500,000 await Rubio's death boats in Libya

Up to 500 000 desperate refugees wait in Libya for illegal death boats to Europe - Mirror Online

Rubio was one of the ones who was demanding we get rid of Qaddafi. Because of Rubio and his bloodlusting fiends, both reps and dems, thousands are dying.
So, lets get this straight. Rubio orchestrated the whole show? He singlehandedly organized, funded, and pushed the hundreds of thousands onto boats in order to kill them? In other words, it was his desire, his plan, his life's ambition to cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people?

It's simply amazing to read some of these stories, just amazing. And, the sad part, is the fact those so many actually believe the bias, prejudices, and propaganda behind these personal attacks. The obvious difficulty here is understanding the entire story and cause for people to risk their lives in order to better themselves. People have been fleeing oppression and dire conditions since the beginning of time, and no doubt it'll continue until the end of time.

The actual blame falls on oppressive foreign governments, and the outside interference that leads to unstable governments and social conditions. I would doubt very seriously that Mr. Rubio singlehandedly convinced enough people to push whatever agenda he may have had in dealing with Libya. Remember that the Washington Brotherhood is well known for its propaganda machine and party politics. Also remember that "mud-slinging" happens every single election cycle, especially during campaign season.
The thousands are dying because of the consequences of bloodthirsty rubios policies. where rubio treads, the innocent die.
Up to 500 000 desperate refugees wait in Libya for illegal death boats to Europe - Mirror Online

Rubio was one of the ones who was demanding we get rid of Qaddafi. Because of Rubio and his bloodlusting fiends, both reps and dems, thousands are dying.
So, lets get this straight. Rubio orchestrated the whole show? He singlehandedly organized, funded, and pushed the hundreds of thousands onto boats in order to kill them? In other words, it was his desire, his plan, his life's ambition to cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people?

It's simply amazing to read some of these stories, just amazing. And, the sad part, is the fact those so many actually believe the bias, prejudices, and propaganda behind these personal attacks. The obvious difficulty here is understanding the entire story and cause for people to risk their lives in order to better themselves. People have been fleeing oppression and dire conditions since the beginning of time, and no doubt it'll continue until the end of time.

The actual blame falls on oppressive foreign governments, and the outside interference that leads to unstable governments and social conditions. I would doubt very seriously that Mr. Rubio singlehandedly convinced enough people to push whatever agenda he may have had in dealing with Libya. Remember that the Washington Brotherhood is well known for its propaganda machine and party politics. Also remember that "mud-slinging" happens every single election cycle, especially during campaign season.

just like in Iraq WHERE hundreds of thousands were slaughtered after saddams removal.
The thousands are dying because of the consequences of bloodthirsty rubios policies. where rubio treads, the innocent die.
Oh, I'm sure that the situation is totally in his hands.............. Ha Ha Ha ........... pleeeeeeease, give me a break here.
Up to 500 000 desperate refugees wait in Libya for illegal death boats to Europe - Mirror Online

Rubio was one of the ones who was demanding we get rid of Qaddafi. Because of Rubio and his bloodlusting fiends, both reps and dems, thousands are dying.
So, lets get this straight. Rubio orchestrated the whole show? He singlehandedly organized, funded, and pushed the hundreds of thousands onto boats in order to kill them? In other words, it was his desire, his plan, his life's ambition to cause the deaths of hundreds of thousands of people?

It's simply amazing to read some of these stories, just amazing. And, the sad part, is the fact those so many actually believe the bias, prejudices, and propaganda behind these personal attacks. The obvious difficulty here is understanding the entire story and cause for people to risk their lives in order to better themselves. People have been fleeing oppression and dire conditions since the beginning of time, and no doubt it'll continue until the end of time.

The actual blame falls on oppressive foreign governments, and the outside interference that leads to unstable governments and social conditions. I would doubt very seriously that Mr. Rubio singlehandedly convinced enough people to push whatever agenda he may have had in dealing with Libya. Remember that the Washington Brotherhood is well known for its propaganda machine and party politics. Also remember that "mud-slinging" happens every single election cycle, especially during campaign season.

just like in Iraq WHERE hundreds of thousands were slaughtered after saddams removal.
Meaning what, exactly?
What Obama and his backers has done over in the middle east is almost criminal

we are going to PAY for it. if not sooner. Then later with:

just like when Clinton left office. Nine month later we had 9/11
What Obama and his backers has done over in the middle east is almost criminal

we are going to PAY for it. if not sooner. Then later with:

just like when Clinton left office. Nine month later we had 9/11

Must be the same people coming up with the bogus employment numbers

Team Obama’s B.S. ISIS Body Count
Nancy A. Youssef

The administration claims it’s killed 10,000 ISIS fighters. The truth is, they have no idea what the real death toll is—or if that tally means anything about the war’s progress.

It sounded so authoritative, when a top Obama administration official claimed this week that the U.S. killed roughly 10,000 enemy fighters in its fight with the self-proclaimed Islamic State. Until that figure was contradicted by a second official. And then undercut by a third.

Not only could Obama administration officials not agree on the final death toll, they could not say how they determined such a figure with no ground forces in Iraq and Syria to assess airstrike damage. Nor could those officials articulate how well such a statistic measures progress against the terror army.

By the end of the week, many administration officials were admitting a defeat of sorts. They conceded that it was foolish to talk openly about body counts in the first place, when dead fighters are such an irrelevant measure of the conflict.

“The killed in action and other activities should only be measured in how much those deaths affect ISIS’s capability to conduct operations, how it affects its maneuvering, its logistics, its command and control, or impinge its effectiveness to maintain the initiative and conduct operations,” said retired Army Lieutenant Colonel Derek Harvey, who testified last month before the Senate Armed Services Committee about the U.S. strategy.

Or as an adviser to the U.S. military on its campaign against ISIS explained to The Daily Beast: “These are the types of numbers that novices apply.”

Team Obama s B.S. ISIS Body Count - The Daily Beast
Stupid, stupid thread. Libya is Obama and Hillary's mess

Wrong. the bloodlusting rep establishment is equally to blame.

Grab a clue. Your ignorance of the situation is astounding

wrong. here is rubio the bloodlusting pig himself:

Marco Rubio on Libya and the Need for Regime Change The Weekly Standard

"While Rubio is critical of some details of the Obama administration’s handling of Libya – they waited too long to act, he says, and failed to provide a clear objective for U.S. involvement – Rubio supports President Obama’s decision to intervene.

Last night, Rubio sent a letter to Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell, Democratic and Republican leaders in the Senate, calling for Congress to affirm Obama’s policy by authorizing the use of the military force in Libya and to make explicit the goal of regime change."

Rubio, the bloody pig, is indeed responsible for thousands of deaths and the rise of ISIS in libya all because his bloodlust wanted Qaddafi to go.
the bigger picture is this. do we want some ignorant jackass like rubio or clinton to be president so they can continue the middle east bloodletting for no apparent purpose, or do we want rand paul as president who opposed the Libyan fiasco.
Wanting Qaddafi to go has nothing to do with any action forcing him out. Now that the whole thing went south, democrats are trying to run away from what they did.
Wanting Qaddafi to go has nothing to do with any action forcing him out. Now that the whole thing went south, democrats are trying to run away from what they did.

Exactly, they took out Qaddafi and then left the people to defend themselves against the vultures that swooped in on them
Obama is a coward and it's disgraceful what they done over there
THIS is just one of many on google

What Mistakes Did Obama Make in Libya?

Photo credit: Stephen Lam / Getty Images

No matter how a person feels about Obama as President of the United States, the state of affairs in Libya makes it clear that the president has made some serious mistakes in his handling of this small yet important Northern African country.

The Washington Post notes that Libya recently elected the new prime minister – the sixth person to hold this position in just two years time. The World Tribune quotes a United Nations report as stating that armed militias not only control large swathes of the country, but have turned the nation into a weapons smuggling hub for the Middle East and Africa.

Just how did Obama get it wrong in Libya? Following are a few of the biggest mistakes he made and how they could have potentially been avoided.

Failure to Plan Long-Term
It would seem that Obama’s only plan was to support the rebels that ousted Gaddafi. While some would argue that Gaddafi was a cruel dictator who deserved to be removed from power, the presidential office should not have acted on this premise alone.

It would seem that the White House’s failure to make plans for what should happen after Gaddafi’s removal was its biggest mistake. When there is a power vacuum, someone (or a lot of someone’s) have to fill it. In this instance, those who have filled the power vacuum may be even worse than Gaddafi in some ways.

The President should have considered the long-term consequences of his actions before getting involved in Libya. Doing so would have helped him to realize that there is more to bringing democracy to a country than simply helping one party remove an unwanted dictator.

Failure to Research
Given the state of affairs in Libya, one would question the competence of not just the President but also members of his staff. It would seem that a competent, experienced expert would have researched Libya and found out about its history and tribal divisions.

all of it here:
What Mistakes Did Obama Make in Libya Republican Reader

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