500,000 await Rubio's death boats in Libya

The bright spot in this fiasco is that the crews of these overcrowded boats are told to scuttle the boats as soon as they see a rescue ship and make an escape.

Not so good for the migrants, but they should have stayed home and done their own fighting.
We know what we will get if Sect. Clinton is elected. Rand Paul is an unknown. For sure he is a demagogue, for he tells each audience what they want to hear. How he might act as POTUS no one can know.

R. Paul has no foreign policy experience; politically he is a Libertarian running as a Republican and focusing his appeal on the youth and college educated liberals. A large part of that effort is to prove he is an iconoclast (a new iteration of hope and change?); all of which suggest he could not lead a recalcitrant Congress.
Anyone would be better than a democrat. We could draw candidates from Rikers and get better than any democrat.
"bernie sanders is a good man...


Post by: sarahgop, May 3, 2015 in forum: Politics
First, you are no gop member to make the above statement. Second , you must fear Rubio's popularity, as your posts show you are out to sully him anyway you can. And, third, your gal Clinton was all for the ouster of Gaddafi, yet not a word from you, over her position, which brings us back to you are no gop member.

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Obama administration stands ready to offer "any type of assistance" to Libyans seeking to oust Muammar Gaddafi, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Sunday, adding a warning to other African nations not to let mercenaries go to the aid of the longtime dictator.

Hillary Clinton U.S. Stands Ready To Aid Libya Protesters

I must correct myself, you are a Sander's man. And he was also for his ouster, he may have questioned the timing, but not the mission-

. Look, everybody understands Qaddafi is a thug and murderer. We want to see him go, but i think in the midst of two wars, I'm not quite sure we need a third war, and I hope the president tells us that our troops will be leaving there, that our military action in Libya will be ending very, very shortly."
Sanders Questions War in Libya Fox News

Up to 500 000 desperate refugees wait in Libya for illegal death boats to Europe - Mirror Online

Rubio was one of the ones who was demanding we get rid of Qaddafi. Because of Rubio and his bloodlusting fiends, both reps and dems, thousands are dying.
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Wow how soon we forget.

Libya was not an American operation. It was British and French. All we did was provide support.

After Qaddafi was killed, everyone washed their hands of the fiasco and ran away.
We know what we will get if Sect. Clinton is elected. Rand Paul is an unknown. For sure he is a demagogue, for he tells each audience what they want to hear. How he might act as POTUS no one can know.

R. Paul has no foreign policy experience; politically he is a Libertarian running as a Republican and focusing his appeal on the youth and college educated liberals. A large part of that effort is to prove he is an iconoclast (a new iteration of hope and change?); all of which suggest he could not lead a recalcitrant Congress.
For sure he is a demagogue, for he tells each audience what they want to hear.
come on Wry....that is every politician INCLUDING Clinton....
R. Paul has no foreign policy experience
neither did Obama,Bush and B.Clinton....

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