5 Points On Why The GOP Congress Is Careening Toward Another Shutdown


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
5 Points On Why The GOP Congress Is Careening Toward Another Shutdown

Talking Points Memo is a Left-oriented website, and Sahil Kapur is definitely from the Left, but the five points his lists are based on facts, the current standing of both the HOR and the Senate and also based on solid logic.

Here are the headlines to the five points, and I quote:

"1.) House Republicans are more worried about caving on immigration than a shutdown

2.) Senate Democrats are equally dug in against anything but a "clean" DHS bill

3.) Some Republicans are downplaying the impacts of a DHS shutdown

4.) Republican senators reject House GOP calls to gut the filibuster

5.) Congress is about to recess for a week with no viable plan"


The complete text to all five bullet-points are to be found at the link. Some interesting information there.

IMO, this is all about strategema, with very, very high stakes.
Whichever side blinks loses.

However, if there is a shutdown and somehow, because the DHS is not functioning as it should and a terror-attack happens, then we all lose. It's that simple.

I would absolutely LOVE for this government to shut down for a month. It would show everyone just how bloated and inefficient it is. My guess is the vast majority of Americans wouldn't even notice a difference.
I would absolutely LOVE for this government to shut down for a month. It would show everyone just how bloated and inefficient it is. My guess is the vast majority of Americans wouldn't even notice a difference.

it would show everyone what a dope you are too
Here we go again folks. same old shit

they blamed them before so why not try it again

lets hope the people won't fall for it this time and I believe this is one of the reasons they kicked democrats out of power to begin with
They are so far Right, the only thing they have to worry about is being "Primaried out" if they are not severely conservative enough. Thats due, in large part, to gerrymandering.

Heres what happened the last time the GOP allowed the t party to shut the gubmint down :up:

Government Shutdown Cost 24 Billion According to Standard Poor s TIME.com
  • About $3.1 billion in lost government services, according to the research firm IHS
  • $152 million per day in lost travel spending, according to the U.S. Travel Association
  • $76 million per day lost because of National Parks being shut down, according to the National Park Service
  • $217 million per day in lost federal and contractor wages in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area alone
Hundreds of thousands of federal workers bore the economic brunt of the shutdown. But small businesses also suffered from frozen government contracts and stalled business loans. Tourism suffered from closed national parks, and military families had to cope without childcare and other services. Federal workers will receive back-pay under the deal, but contractors will probably not get their lost wages. The stall in cash-flow could affect spending during the holiday shopping season.
I would absolutely LOVE for this government to shut down for a month. It would show everyone just how bloated and inefficient it is. My guess is the vast majority of Americans wouldn't even notice a difference.

it would show everyone what a dope you are too

Doubtful. The last time it happened most people didn't notice a thing. Make it last longer so the people can really see how useless a large part of the government truly is.
I would absolutely LOVE for this government to shut down for a month. It would show everyone just how bloated and inefficient it is. My guess is the vast majority of Americans wouldn't even notice a difference.

it would show everyone what a dope you are too

Doubtful. The last time it happened most people didn't notice a thing. Make it last longer so the people can really see how useless a large part of the government truly is.

the people who weren't getting a paycheck didn't notice a thing ?

and you're from what planet again?
The government shutdown cots Americans $24 billion.

That’s according to an estimate from Standard & Poor’s. The financial services company said the shutdown, which ended with a deal late Wednesday night after 16 days, took $24 billion out of the U.S. economy, and reduced projected fourth-quarter GDP growth from 3 percent to 2.4 percent.

Here’s a breakdown of some of the economic cost by our calculations:

  • About $3.1 billion in lost government services, according to the research firm IHS
  • $152 million per day in lost travel spending, according to the U.S. Travel Association
  • $76 million per day lost because of National Parks being shut down, according to the National Park Service
  • $217 million per day in lost federal and contractor wages in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area alone.

who didn't notice?

morons, that's who.
I prefer a permanent shut down.

People say the central government is a necessary evil...well I say a necessary evil is STILL evil.

Hell is empty all the devils are here...and by here, I mean in Wash DC.
Expanding on the OP:

1. The democrats think the gop will suffer politically from a govt shutdown. They suffered in the polls in 2013.

2. The gop congress does not think it will suffer. They picked up seats in 2014.
5 Points On Why The GOP Congress Is Careening Toward Another Shutdown

Talking Points Memo is a Left-oriented website, and Sahil Kapur is definitely from the Left, but the five points his lists are based on facts, the current standing of both the HOR and the Senate and also based on solid logic.

Here are the headlines to the five points, and I quote:

"1.) House Republicans are more worried about caving on immigration than a shutdown

2.) Senate Democrats are equally dug in against anything but a "clean" DHS bill

3.) Some Republicans are downplaying the impacts of a DHS shutdown

4.) Republican senators reject House GOP calls to gut the filibuster

5.) Congress is about to recess for a week with no viable plan"


The complete text to all five bullet-points are to be found at the link. Some interesting information there.

IMO, this is all about strategema, with very, very high stakes.
Whichever side blinks loses.

However, if there is a shutdown and somehow, because the DHS is not functioning as it should and a terror-attack happens, then we all lose. It's that simple.


So in order for a bill to be "clean" is has to give your dear leader everything he wants? Fuck him and the whore party he rode in on. Republicans were given a majority in both houses to put a stop to this SOBs unlawful actions and if they fail that by giving in there will be a price to be paid from us. The house passed a bill, the senate needs to take it up the commiecrat party of losers should allow debate and get them on record where they stand. Since this is a budget bill the senate should us reconciliation and pass it with a simple majority, just like the commiecrats did with the ACA.
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5 Points On Why The GOP Congress Is Careening Toward Another Shutdown

Talking Points Memo is a Left-oriented website, and Sahil Kapur is definitely from the Left, but the five points his lists are based on facts, the current standing of both the HOR and the Senate and also based on solid logic.

Here are the headlines to the five points, and I quote:

"1.) House Republicans are more worried about caving on immigration than a shutdown

2.) Senate Democrats are equally dug in against anything but a "clean" DHS bill

3.) Some Republicans are downplaying the impacts of a DHS shutdown

4.) Republican senators reject House GOP calls to gut the filibuster

5.) Congress is about to recess for a week with no viable plan"


The complete text to all five bullet-points are to be found at the link. Some interesting information there.

IMO, this is all about strategema, with very, very high stakes.
Whichever side blinks loses.

However, if there is a shutdown and somehow, because the DHS is not functioning as it should and a terror-attack happens, then we all lose. It's that simple.


Discuss what? Far left propaganda not based on reality?

That Is not a discussion that is pushing far left propaganda!
I prefer a permanent shut down.

People say the central government is a necessary evil...well I say a necessary evil is STILL evil.

Hell is empty all the devils are here...and by here, I mean in Wash DC.

and that Ladies and Gentlemen is why a Libertarian doesn't stand a chance in HELL of ever being elected POTUS.
I'm all for a total shutdown.

But not for Our Kenyan Emperor selectively harming veterans and the elderly, especially not elderly veterans, as he did the last time around.

One might but wonder why He so loathes the old and those who defended this country. Oh wait....that last part makes it obvious.

Never mind.
build Keystone, create temporary jobs

shut down the government, kill thousands more permanent jobs than Keystone could ever dream of ..

see a pattern here? me either.

RW's don't know WTF they want so there is no pattern to their horseshit.
I'm all for a total shutdown.

But not for Our Kenyan Emperor selectively harming veterans and the elderly, especially not elderly veterans, as he did the last time around.

One might but wonder why He so loathes the old and those who defended this country. Oh wait....that last part makes it obvious.

Never mind.

This only affects DHS, no one else. You can bet the dear leader might threaten to ground all commercial flights because the paid gropers won't be there to screen passengers.
build Keystone, create temporary jobs

shut down the government, kill thousands more permanent jobs than Keystone could ever dream of ..

see a pattern here? me either.

RW's don't know WTF they want so there is no pattern to their horseshit.

He dipstick the government has already been funded through Sep 30 except DHS. If DHS is too big to fail maybe congress should break it up into more manageable parts like it used to be.
I would absolutely LOVE for this government to shut down for a month. It would show everyone just how bloated and inefficient it is. My guess is the vast majority of Americans wouldn't even notice a difference.

it would show everyone what a dope you are too

Doubtful. The last time it happened most people didn't notice a thing. Make it last longer so the people can really see how useless a large part of the government truly is.

the people who weren't getting a paycheck didn't notice a thing ?

and you're from what planet again?

It was government workers who were affected. The rest of the people didn't notice it at all. And, the government workers were paid up when it was all over so there was no net loss for them either.
This only affects DHS, no one else. You can bet the dear leader might threaten to ground all commercial flights because the paid gropers won't be there to screen passengers.

Not hard to imagine Him doing that. Right up to when a Democrat Congresscritter tries to board a flight to go home. Then the question comes as to which will come first: A Congressional override of the tantrum? Or scrambling a military jet for any Democrat Congresscritter so inconvenienced?

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