5 of Obama's Lies on His EO on Immigration


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
This blooger only selects 5 of the top 10 reported by Daniel Horowitz @ Conservative Review - Top 10 Lies from Obamas Nullification Speech but they seem to be the nut of the entire farce. The media is slowly becoming aware of this man's perchance to overstate and even lie, so perhaps they too will report this.

He doesn't plan on deporting felons when he's already released 80,000 of them from custody in 2013.

His edict covers far more than 5 million – closer to 12-20 million

The way renewing the work permit goes, illegals can stay here forever.

Illegal crossings have gone up, especially from Central America

And not every president has taken executive action on immigration! No other president has ever issued anything equal to this.

Read more with links @ Doug Ross Journal Top 5 Whoppers From Obama s Announcement That He s Nullifying U.S. Immigration Law

I personally hope the Lame Duck Congress does absolutely nothing on this! Wait until next year.

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