The Problem of Refusing to Admit that the Other Party's President Has Done Anything Good

Nothing done (younow label as good by Obiden) can overcome the Lawfare launched against anything Trump over many years now.
Fake news.
No one is picking on Trump. He draws attention to himself with his big mouth and his constant bullying....and this is the result.
His crimes are discovered.
Pure harrassment on made up paperwork violations,
Nothing "made up" about any of it.
9 figure fines, 72 yr old locked up for talking about clear cut election fraud.
He did more than just "talk about" it.
I think you know that.
It started with phony Russian BS
It wasn't "BS."
Yet you chirp how great Obiden is?
At least Biden is a competent adult.
No need to thank the thieves of DC who have become filthy rich off taxpayers money.

Who ignore our laws at the border and Bankrupt states.

Who spend the dollar into toilet paper.

Nothing positive to say to those who have made a career of screwing our country to the Abyss
Our politics have become so polarized and divisive that many Republicans refuse to admit that Biden has done anything good, and many Democrats refuse to admit that Trump did anything good. This is a troubling sign. Part of the problem is that many Republicans only get their news from conservative news outlets, and many Democrats only get their news from liberal news outlets.

Just because I am not voting for Biden does not mean I cannot acknowledge that he has done many good things. He has also done many bad things, and I think the bad things outweigh the good things. But when we go to the extreme of pretending that a President has done nothing good because he belongs to a different party, we are not being objective or factual.

Many Republicans--and many Democrats--do not know that Biden has left about 90-95% of the Trump tax cuts intact. He deserves credit for this. But many Republicans and Democrats do not even know he's done this. As someone whose net pay increased by over $200 per month thanks to the Trump tax cuts, I am grateful that Biden has left most of those tax cuts intact.

Many Democrats--and many Republicans--do not know that Trump's USMCA trade deal, which was passed by Congress with huge bipartisan majorities in 2020, is substantially protectionist and includes provisions to protect American industries and workers against competition from foreign dirt-wage industries and workers. Even devout liberals Elizabeth Warren and Patrick Leahy voted for it, as did staunch conservatives Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz. It passed the Senate 89-10. It passed the House 385-41.

Republicans ardently defended and praised Trump's imposition of stiff tariffs on Chinese imports in response to China's long history of unfair and predatory trade practices. Yet, when Biden recently extended and expanded Trump's China tariffs, few Republicans praised him for it, and many Republicans accused him of "protectionism," ignoring the fact that these are Trump's tariffs and acting as though there's something wrong with protecting American jobs, workers, and industry from unfair trade practices.
Thos tax cuts go away if Joe Bribem gets reelected. No thank you. Also, you can damn well bet, that the Constitution will go away also, with the weaponization of the DOJ against everyone who doesnt support Joe Bribem. It will be a dark day and lots of bloodshed if Joe Bribem gets to stay as the Fuhrer.

By doing nothing, many things would have been done better.

Thanks to Republicans and anti-Roosevelt Democrats, we did indeed do nothing, and the result was yet another massive war thanks to isolationist faggots and FDR haters. Early intervention would have saved many many millions of lives.
Our politics have become so polarized and divisive that many Republicans refuse to admit that Biden has done anything good, and many Democrats refuse to admit that Trump did anything good. This is a troubling sign. Part of the problem is that many Republicans only get their news from conservative news outlets, and many Democrats only get their news from liberal news outlets.

Just because I am not voting for Biden does not mean I cannot acknowledge that he has done many good things. He has also done many bad things, and I think the bad things outweigh the good things. But when we go to the extreme of pretending that a President has done nothing good because he belongs to a different party, we are not being objective or factual.

Many Republicans--and many Democrats--do not know that Biden has left about 90-95% of the Trump tax cuts intact. He deserves credit for this. But many Republicans and Democrats do not even know he's done this. As someone whose net pay increased by over $200 per month thanks to the Trump tax cuts, I am grateful that Biden has left most of those tax cuts intact.

Many Democrats--and many Republicans--do not know that Trump's USMCA trade deal, which was passed by Congress with huge bipartisan majorities in 2020, is substantially protectionist and includes provisions to protect American industries and workers against competition from foreign dirt-wage industries and workers. Even devout liberals Elizabeth Warren and Patrick Leahy voted for it, as did staunch conservatives Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz. It passed the Senate 89-10. It passed the House 385-41.

Republicans ardently defended and praised Trump's imposition of stiff tariffs on Chinese imports in response to China's long history of unfair and predatory trade practices. Yet, when Biden recently extended and expanded Trump's China tariffs, few Republicans praised him for it, and many Republicans accused him of "protectionism," ignoring the fact that these are Trump's tariffs and acting as though there's something wrong with protecting American jobs, workers, and industry from unfair trade practices.

So you're praise to Biden is that he didn't change what trump already did? That's not much of an accomplishment really.

And I can't praise anything Biden did. It's like saying john Wayne gacy was a great man because he entertained a few children with his clown costume even though he had 26 bodies of young men buried under his house he sexually abused and murdered. "Yeah he murdered dozens of boys, some underage but man he sure did make the neighbors kids laugh, you to give him that".

Biden gets 0 undeserved negativity from me. I won't rail on him for no reason at all. But he has done very very little good for the country, but has done tremendous amounts of harm to the country. I care little for his insignificant positives in the light of his overwhelming negatives
Why is it so important to know what politicians admit about the opposition candidate? The problem isn't politicians, it's the media that refuses to acknowledge the mental deterioration of the president of the United States and instead becomes the propaganda arm of the democrat party. The truth is out there unless you are too lazy to look for it or afflicted with TDS.
Presidents have very little influence over the deficit. But the Trump tax cuts resulted in increased revenues for both personal income taxes and corporate income taxes. Allowing them to expire will have the opposite effect.

When Biden does something that is not actually harmful - a rare thing - it is inadvertent. He is a total stooge for the most extreme factions of the Left. Trump told us exactly what he wanted to accomplish, then did everything within his power to do everything he "promised" - despite a full-court-press in Congress and the Media to thwart his initiatives. History will record that his accomplishments in the face of the overwhelming sabotage against him were astounding.

Seriously, is there anyone in the U.S. who actually wants Joe Biden to have a second term? I cannot imagine a single reason why they would. His apparent support is ALL irrational hatred of Donald Trump.

Trump's tax cuts INCREASED the budget deficits and the national debt.

Our politics have become so polarized and divisive that many Republicans refuse to admit that Biden has done anything good, and many Democrats refuse to admit that Trump did anything good. This is a troubling sign. Part of the problem is that many Republicans only get their news from conservative news outlets, and many Democrats only get their news from liberal news outlets.

Just because I am not voting for Biden does not mean I cannot acknowledge that he has done many good things. He has also done many bad things, and I think the bad things outweigh the good things. But when we go to the extreme of pretending that a President has done nothing good because he belongs to a different party, we are not being objective or factual.

Many Republicans--and many Democrats--do not know that Biden has left about 90-95% of the Trump tax cuts intact. He deserves credit for this. But many Republicans and Democrats do not even know he's done this. As someone whose net pay increased by over $200 per month thanks to the Trump tax cuts, I am grateful that Biden has left most of those tax cuts intact.

Many Democrats--and many Republicans--do not know that Trump's USMCA trade deal, which was passed by Congress with huge bipartisan majorities in 2020, is substantially protectionist and includes provisions to protect American industries and workers against competition from foreign dirt-wage industries and workers. Even devout liberals Elizabeth Warren and Patrick Leahy voted for it, as did staunch conservatives Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz. It passed the Senate 89-10. It passed the House 385-41.

Republicans ardently defended and praised Trump's imposition of stiff tariffs on Chinese imports in response to China's long history of unfair and predatory trade practices. Yet, when Biden recently extended and expanded Trump's China tariffs, few Republicans praised him for it, and many Republicans accused him of "protectionism," ignoring the fact that these are Trump's tariffs and acting as though there's something wrong with protecting American jobs, workers, and industry from unfair trade practices.

There are a few reasons Biden left the Trump tax cuts in place:
  1. He didn't have 60 votes in the Senate to change the tax codes. He only had 2 votes involving fiscal issues per year, that he could pass on a majority basis and he needed all of those votes to get his sweeping reconstruction agenda passed into law;
  2. His primary focus was to get through the pandemic, get the nation vaccinated, and get people back to work. Faced with crises throughout the nation, and around the world, and a suffering people at home, from the mess Trump left, Biden put the health and well being of the nation first.
  3. Raising taxes in the middle of an economic crash would be stupid. It's just as stupid to cut taxes in the middle of an economic boom, which is what Trump did. You raise taxes in a boom, and cut in a recession.
  4. The tax cuts expire in 2025, why do it now? Given all of the other crises that the nation is facing at the moment. Why waste the time and energy forcing the discussion now, when it's all going to come up again next year anyway. The time to have this discussion is after the election.
Biden expanded and extended the Chinese tariffs because you still don't have a trade deal with China. Trump tore up the last deal and left office without replacing it. This was devasting for US exports to China, and did nothing but raise prices for Americans buying more and more cheap stuff from China.

Biden hasn't been a real pal to Xi the way Trump was in each and every way. Tearing up the US Trade agreement freed up the Chinese to make friends and build alliances with Mexico and South America, while buying cheaper grain for their people.

Just as labelling African and Central American nations as "shithole countries" and cancelling US Foreign aid, allowed Russia and Xi to build trading relations and strategic alliances in Africa, in particular.

Trump has been a friend and ally of dictators around the world.
Thos tax cuts go away if Joe Bribem gets reelected. No thank you. Also, you can damn well bet, that the Constitution will go away also, with the weaponization of the DOJ against everyone who doesnt support Joe Bribem. It will be a dark day and lots of bloodshed if Joe Bribem gets to stay as the Fuhrer.

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Trump set it up so the tax cut go's away for us and is there for keeps for those who have the most money.
Our politics have become so polarized and divisive that many Republicans refuse to admit that Biden has done anything good, and many Democrats refuse to admit that Trump did anything good. This is a troubling sign. Part of the problem is that many Republicans only get their news from conservative news outlets, and many Democrats only get their news from liberal news outlets.

Just because I am not voting for Biden does not mean I cannot acknowledge that he has done many good things. He has also done many bad things, and I think the bad things outweigh the good things. But when we go to the extreme of pretending that a President has done nothing good because he belongs to a different party, we are not being objective or factual.

Many Republicans--and many Democrats--do not know that Biden has left about 90-95% of the Trump tax cuts intact. He deserves credit for this. But many Republicans and Democrats do not even know he's done this. As someone whose net pay increased by over $200 per month thanks to the Trump tax cuts, I am grateful that Biden has left most of those tax cuts intact.

Many Democrats--and many Republicans--do not know that Trump's USMCA trade deal, which was passed by Congress with huge bipartisan majorities in 2020, is substantially protectionist and includes provisions to protect American industries and workers against competition from foreign dirt-wage industries and workers. Even devout liberals Elizabeth Warren and Patrick Leahy voted for it, as did staunch conservatives Josh Hawley and Ted Cruz. It passed the Senate 89-10. It passed the House 385-41.

Republicans ardently defended and praised Trump's imposition of stiff tariffs on Chinese imports in response to China's long history of unfair and predatory trade practices. Yet, when Biden recently extended and expanded Trump's China tariffs, few Republicans praised him for it, and many Republicans accused him of "protectionism," ignoring the fact that these are Trump's tariffs and acting as though there's something wrong with protecting American jobs, workers, and industry from unfair trade practices.
I consider myself a right leaning moderate but I have found almost nothing Biden has done that was any good. It you could humor me a little, what do you think he has done that is good?
There are a few reasons Biden left the Trump tax cuts in place:
  1. He didn't have 60 votes in the Senate to change the tax codes. He only had 2 votes involving fiscal issues per year, that he could pass on a majority basis and he needed all of those votes to get his sweeping reconstruction agenda passed into law;
  2. His primary focus was to get through the pandemic, get the nation vaccinated, and get people back to work. Faced with crises throughout the nation, and around the world, and a suffering people at home, from the mess Trump left, Biden put the health and well being of the nation first.
  3. Raising taxes in the middle of an economic crash would be stupid. It's just as stupid to cut taxes in the middle of an economic boom, which is what Trump did. You raise taxes in a boom, and cut in a recession.
  4. The tax cuts expire in 2025, why do it now? Given all of the other crises that the nation is facing at the moment. Why waste the time and energy forcing the discussion now, when it's all going to come up again next year anyway. The time to have this discussion is after the election.
Biden expanded and extended the Chinese tariffs because you still don't have a trade deal with China. Trump tore up the last deal and left office without replacing it. This was devasting for US exports to China, and did nothing but raise prices for Americans buying more and more cheap stuff from China.

Biden hasn't been a real pal to Xi the way Trump was in each and every way. Tearing up the US Trade agreement freed up the Chinese to make friends and build alliances with Mexico and South America, while buying cheaper grain for their people.

Just as labelling African and Central American nations as "shithole countries" and cancelling US Foreign aid, allowed Russia and Xi to build trading relations and strategic alliances in Africa, in particular.

Trump has been a friend and ally of dictators around the world.

nice spin job Ms. Whirlpool.
You made it a part of the point

And pointing out how running up the debt was one example of that.
Read: You're another rabid partisan who won't admit that a President has done anything good if he's not in your party.

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