The Problem of Refusing to Admit that the Other Party's President Has Done Anything Good

It's much worse than that. The parties will purposely kill bills in Congress to prevent an opposing party's president from getting credit for signing it into law. A prime example being when the GOP killed a bill to give free treatment to 9/11 first responders for illnesses arising from their work at ground zero.
Trump set it up so the tax cut go's away for us and is there for keeps for those who have the most money.
It was establishment Republicans working with Democrats who got the tax cut for everyone but the poor passed. There were stipulations, but when President Trump gets back in office and Republicans take the Congress and Senate, the tax cuts can be made permanent. until asshat Democrats get gullible fucks to vote them back in.
Sigh. . . . #Ignoring_the_Point.

No, they don't deserve credit for this, because running up the debt is not a good thing. Remember that the OP's point is that we need to start admitting when the other party's White House occupant does something good.
I asked you to humor me and list the things you think Biden has done that were good. So far, no response. While I agree that no response is the correct response, you could have acknowledged me. And, I actually agree that both sides should acknowledge good things the other side has done but, with Biden, I'm hard pressed to come up with any because even if you list something that "sounds" good, it usually isn't as good as it sounds when you think it through. Take caps on prescription drugs, for example. Offhand, that sounds like a good thing but, when you consider the fact that the drug makers will just raise prices on their other drugs to make up the difference, it was really a nothingburger. Another thing would be the infrastructure bill, but when you realize it poured money onto the debt and increased both inflation and interest rates, again, sounds better than the reality.
I asked you to humor me and list the things you think Biden has done that were good. So far, no response. While I agree that no response is the correct response, you could have acknowledged me. And, I actually agree that both sides should acknowledge good things the other side has done but, with Biden, I'm hard pressed to come up with any because even if you list something that "sounds" good, it usually isn't as good as it sounds when you think it through. Take caps on prescription drugs, for example. Offhand, that sounds like a good thing but, when you consider the fact that the drug makers will just raise prices on their other drugs, it was really a nothingburger. Another thing would be the infrastructure bill, but when you realize it poured money onto the debt and increased both inflation and interest rates, again, sounds better than the reality.
I had my drug price tripled after Biden pulled his stunt. I have Diabetes and see doctors more often than I want to. I asked the pharmacy why Trulicity jumped from about $11 dollars for a supply lasting 90 days to 11 dollars per month. They said the factory cut down on production. I hope prices go back down. But Biden has not lifted a finger to help that happen. Now $11 per month is not much to spend. But it refutes Biden's claim he cut drug prices.
do not know that Biden has left about 90-95% of the Trump tax cuts intact.
How can you equate the fact that in his rush to do the most harm, he overlooked the tax cuts opting instead to let them expire? Biden has not "intentionally" done anything that has been beneficial to the country. You seem to be succumbing to the democrat fall back to show a positive in Biden's case where absolutely NONE exists. He and the rest of the democrat party have been a disaster for the country for at least eight and more like sixteen years--added to the Bush debacle, make that 24 years. The 21st century has not been good for America in spite of the good things that Trump has been obstructed from completing.
I asked you to humor me and list the things you think Biden has done that were good. So far, no response. While I agree that no response is the correct response, you could have acknowledged me. And, I actually agree that both sides should acknowledge good things the other side has done but, with Biden, I'm hard pressed to come up with any because even if you list something that "sounds" good, it usually isn't as good as it sounds when you think it through. Take caps on prescription drugs, for example. Offhand, that sounds like a good thing but, when you consider the fact that the drug makers will just raise prices on their other drugs to make up the difference, it was really a nothingburger. Another thing would be the infrastructure bill, but when you realize it poured money onto the debt and increased both inflation and interest rates, again, sounds better than the reality.
Bbbbut Pakistani gender studies is infrastructure. SMH.
It's much worse than that. The parties will purposely kill bills in Congress to prevent an opposing party's president from getting credit for signing it into law. A prime example being when the GOP killed a bill to give free treatment to 9/11 first responders for illnesses arising from their work at ground zero.
What the f are you talking about? There has been a bill and irs funded til 2090
Our politics have become so polarized and divisive that many Republicans refuse to admit that Biden has done anything good, and many Democrats refuse to admit that Trump did anything good. This is a troubling sign. Part of the problem is that many Republicans only get their news from conservative news outlets, and many Democrats only get their news from liberal news outlets.

Just because I am not voting for Biden does not mean I cannot acknowledge that he has done many good things. He has also done many bad things, and I think the bad things outweigh the good things. But when we go to the extreme of pretending that a President has done nothing good because he belongs to a different party, we are not being objective or factual.

Many Republicans--and many Democrats--do not know that Biden has left about 90-95% of the Trump tax cuts intact. He deserves credit for this. But many Republicans and Democrats do not even know he's done this. As someone whose net pay increased by over $200 per month thanks to the Trump tax cuts, I am grateful that Biden has left most of those tax cuts intact.

Many Democrats--and many Republicans--do not know that Trump's USMCA trade deal, which was passed by Congress with huge bipartisan majorities in 2020, is substantially protectionist and includes provisions to protect American industries and workers against competition from foreign dirt-wage industries and workers. Even devout liberals Elizabeth Warren and Patrick Leahy voted for it, as did staunch conservatives Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz. It passed the Senate 89-10. It passed the House 385-41.

Republicans ardently defended and praised Trump's imposition of stiff tariffs on Chinese imports in response to China's long history of unfair and predatory trade practices. Yet, when Biden recently extended and expanded Trump's China tariffs, few Republicans praised him for it, and many Republicans accused him of "protectionism," ignoring the fact that these are Trump's tariffs and acting as though there's something wrong with protecting American jobs, workers, and industry from unfair trade practices.
So the one good thing you can list for Bidumb is he hasn’t fucked yo the tax cuts someone else did. I mean he destroyed our borders and economy but yeah I guess we’re lucky he hasn’t fucked up the taxes yet.
What the f are you talking about? There has been a bill and irs funded til 2090
When the bill was first introduced while Obama was President, the GOP spoke out against it claiming that it cost too much.
Our politics have become so polarized and divisive that many Republicans refuse to admit that Biden has done anything good, and many Democrats refuse to admit that Trump did anything good. This is a troubling sign. Part of the problem is that many Republicans only get their news from conservative news outlets, and many Democrats only get their news from liberal news outlets.

Just because I am not voting for Biden does not mean I cannot acknowledge that he has done many good things. He has also done many bad things, and I think the bad things outweigh the good things. But when we go to the extreme of pretending that a President has done nothing good because he belongs to a different party, we are not being objective or factual.

Many Republicans--and many Democrats--do not know that Biden has left about 90-95% of the Trump tax cuts intact. He deserves credit for this. But many Republicans and Democrats do not even know he's done this. As someone whose net pay increased by over $200 per month thanks to the Trump tax cuts, I am grateful that Biden has left most of those tax cuts intact.

Many Democrats--and many Republicans--do not know that Trump's USMCA trade deal, which was passed by Congress with huge bipartisan majorities in 2020, is substantially protectionist and includes provisions to protect American industries and workers against competition from foreign dirt-wage industries and workers. Even devout liberals Elizabeth Warren and Patrick Leahy voted for it, as did staunch conservatives Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz. It passed the Senate 89-10. It passed the House 385-41.

Republicans ardently defended and praised Trump's imposition of stiff tariffs on Chinese imports in response to China's long history of unfair and predatory trade practices. Yet, when Biden recently extended and expanded Trump's China tariffs, few Republicans praised him for it, and many Republicans accused him of "protectionism," ignoring the fact that these are Trump's tariffs and acting as though there's something wrong with protecting American jobs, workers, and industry from unfair trade practices.

Republicans are supporting a convicted felon. He is their presumptive nominee.

There is no equivalency -- moral or otherwise.
So the one good thing you can list for Bidumb is he hasn’t fucked yo the tax cuts someone else did. I mean he destroyed our borders and economy but yeah I guess we’re lucky he hasn’t fucked up the taxes yet.

The stealthy never-Trumpers own this mess. He didnt fool me one second months back on that post#1. Big talker like turncoat Lezbo Chainy.
Republicans are supporting a convicted felon. He is their presumptive nominee.

There is no equivalency -- moral or otherwise.
The dems are supporting someone his own DOJ says stole and discloused classified material for personal gain, and is too senile to prosecute.

There is nothing equivalency moral or otherwise between that party and the party that supports the target of political persecutions
The dems are supporting someone his own DOJ says stole and discloused classified material for personal gain, and is too senile to prosecute.

There is nothing equivalency moral or otherwise between that party and the party that supports the target of political persecutions

They don't care.
Democrats will do anything in the furtherance of power.

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