President Biden Makes Another Good Move: He Keeps and Expands Trump's Tariffs on Chinese Imports

Generally speaking, Republicans supported protective tariffs to protect and expand American industry, while Democrats began supporting protective tariffs to protect American workers. Both reasons are valid.

One of the reasons that Trump's superb trade deal, the USMCA, passed Congress in 2020 with large bipartisan majorities was that people realized that NAFTA had gone too far and had done significant damage to American industry and American workers. The USMCA passed 89-10 in the Senate and 385-41 in the House.

Um, actually, like everything else Trump does, it was all smoke and mirrors. USMCA is pretty much the same as NAFTA, there were no real changes and cheap Mexican goods keep flowing across the border while Factories are still moving to Mexico. Hey, remember that supposed Air Conditioner factory in Indiana Trump and Pence claimed they saved? Well, nope. that factory went to Mexico anyway.

There is simply no way that an American factory in Ohio or Alabama or Arizona that pays good wages and benefits and that must comply with federal and state safety regulations can compete against a factory in a foreign country that pays far lower wages and benefits and that operates under much less stringent safety regulations (if any). Even with the cost of shipping, the disparity in labor costs and operating costs is so huge that the foreign factory's products will be less expensive than the American factory's products.

If you knew anything about purchasing and supply chain, you'd realize how stupid you sound.

As someone who has worked in the Supply chain for the last 30 years, including working with British and Japanese manufacturers, the reality is that there are huge advantages to having your factory in the point-of-use location. It's not just shipping costs. It's time. It's quality. It's service levels. It's dealing with customs.

An overseas supplier is good if you buy by the container load and have a long lead time, but the expedited costs and low quality will often bite into your profit margin.

Protecting major industries is another reason for protective tariffs. China, Russia, South Korea, and Japan, for example, use protective tariffs to protect their most vital industries. In some cases, they also subsidize those industries to ensure their success. So-called "free traders" usually ignore the fact that America became an industrial giant behind the secure walls erected by protective tariffs.

Actually, we became an industrial giant because everyone else blew themselves up in two world wars while we remained relatively untouched.

Here's the reality. Up until 1820, China was the world's biggest manufacturer. They were supplanted by the British during the industrial revolution (with a huge empire to exploit the shit out of), and were in turn supplanted by the US after WWI and WWII destroyed all the world's empires. (which is a good thing, because Empires suck!)

"Free trade" certainly wasn't "free" for the hundreds of thousands of American workers who unfairly lost their jobs when their companies moved overseas to take advantage of cheaper labor and cheaper operating costs. Most of those displaced factory workers ended up taking lower-paying jobs in the service sector.

So I say again, bravo to President Biden for extending and expanding Trump's tariffs on Chinese imports.

Um, you are being short sighted. Free Trade brings peace. As long as China and the US are making money off of each other, they have a very good incentive not to go to war over something stupid like some Islands in the South China Sea. We don't have to like China, but there is a benefit to doing business with them. We can get cheap consumer goods most of us could never afford.
Cleetus dun don't understand the point.

There are far more white people than black people, so this stands to reason. Per capita means something to most of us. Since you brought up race(again), white people also contribute far more to entitlement programs than miniories, so it makes sense they would get more back. SS is the big one that you harp on all the time and per capita, minorities take more than white people in that program as well. You are completely lost here.

You miss my point. If you really wanted to end big government and have your happy fucking utopia of government dependence, we should cut all Social Security and medicare, tomorrow. Take all that money, use it to pay down the debt. Let fucking White Granny die if she is no longer useful to the Corporate Machine and the One Percent. Only rich old people really deserve to live, amiright?

Seriously, go ahead and try that instead of the sneaky shit that Newt and Ryan used to try to pull, hoping to scam us when we weren't looking.

As much as you whine and bitch about socialism, the fact is, that it's already here, has been for years, most people are fine with it.

Yes, you can slow it down tremendously and then use technology and personnel to fill any gaps as well as respond to incursions, which are much slower and more easily detected with a wall in place.

Everybody knows this, even you dimwits, but Democratic ideology trumps common sense again.

Um, no, guy. Here's your problem. You stop Paco today. You stop Paco Tomorrow. Paco gets through on Monday. Maybe you catch him a year later, and send him back, and the whole process starts all over again.

Whenever Fox does one of their Goebbel's like "Criminal alien reports", it's almost always a guy who has been deported a couple of times.

On the other hand, if you crack down on the rich white people who are hiring Paco, they will stop hiring him and he won't have a reason to come up here anymore.

And live like the average Chinese? The Chinese government won’t stand for the utter laziness of many Americans. The welfare state which you so staunchly support does not exist in the same sense in China as it does here. You can’t just not work and get money.

The Chinese have paid family leave and universal heath care...

However you spin it, AA is racism. You attempt to justify it, but AA intentionally separates people solely based on race and gender, mainly race. That is the very definition of racism. It is quite ironic(or stupid) that the party that claims to be anti-racists believes that more racism is needed to fight existing racism.

No, AA Just compensates for white male privilege.

Here we go again. Bring them all in, legalize them, heck allow them to vote. Neat plan.

Where are the lower income citizens going to work if all their jobs are taken? We just going to pay them to stay home?

We have a labor shortage right now, and it will get worse as the Boomers retire. We actually need those immigrants as much as they need us.

Since you mentioned Florida recently, you think Florida would be a third word country if not in the USA?

What I know is that the average salary of Republicans in my state is quite a bit higher than the average of Democrats. You can take that however you would like to take it.

Take it where? Why do you think greed and avarice are positive character traits. The point is, which ever state you live in (which you won't tell us because Google is a thing) is far poorer than any Blue state.

There is that childlike mind again. If there weren’t bad actors in the world, this would work. If a bullfrog had wings he wouldn’t bump his butt. Kum-ba-ya

Oh, bullshit. Ike recognized the evils of the MIC. Spending a billion dollars a copy on a plane that can't fly in the rain while kids go hungry does not make us a moral society.

We spend more than the next 10 countries combined on the military, and eight of those countries are allies.
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CLeetus keeps saying how his state is better, but he won't ever tell you what that state is because he knows Google is a thing.
Um, actually, Dem / Socislist bumpkins won’t address failing education systems in the US because they are largely the cause.

Overwhelmingly, it was the corrupt AFT dictating to spineless Ole’ Stumblebum that school closures were to be national policy during the Wuhan virus. That was further enforced by Dem \ Socialist governors taking on the role of wannabe dictators.

Student test scores in leftist Hell holes are a disaster.

Seventy-five percent of students at the lowest-performing elementary schools failed to meet standards on state exams. More than 20 percent of these students scored in the lowest category in reading, meaning they have a difficult time determining the main idea of a persuasive essay or the plot of a short story.

What were once reaching and research universities are now dumping grounds for meritless, sub-standard DIE flunkies.

Within three years of Lucero’s hiring in 2020, UCLA dropped from 6th to 18th place in U.S. News & World Report‘s rankings for medical research. And in some of the cohorts she admitted, more than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics.

“Race-based admissions have turned UCLA into a ‘failed medical school,’ said one former member of the admissions staff. ‘We want racial diversity so badly, we’re willing to cut corners to get it.'”

We see the results of Dems / Socialists turning grade schools into grooming labs while instructing children to keep secrets from tgeir parents, tranny story time, gay and queer ideology being taught and DIE policies destroying schools of science and medicine.

Within three years of Lucero’s hiring in 2020, UCLA dropped from 6th to 18th place in U.S. News & World Report‘s rankings for medical research. And in some of the cohorts she admitted, more than 50 percent of students failed standardized tests on emergency medicine, family medicine, internal medicine, and pediatrics.

“Race-based admissions have turned UCLA into a ‘failed medical school,’ said one former member of the admissions staff. ‘We want racial diversity so badly, we’re willing to cut corners to get it.'”
Chatbot is malfunctioning this morning.

And you claim to have me on ignore. Odd how you claim that to selectively skedaddle as your fraudulent attempt at argument is dismantled.

You poor, Chatbot.
As much as you whine and bitch about socialism, the fact is, that it's already here, has been for years, most people are fine with it.

No, most people are not fine with it You live in a blue bubble.

On the other hand, if you crack down on the rich white people who are hiring Paco, they will stop hiring him and he won't have a reason to come up here anymore.

They do have a reason to come you dope. Free stuff and sanctuary all at the hands of bleeding heart, brain-dead Democrats. You can’t be this stupid can you?

The Chinese have paid family leave and universal heath care.

I love it when you idiots start defending Communist countries. Yes, they have some universal stuff but you have very little freedom. That is your kind of place for sure.

No, AA Just compensates for white male privilege.

Sure…you likely only got your job because you are white. I am sure that is the only reason I was hired and promoted over the years. There couldn’t possibly be any other reasons.
No, most people are not fine with it You live in a blue bubble.

We used to have a poster here (who I think passed away since) who spent all day bitching about his neighbors who were getting rent through Section 8. But then he also talked about how he couldn't get health insurance through his job and he was now collecting a disability check because he "couldn't work". He just couldn't see the inherent hypocrisy.

They do have a reason to come you dope. Free stuff and sanctuary all at the hands of bleeding heart, brain-dead Democrats. You can’t be this stupid can you?

Except you can't support yourself on that. The main reason they come, besides getting away from horrible governments we've inflicted on them, is for jobs.

Let them know that there's no job waiting for them when they get here, and if they make a bullshit asylum claim, they will be sent back within 180 days, and they won't come.

I love it when you idiots start defending Communist countries. Yes, they have some universal stuff but you have very little freedom. That is your kind of place for sure.

You made a claim China didn't have welfare like the US did. I pointed out that they have MORE welfare than we do.

Sure…you likely only got your job because you are white. I am sure that is the only reason I was hired and promoted over the years. There couldn’t possibly be any other reasons.
Hey, guy, mabye you are the best Possum Catcher in Inbred County... I wouldn't want to speculate.

For myself, I know damned well white privilege has given me an advantage. How do I know this?

Every person who has ever hired me has been another white person. even when I worked for the Japanese company, it was still white people doing the hiring.
besides getting away from horrible governments we've inflicted on them

Yeah, I know, everything in the world is the US’s fault.

Let them know that there's no job waiting for them when they get here, and if they make a bullshit asylum claim, they will be sent back within 180 days, and they won't come.

Pie in the sky.

You made a claim China didn't have welfare like the US did. I pointed out that they have MORE welfare than we do

Sure, at the expense of freedom. That is you you dimwits don’t seem to get but your masters do. Democratic policians want more government dependency because it ultimately gives them more power. You are just dumb enough to fall for it. When you finally realize that you have given it all away, it will be too late. That is how it works, but attempting to explain that to you and your indoctrinated brethren is akin to teaching a great white not to eat seals.

Every person who has ever hired me has been another white person. even when I worked for the Japanese company, it was still white people doing the hiring.

And you assume that because they were white they chose you? That is the problem right there. You make that assumption because that is exactly what YOU would do. YOU project your own racism on everyone else. Everyone is not racist like you. I know that is hard for you to believe, but many people don’t see everything through the filter of race as many, if not most, Democrats do. I couldn’t care less if what color a person is when hiring. If they are the most qualified candidate and will make the company more successful, they get the job.

You are the first to point out that companies are greedy and want to make moe money but at the same time believe they would not hire the best employees because evidently their racisms trumps their desire for money, expect in the case of pro sports where white owners obviously have no problem hiring black employees. Before you say it, yes, there are more white coaches, but that is because there just happen to be more qualified white candidates, much like there are more qualified minority players. The bottom line is the owners want to succeed. Race is NOT the determining factor. That is just rhetoric used to fire up the brain-dead Democratic base. It is hypocrisy and illogical thinking on full display.
Yeah, I know, everything in the world is the US’s fault.

It would be nice if we accepted fault and corrected our policies, yes.

Pie in the sky.

Naw, Pie in the sky is building a fence and thinking that solves the problem. You haven't corrected the underlying problems. The underlying problems are availability of jobs and a broken asylum system. Your solution is barely a speed-bump.

Sure, at the expense of freedom. That is you you dimwits don’t seem to get but your masters do. Democratic policians want more government dependency because it ultimately gives them more power. You are just dumb enough to fall for it. When you finally realize that you have given it all away, it will be too late. That is how it works, but attempting to explain that to you and your indoctrinated brethren is akin to teaching a great white not to eat seals.

Or we just think that government should take care of all our people and not just the rich. I know, this is a crazy idea to you. Because you think the rich actually care about you and your brethren at the Trailer Park.

And you assume that because they were white they chose you? That is the problem right there. You make that assumption because that is exactly what YOU would do. YOU project your own racism on everyone else. Everyone is not racist like you. I know that is hard for you to believe, but many people don’t see everything through the filter of race as many, if not most, Democrats do. I couldn’t care less if what color a person is when hiring. If they are the most qualified candidate and will make the company more successful, they get the job.

You skipped right over my point, probably because it was too uncomfortable. My point was that every person who ever hired me is white. Now, not all of them were racists. (Although at least two of them were, based on things they blurted out after they hired me.) But here's the point that you don't get. You don't have to have a racist boss to have white privilege. People are naturally inclined to favor people who remind them of themselves. It's just human nature. All AA says is to give people who are different a little consideration. It's really not unreasonable.

You are the first to point out that companies are greedy and want to make moe money but at the same time believe they would not hire the best employees because evidently their racisms trumps their desire for money, expect in the case of pro sports where white owners obviously have no problem hiring black employees. Before you say it, yes, there are more white coaches, but that is because there just happen to be more qualified white candidates, much like there are more qualified minority players. The bottom line is the owners want to succeed. Race is NOT the determining factor. That is just rhetoric used to fire up the brain-dead Democratic base. It is hypocrisy and illogical thinking on full display.

Oh, companies are greedy... but they are often stupid as well.
Here are some good articles in defense of protective tariffs, i.e., protectionism:

Again, Biden deserves credit for extending and expanding Trump's tariffs on Chinese imports.
Here are some good articles in defense of protective tariffs, i.e., protectionism:

Again, Biden deserves credit for extending and expanding Trump's tariffs on Chinese imports.

How did he do that? Everything I've bought in the store recently still says, "Made in China". The tariffs didn't hurt China, they still got their money.

The tariff hurt me as a consumer because I'm paying more for a product than it costs to make.

Did all that Mormon Brainwashing scrub away your thinking skills?
It would be nice if we accepted fault and corrected our policies, yes

It would also be nice if Democrats would stop blaming the US for the world’s problems and expecting the US to emulate less successful countries.

Naw, Pie in the sky is building a fence and thinking that solves the problem. You haven't corrected the underlying problems. The underlying problems are availability of jobs and a broken asylum system. Your solution is barely a speed-bump.

No a fence, a wall. I dddn’t say it solved everything, but he most certainly helps slow down illegal crossing when couple with other measures. Everybody except indoctrinated Democrats knows that, even your leaders, but they don’t want to slow down illegal crossings. That is the point you can’t seem to get through your thick skull. Offering incentives, which your leaders do, is also causing more illegal crossings. Again, something that everybody can recognized except indoctrinated Democrats.

Or we just think that government should take care of all our people and not just the rich. I know, this is a crazy idea to you. Because you think the rich actually care about you and your brethren at the Trailer Park.

My tax dollars go to take care of people as it is. The US has a very generous social welfare system. The standard of living for the poor it very good in the US when compared to the vast majority of other countries. Granted, big cities aren’t a great example. The standard of living for the middle class kind of sucks in Manhattan, for example.

All AA says is to give people who are different a little consideration. It's really not unreasonable.

AA prevents some people of some races and gender from college entrance and jobs for which they are better qualified than some that were accepted or hired. There are a finite number of seats in a class and positions to be filled. When AA is used, somebody else had to pay the price for that person’s acceptance or hiring. That is very unreasonable and racist.

Oh, companies are greedy... but they are often stupid as well.

So they are too dumb to recognize that hiring a less qualified candidate for the sake of diversity would be beneficial to them? I think you are the dumb ones.

PS: Since you choose to continue your childishness, your ghetto apartment is no comparison to my trailer. I don’t expect a ditch digger to grasp any of these concepts.
It would also be nice if Democrats would stop blaming the US for the world’s problems and expecting the US to emulate less successful countries.

Who says we are successful? The fact is that your rural trailer park says we are not, Cleetus.

No a fence, a wall. I dddn’t say it solved everything, but he most certainly helps slow down illegal crossing when couple with other measures. Everybody except indoctrinated Democrats knows that, even your leaders, but they don’t want to slow down illegal crossings. That is the point you can’t seem to get through your thick skull. Offering incentives, which your leaders do, is also causing more illegal crossings. Again, something that everybody can recognized except indoctrinated Democrats.

Nobody is coming here for a $500 debit card. They are coming here for the same reason everyone has come here.

My tax dollars go to take care of people as it is. The US has a very generous social welfare system. The standard of living for the poor it very good in the US when compared to the vast majority of other countries. Granted, big cities aren’t a great example. The standard of living for the middle class kind of sucks in Manhattan, for example.

Our social welfare system is a joke compared to Europe.

AA prevents some people of some races and gender from college entrance and jobs for which they are better qualified than some that were accepted or hired. There are a finite number of seats in a class and positions to be filled. When AA is used, somebody else had to pay the price for that person’s acceptance or hiring. That is very unreasonable and racist.

Works on the assumption that a biased test developed by a racist (look up the history of the SAT some time) is a valid barometer of who is "qualified".

So they are too dumb to recognize that hiring a less qualified candidate for the sake of diversity would be beneficial to them? I think you are the dumb ones.

No, they are too dumb avoid hiring the boss's idiot nephew, the manager's fuck-buddy, or the drinking pal of a supervisor.

AA compensates for white privilege. NOthing more, nothing less.
Who says we are successful? The fact is that your rural trailer park says we are not, Cleetus.

Just because you, the ditch digger, live in the dregs of our society, doesn't mean it is that way for all of us. Your ghetto makes may trailer park look like the Taj Mahal.

Nobody is coming here for a $500 debit card. They are coming here for the same reason everyone has come here.

They are coming for many freebees and if Democrats get their way, they vote for the freebees. Neat, I am sure that will work out well.

Our social welfare system is a joke compared to Europe.

And they rely on us toe protect them as they spend money on more parks. Priorities.

Works on the assumption that a biased test developed by a racist (look up the history of the SAT some time) is a valid barometer of who is "qualified".

LOL...Now the SAT is biased. Does that include the math section as well? I don't care if its Lucy, Juan or Letitia who has 2 apples. I don't care if Lucy, Juan and Letitia have 2 bags of crack. None of that affects a person from correctly figuring out a problem or comprehending a paragraph. This is just more excuses.

No, they are too dumb avoid hiring the boss's idiot nephew, the manager's fuck-buddy, or the drinking pal of a supervisor.

AA compensates for white privilege. NOthing more, nothing less.

Maybe in the ditch digging world, hiring your brother is much more common, but work for a very large company and none of my collogues were related in any way prior to being hired. None of them. I am sure it happens on occasion, but certainly not frequently enough to justify the existence of a program that discriminates in all hiring decisions.
Just because you, the ditch digger, live in the dregs of our society, doesn't mean it is that way for all of us. Your ghetto makes may trailer park look like the Taj Mahal.
I'm sure you are very proud of your double wide. That's why you don't tell us which state you live in.

They are coming for many freebees and if Democrats get their way, they vote for the freebees. Neat, I am sure that will work out well.

It will work out fine, because those people will eventually join the workforce and produce goods and services of value. Most of them have better work ethics than Americans do.

And they rely on us toe protect them as they spend money on more parks. Priorities.

Sounds to me like they have their priorities straight. We spend more on a single Ford Class Aircraft Carrier (planes not included) than we spend annually on Head Start.

LOL...Now the SAT is biased. Does that include the math section as well? I don't care if its Lucy, Juan or Letitia who has 2 apples. I don't care if Lucy, Juan and Letitia have 2 bags of crack. None of that affects a person from correctly figuring out a problem or comprehending a paragraph. This is just more excuses.
Here, Cleetus, educate yourself.

Many of these same communities have suffered the most from high-stakes testing. Since their inception almost a century ago, the tests have been instruments of racism and a biased system. Decades of research demonstrate that Black, Latin(o/a/x), and Native students, as well as students from some Asian groups, experience bias from standardized tests administered from early childhood through college.

As the U.S. absorbed millions of immigrants from Europe beginning in the 19th century, the day’s leading social scientists, many of them White Anglo-Saxon Protestants, were concerned by the infiltration of non-whites into the nation’s public schools.

In his 1923 book, A Study of American Intelligence, psychologist and eugenicist Carl Brigham wrote that African-Americans were on the low end of the racial, ethnic, and/or cultural spectrum. Testing, he believed, showed the superiority of “the Nordic race group” and warned of the “promiscuous intermingling” of new immigrants in the American gene pool.

Maybe in the ditch digging world, hiring your brother is much more common, but work for a very large company and none of my collogues were related in any way prior to being hired. None of them. I am sure it happens on occasion, but certainly not frequently enough to justify the existence of a program that discriminates in all hiring decisions.
One company I worked at, the Director of Inventory Control was sleeping with the regional vice president. This woman didn't know what she was doing and she was the fucking holy terror.

This was a company with branches across the US, Canada, and Mexico.

Another company I worked for, there was a sales rep whose daddy was the VP of Marketing. The man made stupid decisions, but you didn't dare cross him. He might tell his Daddy.

No, sorry, man, real world, you have to deal with idiot nephews.
I'm sure you are very proud of your double wide. That's why you don't tell us which state you live in.

I could pick the poorest state in the country and it would still have some nicer areas than where YOU live. What don't you understand about that?

Sounds to me like they have their priorities straight. We spend more on a single Ford Class Aircraft Carrier (planes not included) than we spend annually on Head Start.

Spoken like a true child and Democrat. Spend all your money on movies and entertainment but then can't pay your electric bill and rent. The reality is that bad countries who want to take their stuff actually do exist. They may not like it. They may want this Utopian world with nothing puppy dogs and balloons, but that is simply not reality. Again, priorities.

You guys will believe anything that bolsters your ideology.

Even if we believe that the guy responsible for the SAT was racist( I don't), what does that have to do with the test today? Yeah, nothing.

No, sorry, man, real world, you have to deal with idiot nephews.

It is not prevalent, but funny enough, you support a policy that does the exact same thing(hiring potentially un/less qualified candidates) but instead of being based on nepotism, it is based on race and gender. Not only that, you support that AA be taken into account in every hiring and admission decision ,making it far worse and more damaging. It is illogical, but logic is not your friend.
I could pick the poorest state in the country and it would still have some nicer areas than where YOU live. What don't you understand about that?
So let us know what state you live in, and we can compare it to IL.

I don't think it will come off well.

Spoken like a true child and Democrat. Spend all your money on movies and entertainment but then can't pay your electric bill and rent. The reality is that bad countries who want to take their stuff actually do exist. They may not like it. They may want this Utopian world with nothing puppy dogs and balloons, but that is simply not reality. Again, priorities.

So let me get this straight, to you buying an aircraft carrier is a priority (even though we have more Aircraft carriers than the rest of the world combined and most of them belong to allies) but Head Start is a frivolous expense.

Let's be blunt. Russia can barely take Ukraine, and China is barely a threat to Tawain, but we still need to piss away a trillion a year on defense spending? Most of it on expensive toys that will never get used.

Even if we believe that the guy responsible for the SAT was racist( I don't), what does that have to do with the test today? Yeah, nothing.

Yeah, a lot, if the testing was always to reaffirm white supremacy, then no doubt it is biased. It's why a lot of universities are abandoning it, and rightfully so.
It is not prevalent, but funny enough, you support a policy that does the exact same thing(hiring potentially un/less qualified candidates) but instead of being based on nepotism, it is based on race and gender. Not only that, you support that AA be taken into account in every hiring and admission decision ,making it far worse and more damaging. It is illogical, but logic is not your friend.

Are you fucking retarded, Cleetus?

The thing is, 50% of the population is female. So if you start with the premise that slot X has to be filled by a woman, you aren't going to have a hard time finding a qualified woman. The biggest beneficiaries of AA have been= wait for it - WHITE WOMEN! And a lot of EEO/DEI people count women and Asians towards their diversity goals... In fact, white males are only 35% of the population, favoring them actually shrinks your candidate pool.

If you shrink it further to just including idiot nephews and drinking buddies of the boss, that's an even smaller pool. Yet I've seen both happen.
So let us know what state you live in, and we can compare it to IL.

I don't think it will come off well.

That is like saying lets compare someone living anywhere in the US with someone living anywhere in France. Does that make a lot of sense to you?

You live and around Chicago. What I am telling you is that every state in the country has some areas nicer than the area in which you live.

So let me get this straight, to you buying an aircraft carrier is a priority (even though we have more Aircraft carriers than the rest of the world combined and most of them belong to allies) but Head Start is a frivolous expense.

Let's be blunt. Russia can barely take Ukraine, and China is barely a threat to Tawain, but we still need to piss away a trillion a year on defense spending? Most of it on expensive toys that will never get used.

So the US can stop contributing so much to NATO? I know many European countries wouldn't be ok with that and yet you are ok with them not paying their "fair share" to protect them from dangers in their own backyard.

Yeah, a lot, if the testing was always to reaffirm white supremacy, then no doubt it is biased. It's why a lot of universities are abandoning it, and rightfully so.

What you are saying is that even if the test itself is not biased, if the results tend to show a trend that you don't like, we need to get rid of it. What is your proposal? Just let people in solely based on their race? School curriculum is likely biased too, right? Lets just randomly allow people into college from lottery picks that is perfectly aligned with our current racial makeup. We need to make sure we do the same for medical school admissions. MCAT is likely biased and grades don't matter because curriculum is biased. Lets do the same hiring in corporations, because again, college curriculum is likely biased as well. What could go wrong?

You don't think things through.

The thing is, 50% of the population is female. So if you start with the premise that slot X has to be filled by a woman, you aren't going to have a hard time finding a qualified woman. The biggest beneficiaries of AA have been= wait for it - WHITE WOMEN! And a lot of EEO/DEI people count women and Asians towards their diversity goals... In fact, white males are only 35% of the population, favoring them actually shrinks your candidate pool.

What is your point? I am telling you that people shouldn't be hired based on race or gender. Pretty simple to most of us thinking folks. AA is racist and sexist. That's all.
That is like saying lets compare someone living anywhere in the US with someone living anywhere in France. Does that make a lot of sense to you?
Um, no.

The thing is, the South would be a third-world country today if they won the Civil War.

Now, a few of you inbreds live in mansions, big deal. There are mansions in the third world.

You complain about bad neighborhoods in Chicago, but you leave out that those people escaped from the South despite the laws keeping them from leaving.

You live and around Chicago. What I am telling you is that every state in the country has some areas nicer than the area in which you live.
Probably not, my Suburb was voted one of the ten best places to live in the US by Money Magazine.

So the US can stop contributing so much to NATO? I know many European countries wouldn't be ok with that and yet you are ok with them not paying their "fair share" to protect them from dangers in their own backyard.

Very little of what we waste on the military (and as former Army supply NCO, I can tell you the one thing they did well was piss away money) actually goes to Europe. Most of it goes to the Middle East and needlessly antagonizing China.

What you are saying is that even if the test itself is not biased, if the results tend to show a trend that you don't like, we need to get rid of it. What is your proposal? Just let people in solely based on their race? School curriculum is likely biased too, right? Lets just randomly allow people into college from lottery picks that is perfectly aligned with our current racial makeup. We need to make sure we do the same for medical school admissions. MCAT is likely biased and grades don't matter because curriculum is biased. Lets do the same hiring in corporations, because again, college curriculum is likely biased as well. What could go wrong?

You don't think things through.

Well, you mean, I didn't jump to every illogical conclusion that you have.

Let's take the MCAT. To get to take the MCAT, you should have already gotten a pretty good GPA and completed or being closed to completing your Bachelor's in some related field. (i.e., Premed, BIology). They aren't going to let a Liberal Arts major in Lesbian Studies take it with a 2.0 GPA. (Not that such a person exists outside of Wingnut Fever Dreams in Jesusland!)

But to give a racist test designed by a eugenicist to a 17-year-old and say, "Little Jamal, all of your future will be determined by how you do on this test! And you will be competing against LIttle Timmy, whose parents could afford to hire him a SAT coach!"

What is your point? I am telling you that people shouldn't be hired based on race or gender. Pretty simple to most of us thinking folks. AA is racist and sexist. That's all.
I agree. We need to get rid of white male privilege that benefits white men, who already have more privilege than we can stand.
You complain about bad neighborhoods in Chicago, but you leave out that those people escaped from the South despite the laws keeping them from leaving.

Nobody moves to where you live for any other reason than a high paying job. The weather sucks, the taxes suck and most of the people suck. People are moving to the South...have been for more than 2 decades, it just accelerated after COVID when people realized they could work from home with their inflated for cost of living salaries and either live in a relative dump in Chicago or NY or work from home and live in a very nice home on the water in Florida with lower taxes, less crime and far better weather, for example. Most sane people make that choice, but I would love nothing more than people like you to stay in your relative cesspool.

Probably not, my Suburb was voted one of the ten best places to live in the US by Money Magazine.

And my area is routinely listed in the top 5-10 of places to live in the country by nearly every publication that does such rankings. To each his own. I'll take a better standard of living, nicer people and far better weather any day of the week.

Let's take the MCAT. To get to take the MCAT, you should have already gotten a pretty good GPA and completed or being closed to completing your Bachelor's in some related field. (i.e., Premed, BIology). They aren't going to let a Liberal Arts major in Lesbian Studies take it with a 2.0 GPA. (Not that such a person exists outside of Wingnut Fever Dreams in Jesusland!)

Um, but medical schools also practice AA. An African American who attended the same school, had the same major, graduated with the same GPA and had the same MCAT scores as a white person stands a far better chance of getting admitted to the same medical school because of AA. An African American with lower credentials would also be more likely to get in over a white person with the better credentials. The gap is actually very large in some cases, particularly with Asians and African Americans. There is no way to spin that as being fair.

But to give a racist test designed by a eugenicist to a 17-year-old and say, "Little Jamal, all of your future will be determined by how you do on this test! And you will be competing against LIttle Timmy, whose parents could afford to hire him a SAT coach!"

Cool, then lets base AA on economics vs race. The problem is, the left isn't ok with that either. You don't have a problem with the African American raised by affluent parents getting in over little Timmy raised in a trailer park with drug addicted parents. None of this has anything to do with anything other than getting whitey. It is racist at its core. It is sick and evil, but then again, so are Democrats.

I agree. We need to get rid of white male privilege that benefits white men, who already have more privilege than we can stand.

Nonsense rhetoric gobbled up by ignorant leftists. Nothing more.

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