50 Years After Kent State -- America Needs More Kent States

There is very little sign of any of this happening. The "Neoliberals" still run the party. I do not think I've seen Biden or Harris asked or talk about the wars. I understand the idea isn't just about the wars but to me it goes to the heart of the matter.

There are no protests. There are no questions.
The neoliberals are Republicans. Very confusing. From the link...

They are also people like Obama and Hillary. They both fully supported the very things the people were protesting at Kent State. How is it that neither were able to learn anything?

Capitalism was revived in a new neoliberal form, serving the interests of the 1%. Ronald Reagan became the perfect spokesperson of the new regime because he voiced conservative values and denounced the '60s while simultaneously turning American politics over to the market place and hence the wealthy.

The 1% did very, very well under Obama. The poor not so much. The excuses are many.
Of course not. The Democrats don't have enough votes to raise taxes on the rich and invest in America and Americans for the billionth time. And cut taxes and raise services for the non-rich by the way period after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich it might just be time to give them a try duh. Everything bad you know about them is GOP garbage propaganda by source.

I don't listen to the GOP.

Do you suppose Cornell West does?

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama | Cornel West
Dr West described O perfectly when he called him, “the black mascot of Wall Street.”
And Republicans are much worse. Obama was trying to avoid a full-blown world depression. Another corrupt crony GOP bubble and bust world depression. Screw Cornell West and screw what's his name the Republican LOL

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....
You’re nuts. Why would anyone support our corrupt government killing it’s citizens? It’s un-American, tyrannical, and stupid.

Stop being a dumb Fascist just because you adore the Orange Messiah.
Hes being sarcastic you ignorant fool, though hes wrong. The National Guard did what they had to do..

Dont assault people with guns
They threw back some tear gas. You absolutely don't know what you're talking about and are an idiot period that was the stupidest war ever. 5 years of Nixon screwing around with his secret plan that was total idiocy. The GOP as the dumbest voters in the modern world by far and now totally misinformed. A a r r g g h h. And like I said Jay Edgar Hoover and Nixon had agent provocateurs and God knows what a disgrace. The GOP is the swamp since Nixon.
I know you do not want to bring up the history of the political parties. Slavery? Democrats. The fight against womens rights? Democrats. Internment and mistreatment of american citizens in WW2 based on their country of origin? Democrats. Fight against civil rights? Mostly democrats. Party that founded the KKK? Yep you guessed it Democrats Those protesters be fine if they were protesting the war and the politicians. But they were not they were Protesting directly to American soldiers who had nothing to do with why we were at war or the reason we lost it.
Basically every reason the Democrats give for hating American was done by THEM.
That's a huge oversimplification. both parties used to have both liberal and conservative wings. Since Nixon the GOP has been the conservatives more and more and the Democrats have been the liberals. Let's talk about today's reality and that of the last 50 years instead of GOP garbage propaganda......
LOL GOP propaganda? How is that possible when 99 percent of the media is Democrat? 90 percent of the education system is Democrat. How they hell are the Republicans spreading their propaganda? Todays reality? The only liberals left are in the GOP all the democrats have are communist/socialist America hating power hungry cocksuckers.
Brainwashed functional morons like you believe anything they are told by Fox Rush online cottage industry liars. Common Sense my butt LOL. The Republican base believes so many conspiracy theories and phony scandals it's ridiculous. Along with pure misinformation like Obama had control for his first two years. Total b*******. The GOP has their disgraceful reconciliation rule so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services with 51 votes, which is all they care about. Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Everything you know is wrong dumbass
Fucking clueless democrat typical. Sure there were conspiracy theories about Obama BUT THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE WAS NOT THE ONE SUPPORTING THEM. There was not fake anonymous sources in MSM claiming obama disparaged our troops. I mean you know they are fake because everyone that was there refuted it and they were not ANONYMOUS. Even Fox news never once claimed the birther movement had any real credibility. You watch Fox news JOURNALISTS they are more unbiased then anything CNN or MSDNC has. Because Fox news unlike those 2 actually differentiate between a journalist and a talk show host. Hannity and Tucker are not and have never called them selves jounalists. CNN and MSDNC talk show host not only call themselves jounalists they swear they have no bias.

Everyone that was there has not refuted it. Some have refused to say anything.
Still almost 20 named sources versus 4 anonymous. And the sources are fake everyone knows it even the fucking moroncrats can not possibly truly believe this. There is 0 reason for a source that heard that to stay Anon or wait 2 years to come out. There is all the reason in the world to come out and get payed millions by the Democrats get book deals from Democrat publishers. Hell Hillary clinton and Nazi Pelosi will come over and make a house call to suck their dick.
The real world has no clue to what you are babbling about. People who tell the truth like to be anonymous when criticizing the sociopath Orange clown. If you are talking about Trump bad mouthing the troops not Obama, there were several meetings that morning and these guys were not at all of them. Another thing, there is nothing surprising about what he said once you listen to him talk about McCain or many other instances of absolute nuttiness and incredible selfishness.
There’s no doubt Dumb Don has said all sorts of stupid shit. Just like Dumb Joe, yet you like him. Partisans. Ugh!
brainwashed functional moron GOP voters period ugh! Trump totally ruined the reaction to coronavirus worst in the world . Last week France Italy and Spain had less than 100 deaths. We had over 12,000. Trump's only real achievement has been to not screw up the Obama recovery. Only cost two trillion dollars in debt in another huge GOP giveaway to the rich. Look at what he has actually done not his b******* GOP propaganda.... Basically everything he says is pure crap he heard on Fox or Rush Limbaugh or God knows what. Joe doesn't say anything stupid, he has some remains of a gigantic stuttering problem he beat by himself.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he was going to be there would be no President Trump.
I'm sure it had nothing to do with pure obstruction by the gop, even things they were for for crying out loud... You can bet whatever policies you are talking about were obstructed....

The GOP didn't force Obama into Syria.
Isis did. The war with Iraq was the stupidest war America has ever been in by far period based on lies totally..... Thanks GOP. Also gave away an easy victory in Afghanistan....
Everything you post makes everyone dumber for reading it. You forget who voted for the war in Iraq? Hiden Biden. Iraq war was bipartisan swamp bullshit and Bush was a horrible GoP president but since he is against Trump you people seem to forget that 10 years ago he was the worst President since Carter. You post a lot of crap that is your own damn party and blame it on republicans do you work in the media or hold public office? Laughed my ass off on the "democrats follow the constitution and the law and stuff" one. They shit on the constitution constantly right to free speech, right to bear arms, right to a fair trial. And the law they break it all the god damn time and never get charged. Hillary Clinton destroying subpoenaed evidence is a fucking felony and she did it there is no way you can say she didn't. And there a WHOLE lot of examples in the russia investigation of Dems committing felonies there is just not solid evidence yet. The dems are letting rioters break the law in THEIR cities. They ignore the law whenever it suits them. Hell they encourage breaking the law if it suits their purposes.
Don’t get too upset, he’s a paid DNC poster.
Amazing, we attack each other while they rip us off big time. who started this commie under every bed? Where did this information come from? I personally don't know one. be honest do you,? & yes their is a strong progressive wing in the Democratic party, I believe its in reaction to returning us to a two class nation. neither party works for the average American.

In order to answer that, we have to look at history from 1957. And understand that one small group tried to take over the government, namely, Eisenhower. But Eisenhower wouldn't let them. So they left the Republican Party and formed their own party. And extended the McCarthy "Commie behind every Bush and Tree". They actively attacked Eisenhower as a Communist and anyone that disagreed with their views. That didn't work out so well for them. They tried to infilrate the Republican Party in 1964 and were unceremoniously sent packing by Goldwater and his bunch. There were a few hundred thousand of them at that time. But as time went on, they fell out of flavor. About the most they could come up with that the general public saw was the "Get us out of the UN" signs.

Then the Tea Party was formed. It started out with wonderful ideals. I joined right after it formed. For many of us, we were quite unhappy with both the Democrats and Republicans. That didn't last very long. It was soon overrun by another group of people. The same bunch that tried to invade the Republican Party in 1964. The day of the Teaparty was ended not long after that. Locust has the same effect to a wheat field. many of the so called Tea Party elected Policos were actually part of the invading locust when they invaded the Republican Party. As soon as they gutted the Tea Party, they moved on to the Republican Party and then Gutted it as well and the Tea Party died. Now, the Republican Party has died as well.

To give you an idea, Rump was raised as one of these Locusts. Ted Cruz is a registered Member in Texas and he makes no bones about it. There are many in Office that also belong but most won't publicly admit it.

Now that I have given enough information, can anyone tell me what party did they all come from AND are STILL member of?
Lol the Republican party has died? You must not be paying attention. The Dems are barely hanging onto the house because off alt he illegals they count in the census. They will not take the senate or the presidency and still a decent chance they lose the house with their recent bullshit. If trump would of got his question "are you an american citizen" on the census the dems would lose the house next time for sure because of all of those extra california seats they would lose. And the Republican party was split back then because they had the luxury to be since the entire democrat party was busy fighting against civil rights. Dems seems to forget that everything EVERY SINGLE thing about race that has been bad in our history was THEM. Republican party split today too because of Trump the establishment Republicans do not want him no one in the swamp does. Difference is though ALL democrats are part of the swamp can tell by their robot like following of each other. But they are so filled of hate and desperation they are going to fail they can not put together any kind of real platform to run on.

The GOP Republican Party is dead We just haven't given it a proper burial and a proper wake. It was critically wounded sometime in the 80s or 90s. and finally died in the double 00s.
There is very little sign of any of this happening. The "Neoliberals" still run the party. I do not think I've seen Biden or Harris asked or talk about the wars. I understand the idea isn't just about the wars but to me it goes to the heart of the matter.

There are no protests. There are no questions.
The neoliberals are Republicans. Very confusing. From the link...

They are also people like Obama and Hillary. They both fully supported the very things the people were protesting at Kent State. How is it that neither were able to learn anything?

Capitalism was revived in a new neoliberal form, serving the interests of the 1%. Ronald Reagan became the perfect spokesperson of the new regime because he voiced conservative values and denounced the '60s while simultaneously turning American politics over to the market place and hence the wealthy.

The 1% did very, very well under Obama. The poor not so much. The excuses are many.
Of course not. The Democrats don't have enough votes to raise taxes on the rich and invest in America and Americans for the billionth time. And cut taxes and raise services for the non-rich by the way period after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich it might just be time to give them a try duh. Everything bad you know about them is GOP garbage propaganda by source.

I don't listen to the GOP.

Do you suppose Cornell West does?

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama | Cornel West
Dr West described O perfectly when he called him, “the black mascot of Wall Street.”
And Republicans are much worse. Obama was trying to avoid a full-blown world depression. Another corrupt crony GOP bubble and bust world depression. Screw Cornell West and screw what's his name the Republican LOL

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....
You’re nuts. Why would anyone support our corrupt government killing it’s citizens? It’s un-American, tyrannical, and stupid.

Stop being a dumb Fascist just because you adore the Orange Messiah.
Hes being sarcastic you ignorant fool, though hes wrong. The National Guard did what they had to do..

Dont assault people with guns
They threw back some tear gas. You absolutely don't know what you're talking about and are an idiot period that was the stupidest war ever. 5 years of Nixon screwing around with his secret plan that was total idiocy. The GOP as the dumbest voters in the modern world by far and now totally misinformed. A a r r g g h h. And like I said Jay Edgar Hoover and Nixon had agent provocateurs and God knows what a disgrace. The GOP is the swamp since Nixon.
I know you do not want to bring up the history of the political parties. Slavery? Democrats. The fight against womens rights? Democrats. Internment and mistreatment of american citizens in WW2 based on their country of origin? Democrats. Fight against civil rights? Mostly democrats. Party that founded the KKK? Yep you guessed it Democrats Those protesters be fine if they were protesting the war and the politicians. But they were not they were Protesting directly to American soldiers who had nothing to do with why we were at war or the reason we lost it.
Basically every reason the Democrats give for hating American was done by THEM.
That's a huge oversimplification. both parties used to have both liberal and conservative wings. Since Nixon the GOP has been the conservatives more and more and the Democrats have been the liberals. Let's talk about today's reality and that of the last 50 years instead of GOP garbage propaganda......
LOL GOP propaganda? How is that possible when 99 percent of the media is Democrat? 90 percent of the education system is Democrat. How they hell are the Republicans spreading their propaganda? Todays reality? The only liberals left are in the GOP all the democrats have are communist/socialist America hating power hungry cocksuckers.
Brainwashed functional morons like you believe anything they are told by Fox Rush online cottage industry liars. Common Sense my butt LOL. The Republican base believes so many conspiracy theories and phony scandals it's ridiculous. Along with pure misinformation like Obama had control for his first two years. Total b*******. The GOP has their disgraceful reconciliation rule so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services with 51 votes, which is all they care about. Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Everything you know is wrong dumbass
Fucking clueless democrat typical. Sure there were conspiracy theories about Obama BUT THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE WAS NOT THE ONE SUPPORTING THEM. There was not fake anonymous sources in MSM claiming obama disparaged our troops. I mean you know they are fake because everyone that was there refuted it and they were not ANONYMOUS. Even Fox news never once claimed the birther movement had any real credibility. You watch Fox news JOURNALISTS they are more unbiased then anything CNN or MSDNC has. Because Fox news unlike those 2 actually differentiate between a journalist and a talk show host. Hannity and Tucker are not and have never called them selves jounalists. CNN and MSDNC talk show host not only call themselves jounalists they swear they have no bias.

Everyone that was there has not refuted it. Some have refused to say anything.
Still almost 20 named sources versus 4 anonymous. And the sources are fake everyone knows it even the fucking moroncrats can not possibly truly believe this. There is 0 reason for a source that heard that to stay Anon or wait 2 years to come out. There is all the reason in the world to come out and get payed millions by the Democrats get book deals from Democrat publishers. Hell Hillary clinton and Nazi Pelosi will come over and make a house call to suck their dick.
The real world has no clue to what you are babbling about. People who tell the truth like to be anonymous when criticizing the sociopath Orange clown. If you are talking about Trump bad mouthing the troops not Obama, there were several meetings that morning and these guys were not at all of them. Another thing, there is nothing surprising about what he said once you listen to him talk about McCain or many other instances of absolute nuttiness and incredible selfishness.
There’s no doubt Dumb Don has said all sorts of stupid shit. Just like Dumb Joe, yet you like him. Partisans. Ugh!
brainwashed functional moron GOP voters period ugh! Trump totally ruined the reaction to coronavirus worst in the world . Last week France Italy and Spain had less than 100 deaths. We had over 12,000. Trump's only real achievement has been to not screw up the Obama recovery. Only cost two trillion dollars in debt in another huge GOP giveaway to the rich. Look at what he has actually done not his b******* GOP propaganda.... Basically everything he says is pure crap he heard on Fox or Rush Limbaugh or God knows what. Joe doesn't say anything stupid, he has some remains of a gigantic stuttering problem he beat by himself.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he was going to be there would be no President Trump.
I'm sure it had nothing to do with pure obstruction by the gop, even things they were for for crying out loud... You can bet whatever policies you are talking about were obstructed....

The GOP didn't force Obama into Syria.
Isis did. The war with Iraq was the stupidest war America has ever been in by far period based on lies totally..... Thanks GOP. Also gave away an easy victory in Afghanistan....

The Iraq war was but Syria is right behind.
Not even close. The Iraq war wrecked the entire area for no reason. Trump is supposedly wonderful for destroying isis but actually he only finished the job Obama started. So how is Reagan's pal Saddam doing? A GOP catastrophe as usual....
There is very little sign of any of this happening. The "Neoliberals" still run the party. I do not think I've seen Biden or Harris asked or talk about the wars. I understand the idea isn't just about the wars but to me it goes to the heart of the matter.

There are no protests. There are no questions.
The neoliberals are Republicans. Very confusing. From the link...

They are also people like Obama and Hillary. They both fully supported the very things the people were protesting at Kent State. How is it that neither were able to learn anything?

Capitalism was revived in a new neoliberal form, serving the interests of the 1%. Ronald Reagan became the perfect spokesperson of the new regime because he voiced conservative values and denounced the '60s while simultaneously turning American politics over to the market place and hence the wealthy.

The 1% did very, very well under Obama. The poor not so much. The excuses are many.
Of course not. The Democrats don't have enough votes to raise taxes on the rich and invest in America and Americans for the billionth time. And cut taxes and raise services for the non-rich by the way period after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich it might just be time to give them a try duh. Everything bad you know about them is GOP garbage propaganda by source.

I don't listen to the GOP.

Do you suppose Cornell West does?

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama | Cornel West
Dr West described O perfectly when he called him, “the black mascot of Wall Street.”
And Republicans are much worse. Obama was trying to avoid a full-blown world depression. Another corrupt crony GOP bubble and bust world depression. Screw Cornell West and screw what's his name the Republican LOL

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....
You’re nuts. Why would anyone support our corrupt government killing it’s citizens? It’s un-American, tyrannical, and stupid.

Stop being a dumb Fascist just because you adore the Orange Messiah.
Hes being sarcastic you ignorant fool, though hes wrong. The National Guard did what they had to do..

Dont assault people with guns
They threw back some tear gas. You absolutely don't know what you're talking about and are an idiot period that was the stupidest war ever. 5 years of Nixon screwing around with his secret plan that was total idiocy. The GOP as the dumbest voters in the modern world by far and now totally misinformed. A a r r g g h h. And like I said Jay Edgar Hoover and Nixon had agent provocateurs and God knows what a disgrace. The GOP is the swamp since Nixon.
I know you do not want to bring up the history of the political parties. Slavery? Democrats. The fight against womens rights? Democrats. Internment and mistreatment of american citizens in WW2 based on their country of origin? Democrats. Fight against civil rights? Mostly democrats. Party that founded the KKK? Yep you guessed it Democrats Those protesters be fine if they were protesting the war and the politicians. But they were not they were Protesting directly to American soldiers who had nothing to do with why we were at war or the reason we lost it.
Basically every reason the Democrats give for hating American was done by THEM.
That's a huge oversimplification. both parties used to have both liberal and conservative wings. Since Nixon the GOP has been the conservatives more and more and the Democrats have been the liberals. Let's talk about today's reality and that of the last 50 years instead of GOP garbage propaganda......
Wrong. Both parties are conservative. How you don’t know this after eight years of o’s corporatist rule and the Ds giving Don everything he wants for nearly four years, is truly amazing.

Partisans never see the truth.

Sawry dude, but you are fucking insane.

Obama's Big Sellout: The President has Packed His Economic Team with Wall Street Insiders

Why would you post thiis?
Common knowledge that wall street backed obama as no one before him and he returned the love, by increasing the wealth gap.
The wealth Gap will continue to grow until a Democrat can get 60 votes in the Senate and tax the rich for change so we can invest in America and Americans again after 30 years, brainwashed functional moron.

You almost got something right, you brain dead non functional moron.

Obama built and armed ISIS

Trump is ending them.
Absolutely ridiculous. Isis got most of its arms when the Iraqi army ran for it even though they had all the equipment.
There is very little sign of any of this happening. The "Neoliberals" still run the party. I do not think I've seen Biden or Harris asked or talk about the wars. I understand the idea isn't just about the wars but to me it goes to the heart of the matter.

There are no protests. There are no questions.
The neoliberals are Republicans. Very confusing. From the link...

They are also people like Obama and Hillary. They both fully supported the very things the people were protesting at Kent State. How is it that neither were able to learn anything?

Capitalism was revived in a new neoliberal form, serving the interests of the 1%. Ronald Reagan became the perfect spokesperson of the new regime because he voiced conservative values and denounced the '60s while simultaneously turning American politics over to the market place and hence the wealthy.

The 1% did very, very well under Obama. The poor not so much. The excuses are many.
Of course not. The Democrats don't have enough votes to raise taxes on the rich and invest in America and Americans for the billionth time. And cut taxes and raise services for the non-rich by the way period after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich it might just be time to give them a try duh. Everything bad you know about them is GOP garbage propaganda by source.

I don't listen to the GOP.

Do you suppose Cornell West does?

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama | Cornel West
Dr West described O perfectly when he called him, “the black mascot of Wall Street.”
And Republicans are much worse. Obama was trying to avoid a full-blown world depression. Another corrupt crony GOP bubble and bust world depression. Screw Cornell West and screw what's his name the Republican LOL

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....
You’re nuts. Why would anyone support our corrupt government killing it’s citizens? It’s un-American, tyrannical, and stupid.

Stop being a dumb Fascist just because you adore the Orange Messiah.
Hes being sarcastic you ignorant fool, though hes wrong. The National Guard did what they had to do..

Dont assault people with guns
They threw back some tear gas. You absolutely don't know what you're talking about and are an idiot period that was the stupidest war ever. 5 years of Nixon screwing around with his secret plan that was total idiocy. The GOP as the dumbest voters in the modern world by far and now totally misinformed. A a r r g g h h. And like I said Jay Edgar Hoover and Nixon had agent provocateurs and God knows what a disgrace. The GOP is the swamp since Nixon.
I know you do not want to bring up the history of the political parties. Slavery? Democrats. The fight against womens rights? Democrats. Internment and mistreatment of american citizens in WW2 based on their country of origin? Democrats. Fight against civil rights? Mostly democrats. Party that founded the KKK? Yep you guessed it Democrats Those protesters be fine if they were protesting the war and the politicians. But they were not they were Protesting directly to American soldiers who had nothing to do with why we were at war or the reason we lost it.
Basically every reason the Democrats give for hating American was done by THEM.
That's a huge oversimplification. both parties used to have both liberal and conservative wings. Since Nixon the GOP has been the conservatives more and more and the Democrats have been the liberals. Let's talk about today's reality and that of the last 50 years instead of GOP garbage propaganda......
LOL GOP propaganda? How is that possible when 99 percent of the media is Democrat? 90 percent of the education system is Democrat. How they hell are the Republicans spreading their propaganda? Todays reality? The only liberals left are in the GOP all the democrats have are communist/socialist America hating power hungry cocksuckers.
Brainwashed functional morons like you believe anything they are told by Fox Rush online cottage industry liars. Common Sense my butt LOL. The Republican base believes so many conspiracy theories and phony scandals it's ridiculous. Along with pure misinformation like Obama had control for his first two years. Total b*******. The GOP has their disgraceful reconciliation rule so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services with 51 votes, which is all they care about. Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Everything you know is wrong dumbass
Fucking clueless democrat typical. Sure there were conspiracy theories about Obama BUT THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE WAS NOT THE ONE SUPPORTING THEM. There was not fake anonymous sources in MSM claiming obama disparaged our troops. I mean you know they are fake because everyone that was there refuted it and they were not ANONYMOUS. Even Fox news never once claimed the birther movement had any real credibility. You watch Fox news JOURNALISTS they are more unbiased then anything CNN or MSDNC has. Because Fox news unlike those 2 actually differentiate between a journalist and a talk show host. Hannity and Tucker are not and have never called them selves jounalists. CNN and MSDNC talk show host not only call themselves jounalists they swear they have no bias.

Everyone that was there has not refuted it. Some have refused to say anything.
Still almost 20 named sources versus 4 anonymous. And the sources are fake everyone knows it even the fucking moroncrats can not possibly truly believe this. There is 0 reason for a source that heard that to stay Anon or wait 2 years to come out. There is all the reason in the world to come out and get payed millions by the Democrats get book deals from Democrat publishers. Hell Hillary clinton and Nazi Pelosi will come over and make a house call to suck their dick.
The real world has no clue to what you are babbling about. People who tell the truth like to be anonymous when criticizing the sociopath Orange clown. If you are talking about Trump bad mouthing the troops not Obama, there were several meetings that morning and these guys were not at all of them. Another thing, there is nothing surprising about what he said once you listen to him talk about McCain or many other instances of absolute nuttiness and incredible selfishness.
There’s no doubt Dumb Don has said all sorts of stupid shit. Just like Dumb Joe, yet you like him. Partisans. Ugh!
brainwashed functional moron GOP voters period ugh! Trump totally ruined the reaction to coronavirus worst in the world . Last week France Italy and Spain had less than 100 deaths. We had over 12,000. Trump's only real achievement has been to not screw up the Obama recovery. Only cost two trillion dollars in debt in another huge GOP giveaway to the rich. Look at what he has actually done not his b******* GOP propaganda.... Basically everything he says is pure crap he heard on Fox or Rush Limbaugh or God knows what. Joe doesn't say anything stupid, he has some remains of a gigantic stuttering problem he beat by himself.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he was going to be there would be no President Trump.
I'm sure it had nothing to do with pure obstruction by the gop, even things they were for for crying out loud... You can bet whatever policies you are talking about were obstructed....

The GOP didn't force Obama into Syria.
Isis did. The war with Iraq was the stupidest war America has ever been in by far period based on lies totally..... Thanks GOP. Also gave away an easy victory in Afghanistan....
Everything you post makes everyone dumber for reading it. You forget who voted for the war in Iraq? Hiden Biden. Iraq war was bipartisan swamp bullshit and Bush was a horrible GoP president but since he is against Trump you people seem to forget that 10 years ago he was the worst President since Carter. You post a lot of crap that is your own damn party and blame it on republicans do you work in the media or hold public office? Laughed my ass off on the "democrats follow the constitution and the law and stuff" one. They shit on the constitution constantly right to free speech, right to bear arms, right to a fair trial. And the law they break it all the god damn time and never get charged. Hillary Clinton destroying subpoenaed evidence is a fucking felony and she did it there is no way you can say she didn't. And there a WHOLE lot of examples in the russia investigation of Dems committing felonies there is just not solid evidence yet. The dems are letting rioters break the law in THEIR cities. They ignore the law whenever it suits them. Hell they encourage breaking the law if it suits their purposes.
What a load of crap GOP propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. Every respected media and law enforcement around the world thinks you are nuts. Change the channel
Amazing, we attack each other while they rip us off big time. who started this commie under every bed? Where did this information come from? I personally don't know one. be honest do you,? & yes their is a strong progressive wing in the Democratic party, I believe its in reaction to returning us to a two class nation. neither party works for the average American.

In order to answer that, we have to look at history from 1957. And understand that one small group tried to take over the government, namely, Eisenhower. But Eisenhower wouldn't let them. So they left the Republican Party and formed their own party. And extended the McCarthy "Commie behind every Bush and Tree". They actively attacked Eisenhower as a Communist and anyone that disagreed with their views. That didn't work out so well for them. They tried to infilrate the Republican Party in 1964 and were unceremoniously sent packing by Goldwater and his bunch. There were a few hundred thousand of them at that time. But as time went on, they fell out of flavor. About the most they could come up with that the general public saw was the "Get us out of the UN" signs.

Then the Tea Party was formed. It started out with wonderful ideals. I joined right after it formed. For many of us, we were quite unhappy with both the Democrats and Republicans. That didn't last very long. It was soon overrun by another group of people. The same bunch that tried to invade the Republican Party in 1964. The day of the Teaparty was ended not long after that. Locust has the same effect to a wheat field. many of the so called Tea Party elected Policos were actually part of the invading locust when they invaded the Republican Party. As soon as they gutted the Tea Party, they moved on to the Republican Party and then Gutted it as well and the Tea Party died. Now, the Republican Party has died as well.

To give you an idea, Rump was raised as one of these Locusts. Ted Cruz is a registered Member in Texas and he makes no bones about it. There are many in Office that also belong but most won't publicly admit it.

Now that I have given enough information, can anyone tell me what party did they all come from AND are STILL member of?
Lol the Republican party has died? You must not be paying attention. The Dems are barely hanging onto the house because off alt he illegals they count in the census. They will not take the senate or the presidency and still a decent chance they lose the house with their recent bullshit. If trump would of got his question "are you an american citizen" on the census the dems would lose the house next time for sure because of all of those extra california seats they would lose. And the Republican party was split back then because they had the luxury to be since the entire democrat party was busy fighting against civil rights. Dems seems to forget that everything EVERY SINGLE thing about race that has been bad in our history was THEM. Republican party split today too because of Trump the establishment Republicans do not want him no one in the swamp does. Difference is though ALL democrats are part of the swamp can tell by their robot like following of each other. But they are so filled of hate and desperation they are going to fail they can not put together any kind of real platform to run on.

The GOP Republican Party is dead We just haven't given it a proper burial and a proper wake. It was critically wounded sometime in the 80s or 90s. and finally died in the double 00s.
There is very little sign of any of this happening. The "Neoliberals" still run the party. I do not think I've seen Biden or Harris asked or talk about the wars. I understand the idea isn't just about the wars but to me it goes to the heart of the matter.

There are no protests. There are no questions.
The neoliberals are Republicans. Very confusing. From the link...

They are also people like Obama and Hillary. They both fully supported the very things the people were protesting at Kent State. How is it that neither were able to learn anything?

Capitalism was revived in a new neoliberal form, serving the interests of the 1%. Ronald Reagan became the perfect spokesperson of the new regime because he voiced conservative values and denounced the '60s while simultaneously turning American politics over to the market place and hence the wealthy.

The 1% did very, very well under Obama. The poor not so much. The excuses are many.
Of course not. The Democrats don't have enough votes to raise taxes on the rich and invest in America and Americans for the billionth time. And cut taxes and raise services for the non-rich by the way period after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich it might just be time to give them a try duh. Everything bad you know about them is GOP garbage propaganda by source.

I don't listen to the GOP.

Do you suppose Cornell West does?

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama | Cornel West
Dr West described O perfectly when he called him, “the black mascot of Wall Street.”
And Republicans are much worse. Obama was trying to avoid a full-blown world depression. Another corrupt crony GOP bubble and bust world depression. Screw Cornell West and screw what's his name the Republican LOL

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....
You’re nuts. Why would anyone support our corrupt government killing it’s citizens? It’s un-American, tyrannical, and stupid.

Stop being a dumb Fascist just because you adore the Orange Messiah.
Hes being sarcastic you ignorant fool, though hes wrong. The National Guard did what they had to do..

Dont assault people with guns
They threw back some tear gas. You absolutely don't know what you're talking about and are an idiot period that was the stupidest war ever. 5 years of Nixon screwing around with his secret plan that was total idiocy. The GOP as the dumbest voters in the modern world by far and now totally misinformed. A a r r g g h h. And like I said Jay Edgar Hoover and Nixon had agent provocateurs and God knows what a disgrace. The GOP is the swamp since Nixon.
I know you do not want to bring up the history of the political parties. Slavery? Democrats. The fight against womens rights? Democrats. Internment and mistreatment of american citizens in WW2 based on their country of origin? Democrats. Fight against civil rights? Mostly democrats. Party that founded the KKK? Yep you guessed it Democrats Those protesters be fine if they were protesting the war and the politicians. But they were not they were Protesting directly to American soldiers who had nothing to do with why we were at war or the reason we lost it.
Basically every reason the Democrats give for hating American was done by THEM.
That's a huge oversimplification. both parties used to have both liberal and conservative wings. Since Nixon the GOP has been the conservatives more and more and the Democrats have been the liberals. Let's talk about today's reality and that of the last 50 years instead of GOP garbage propaganda......
LOL GOP propaganda? How is that possible when 99 percent of the media is Democrat? 90 percent of the education system is Democrat. How they hell are the Republicans spreading their propaganda? Todays reality? The only liberals left are in the GOP all the democrats have are communist/socialist America hating power hungry cocksuckers.
Brainwashed functional morons like you believe anything they are told by Fox Rush online cottage industry liars. Common Sense my butt LOL. The Republican base believes so many conspiracy theories and phony scandals it's ridiculous. Along with pure misinformation like Obama had control for his first two years. Total b*******. The GOP has their disgraceful reconciliation rule so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services with 51 votes, which is all they care about. Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Everything you know is wrong dumbass
Fucking clueless democrat typical. Sure there were conspiracy theories about Obama BUT THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE WAS NOT THE ONE SUPPORTING THEM. There was not fake anonymous sources in MSM claiming obama disparaged our troops. I mean you know they are fake because everyone that was there refuted it and they were not ANONYMOUS. Even Fox news never once claimed the birther movement had any real credibility. You watch Fox news JOURNALISTS they are more unbiased then anything CNN or MSDNC has. Because Fox news unlike those 2 actually differentiate between a journalist and a talk show host. Hannity and Tucker are not and have never called them selves jounalists. CNN and MSDNC talk show host not only call themselves jounalists they swear they have no bias.

Everyone that was there has not refuted it. Some have refused to say anything.
Still almost 20 named sources versus 4 anonymous. And the sources are fake everyone knows it even the fucking moroncrats can not possibly truly believe this. There is 0 reason for a source that heard that to stay Anon or wait 2 years to come out. There is all the reason in the world to come out and get payed millions by the Democrats get book deals from Democrat publishers. Hell Hillary clinton and Nazi Pelosi will come over and make a house call to suck their dick.
The real world has no clue to what you are babbling about. People who tell the truth like to be anonymous when criticizing the sociopath Orange clown. If you are talking about Trump bad mouthing the troops not Obama, there were several meetings that morning and these guys were not at all of them. Another thing, there is nothing surprising about what he said once you listen to him talk about McCain or many other instances of absolute nuttiness and incredible selfishness.
There’s no doubt Dumb Don has said all sorts of stupid shit. Just like Dumb Joe, yet you like him. Partisans. Ugh!
brainwashed functional moron GOP voters period ugh! Trump totally ruined the reaction to coronavirus worst in the world . Last week France Italy and Spain had less than 100 deaths. We had over 12,000. Trump's only real achievement has been to not screw up the Obama recovery. Only cost two trillion dollars in debt in another huge GOP giveaway to the rich. Look at what he has actually done not his b******* GOP propaganda.... Basically everything he says is pure crap he heard on Fox or Rush Limbaugh or God knows what. Joe doesn't say anything stupid, he has some remains of a gigantic stuttering problem he beat by himself.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he was going to be there would be no President Trump.
I'm sure it had nothing to do with pure obstruction by the gop, even things they were for for crying out loud... You can bet whatever policies you are talking about were obstructed....

The GOP didn't force Obama into Syria.
Isis did. The war with Iraq was the stupidest war America has ever been in by far period based on lies totally..... Thanks GOP. Also gave away an easy victory in Afghanistan....

The Iraq war was but Syria is right behind.
Not even close. The Iraq war wrecked the entire area for no reason. Trump is supposedly wonderful for destroying isis but actually he only finished the job Obama started. So how is Reagan's pal Saddam doing? A GOP catastrophe as usual....
There is very little sign of any of this happening. The "Neoliberals" still run the party. I do not think I've seen Biden or Harris asked or talk about the wars. I understand the idea isn't just about the wars but to me it goes to the heart of the matter.

There are no protests. There are no questions.
The neoliberals are Republicans. Very confusing. From the link...

They are also people like Obama and Hillary. They both fully supported the very things the people were protesting at Kent State. How is it that neither were able to learn anything?

Capitalism was revived in a new neoliberal form, serving the interests of the 1%. Ronald Reagan became the perfect spokesperson of the new regime because he voiced conservative values and denounced the '60s while simultaneously turning American politics over to the market place and hence the wealthy.

The 1% did very, very well under Obama. The poor not so much. The excuses are many.
Of course not. The Democrats don't have enough votes to raise taxes on the rich and invest in America and Americans for the billionth time. And cut taxes and raise services for the non-rich by the way period after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich it might just be time to give them a try duh. Everything bad you know about them is GOP garbage propaganda by source.

I don't listen to the GOP.

Do you suppose Cornell West does?

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama | Cornel West
Dr West described O perfectly when he called him, “the black mascot of Wall Street.”
And Republicans are much worse. Obama was trying to avoid a full-blown world depression. Another corrupt crony GOP bubble and bust world depression. Screw Cornell West and screw what's his name the Republican LOL

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....
You’re nuts. Why would anyone support our corrupt government killing it’s citizens? It’s un-American, tyrannical, and stupid.

Stop being a dumb Fascist just because you adore the Orange Messiah.
Hes being sarcastic you ignorant fool, though hes wrong. The National Guard did what they had to do..

Dont assault people with guns
They threw back some tear gas. You absolutely don't know what you're talking about and are an idiot period that was the stupidest war ever. 5 years of Nixon screwing around with his secret plan that was total idiocy. The GOP as the dumbest voters in the modern world by far and now totally misinformed. A a r r g g h h. And like I said Jay Edgar Hoover and Nixon had agent provocateurs and God knows what a disgrace. The GOP is the swamp since Nixon.
I know you do not want to bring up the history of the political parties. Slavery? Democrats. The fight against womens rights? Democrats. Internment and mistreatment of american citizens in WW2 based on their country of origin? Democrats. Fight against civil rights? Mostly democrats. Party that founded the KKK? Yep you guessed it Democrats Those protesters be fine if they were protesting the war and the politicians. But they were not they were Protesting directly to American soldiers who had nothing to do with why we were at war or the reason we lost it.
Basically every reason the Democrats give for hating American was done by THEM.
That's a huge oversimplification. both parties used to have both liberal and conservative wings. Since Nixon the GOP has been the conservatives more and more and the Democrats have been the liberals. Let's talk about today's reality and that of the last 50 years instead of GOP garbage propaganda......
Wrong. Both parties are conservative. How you don’t know this after eight years of o’s corporatist rule and the Ds giving Don everything he wants for nearly four years, is truly amazing.

Partisans never see the truth.

Sawry dude, but you are fucking insane.

Obama's Big Sellout: The President has Packed His Economic Team with Wall Street Insiders

Why would you post thiis?
Common knowledge that wall street backed obama as no one before him and he returned the love, by increasing the wealth gap.
The wealth Gap will continue to grow until a Democrat can get 60 votes in the Senate and tax the rich for change so we can invest in America and Americans again after 30 years, brainwashed functional moron.

You almost got something right, you brain dead non functional moron.

Obama built and armed ISIS

Trump is ending them.
Absolutely ridiculous. Isis got most of its arms when the Iraqi army ran for it even though they had all the equipment.

There is very little sign of any of this happening. The "Neoliberals" still run the party. I do not think I've seen Biden or Harris asked or talk about the wars. I understand the idea isn't just about the wars but to me it goes to the heart of the matter.

There are no protests. There are no questions.
The neoliberals are Republicans. Very confusing. From the link...

They are also people like Obama and Hillary. They both fully supported the very things the people were protesting at Kent State. How is it that neither were able to learn anything?

Capitalism was revived in a new neoliberal form, serving the interests of the 1%. Ronald Reagan became the perfect spokesperson of the new regime because he voiced conservative values and denounced the '60s while simultaneously turning American politics over to the market place and hence the wealthy.

The 1% did very, very well under Obama. The poor not so much. The excuses are many.
Of course not. The Democrats don't have enough votes to raise taxes on the rich and invest in America and Americans for the billionth time. And cut taxes and raise services for the non-rich by the way period after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich it might just be time to give them a try duh. Everything bad you know about them is GOP garbage propaganda by source.

I don't listen to the GOP.

Do you suppose Cornell West does?

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama | Cornel West
Dr West described O perfectly when he called him, “the black mascot of Wall Street.”
And Republicans are much worse. Obama was trying to avoid a full-blown world depression. Another corrupt crony GOP bubble and bust world depression. Screw Cornell West and screw what's his name the Republican LOL

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....
You’re nuts. Why would anyone support our corrupt government killing it’s citizens? It’s un-American, tyrannical, and stupid.

Stop being a dumb Fascist just because you adore the Orange Messiah.
Hes being sarcastic you ignorant fool, though hes wrong. The National Guard did what they had to do..

Dont assault people with guns
They threw back some tear gas. You absolutely don't know what you're talking about and are an idiot period that was the stupidest war ever. 5 years of Nixon screwing around with his secret plan that was total idiocy. The GOP as the dumbest voters in the modern world by far and now totally misinformed. A a r r g g h h. And like I said Jay Edgar Hoover and Nixon had agent provocateurs and God knows what a disgrace. The GOP is the swamp since Nixon.
I know you do not want to bring up the history of the political parties. Slavery? Democrats. The fight against womens rights? Democrats. Internment and mistreatment of american citizens in WW2 based on their country of origin? Democrats. Fight against civil rights? Mostly democrats. Party that founded the KKK? Yep you guessed it Democrats Those protesters be fine if they were protesting the war and the politicians. But they were not they were Protesting directly to American soldiers who had nothing to do with why we were at war or the reason we lost it.
Basically every reason the Democrats give for hating American was done by THEM.
That's a huge oversimplification. both parties used to have both liberal and conservative wings. Since Nixon the GOP has been the conservatives more and more and the Democrats have been the liberals. Let's talk about today's reality and that of the last 50 years instead of GOP garbage propaganda......
LOL GOP propaganda? How is that possible when 99 percent of the media is Democrat? 90 percent of the education system is Democrat. How they hell are the Republicans spreading their propaganda? Todays reality? The only liberals left are in the GOP all the democrats have are communist/socialist America hating power hungry cocksuckers.
Brainwashed functional morons like you believe anything they are told by Fox Rush online cottage industry liars. Common Sense my butt LOL. The Republican base believes so many conspiracy theories and phony scandals it's ridiculous. Along with pure misinformation like Obama had control for his first two years. Total b*******. The GOP has their disgraceful reconciliation rule so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services with 51 votes, which is all they care about. Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Everything you know is wrong dumbass
Fucking clueless democrat typical. Sure there were conspiracy theories about Obama BUT THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE WAS NOT THE ONE SUPPORTING THEM. There was not fake anonymous sources in MSM claiming obama disparaged our troops. I mean you know they are fake because everyone that was there refuted it and they were not ANONYMOUS. Even Fox news never once claimed the birther movement had any real credibility. You watch Fox news JOURNALISTS they are more unbiased then anything CNN or MSDNC has. Because Fox news unlike those 2 actually differentiate between a journalist and a talk show host. Hannity and Tucker are not and have never called them selves jounalists. CNN and MSDNC talk show host not only call themselves jounalists they swear they have no bias.

Everyone that was there has not refuted it. Some have refused to say anything.
Still almost 20 named sources versus 4 anonymous. And the sources are fake everyone knows it even the fucking moroncrats can not possibly truly believe this. There is 0 reason for a source that heard that to stay Anon or wait 2 years to come out. There is all the reason in the world to come out and get payed millions by the Democrats get book deals from Democrat publishers. Hell Hillary clinton and Nazi Pelosi will come over and make a house call to suck their dick.
The real world has no clue to what you are babbling about. People who tell the truth like to be anonymous when criticizing the sociopath Orange clown. If you are talking about Trump bad mouthing the troops not Obama, there were several meetings that morning and these guys were not at all of them. Another thing, there is nothing surprising about what he said once you listen to him talk about McCain or many other instances of absolute nuttiness and incredible selfishness.
There’s no doubt Dumb Don has said all sorts of stupid shit. Just like Dumb Joe, yet you like him. Partisans. Ugh!
brainwashed functional moron GOP voters period ugh! Trump totally ruined the reaction to coronavirus worst in the world . Last week France Italy and Spain had less than 100 deaths. We had over 12,000. Trump's only real achievement has been to not screw up the Obama recovery. Only cost two trillion dollars in debt in another huge GOP giveaway to the rich. Look at what he has actually done not his b******* GOP propaganda.... Basically everything he says is pure crap he heard on Fox or Rush Limbaugh or God knows what. Joe doesn't say anything stupid, he has some remains of a gigantic stuttering problem he beat by himself.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he was going to be there would be no President Trump.
I'm sure it had nothing to do with pure obstruction by the gop, even things they were for for crying out loud... You can bet whatever policies you are talking about were obstructed....

The GOP didn't force Obama into Syria.
Isis did. The war with Iraq was the stupidest war America has ever been in by far period based on lies totally..... Thanks GOP. Also gave away an easy victory in Afghanistan....
Everything you post makes everyone dumber for reading it. You forget who voted for the war in Iraq? Hiden Biden. Iraq war was bipartisan swamp bullshit and Bush was a horrible GoP president but since he is against Trump you people seem to forget that 10 years ago he was the worst President since Carter. You post a lot of crap that is your own damn party and blame it on republicans do you work in the media or hold public office? Laughed my ass off on the "democrats follow the constitution and the law and stuff" one. They shit on the constitution constantly right to free speech, right to bear arms, right to a fair trial. And the law they break it all the god damn time and never get charged. Hillary Clinton destroying subpoenaed evidence is a fucking felony and she did it there is no way you can say she didn't. And there a WHOLE lot of examples in the russia investigation of Dems committing felonies there is just not solid evidence yet. The dems are letting rioters break the law in THEIR cities. They ignore the law whenever it suits them. Hell they encourage breaking the law if it suits their purposes.
What a load of crap GOP propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. Every respected media and law enforcement around the world thinks you are nuts. Change the channel
Respected media like CNN and MSDNC? Nothing I said there was made up from anonymous sources they are all FACTS. Hell you Dems can have facts right in your face and still deny it. You still think CNN is legit after Chris Cuomo coached his guest. You still think Biden answers questions on interviews when the damn teleprompter is clearly visible in multiple reflections. You still think Hillary Clinton was totally innocent and destroyed everything on her servers and all her devices because they were personal emails. You still think Nazi Pelosi is innocent because she was set up. And clearly law enforcement does not agree with you or ALL of them would not be endorsing Trump.
There is very little sign of any of this happening. The "Neoliberals" still run the party. I do not think I've seen Biden or Harris asked or talk about the wars. I understand the idea isn't just about the wars but to me it goes to the heart of the matter.

There are no protests. There are no questions.
The neoliberals are Republicans. Very confusing. From the link...

They are also people like Obama and Hillary. They both fully supported the very things the people were protesting at Kent State. How is it that neither were able to learn anything?

Capitalism was revived in a new neoliberal form, serving the interests of the 1%. Ronald Reagan became the perfect spokesperson of the new regime because he voiced conservative values and denounced the '60s while simultaneously turning American politics over to the market place and hence the wealthy.

The 1% did very, very well under Obama. The poor not so much. The excuses are many.
Of course not. The Democrats don't have enough votes to raise taxes on the rich and invest in America and Americans for the billionth time. And cut taxes and raise services for the non-rich by the way period after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich it might just be time to give them a try duh. Everything bad you know about them is GOP garbage propaganda by source.

I don't listen to the GOP.

Do you suppose Cornell West does?

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama | Cornel West
Dr West described O perfectly when he called him, “the black mascot of Wall Street.”
And Republicans are much worse. Obama was trying to avoid a full-blown world depression. Another corrupt crony GOP bubble and bust world depression. Screw Cornell West and screw what's his name the Republican LOL

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....
You’re nuts. Why would anyone support our corrupt government killing it’s citizens? It’s un-American, tyrannical, and stupid.

Stop being a dumb Fascist just because you adore the Orange Messiah.
Hes being sarcastic you ignorant fool, though hes wrong. The National Guard did what they had to do..

Dont assault people with guns
They threw back some tear gas. You absolutely don't know what you're talking about and are an idiot period that was the stupidest war ever. 5 years of Nixon screwing around with his secret plan that was total idiocy. The GOP as the dumbest voters in the modern world by far and now totally misinformed. A a r r g g h h. And like I said Jay Edgar Hoover and Nixon had agent provocateurs and God knows what a disgrace. The GOP is the swamp since Nixon.
I know you do not want to bring up the history of the political parties. Slavery? Democrats. The fight against womens rights? Democrats. Internment and mistreatment of american citizens in WW2 based on their country of origin? Democrats. Fight against civil rights? Mostly democrats. Party that founded the KKK? Yep you guessed it Democrats Those protesters be fine if they were protesting the war and the politicians. But they were not they were Protesting directly to American soldiers who had nothing to do with why we were at war or the reason we lost it.
Basically every reason the Democrats give for hating American was done by THEM.
That's a huge oversimplification. both parties used to have both liberal and conservative wings. Since Nixon the GOP has been the conservatives more and more and the Democrats have been the liberals. Let's talk about today's reality and that of the last 50 years instead of GOP garbage propaganda......
LOL GOP propaganda? How is that possible when 99 percent of the media is Democrat? 90 percent of the education system is Democrat. How they hell are the Republicans spreading their propaganda? Todays reality? The only liberals left are in the GOP all the democrats have are communist/socialist America hating power hungry cocksuckers.
Brainwashed functional morons like you believe anything they are told by Fox Rush online cottage industry liars. Common Sense my butt LOL. The Republican base believes so many conspiracy theories and phony scandals it's ridiculous. Along with pure misinformation like Obama had control for his first two years. Total b*******. The GOP has their disgraceful reconciliation rule so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services with 51 votes, which is all they care about. Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Everything you know is wrong dumbass
Fucking clueless democrat typical. Sure there were conspiracy theories about Obama BUT THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE WAS NOT THE ONE SUPPORTING THEM. There was not fake anonymous sources in MSM claiming obama disparaged our troops. I mean you know they are fake because everyone that was there refuted it and they were not ANONYMOUS. Even Fox news never once claimed the birther movement had any real credibility. You watch Fox news JOURNALISTS they are more unbiased then anything CNN or MSDNC has. Because Fox news unlike those 2 actually differentiate between a journalist and a talk show host. Hannity and Tucker are not and have never called them selves jounalists. CNN and MSDNC talk show host not only call themselves jounalists they swear they have no bias.

Everyone that was there has not refuted it. Some have refused to say anything.
Still almost 20 named sources versus 4 anonymous. And the sources are fake everyone knows it even the fucking moroncrats can not possibly truly believe this. There is 0 reason for a source that heard that to stay Anon or wait 2 years to come out. There is all the reason in the world to come out and get payed millions by the Democrats get book deals from Democrat publishers. Hell Hillary clinton and Nazi Pelosi will come over and make a house call to suck their dick.
The real world has no clue to what you are babbling about. People who tell the truth like to be anonymous when criticizing the sociopath Orange clown. If you are talking about Trump bad mouthing the troops not Obama, there were several meetings that morning and these guys were not at all of them. Another thing, there is nothing surprising about what he said once you listen to him talk about McCain or many other instances of absolute nuttiness and incredible selfishness.
There’s no doubt Dumb Don has said all sorts of stupid shit. Just like Dumb Joe, yet you like him. Partisans. Ugh!
brainwashed functional moron GOP voters period ugh! Trump totally ruined the reaction to coronavirus worst in the world . Last week France Italy and Spain had less than 100 deaths. We had over 12,000. Trump's only real achievement has been to not screw up the Obama recovery. Only cost two trillion dollars in debt in another huge GOP giveaway to the rich. Look at what he has actually done not his b******* GOP propaganda.... Basically everything he says is pure crap he heard on Fox or Rush Limbaugh or God knows what. Joe doesn't say anything stupid, he has some remains of a gigantic stuttering problem he beat by himself.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he was going to be there would be no President Trump.
I'm sure it had nothing to do with pure obstruction by the gop, even things they were for for crying out loud... You can bet whatever policies you are talking about were obstructed....

The GOP didn't force Obama into Syria.
Isis did. The war with Iraq was the stupidest war America has ever been in by far period based on lies totally..... Thanks GOP. Also gave away an easy victory in Afghanistan....
Everything you post makes everyone dumber for reading it. You forget who voted for the war in Iraq? Hiden Biden. Iraq war was bipartisan swamp bullshit and Bush was a horrible GoP president but since he is against Trump you people seem to forget that 10 years ago he was the worst President since Carter. You post a lot of crap that is your own damn party and blame it on republicans do you work in the media or hold public office? Laughed my ass off on the "democrats follow the constitution and the law and stuff" one. They shit on the constitution constantly right to free speech, right to bear arms, right to a fair trial. And the law they break it all the god damn time and never get charged. Hillary Clinton destroying subpoenaed evidence is a fucking felony and she did it there is no way you can say she didn't. And there a WHOLE lot of examples in the russia investigation of Dems committing felonies there is just not solid evidence yet. The dems are letting rioters break the law in THEIR cities. They ignore the law whenever it suits them. Hell they encourage breaking the law if it suits their purposes.
What a load of crap GOP propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. Every respected media and law enforcement around the world thinks you are nuts. Change the channel
Respected media like CNN and MSDNC? Nothing I said there was made up from anonymous sources they are all FACTS. Hell you Dems can have facts right in your face and still deny it. You still think CNN is legit after Chris Cuomo coached his guest. You still think Biden answers questions on interviews when the damn teleprompter is clearly visible in multiple reflections. You still think Hillary Clinton was totally innocent and destroyed everything on her servers and all her devices because they were personal emails. You still think Nazi Pelosi is innocent because she was set up. And clearly law enforcement does not agree with you or ALL of them would not be endorsing Trump.

And you still think Rump tells the truth an only looks after the well being of America. That "Trumps" anything about the opposing side by many times.
There is very little sign of any of this happening. The "Neoliberals" still run the party. I do not think I've seen Biden or Harris asked or talk about the wars. I understand the idea isn't just about the wars but to me it goes to the heart of the matter.

There are no protests. There are no questions.
The neoliberals are Republicans. Very confusing. From the link...

They are also people like Obama and Hillary. They both fully supported the very things the people were protesting at Kent State. How is it that neither were able to learn anything?

Capitalism was revived in a new neoliberal form, serving the interests of the 1%. Ronald Reagan became the perfect spokesperson of the new regime because he voiced conservative values and denounced the '60s while simultaneously turning American politics over to the market place and hence the wealthy.

The 1% did very, very well under Obama. The poor not so much. The excuses are many.
Of course not. The Democrats don't have enough votes to raise taxes on the rich and invest in America and Americans for the billionth time. And cut taxes and raise services for the non-rich by the way period after 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich it might just be time to give them a try duh. Everything bad you know about them is GOP garbage propaganda by source.

I don't listen to the GOP.

Do you suppose Cornell West does?

Pity the sad legacy of Barack Obama | Cornel West
Dr West described O perfectly when he called him, “the black mascot of Wall Street.”
And Republicans are much worse. Obama was trying to avoid a full-blown world depression. Another corrupt crony GOP bubble and bust world depression. Screw Cornell West and screw what's his name the Republican LOL

"Students on the fairly conservative Kent State campus began protesting peacefully on May 1, but later that night young people frequenting the town's bars began to disrupt traffic and eventually, amidst a police crackdown, smashed store windows. Tensions grew the next day, and that night the ROTC building on campus was burned. Police and National Guard troops drove students into their dorms --- Although ordered to disperse, and later tear gassed, most students, believing their campus had been invaded, remained. Few if any imagined the Guards' rifles were locked and loaded, as they were. Within 30 minutes of the noontime start, a line of Guardsmen suddenly turned to face the students, dropped to their knees, and opened fire."

In addition to students protesting the Cambodian invasion at Kent State -- just nine days later, 2 students were killed and 10 others were wounded when police opened fire at a women's dormitory on the campus of historically black college, Jackson State University...in both instances, there were Antifa/BLM like protesters, defying police orders, smashing windows and rioting -- and police along with militia stood up against these communist socialist insurrections and defended America....

Now in hindsight, some may believe that what happened to those students was wrong and they shouldn't have been gunned down -- however, at the time -- many cheered the massacre....local newspapers seemed to support it.... A prominent local attorney noted that if he was there and had a submachine gun, "there probably would have been 140 of them dead, and that's what they need." One non-protesting student returned home to hear her mother pronounce "It would have been better for America if every student on that hill had been killed." "Mother!" she replied, "I was there. Only a miracle of some kind saved me. What about that?" To which her mother responded, "You would have deserved it."

Again looking back in hindsight; it's easy to say you would have been opposed to gunning down those protesters -- but today, maybe that is what needs to happen...maybe we need 4 or 5 more Kent State style shootings....maybe not with just national guardsmen, but with militias like the 3%, Hutaree and the Oath Keepers....have them gun some of these protesters down.....If history is a guide, it is something that would greatly benefit Trump's re-election...there weren't really any political costs paid for the previous shootings -- hell, the shooting at Jackson State barely got any coverage at all -- so at least history has shown that if you focus the shootings on just black folks and claim self defense; you will be believed -- but I wouldn't try my luck with doing any shootings like this on a mass group of white protesters -- because that may not play well since white victims are easier for the media to identify with and dare I say, humanize.....
You’re nuts. Why would anyone support our corrupt government killing it’s citizens? It’s un-American, tyrannical, and stupid.

Stop being a dumb Fascist just because you adore the Orange Messiah.
Hes being sarcastic you ignorant fool, though hes wrong. The National Guard did what they had to do..

Dont assault people with guns
They threw back some tear gas. You absolutely don't know what you're talking about and are an idiot period that was the stupidest war ever. 5 years of Nixon screwing around with his secret plan that was total idiocy. The GOP as the dumbest voters in the modern world by far and now totally misinformed. A a r r g g h h. And like I said Jay Edgar Hoover and Nixon had agent provocateurs and God knows what a disgrace. The GOP is the swamp since Nixon.
I know you do not want to bring up the history of the political parties. Slavery? Democrats. The fight against womens rights? Democrats. Internment and mistreatment of american citizens in WW2 based on their country of origin? Democrats. Fight against civil rights? Mostly democrats. Party that founded the KKK? Yep you guessed it Democrats Those protesters be fine if they were protesting the war and the politicians. But they were not they were Protesting directly to American soldiers who had nothing to do with why we were at war or the reason we lost it.
Basically every reason the Democrats give for hating American was done by THEM.
That's a huge oversimplification. both parties used to have both liberal and conservative wings. Since Nixon the GOP has been the conservatives more and more and the Democrats have been the liberals. Let's talk about today's reality and that of the last 50 years instead of GOP garbage propaganda......
LOL GOP propaganda? How is that possible when 99 percent of the media is Democrat? 90 percent of the education system is Democrat. How they hell are the Republicans spreading their propaganda? Todays reality? The only liberals left are in the GOP all the democrats have are communist/socialist America hating power hungry cocksuckers.
Brainwashed functional morons like you believe anything they are told by Fox Rush online cottage industry liars. Common Sense my butt LOL. The Republican base believes so many conspiracy theories and phony scandals it's ridiculous. Along with pure misinformation like Obama had control for his first two years. Total b*******. The GOP has their disgraceful reconciliation rule so they can pass tax cuts for the rich and cuts in services with 51 votes, which is all they care about. Democrats need 60 votes for reform. Everything you know is wrong dumbass
Fucking clueless democrat typical. Sure there were conspiracy theories about Obama BUT THE SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE WAS NOT THE ONE SUPPORTING THEM. There was not fake anonymous sources in MSM claiming obama disparaged our troops. I mean you know they are fake because everyone that was there refuted it and they were not ANONYMOUS. Even Fox news never once claimed the birther movement had any real credibility. You watch Fox news JOURNALISTS they are more unbiased then anything CNN or MSDNC has. Because Fox news unlike those 2 actually differentiate between a journalist and a talk show host. Hannity and Tucker are not and have never called them selves jounalists. CNN and MSDNC talk show host not only call themselves jounalists they swear they have no bias.

Everyone that was there has not refuted it. Some have refused to say anything.
Still almost 20 named sources versus 4 anonymous. And the sources are fake everyone knows it even the fucking moroncrats can not possibly truly believe this. There is 0 reason for a source that heard that to stay Anon or wait 2 years to come out. There is all the reason in the world to come out and get payed millions by the Democrats get book deals from Democrat publishers. Hell Hillary clinton and Nazi Pelosi will come over and make a house call to suck their dick.
The real world has no clue to what you are babbling about. People who tell the truth like to be anonymous when criticizing the sociopath Orange clown. If you are talking about Trump bad mouthing the troops not Obama, there were several meetings that morning and these guys were not at all of them. Another thing, there is nothing surprising about what he said once you listen to him talk about McCain or many other instances of absolute nuttiness and incredible selfishness.
There’s no doubt Dumb Don has said all sorts of stupid shit. Just like Dumb Joe, yet you like him. Partisans. Ugh!
brainwashed functional moron GOP voters period ugh! Trump totally ruined the reaction to coronavirus worst in the world . Last week France Italy and Spain had less than 100 deaths. We had over 12,000. Trump's only real achievement has been to not screw up the Obama recovery. Only cost two trillion dollars in debt in another huge GOP giveaway to the rich. Look at what he has actually done not his b******* GOP propaganda.... Basically everything he says is pure crap he heard on Fox or Rush Limbaugh or God knows what. Joe doesn't say anything stupid, he has some remains of a gigantic stuttering problem he beat by himself.

If President Obama had been the person Candidate Obama said he was going to be there would be no President Trump.
I'm sure it had nothing to do with pure obstruction by the gop, even things they were for for crying out loud... You can bet whatever policies you are talking about were obstructed....

The GOP didn't force Obama into Syria.
Isis did. The war with Iraq was the stupidest war America has ever been in by far period based on lies totally..... Thanks GOP. Also gave away an easy victory in Afghanistan....
Everything you post makes everyone dumber for reading it. You forget who voted for the war in Iraq? Hiden Biden. Iraq war was bipartisan swamp bullshit and Bush was a horrible GoP president but since he is against Trump you people seem to forget that 10 years ago he was the worst President since Carter. You post a lot of crap that is your own damn party and blame it on republicans do you work in the media or hold public office? Laughed my ass off on the "democrats follow the constitution and the law and stuff" one. They shit on the constitution constantly right to free speech, right to bear arms, right to a fair trial. And the law they break it all the god damn time and never get charged. Hillary Clinton destroying subpoenaed evidence is a fucking felony and she did it there is no way you can say she didn't. And there a WHOLE lot of examples in the russia investigation of Dems committing felonies there is just not solid evidence yet. The dems are letting rioters break the law in THEIR cities. They ignore the law whenever it suits them. Hell they encourage breaking the law if it suits their purposes.
What a load of crap GOP propaganda, brainwashed functional moron. Every respected media and law enforcement around the world thinks you are nuts. Change the channel
Respected media like CNN and MSDNC? Nothing I said there was made up from anonymous sources they are all FACTS. Hell you Dems can have facts right in your face and still deny it. You still think CNN is legit after Chris Cuomo coached his guest. You still think Biden answers questions on interviews when the damn teleprompter is clearly visible in multiple reflections. You still think Hillary Clinton was totally innocent and destroyed everything on her servers and all her devices because they were personal emails. You still think Nazi Pelosi is innocent because she was set up. And clearly law enforcement does not agree with you or ALL of them would not be endorsing Trump.
I'm talking about the justice department and the FBI who say all your scandals about Democrats are garbage propaganda.. the pelosi thing is a stupid tempest and a teapot blown out of all proportion by your garbage propaganda. I'm not crazy about MSNBC and cnn, there is no actual news they just talk and argue b******* all day . Very divisive and stupid but at least it isn't garbage propaganda. I'm talking about the BBC France 24 French newspapers Italian newspapers every TV station in the world except for Fox and Russian ones. And of course the New York times The Washington Post and every other newspaper not owned by Rupert f****** Murdoch. USA today the Buffalo evening news you name it.

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