5 Things You Don't Know About Robert Mueller

IF Mueller's investigation clears President Trump, you Trump acolytes will be praising Mueller and raising him to god status....and you know it!!!


The only way that happens is if Mueller discovers that Trump was totally unaware of what his son, his son-in-law, his campaign manager(s), his Nat Sec advisor(s) and his lawyer were up to for a three year period.

And...these nuts will LOVE him for being an ignoramus.
The witch hunt will be shut down soon. Count on it. People have had enough with corrupt liberals.

Define soon.
IF Mueller's investigation clears President Trump, you Trump acolytes will be praising Mueller and raising him to god status....and you know it!!!


The only way that happens is if Mueller discovers that Trump was totally unaware of what his son, his son-in-law, his campaign manager(s), his Nat Sec advisor(s) and his lawyer were up to for a three year period.

And...these nuts will LOVE him for being an ignoramus.
The witch hunt will be shut down soon. Count on it. People have had enough with corrupt liberals.

Define soon.
Within a reasonable amount of time.
IF Mueller's investigation clears President Trump, you Trump acolytes will be praising Mueller and raising him to god status....and you know it!!!


The only way that happens is if Mueller discovers that Trump was totally unaware of what his son, his son-in-law, his campaign manager(s), his Nat Sec advisor(s) and his lawyer were up to for a three year period.

And...these nuts will LOVE him for being an ignoramus.
The witch hunt will be shut down soon. Count on it. People have had enough with corrupt liberals.

Define soon.
Within a reasonable amount of time.

That's awesome. The investigation is in its infancy. Get used to it.
IF Mueller's investigation clears President Trump, you Trump acolytes will be praising Mueller and raising him to god status....and you know it!!!


The only way that happens is if Mueller discovers that Trump was totally unaware of what his son, his son-in-law, his campaign manager(s), his Nat Sec advisor(s) and his lawyer were up to for a three year period.

And...these nuts will LOVE him for being an ignoramus.
The witch hunt will be shut down soon. Count on it. People have had enough with corrupt liberals.

Define soon.
Within a reasonable amount of time.

That's awesome. The investigation is in its infancy. Get used to it.
cnn russia.jpg
Vietnam hero.

Robert Mueller truly did serve in the Vietnam War, where his distinguished service as a Marine earned a Bronze Star, the Purple Heart and other decorations. A 2001 profile from Time Magazinereported that Mueller joined the Marines in 1968 and served as the Commander of a rifle platoon of the 3rd Marine Division:

In 1968, while others of his generation were attempting to avoid the draft, Mueller enlisted in the Marine Corps. After officer candidate school, Army Ranger School and Army jump school, he shipped out to Vietnam, where he commanded a rifle platoon. Toward the end of his tour he became aide-de-camp to the commanding general of the Third Marine Division. He was awarded the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, two Navy Commendation Medals and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.

Military.com provided some more information about Mueller’s service:

What was even stranger — he didn’t curse, at least in front of them — and that was decidedly uncommon for a Marine. They also said that he was “solid,” and knew how to listen. And they also liked that he was a “Mustang” — he had enlisted out of Princeton and gone through Parris Island boot camp just like them, and then through Officer Candidate School.

Mueller would earn the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry in his time in Vietnam. The citation for his Bronze Star said that during an attack on his rifle platoon, “2nd Lt. Mueller fearlessly moved from one position to another, directing the accurate counterfire of his men and shouting words of encouragement to them.”

During the firefight on Dec. 11, 1968, Mueller “personally led a fire team across the fire-swept terrain to recover a mortally wounded Marine who had fallen in a position forward of the friendly lines,” the citation said.


Yes, the soldier in the photo is me. I was 19 years old and I was serving with the 25th Infantry Division in Vietnam. I had just returned from a night ambush patrol. I probably just handed my $12 Instamatic film camera to a squad member to take the photo. My family was always asking me to send photos.

I can't find any record of him running away on his little owie foots but there's there's this -

Robert Mueller’s military career, detailed in documents, was brief but remarkable

Also interesting -
Robert Mueller Has A Decorated Combat Record As A Marine Who Fought In Vietnam

And this -
We all know who the simpering little POS coward on the right is but on the left is NOT Muller.
Vietnam hero.

Robert Mueller truly did serve in the Vietnam War, where his distinguished service as a Marine earned a Bronze Star, the Purple Heart and other decorations. A 2001 profile from Time Magazinereported that Mueller joined the Marines in 1968 and served as the Commander of a rifle platoon of the 3rd Marine Division:

In 1968, while others of his generation were attempting to avoid the draft, Mueller enlisted in the Marine Corps. After officer candidate school, Army Ranger School and Army jump school, he shipped out to Vietnam, where he commanded a rifle platoon. Toward the end of his tour he became aide-de-camp to the commanding general of the Third Marine Division. He was awarded the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart, two Navy Commendation Medals and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry.

Military.com provided some more information about Mueller’s service:

What was even stranger — he didn’t curse, at least in front of them — and that was decidedly uncommon for a Marine. They also said that he was “solid,” and knew how to listen. And they also liked that he was a “Mustang” — he had enlisted out of Princeton and gone through Parris Island boot camp just like them, and then through Officer Candidate School.

Mueller would earn the Bronze Star, the Purple Heart and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry in his time in Vietnam. The citation for his Bronze Star said that during an attack on his rifle platoon, “2nd Lt. Mueller fearlessly moved from one position to another, directing the accurate counterfire of his men and shouting words of encouragement to them.”

During the firefight on Dec. 11, 1968, Mueller “personally led a fire team across the fire-swept terrain to recover a mortally wounded Marine who had fallen in a position forward of the friendly lines,” the citation said.


Yes, the soldier in the photo is me. I was 19 years old and I was serving with the 25th Infantry Division in Vietnam. I had just returned from a night ambush patrol. I probably just handed my $12 Instamatic film camera to a squad member to take the photo. My family was always asking me to send photos.

I can't find any record of him running away on his little owie foots but there's there's this -

Robert Mueller’s military career, detailed in documents, was brief but remarkable

Also interesting -
Robert Mueller Has A Decorated Combat Record As A Marine Who Fought In Vietnam

And this -
We all know who the simpering little POS coward on the right is but on the left is NOT Muller.

ARe you arguing that being able to bowl, shows that he was physically capable of serving in combat?
IF Mueller's investigation clears President Trump, you Trump acolytes will be praising Mueller and raising him to god status....and you know it!!!


The only way that happens is if Mueller discovers that Trump was totally unaware of what his son, his son-in-law, his campaign manager(s), his Nat Sec advisor(s) and his lawyer were up to for a three year period.

And...these nuts will LOVE him for being an ignoramus.
The witch hunt will be shut down soon. Count on it. People have had enough with corrupt liberals.

How odd that RWNJs and trump himself are not demanding this investigation just because it will clear trump of wrong doing.

Instead, the trumpkins act like trump is a criminal and trump, well, he's a life long criminal so there's that. And that's exactly how he's behaving.

Why is that?

Trumpov Wackos (formerly Waco-s) recently talk about how partisan and unfair the investigation is, and about Last Year's Infowars/Alex-Jones Conspiracy special "Deep State," which has now become 'mainstream' GOP Loony, ie Faux News.

But Law enforcment agencies like the FBI are probably 90% Republican. DEEPly.

Mueller is a Republican.
Mueller was nominated by Bush, and confirmed 98-0, then reconfirmed 100-0 for a second term.
Mueller is a Vet, and Vietnam Volunteer even tho/after being Princeton grad.

and yet we have hyper-partisan clowns suupporting shady Huckster/carnie/traitor Trumpov.

2 minute vid from VoteVets.org on Facebook


Mueller is a Republican.

There are many by that name who act conversely to the usual expected behavior .

Mueller was nominated by Bush, and confirmed 98-0, then reconfirmed 100-0 for a second term.

Bush was half-Democrat. He even publicly stated he was no conservative. He was simply a better choice than Gore or Kerry.

Mueller is a Vet, and Vietnam Volunteer even tho/after being Princeton grad.

Military service in itself imparts neither wisdom nor virtue.

Many question whether someone is a Republican- if they threaten the calm of Donald Trump.

They were questioned under Obama as well.

Bush is 'conveniently' half Democrat- even while being elected overwhelmingly by Republicans. lol

Consider the alternatives in both elections. LOL

Volunteering for combat duty during an unpopular American war shows a commitment to service to our country. While certainly it doesn't imply the person is wise- it does imply more of a commitment to our country than those who not only didn't volunteer, but took specific efforts to avoid serving- like Clinton and Trump.

I'm sure he had his reasons. In itself, it also does not impart nobility.
Trumpov Wackos (formerly Waco-s) recently talk about how partisan and unfair the investigation is, and about Last Year's Infowars/Alex-Jones Conspiracy special "Deep State," which has now become 'mainstream' GOP Loony, ie Faux News.

But Law enforcment agencies like the FBI are probably 90% Republican. DEEPly.

Mueller is a Republican.
Mueller was nominated by Bush, and confirmed 98-0, then reconfirmed 100-0 for a second term.
Mueller is a Vet, and Vietnam Volunteer even tho/after being Princeton grad.

and yet we have hyper-partisan clowns suupporting shady Huckster/carnie/traitor Trumpov.

2 minute vid from VoteVets.org on Facebook


Mueller is a Republican.

There are many by that name who act conversely to the usual expected behavior .

Mueller was nominated by Bush, and confirmed 98-0, then reconfirmed 100-0 for a second term.

Bush was half-Democrat. He even publicly stated he was no conservative. He was simply a better choice than Gore or Kerry.

Mueller is a Vet, and Vietnam Volunteer even tho/after being Princeton grad.

Military service in itself imparts neither wisdom nor virtue.

Many question whether someone is a Republican- if they threaten the calm of Donald Trump.

They were questioned under Obama as well.

Bush is 'conveniently' half Democrat- even while being elected overwhelmingly by Republicans. lol

Consider the alternatives in both elections. LOL

Volunteering for combat duty during an unpopular American war shows a commitment to service to our country. While certainly it doesn't imply the person is wise- it does imply more of a commitment to our country than those who not only didn't volunteer, but took specific efforts to avoid serving- like Clinton and Trump.

I'm sure he had his reasons. In itself, it also does not impart nobility.

Nor did I say it imparted 'nobility'- but as I said- it does show commitment to serving the United States.

A commitment that he has continued with during his entire career.
The only way that happens is if Mueller discovers that Trump was totally unaware of what his son, his son-in-law, his campaign manager(s), his Nat Sec advisor(s) and his lawyer were up to for a three year period.

And...these nuts will LOVE him for being an ignoramus.
The witch hunt will be shut down soon. Count on it. People have had enough with corrupt liberals.

Define soon.
Within a reasonable amount of time.

That's awesome. The investigation is in its infancy. Get used to it.
View attachment 187403
Nor did I say it imparted 'nobility'- but as I said- it does show commitment to serving the United States.

A commitment that he has continued with during his entire career.
And that's why I started the thread.
Mueller has served his country as well as anyone can.
Going to Vietnam after he got a Princeton degree?
Serving his country in the FBI when he could have been making 10x as much?

Meanwhile, Trumpov has lived on the fringe of illegality.. Raping and pillaging.
Laundering, Chapter 11s, etc.

Alas, now he owes transparency he can't live with.
Even much of his family realized this before he surprisingly won.
They had a nice scam/racket going.. and he planned/plans to continue anyone way he can.
He can fire all his aides, and it'll just be he and Jared-the-family-bagman in the West Wing.
They'll have the intelliegence on al the banks (who won't loan them money), and all the competition, and all the countries that gave him regulatory problems.

Trump is a Criminal MFer and a traitor.


Mueller is a Republican.

There are many by that name who act conversely to the usual expected behavior .
Trump is the proven RINO, not a Republican but a populist opportunist.
Perhaps you don't recall his "Wealth Tax"PLan in the 2000 election cycle.
Trump proposes massive one-time tax on the rich - November 9, 1999.

Or forget Trump is already Blowing the Budget to pieces with tax cuts but little-to-no spending cuts.

Billly said:
Mueller was nominated by Bush, and confirmed 98-0, then reconfirmed 100-0 for a second term.
Billly said:
Bush was half-Democrat. He even publicly stated he was no conservative. He was simply a better choice than Gore or Kerry.
Not really.
the half Republican left us in Two wars, and a 1929 type mitigated Depression.

Billy said:
Mueller is a Vet, and Vietnam Volunteer even tho/after being Princeton grad.
Billy said:
Military service in itself imparts neither wisdom nor virtue.
His Lifetime of service is opposite of Trumpov's selfdealing, bankrupycies,womanizing... and certainly does go to patriotism.
IF Mueller's investigation clears President Trump, you Trump acolytes will be praising Mueller and raising him to god status....and you know it!!!


The only way that happens is if Mueller discovers that Trump was totally unaware of what his son, his son-in-law, his campaign manager(s), his Nat Sec advisor(s) and his lawyer were up to for a three year period.

And...these nuts will LOVE him for being an ignoramus.
The witch hunt will be shut down soon. Count on it. People have had enough with corrupt liberals.
You could be right
Mueller was nominated by Bush
Bush lied about WMDs in Iraq and should have been impeached.

Every conservative knows that!
wmd was found in iraq. Migs buried.
Are you calling Trump a liar?
No I'm calling you a liar.
Nope, you're calling Trump a liar.

Donald Trump said George W. Bush should’ve been impeached

TRUMP: When [Pelosi] first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person, I like her a lot. But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush . It just seemed like she was really going to look to impeach Bush and get him out of office. Which personally I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: To impeach him?

Trump: "Well, he lied. He got us into the war with lies. And, I mean, look at the trouble Bill Clinton got into with something that was totally unimportant. And they tried to impeach him, which was nonsense. And, yet, Bush got us into this horrible war with lies, by lying, by saying they had weapons of mass destruction, by saying all sorts of things that turned out not to be true."

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