I agreed with all of Trump's antics, but the proof is in the pudding. Biden is not only immoral, but also a destructive, demented fool. And to top it all off, his backup may be even worse.

then stop supporting racism, misogyny, and homophobia.

Do tell how I support this things? I need examples. Oh I know, you mean by not wanting some dude that says he is a girl to dress in my daughter's locker room. That somehow makes me homophobic. Gotcha.
Sure, there is absolutely no way someone would want to come from a poor country to get some free stuff and housing. It just isn't possible. I know you guys are a little slow, but this is getting ridiculous.

No, ridiculous is not seeing their humanity and thinking they just want your stuff.

They want the same thing you want.

I never said I agreed with all of Trump's antics, but the proof is in the pudding. Biden is not only immoral, but also a destructive, demented fool. And to top it all off, his backup may be even worse.
I know. She's black and has a vagina! that must be freaking you out.

Look, I realize you need to think Biden is evil to justify your support of Trump. Just like you have to pretend his criminal conduct of the Crises of 2020 was someone else's fault.

Do tell how I support this things? I need examples. Oh I know, you mean by not wanting some dude that says he is a girl to dress in my daughter's locker room. That somehow makes me homophobic.
You vote Republican. Nobody believes you are the guy on the right, as much as you primp yourself.

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In fact, until Eisenhower came along and began to reduce some tariffs, the GOP was strongly protectionist, partly because they knew that protectionism works. It protects American companies against unfair foreign competition, keeps billions of dollars in our own economy, encourages the growth of American industry, and protects American workers from having to compete against foreign workers who make a fraction of what they make.

China is fiercely protectionist in many cases, as are Japan and South Korea, and as are EU nations. They don't impose protective tariffs on all imports, but they impose tariffs on many imports--and they do so for the same reasons that Republican presidents Lincoln, Grant, Hayes, Arthur, Harrison, McKinley, Roosevelt (Teddy), Taft, Harding, and Coolidge did.
In fact, until Eisenhower came along and began to reduce some tariffs, the GOP was strongly protectionist, partly because they knew that protectionism works. It protects American companies against unfair foreign competition, keeps billions of dollars in our own economy, encourages the growth of American industry, and protects American workers from having to compete against foreign workers who make a fraction of what they make.

China is fiercely protectionist in many cases, as are Japan and South Korea, and as are EU nations. They don't impose protective tariffs on all imports, but they impose tariffs on many imports--and they do so for the same reasons that Republican presidents Lincoln, Grant, Hayes, Arthur, Harrison, McKinley, Roosevelt (Teddy), Taft, Harding, and Coolidge did.

Mormon Mike, it's not the 1930s anymore. The reason why Protectionism stopped being a thing was because everyone realized that it damages the economy. We realized that when Smoot-Hawley passed in 1930 and made the Great Depression so much worse. Then people realized DON'T DO THAT!!!!

Here's the great thing about Free Trade. Free Trade brings peace. As long as we are trading with China, China isn't going to fuck that up by doing something stupid. And we get affordable household goods out of the deal. Everyone wins.

Now, if we want to be more competitive, we need to fix things on OUR side. Make our businesses more competitive, invest in research and development,
No, ridiculous is not seeing their humanity and thinking they just want your stuff.

They want the same thing you want

Finally we get to the bottom of your childlike idiocy.

I didn’t say they were all coming to steal our stuff, what I said was they are coming for a better life, which starts and potentially ends, with getting free stuff.

We can’t support everyone in the world that wants a better life you imbecile. We don’t have unlimited resources.

You have a child‘s mind.

I know. She's black and has a vagina! that must be freaking you out.

You said that, I didn’t say that. Let me let you in on a little secret you racist jerk. I support political figures of different races and genders that share my beliefs. Below are just a few off the top of my head.

Clarance Thomas - Black Male
Ben Carson - Black Male
Condelezza Rice - Black Female
Candace Owens - Black Female
Tim Scott - Black Male
Byron Donalds - Black Male
More of an activist but Alveda King(ring any bells?) - Black Female

I support these people because I agree with them for the most part. I don’t really care what their race and gender is. You and your cult see race and gender in everything. You are just dumb enough to buy into the diversity for the sake of diversity nonsense that the left spew on a daily basis. They love people like you because you aren’t mentally capable of filtering through their rhetoric to see the long term damage it may cause. You are a typical one-step, child-like ”thinker”.

Look, I realize you need to think Biden is evil to justify your support of Trump.

HIs policies are destructive to ours country. That is plenty enough reason not to support him. Of course there is also that he is demented, easily manipulated, treasonous, incompetent, etc.

You vote Republican. Nobody believes you are the guy on the right, as much as you primp yourself.

I don’t care what you believe. You are a low info, indoctrinated peon who thinks that everyone living in the South is poor and lives in a trailer. I believe what you say about yourself. I believe your posted salary and I believe you live in Chicago. Knowing those two pieces of information and assuming you aren’t a trust fund baby that is working for fun, you can’t have what I would consider a nice, comfortable life. Real estate and rent is too expensive and taxes are too high to live well on that salary in that area. I’m glad you like it, but the reality is you don’t have a clue that you are getting scammed by the Democratic politicians that you love.
Cleetus is still whining...

Finally we get to the bottom of your childlike idiocy.

I didn’t say they were all coming to steal our stuff, what I said was they are coming for a better life, which starts and potentially ends, with getting free stuff.

We can’t support everyone in the world that wants a better life you imbecile. We don’t have unlimited resources.

We don't need to. They are perfectly willing to work to earn their keep.

What do you think happens when someone applies for asylum? Well, I can tell you because I married someone who did. She got a work permit and she goes to work every day waiting for her asylum hearing. After we got married, we went for a relative sponsorship, which was just approved after six months.

You said that, I didn’t say that. Let me let you in on a little secret you racist jerk. I support political figures of different races and genders that share my beliefs. Below are just a few off the top of my head.

A list of sad ass Uncle Toms isn't impressive. Seriously, Clarance Thomas? The only guy who thought excluding blacks from a jury the sixth time they put a man on trial on questionable evidence was acceptable? Candace "Those other darkies sure be murderous" Owens. (It was hilarious to see her get slapped down for not kissing Ben Shapiro's Jewish ass.)

HIs policies are destructive to ours country. That is plenty enough reason not to support him. Of course there is also that he is demented, easily manipulated, treasonous, incompetent, etc.

Um, unemployment is down, the stock market is at record highs, we've beaten Covid, there aren't riots in the streets. Our lives are far better in 2024 than they were in 2020.

I don’t care what you believe. You are a low info, indoctrinated peon who thinks that everyone living in the South is poor and lives in a trailer.
Um, that's because that's what I saw when the Army stationed me down there.

I'm sure there are nice parts where the rich lord over you peasants... but as John Lennon said,

Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV
And you think you're so clever and classless and free
But you're still fucking peasants as far as I can see

I believe what you say about yourself. I believe your posted salary and I believe you live in Chicago. Knowing those two pieces of information and assuming you aren’t a trust fund baby that is working for fun, you can’t have what I would consider a nice, comfortable life.

Oh, I have a very comfortable life. I live in a nice condo with my wife. We own two businesses between us. I partially own a lake house in Wisconsin (that my father bought before the Republicans demolished the unionized middle class in this country). My neighborhood has very little crime. On Sundays, the Missus and I go to museums, concerts, parks, etc.
We don't need to. They are perfectly willing to work to earn their keep.

Some are, some aren’t.

What do you think happens when someone applies for asylum? Well, I can tell you because I married someone who did. She got a work permit and she goes to work every day waiting for her asylum hearing. After we got married, we went for a relative sponsorship, which was just approved after six months.

She could have just walked across the border without being checked. On top of that, those claiming asylum at the border aren’t being vetted as they should be. Democrats just want future potential voters. It is as simple as that.

You wife came from a communist country. One would think she would have figured out that voting for Democrats in this country is a pre-cursor, but some people just don’t get it. I mean, she married a far-left Democrat likely because she is a communist sympathizer. Other than ignorance, that would explain it.

A list of sad ass Uncle Toms isn't impressive.

You disagree with them so they are uncle Tom’s. The point was that I support people of other races and genders. You were attempting to make that point that I wouldn’t because I am racist. I am not. Unlike you and most in your party, I would not vote for someone because of their skin color or gender.

Um, unemployment is down, the stock market is at record highs, we've beaten Covid, there aren't riots in the streets. Our lives are far better in 2024 than they were in 2020.

Government jobs have skyrocketed. COVID fixed COVID all over the world. So now the stock market matters to you low-income Democrats? I thought only rich people cared about that? Inflation is still too high and most people, are still suffering the consequences of dumbos big spending which caused inflation to spike 1.5 years into his tenure. Prices never came back down. The reason you are paying so much more at the store is because this administration is economically illiterate. If they get more time, they will destroy our economy by raising corporate taxes, raising capital gains taxes, etc. Peons like yourself care more about a boy being allowed to dress in a women’s locker room than any of this so they can get away with it. Peons like yourself are very easily fooled.

Um, that's because that's what I saw when the Army stationed me down there.

I have been to Chicago and from what I saw, it is a complete dump. You see, I know there are nicer, safer areas that I didn’t visit.

Oh, I have a very comfortable life. I live in a nice condo with my wife. We own two businesses between us. I partially own a lake house in Wisconsin (that my father bought before the Republicans demolished the unionized middle class in this country). My neighborhood has very little crime. On Sundays, the Missus and I go to museums, concerts, parks, etc.

I know that to live in what I would consider a nice area in Chicago would require a lot more money than you make. We obviously have different definitions of what is nice and comfortable.

I told you the average income in my area is pretty high as we are flush with college educated white collar professionals. Couple that with a much lower cost of living and what you get is an area with very nice homes, very nice amenities, low crime, etc. Did I mention that my district is VERY Republican? You wouldn’t fit in. To find like minded folks, people like you would have to move to a less desirable area or to a nice area that has been infiltrated with Northerners living well (in our Republican low-cost of living state) off their union pensions.
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I'm not voting for Biden, but I applaud his decision last week to extend and expand Trump's tariffs on Chinese imports. Trump was absolutely right to impose tariffs against China, and Biden deserves great credit for extending and expanding those tariffs.

I think that Biden is being more selective on the Chinese Subsides and Tech sector.

Big difference now is that EU will probably join US... This shit has just got teeth...

US and EU together can put a larger strangle hold on China... If they could get the TPP countries in then it is a lock, China play by our rules then.

That is were Trump made his mistake, no fucking point doing shit on your own....

This what makes Biden better..
She could have just walked across the border without being checked. On top of that, those claiming asylum at the border aren’t being vetted as they should be. Democrats just want future potential voters. It is as simple as that.

Works for me. We also need to resettle them all over Jesusland to turn those states blue.

The reality- when you get across the border, you are given a number and wait for your hearing. That's the problem. We could resolve most of these cases quickly, we refuse to.

You wife came from a communist country. One would think she would have figured out that voting for Democrats in this country is a pre-cursor, but some people just don’t get it. I mean, she married a far-left Democrat likely because she is a communist sympathizer. Other than ignorance, that would explain it.

Again, you don't really understand Chinese culture.

China has been ruled by "communists" for 70 years... but they've been capitalists for 3000.
The Chinese love money
China has a God of Money
When Chinese people greet each other, they say, "I hope you get rich!"

You disagree with them so they are uncle Tom’s. The point was that I support people of other races and genders. You were attempting to make that point that I wouldn’t because I am racist. I am not. Unlike you and most in your party, I would not vote for someone because of their skin color or gender.

No, guy, what makes them Uncle Toms is that they suck up to people like you to make money. Most of them are fantastic hypocrites, they are ONLY where they are at because of affirmative action programs.

Government jobs have skyrocketed. COVID fixed COVID all over the world. So now the stock market matters to you low-income Democrats? I thought only rich people cared about that?
Private Sector jobs have skyrocketed as well. I recently had a discussion with my niece's husband, and he complains about how he can't find good employees now, even offering $19.00 an hour.

Inflation is still too high and most people, are still suffering the consequences of dumbos big spending which caused inflation to spike 1.5 years into his tenure. Prices never came back down. The reason you are paying so much more at the store is because this administration is economically illiterate.
1) Inflation is a world wide problem, not really caused by spending required to get us out of Trump Recession.
2) A big adder to that inflation was- wait for it -Trump's idiotic tariffs on Chinese goods. But you'll waddle down the aisle at your Walmart in Jesusland, wondering why you are paying more.
I have been to Chicago and from what I saw, it is a complete dump. You see, I know there are nicer, safer areas that I didn’t visit.
Since you don't tell us where you actually live, we can't make a comparison. I'm sure if you did, it wouldn't go well.

I know that to live in what I would consider a nice area in Chicago would require a lot more money than you make. We obviously have different definitions of what is nice and comfortable.

Again, been to the South. Went to Orlando in January for my honeymoon, and frankly, outside the theme parks, I've never seen so many homeless bums and slums.

This is Republican America. Nice for the rich, sucks for everyone else. Which is why America says, "Hard Pass" in the popular vote.
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Democrats aren't just offering jobs you dope. They are offering free housing, free healthcare, sanctuary and debit cards. I guess you are just too stupid to put two and two together.

Exactly what I expect to hear from a brainwashed ditch digger.

Again, stop bashing my religion. I know are an evil heathen, but try to control yourself.

For the upteenth time, I don't hate anyone for their race or gender or any other immutable characteristic, including where they are from. That would make me just like you and the majority of Democrats.
Hey the count is in...

Blue States are more successful...

Social Democratic Countries are over taking US as US erodes worker rights, increases barriers to Education, rises Healthcare costs...

You have been made so afraid of 'free stuff' you salt your fields rather than see anyone else get fed...

This has created red states which are poorer educated, sicker and poorer who need more Government handouts...

This further backed up as you see the Scandanavian and Western European Countries Quality of Life, education, health, mortality.... metrics pass US out...

So what do the GOP do, they asked their leaders why? They said it was Immigrants and Democrats that caused your problems and what we need is even lower taxes and less services... This is what they call MAGA...
  • Funny
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Hey the count is in...

Blue States are more successful...

Social Democratic Countries are over taking US as US erodes worker rights, increases barriers to Education, rises Healthcare costs...

You have been made so afraid of 'free stuff' you salt your fields rather than see anyone else get fed...

This has created red states which are poorer educated, sicker and poorer who need more Government handouts...

This further backed up as you see the Scandanavian and Western European Countries Quality of Life, education, health, mortality.... metrics pass US out...

So what do the GOP do, they asked their leaders why? They said it was Immigrants and Democrats that caused your problems and what we need is even lower taxes and less services... This is what they call MAGA...
CLeetus keeps saying how his state is better, but he won't ever tell you what that state is because he knows Google is a thing.
CLeetus keeps saying how his state is better, but he won't ever tell you what that state is because he knows Google is a thing.

At the end of the day it is quite sad... These people are desperate and getting more desperate...

Look at Coal Country. Hillary went to them and explained that Coal jobs was never coming back (from economic and technological stand point) and to stop seeing you sons and daughters moving to other states to get work away from you, we have to invest in Broadband, Education, Emerging technologies...

Trump promised to bring Coal back...

Trump Won and allowed them lower environmental standards so they could poison rivers and pollute the air.
No Coal jobs of significance came back.

That country is now riddled with drug use as well...

This is what happened

But the sad part isd they will still vote GOP next time... They are desperate but can't see the light.


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Works for me. We also need to resettle them all over Jesusland to turn those states blue.

More Democrats equals more dependents. At some point they will run out of other people's money.

The reality- when you get across the border, you are given a number and wait for your hearing. That's the problem. We could resolve most of these cases quickly, we refuse to.

The fix is simple. Secure the border. Democrats aren't interested because they want the votes. You still haven't figured that out yet?

Again, you don't really understand Chinese culture.

So Communism it is. At least you are finally starting to realize exactly what you support.

Most of them are fantastic hypocrites, they are ONLY where they are at because of affirmative action programs.

Your interpretation is exactly why AA shouldn't be used.

Inflation is a world wide problem, not really caused by spending required to get us out of Trump Recession

Yes, caused by out of control spending, but I don't expect you to understand anything about the workings of our economy.

A big adder to that inflation was- wait for it -Trump's idiotic tariffs on Chinese goods. But you'll waddle down the aisle at your Walmart in Jesusland, wondering why you are paying more

Your man has finally realized that is the only way to help. He's a little slow, but not as slow as his disciples.

Since you don't tell us where you actually live, we can't make a comparison. I'm sure if you did, it wouldn't go well.

Right, because there are no places in the South nicer than Chicago. Lol.

This is Republican America. Nice for the rich, sucks for everyone else. Which is why America says, "Hard Pass" in the popular vote.

You said you are happy and you are far from rich. How does that work? You live in a high tax, high cost of living area and still have plenty. Are you saying that it is those high taxes and cost of living that are largely the fault of Democrtas that helps you? Weird.

This has created red states which are poorer educated, sicker and poorer who need more Government handouts...

Um those are very poor Democrats in red states. Your MSM masters forgot to give you the demographic details and you remain ignorant. Typical.

This further backed up as you see the Scandanavian and Western European Countries Quality of Life, education, health, mortality.... metrics pass US out...

We have to protect them because they spend their money on less important things.
Finally we get to the bottom of your childlike idiocy.

I didn’t say they were all coming to steal our stuff, what I said was they are coming for a better life, which starts and potentially ends, with getting free stuff.

We can’t support everyone in the world that wants a better life you imbecile. We don’t have unlimited resources.

You have a child‘s mind.

You said that, I didn’t say that. Let me let you in on a little secret you racist jerk. I support political figures of different races and genders that share my beliefs. Below are just a few off the top of my head.

Clarance Thomas - Black Male
Ben Carson - Black Male
Condelezza Rice - Black Female
Candace Owens - Black Female
Tim Scott - Black Male
Byron Donalds - Black Male
More of an activist but Alveda King(ring any bells?) - Black Female

I support these people because I agree with them for the most part. I don’t really care what their race and gender is. You and your cult see race and gender in everything. You are just dumb enough to buy into the diversity for the sake of diversity nonsense that the left spew on a daily basis. They love people like you because you aren’t mentally capable of filtering through their rhetoric to see the long term damage it may cause. You are a typical one-step, child-like ”thinker”.

HIs policies are destructive to ours country. That is plenty enough reason not to support him. Of course there is also that he is demented, easily manipulated, treasonous, incompetent, etc.

I don’t care what you believe. You are a low info, indoctrinated peon who thinks that everyone living in the South is poor and lives in a trailer. I believe what you say about yourself. I believe your posted salary and I believe you live in Chicago. Knowing those two pieces of information and assuming you aren’t a trust fund baby that is working for fun, you can’t have what I would consider a nice, comfortable life. Real estate and rent is too expensive and taxes are too high to live well on that salary in that area. I’m glad you like it, but the reality is you don’t have a clue that you are getting scammed by the Democratic politicians that you love.

Ah, I see you've now met our resident Mao-loving Marxist and fringe-left Democrat bot. You hit the nail on the head when you told him, "You have a child's mind." That's almost an insult to children. But, yes, he literally thinks and talks like a juvenile, a very foul-mouthed and low-class juvenile. I usually don't even read his replies. I know many people have him set to Ignore. Many forums would have kicked him out long ago.
More Democrats equals more dependents. At some point they will run out of other people's money.

Or if you have the wealth properly distributed, you have greater prosperity. We had our greatest prosperity when 33% of the workforce was unionized and the top tax bracket was 93%.

We spend far more on "Middle Class" entitlements for white people than we spend on "Welfare" for poor people of color.

The fix is simple. Secure the border. Democrats aren't interested because they want the votes. You still haven't figured that out yet?

You can't secure a border. People who cross oceans and mountains are not going to be deterred by a little old wall.

If you want to deter people from immigrating here illegally, go after the rich white people who hire them. Streamline the asylum courts so that the ones making bogus asylum claims aren't waiting four years to get a hearing. (by which time they've probably dropped an anchor baby or two or married a citizen.)

So Communism it is. At least you are finally starting to realize exactly what you support.
Nope, you just don't get how the Chinese think, which is why they are beating the pants off us right now. "Please protect us from these people who work harder and run their businesses more efficiently!!!"

"Um, how about we work harder and run our businesses more efficiently instead?"

"What, are you a communist or something?"

Your interpretation is exactly why AA shouldn't be used.

Not at all. For every ungrateful Uncle Tom like Carson or Thomas, there's a hundred minorities who've made differences in their communities because they got a chance. It's why the black poverty rate dropped from 55% in 1960 to 17% today.

Yes, caused by out of control spending, but I don't expect you to understand anything about the workings of our economy.

I understand it just fine. Keynesian economics works fine, and we've never gotten ourselves out of a recession without a boost in spending. Good presidents buy houses and bad presidents buy bombs, but they still use spending to put us back to work.

Your man has finally realized that is the only way to help. He's a little slow, but not as slow as his disciples.
Naw, he's just playing politics in an election year. The fastest way to curb inflation would be to stop all this foolishness. The second fastest way would be to legalize a bunch of immigrants to bring down labor costs. Neither of these things are politically viable, though.

You said you are happy and you are far from rich. How does that work? You live in a high tax, high cost of living area and still have plenty. Are you saying that it is those high taxes and cost of living that are largely the fault of Democrtas that helps you? Weird.

Well, first, I'm not a materialistic bastard. I kind of like my life, simple. Despite my dislike of Chicago Winters, I'd still rather live here than anywhere in Jesusland, which would be a third world country if it wasn't part of the USA.

Um those are very poor Democrats in red states. Your MSM masters forgot to give you the demographic details and you remain ignorant. Typical.

Actually, the red rural areas are just as poor as the blue urban area. That's the point. That's why they are all on drugs, trying to drown out the banality of their lives.

We have to protect them because they spend their money on less important things.
Depends what you consider important. 11 years in the military, there's no bigger waste of money than the military. Or as Ike once said.


Wow! Why can't Republicans be like HIIM instead of the preening orange blob?
Ah, I see you've now met our resident Mao-loving Marxist and fringe-left Democrat bot. You hit the nail on the head when you told him, "You have a child's mind." That's almost an insult to children. But, yes, he literally thinks and talks like a juvenile, a very foul-mouthed and low-class juvenile. I usually don't even read his replies. I know many people have him set to Ignore. Many forums would have kicked him out long ago.

Well, I should probably avoid "".
Generally speaking, Republicans supported protective tariffs to protect and expand American industry, while Democrats began supporting protective tariffs to protect American workers. Both reasons are valid.

One of the reasons that Trump's superb trade deal, the USMCA, passed Congress in 2020 with large bipartisan majorities was that people realized that NAFTA had gone too far and had done significant damage to American industry and American workers. The USMCA passed 89-10 in the Senate and 385-41 in the House.

There is simply no way that an American factory in Ohio or Alabama or Arizona that pays good wages and benefits and that must comply with federal and state safety regulations can compete against a factory in a foreign country that pays far lower wages and benefits and that operates under much less stringent safety regulations (if any). Even with the cost of shipping, the disparity in labor costs and operating costs is so huge that the foreign factory's products will be less expensive than the American factory's products.

Protecting major industries is another reason for protective tariffs. China, Russia, South Korea, and Japan, for example, use protective tariffs to protect their most vital industries. In some cases, they also subsidize those industries to ensure their success. So-called "free traders" usually ignore the fact that America became an industrial giant behind the secure walls erected by protective tariffs.

"Free trade" certainly wasn't "free" for the hundreds of thousands of American workers who unfairly lost their jobs when their companies moved overseas to take advantage of cheaper labor and cheaper operating costs. Most of those displaced factory workers ended up taking lower-paying jobs in the service sector.

So I say again, bravo to President Biden for extending and expanding Trump's tariffs on Chinese imports.
We spend far more on "Middle Class" entitlements for white people than we spend on "Welfare" for poor people of color.

There are far more white people than black people, so this stands to reason. Per capita means something to most of us. Since you brought up race(again), white people also contribute far more to entitlement programs than miniories, so it makes sense they would get more back. SS is the big one that you harp on all the time and per capita, minorities take more than white people in that program as well. You are completely lost here.

You can't secure a border. People who cross oceans and mountains are not going to be deterred by a little old wall.

Yes, you can slow it down tremendously and then use technology and personnel to fill any gaps as well as respond to incursions, which are much slower and more easily detected with a wall in place.

Everybody knows this, even you dimwits, but Democratic ideology trumps common sense again.

Um, how about we work harder and run our businesses more efficiently instead?"

And live like the average Chinese? The Chinese government won’t stand for the utter laziness of many Americans. The welfare state which you so staunchly support does not exist in the same sense in China as it does here. You can’t just not work and get money.

Not at all. For every ungrateful Uncle Tom like Carson or Thomas, there's a hundred minorities who've made differences in their communities because they got a chance. It's why the black poverty rate dropped from 55% in 1960 to 17% today.

However you spin it, AA is racism. You attempt to justify it, but AA intentionally separates people solely based on race and gender, mainly race. That is the very definition of racism. It is quite ironic(or stupid) that the party that claims to be anti-racists believes that more racism is needed to fight existing racism.

The second fastest way would be to legalize a bunch of immigrants to bring down labor costs.

Here we go again. Bring them all in, legalize them, heck allow them to vote. Neat plan.

Where are the lower income citizens going to work if all their jobs are taken? We just going to pay them to stay home?

Well, first, I'm not a materialistic bastard. I kind of like my life, simple. Despite my dislike of Chicago Winters, I'd still rather live here than anywhere in Jesusland, which would be a third world country if it wasn't part of the USA.

Since you mentioned Florida recently, you think Florida would be a third word country if not in the USA? You must continually visit the worst possible places in every state or you are just being completely dishonest. I was looking at vacation home in the Marco Island area a few years ago. Aside from many of the people that migrated from blue states, it is hardly a third world country nor is anywhere nearby. It makes Chicago look like an even bigger dump. Maybe you are just a big city kind of person who enjoys crowds, pollution and only a few spots of grass and trees growing in the parks. To each his own, but calling the South a third world country is about as ignorant as it gets.

Actually, the red rural areas are just as poor as the blue urban area. That's the point. That's why they are all on drugs, trying to drown out the banality of their lives.

What I know is that the average salary of Republicans in my state is quite a bit higher than the average of Democrats. You can take that however you would like to take it.

Wow! Why can't Republicans be like HIIM instead of the preening orange blob?

There is that childlike mind again. If there weren’t bad actors in the world, this would work. If a bullfrog had wings he wouldn’t bump his butt. Kum-ba-ya
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