$50 Trillion For What? Kennedy Dumbfounds Biden Climate Peddler In Fiery Exchange Over ‘Carbon Neutrality’


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

$50 Trillion For What? Kennedy Dumbfounds Biden Climate Peddler In Fiery Exchange Over ‘Carbon Neutrality’

6 May 2023 ~~

In a tense exchange, Kennedy repeatedly attempted to get Turk to give a straightforward answer to just how much American taxpayers will have to pay to achieve the Biden administration’s goal of reaching US carbon neutrality by 2050.
When Kennedy asked whether some of the “experts” Turk referred to earlier were correct in a $50 trillion estimate, Turk nodded his head, and said “It’s gonna cost trillions of dollars, there’s no doubt about it.”
“If we spend $50 trillion to become carbon neutral by 2050 in the United States of America, how much is that going to reduce world temperatures?” Kennedy replied. The conversation continued (transcription via the Daily Caller)
Turk: “So, every country around the world needs to get its act together. Our emissions are about 13% of global emissions right now…”
Kennedy: “Yeah, but if you could answer my question. If we spend $50 trillion to become carbon neutral in the U.S. by 2050, you’re the Deputy Secretary of Energy, give me your estimate of how much that is going to reduce world temperatures.”

This is evil and designed to do one thing.
Bankrupt every western nation and collapse their economies so that it can be “built back better”
You don’t hear about China, India, or Russia, or any of the other big polluters “doing their part” in this global warming, climate change ponsi scheme.
You’d think we would have learned from the last climate emergency, you remember, global cooling and the coming ice age.
There is no evidence that atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is a forcing agent in climate change.
People can rant all day about being “carbon neutral”; variations in global climate have nothing to do with carbon dioxide.

The question is
1) at what point are these efforts incrementally self-defeating (given that some products that we need do have environmental impacts), and​
2) at what point does the failure of their advocates to enforce these measures against the third world (aka China) as opposed to the first world (US and Europe) become evidence of the real political (as opposed to environmental) motives of the exercise?​
Meanwhile, China starts building 5 new coal-fired electric generation plants each day.
Manmade climate change is an unproven hypothesis.
The climate change issue is used as a political tool of fear.
The Democrats use climate change to scare people into compliance with their far-left extremist agenda.
Senator Kennedy asked a very pertinent question; what is the cost to benefit ratio of wasting $50 trillion dollars on the weak scientific hypothesis of manmade climate change?
The greedy corrupt Democrats don't care.
They love looting the Taxpayers.
They treat the Taxpayers like their slaves.
They don't care about devaluing the dollar and their inflation crisis.
They just want the power and the money.

$50 Trillion For What? Kennedy Dumbfounds Biden Climate Peddler In Fiery Exchange Over ‘Carbon Neutrality’

6 May 2023 ~~

In a tense exchange, Kennedy repeatedly attempted to get Turk to give a straightforward answer to just how much American taxpayers will have to pay to achieve the Biden administration’s goal of reaching US carbon neutrality by 2050.
When Kennedy asked whether some of the “experts” Turk referred to earlier were correct in a $50 trillion estimate, Turk nodded his head, and said “It’s gonna cost trillions of dollars, there’s no doubt about it.”
“If we spend $50 trillion to become carbon neutral by 2050 in the United States of America, how much is that going to reduce world temperatures?” Kennedy replied. The conversation continued (transcription via the Daily Caller)
Turk: “So, every country around the world needs to get its act together. Our emissions are about 13% of global emissions right now…”
Kennedy: “Yeah, but if you could answer my question. If we spend $50 trillion to become carbon neutral in the U.S. by 2050, you’re the Deputy Secretary of Energy, give me your estimate of how much that is going to reduce world temperatures.”

This is evil and designed to do one thing.
Bankrupt every western nation and collapse their economies so that it can be “built back better”
You don’t hear about China, India, or Russia, or any of the other big polluters “doing their part” in this global warming, climate change ponsi scheme.
You’d think we would have learned from the last climate emergency, you remember, global cooling and the coming ice age.
There is no evidence that atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is a forcing agent in climate change.
People can rant all day about being “carbon neutral”; variations in global climate have nothing to do with carbon dioxide.

The question is
1) at what point are these efforts incrementally self-defeating (given that some products that we need do have environmental impacts), and​
2) at what point does the failure of their advocates to enforce these measures against the third world (aka China) as opposed to the first world (US and Europe) become evidence of the real political (as opposed to environmental) motives of the exercise?​
Meanwhile, China starts building 5 new coal-fired electric generation plants each day.


Is RFKjr reading the USMB Environment pages??


RFKjr has a CLUE

Which is MORE than ANYONE ELSE running can say....
Manmade climate change is an unproven hypothesis.
The climate change issue is used as a political tool of fear.
The Democrats use climate change to scare people into compliance with their far-left extremist agenda.
Senator Kennedy asked a very pertinent question; what is the cost to benefit ratio of wasting $50 trillion dollars on the weak scientific hypothesis of manmade climate change?
The greedy corrupt Democrats don't care.
They love looting the Taxpayers.
They treat the Taxpayers like their slaves.
They don't care about devaluing the dollar and their inflation crisis.
They just want the power and the money.


Words matter. Climate change is a science. Their theory is Global Warming, that Co2 causes climate change. They have PRECISELY NO EVIDENCE of that.

You did use "manmade" and that is mostly correct, although their only "warming" on Earth is from Urban Heat Sink Effect, which warms urban areas on the surface from 1 to 10 degrees. That is the genesis of all "warming" charts, taking UHSE "warming," blaming it on Co2, and fudging everything else. But humans do build cities...

Please us "Co2 fraud" instead of climate change.

Smack them in the face with that over and over.

What does increasing Co2 in the atmosphere do?


We have two and only two measures of ATMOSPHERIC TEMPS = satellites and balloons.

satellite and weather balloon data have actually suggested the opposite, that the atmosphere was cooling.

Scientists were left with two choices: either the atmosphere wasn't warming up, or something was wrong with the data.


Science = THEORY REJECTED - Co2 went up, atmospheric temps did not (even with urban warming on the surface)

"The science" - take two highly correlated data sets and fudge both and keep lying and bilking the taxpayer

This money is a massive stealing of the wealth of American citizens to give to others. People not living as well in other nations as to form the world government. The globalists need to sell globalists taxes. Green agendas are a scam. Those improvements will happen without this crap only at a slower pace. And much of that technology may exist already only the costs and the shifts of employment from richer nations and new impoverishment over upgrading employment in the current impoverishment in poorer nations must be delegated. It is noble. Only the power elites will never suffer.

$50 Trillion For What? Kennedy Dumbfounds Biden Climate Peddler In Fiery Exchange Over ‘Carbon Neutrality’

6 May 2023 ~~

In a tense exchange, Kennedy repeatedly attempted to get Turk to give a straightforward answer to just how much American taxpayers will have to pay to achieve the Biden administration’s goal of reaching US carbon neutrality by 2050.
When Kennedy asked whether some of the “experts” Turk referred to earlier were correct in a $50 trillion estimate, Turk nodded his head, and said “It’s gonna cost trillions of dollars, there’s no doubt about it.”
“If we spend $50 trillion to become carbon neutral by 2050 in the United States of America, how much is that going to reduce world temperatures?” Kennedy replied. The conversation continued (transcription via the Daily Caller)
Turk: “So, every country around the world needs to get its act together. Our emissions are about 13% of global emissions right now…”
Kennedy: “Yeah, but if you could answer my question. If we spend $50 trillion to become carbon neutral in the U.S. by 2050, you’re the Deputy Secretary of Energy, give me your estimate of how much that is going to reduce world temperatures.”

This is evil and designed to do one thing.
Bankrupt every western nation and collapse their economies so that it can be “built back better”
You don’t hear about China, India, or Russia, or any of the other big polluters “doing their part” in this global warming, climate change ponsi scheme.
You’d think we would have learned from the last climate emergency, you remember, global cooling and the coming ice age.
There is no evidence that atmospheric concentration of carbon dioxide is a forcing agent in climate change.
People can rant all day about being “carbon neutral”; variations in global climate have nothing to do with carbon dioxide.

The question is
1) at what point are these efforts incrementally self-defeating (given that some products that we need do have environmental impacts), and​
2) at what point does the failure of their advocates to enforce these measures against the third world (aka China) as opposed to the first world (US and Europe) become evidence of the real political (as opposed to environmental) motives of the exercise?​
Meanwhile, China starts building 5 new coal-fired electric generation plants each day.

I love Kennedy. He is awesome at playing 'Stump the Liberal' and 'Expose the Moron'.
I love Kennedy. He is awesome at playing 'Stump the Liberal' and 'Expose the Moron'.

30+ years ago he was a left wing moron parroting lies.

No more!!

He knows to question EVERYTHING!!!

My concern is that, in spite of this exchange, Kennedy said he was in favor of carbon neutrality which sounds like agreement with AGW alarmism.
Plants need Carbon Dioxide in photosynthesis to produce Oxygen and Ozone.
The so-called Carbon neutral theory is a farce.


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