5 year old Tennessee autistic boy accused of sexual abuse by CPS for hugging & kissing kindergartner

5-Year-Old Tennessee Autistic Boy Accused of Sexual Abuse by CPS for Hugging and Kissing Kindergartner Classmates

We warn and warn and all the clueless walk around having no idea how easy it is to lose your kid so they can be sold off for some sex trafficking oh but that's tooo scary to hear CPS doesn't dod shit like that lmao!!

CPS are a terrorist group who kidnap kids and sell them to the highest bidders and in a good chunk of cases they are sexually abused.

I have dealt with these trash before,they LOVE going after poor white folks. Unfortunately we unknowingly moved to a county back in 2007 that had ALREADY been sued by a former cop because she refused CPS orders to arrest a woman and kidnap her kids and she won like 40 million. Within a year we were dealing with these pieces of shit. The ONLY thing these scum understand is 1. A weapon to defend your family and 2. a REAL lawyer,the piece of shit court appointed lawyers are CPS lackies who do the BARE minimum to defend you so you must hire a REAL lawyer which we did and funny that in our FIRST meeting with the bastards in the court once they realized we had a REAL lawyer and I had fired the sack of shit who was complicit with them in harming my family they shut up real quick,changed their tune and closed their case because he had a NICE record of suing the corrupt bastards and winning. I am seriously considering continuing on to law school once I am done with my degree to become a lawyer to take the cases of poor folks who are attacked by CPS hordes and can't afford a real lawyer I would do it for free.
Whoever is making the accusations, they do realize that their spotlight is on a special needs child of all people, right?

God bless you and the kid always!!!


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