5 Things You Don't Know About Robert Mueller

he's good at his job, whatever it may be.....!!!

I would have been scared to have him as a daddy! He would have never bought in to my bull crud and excuses for breaking the rules!!! :eek:

My dad was scary enough! He had the GI Belt, ready to go in to action! And always made the sis and me, aware of it!!!!!!!! :eek:

So you're all up to speed on the Anthrax Attack and how Mueller spend 5 years doggedly pursuing the totally wrong guy?
yea, the bloodhounds gave his team a false lead....but he did change the head of the investigation after 4 years or so, and two years later, they had their man....who killed himself when his lawyer was notified that charges were coming down on him.....

1 case out of hundreds would be expected, even with one of the best, we are only human....

6 years? WWII didn't last as long
Exactly. What can you possibly learn after 6 years you didn’t know after 6 months.
he's good at his job, whatever it may be.....!!!

I would have been scared to have him as a daddy! He would have never bought in to my bull crud and excuses for breaking the rules!!! :eek:

My dad was scary enough! He had the GI Belt, ready to go in to action! And always made the sis and me, aware of it!!!!!!!! :eek:

So you're all up to speed on the Anthrax Attack and how Mueller spend 5 years doggedly pursuing the totally wrong guy?
yea, the bloodhounds gave his team a false lead....but he did change the head of the investigation after 4 years or so, and two years later, they had their man....who killed himself when his lawyer was notified that charges were coming down on him.....

1 case out of hundreds would be expected, even with one of the best, we are only human....

6 years? WWII didn't last as long
Exactly. What can you possibly learn after 6 years you didn’t know after 6 months.

Mueller actually thought that Hatfill made a sophisticated, weaponized version of anthrax using a shoebox and a ziploc in a local pond
he's good at his job, whatever it may be.....!!!

I would have been scared to have him as a daddy! He would have never bought in to my bull crud and excuses for breaking the rules!!! :eek:

My dad was scary enough! He had the GI Belt, ready to go in to action! And always made the sis and me, aware of it!!!!!!!! :eek:

So you're all up to speed on the Anthrax Attack and how Mueller spend 5 years doggedly pursuing the totally wrong guy?
yea, the bloodhounds gave his team a false lead....but he did change the head of the investigation after 4 years or so, and two years later, they had their man....who killed himself when his lawyer was notified that charges were coming down on him.....

1 case out of hundreds would be expected, even with one of the best, we are only human....

6 years? WWII didn't last as long
Exactly. What can you possibly learn after 6 years you didn’t know after 6 months.

Mueller actually thought that Hatfill made a sophisticated, weaponized version of anthrax using a shoebox and a ziploc in a local pond

Yep. They IGNORED legit scientific evidence to concentrate on their chosen target. They are at best buffoons.
So you're all up to speed on the Anthrax Attack and how Mueller spend 5 years doggedly pursuing the totally wrong guy?
yea, the bloodhounds gave his team a false lead....but he did change the head of the investigation after 4 years or so, and two years later, they had their man....who killed himself when his lawyer was notified that charges were coming down on him.....

1 case out of hundreds would be expected, even with one of the best, we are only human....

6 years? WWII didn't last as long
Exactly. What can you possibly learn after 6 years you didn’t know after 6 months.

Mueller actually thought that Hatfill made a sophisticated, weaponized version of anthrax using a shoebox and a ziploc in a local pond

Yep. They IGNORED legit scientific evidence to concentrate on their chosen target. They are at best buffoons.

Anyone see a pattern here? There's real evidence of Hillary colluding with the Russian and he's ignoring that to tilt at Trump Putin windmills
So you're all up to speed on the Anthrax Attack and how Mueller spend 5 years doggedly pursuing the totally wrong guy?
yea, the bloodhounds gave his team a false lead....but he did change the head of the investigation after 4 years or so, and two years later, they had their man....who killed himself when his lawyer was notified that charges were coming down on him.....

1 case out of hundreds would be expected, even with one of the best, we are only human....

6 years? WWII didn't last as long
Exactly. What can you possibly learn after 6 years you didn’t know after 6 months.

Mueller actually thought that Hatfill made a sophisticated, weaponized version of anthrax using a shoebox and a ziploc in a local pond

Yep. They IGNORED legit scientific evidence to concentrate on their chosen target. They are at best buffoons.

Mueller's Prosecutorial Misconduct

Donation to Trump:

$150,000, 01% of his net worth, never visited Trump in person

Donation to the Clintons, 20% of their net worth, attended Clintons 65th Bday, numerous visits to SecState Hillary.

Trumpov Wackos (formerly Waco-s) recently talk about how partisan and unfair the investigation is, and about Last Year's Infowars/Alex-Jones Conspiracy special "Deep State," which has now become 'mainstream' GOP Loony, ie Faux News.

But Law enforcment agencies like the FBI are probably 90% Republican. DEEPly.

Mueller is a Republican.
Mueller was nominated by Bush, and confirmed 98-0, then reconfirmed 100-0 for a second term.
Mueller is a Vet, and Vietnam Volunteer even tho/after being Princeton grad.

and yet we have hyper-partisan clowns suupporting shady Huckster/carnie/traitor Trumpov.

2 minute vid from VoteVets.org on Facebook


Mueller is a Republican.

There are many by that name who act conversely to the usual expected behavior .

Mueller was nominated by Bush, and confirmed 98-0, then reconfirmed 100-0 for a second term.

Bush was half-Democrat. He even publicly stated he was no conservative. He was simply a better choice than Gore or Kerry.

Mueller is a Vet, and Vietnam Volunteer even tho/after being Princeton grad.

Military service in itself imparts neither wisdom nor virtue.

Many question whether someone is a Republican- if they threaten the calm of Donald Trump.

Bush is 'conveniently' half Democrat- even while being elected overwhelmingly by Republicans. lol

Volunteering for combat duty during an unpopular American war shows a commitment to service to our country. While certainly it doesn't imply the person is wise- it does imply more of a commitment to our country than those who not only didn't volunteer, but took specific efforts to avoid serving- like Clinton and Trump.
Mueller's Prosecutorial Misconduct
Donation to Trump:
$150,000, 01% of his net worth, never visited Trump in person
Donation to the Clintons, 20% of their net worth, attended Clintons 65th Bday, numerous visits to SecState Hillary.
WTF is that Kweationist boy?
It's either a lie or incomprehensible.
Speak English Fwank.

And are they Reported or UNreported donations... by who? to who exactly?... Say so BOY.
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Mueller's Prosecutorial Misconduct
Donation to Trump:
$150,000, 01% of his net worth, never visited Trump in person
Donation to the Clintons, 20% of their net worth, attended Clintons 65th Bday, numerous visits to SecState Hillary.
WTF is that Kweationist boy?
It's either a lie or incomprehensible.
Speak English Fwank.

And are they Reported or UNreported donations... by who? to who exactly?... Say so BOY.

We got him this time! ®

It's the payments from Pinchuk to the candidates Trump and Hillary. Trump received $150,000 from Pinchuk, Hillary received $13,000,000

"Mr. Pinchuk, who has been accused by steel makers in the United States of illegally dumping steel on the American market at artificially low prices, drew more scrutiny during the campaign for his ties to Hillary Clinton and her family foundation. He has donated more than $13 million to that organization since 2006."

Mueller Investigating Ukrainian’s $150,000 Payment for a Trump Appearance
"Mr. Pinchuk, who has been accused by steel makers in the United States of illegally dumping steel on the American market at artificially low prices, drew more scrutiny during the campaign for his ties to Hillary Clinton and her family foundation. He has donated more than $13 million to that organization since 2006."

Mueller Investigating Ukrainian’s $150,000 Payment for a Trump Appearance
Your link/NYT continues...

....Investigators subpoenaed the Trump Organization this year for an array of records about business with foreign nationals. In response, the company handed over documents about a $150,000 donation that the Ukrainian billionaire, Victor Pinchuk, made in September 2015 to the Donald J. Trump Foundation in exchange for a 20-minute appearance by Mr. Trump that month through a video link to a conference in Kiev.

Michael D. Cohen, the president’s personal lawyer whose office and hotel room were raided on Monday in an apparently unrelated case, solicited the donation. The contribution from Mr. Pinchuk, who has sought closer ties for Ukraine to the West, was the largest the foundation received in 2015 from anyone besides Mr. Trump himself.

The subpoena is among signs in recent months that the special counsel, Robert S. Mueller III, is interested in interactions that Mr. Trump or his associates had with countries beyond Russia, though it is not clear what other payments he is scrutinizing.

Mr. Mueller also ordered the Trump Organization to turn over documents, emails and other communications about several Russians, including some whose names have not been publicly tied to Mr. Trump, according to the three people, who would not be named discussing the ongoing investigation. The identities of the Russians were unclear.

The payment from Mr. Pinchuk “is curious because it comes during a campaign and is from a foreigner and looks like an effort to buy influence,” said Marcus S. Owens, a former head of the Internal Revenue Service division that oversees tax-exempt organizations. He called the donation “an unusual amount of money for such a short speech.”
Mr. Trump’s foundation attracted scrutiny during the 2016 campaign over revelations about his lack of financial support for it and his use of it to pay legal settlements rather than fulfill pledges he made to give to charity. In 2007, Mr. Trump used $20,000 from the foundation to buy a six-foot-tall portrait of himself.

Two weeks after he was elected president, the foundation acknowledged in a tax form that it might have broken federal rules designed to prohibit self-dealing, when charities use their money to benefit principals in their organization.

In the same filing, the foundation disclosed the donation from Mr. Pinchuk for Mr. Trump’s video appearance."..."​

Thus the legitimate investigation/further incvestigation by Mueller.

The [sham] Trump Foundation was closed because he was caught using it for self enrichment (ie a painting of Hissef).. while the Clinton foundation is legitimate and gives 95% to Charitable causes worldwide.
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Too bad Hillary didn't get the same 'anal-exam' from Mueller and, it doesn't matter if Mueller is a Republican he's part of the Washington swamp creatures that keep nipping at Trumps toes trying to keep him from actually draining the nice Washington swamp were they lurk and have lurked for decades taking what they want with impunity.
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Trumpov Wackos (formerly Waco-s) recently talk about how partisan and unfair the investigation is, and about Last Year's Infowars/Alex-Jones Conspiracy special "Deep State," which has now become 'mainstream' GOP Loony, ie Faux News.

But Law enforcment agencies like the FBI are probably 90% Republican. DEEPly.

Mueller is a Republican.
Mueller was nominated by Bush, and confirmed 98-0, then reconfirmed 100-0 for a second term.
Mueller is a Vet, and Vietnam Volunteer even tho/after being Princeton grad.

and yet we have hyper-partisan clowns supporting shady Huckster/carnie/traitor Trumpov.

2 minute vid from VoteVets.org on Facebook


Mueller is a rino liberals con man.
Trumpov Wackos (formerly Waco-s) recently talk about how partisan and unfair the investigation is, and about Last Year's Infowars/Alex-Jones Conspiracy special "Deep State," which has now become 'mainstream' GOP Loony, ie Faux News.

But Law enforcment agencies like the FBI are probably 90% Republican. DEEPly.

Mueller is a Republican.
Mueller was nominated by Bush, and confirmed 98-0, then reconfirmed 100-0 for a second term.
Mueller is a Vet, and Vietnam Volunteer even tho/after being Princeton grad.

and yet we have hyper-partisan clowns supporting shady Huckster/carnie/traitor Trumpov.

Are you drunk and/or stupid?
IF Mueller's investigation clears President Trump, you Trump acolytes will be praising Mueller and raising him to god status....and you know it!!!


The only way that happens is if Mueller discovers that Trump was totally unaware of what his son, his son-in-law, his campaign manager(s), his Nat Sec advisor(s) and his lawyer were up to for a three year period.

And...these nuts will LOVE him for being an ignoramus.
Trumpov Wackos (formerly Waco-s) recently talk about how partisan and unfair the investigation is, and about Last Year's Infowars/Alex-Jones Conspiracy special "Deep State," which has now become 'mainstream' GOP Loony, ie Faux News.

But Law enforcment agencies like the FBI are probably 90% Republican. DEEPly.

Mueller is a Republican.
Mueller was nominated by Bush, and confirmed 98-0, then reconfirmed 100-0 for a second term.
Mueller is a Vet, and Vietnam Volunteer even tho/after being Princeton grad.

and yet we have hyper-partisan clowns suupporting shady Huckster/carnie/traitor Trumpov.

2 minute vid from VoteVets.org on Facebook


Mueller is a Republican.

There are many by that name who act conversely to the usual expected behavior .

Mueller was nominated by Bush, and confirmed 98-0, then reconfirmed 100-0 for a second term.

Bush was half-Democrat. He even publicly stated he was no conservative. He was simply a better choice than Gore or Kerry.

Mueller is a Vet, and Vietnam Volunteer even tho/after being Princeton grad.

Military service in itself imparts neither wisdom nor virtue.

What about Donald Trump’s virtue?
There couldn’t be a bigger gap in integrity and virtue between Robert Mueller and Donald Trump than any two humans on earth.
IF Mueller's investigation clears President Trump, you Trump acolytes will be praising Mueller and raising him to god status....and you know it!!!


The only way that happens is if Mueller discovers that Trump was totally unaware of what his son, his son-in-law, his campaign manager(s), his Nat Sec advisor(s) and his lawyer were up to for a three year period.

And...these nuts will LOVE him for being an ignoramus.
The witch hunt will be shut down soon. Count on it. People have had enough with corrupt liberals.

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