5G service is coming – and so are health concerns over the towers that support it


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
5G service is coming – and so are health concerns over the towers that support it
The wireless industry is in a race to roll out 5G service. The network is supposed to be up to 100 times faster than current data speeds, but it requires cellphone tower equipment to be closer to users than before. Wireless companies in the U.S. say they'll have to install about 300,000 new antennas – roughly equal to the total number of cell towers built over the past three decades. That's causing outrage and alarm in some neighborhoods, as antennas go up around homes.

maybe when CBS tells the stupid asses they'll believe it compared to when infowars tries warning American jackasses months or years ahead of time it's oh a conspiracy or that's just crazy.

That's because sheep are easily sold bs as long as it says the Gov. alphabet soup says " oh it's safe" they're all for it.

The Gov. thought for them, speaks for them and they just blindly bend over and fall for it.

5G Wireless: A Ridiculous Front for Global Control


infowars on Twitter

Total Confirmation: 5G Linked To Cancer By More Scientific Studies


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Time to add more foil to your hat mind worse. Take it from someone that owns a company that installs cell towers, unless you're standing directly in front of a cell antenna, towers pose no risk.
Time to add more foil to your hat mind worse. Take it from someone that owns a company that installs cell towers, unless you're standing directly in front of a cell antenna, towers pose no risk.

You are one STUPID FKR what a dumb ass , they love idiots like you its' Proven you stupid pos moron.
Time to add more foil to your hat mind worse. Take it from someone that owns a company that installs cell towers, unless you're standing directly in front of a cell antenna, towers pose no risk.

and they very first link A.H. Is. a CBS story on it stupid ass.
So get rid of your internet now and head for somalia.

This is some stupid shit mindwars. Why do you always have to out do yourself?
So get rid of your internet now and head for somalia.

This is some stupid shit mindwars. Why do you always have to out do yourself?

The problem is it will be on every corner research it and don't listen to stupid asses with no common sense like the moron above who think they know everything and it will always turn out those are the very idiots who know NOTHING........

So get rid of your internet now and head for somalia.

This is some stupid shit mindwars. Why do you always have to out do yourself?

No the problems MOST OF YOU ARE WAY TO STUPID BEYOND REALITY AND what goes on around you.

Your brains have been friend might be why you firs are so fkn stupid you can't even READ THE FCC PAMPHLET THAT COMES WITH YOUR CELL PHONES WARNING YOU OF RADIATION GAWD YOU FKRS ARE SO GAWD DAM DUMB..


5G Radiation Dangers? Say that again? It sounds cool and techy. The speed at which you can upload a photo from your phone or put that perfect filter on your Instagram profile is outstanding. In a matter of seconds, you can share your favorite moments from your Hawaii vacation with the world. Your friends who are shoveling six inches of snow out of their driveway can comment and ‘love” the sunset beach photo equally as fast. All of this lightning speed communication is all thanks to modern day technology and 4G technology. Soon however, we can upload, download snapchat, Facetime, Instagram, email, text and Marco Polo faster than ever before. In 2016, the United States became the first country to give the okay to dedicate a substantial number of airwaves for 5G. According to a recent article in the LA Times, 5G will operate at ten times the speed of 4G. That’s a lot of G’s. The increase in speed that data is moving from device to device means there will be more cell phone towers and more transmitters to make the 5G revolution possible. Cell phone companies are working hard to make 5G available to consumers by 2020. Please see also our article called “The 7 Worst Radiation Dangers In Your Home“.

“The Federal Communications Commission voted unanimously to allow wireless providers access to high-frequency airwaves that have had limited uses because they can’t carry data very far. Technological advances have made it possible to expand consumer wireless services into those airwaves. But to use the spectrum, wireless companies will have to install thousands of small base stations — some just the size of smoke detectors — on utility poles and buildings to pass the signals along. The industry will spend about $56 billion to develop, test and deploy 5G services in the U.S. through 2025, according to IGR, a wireless market-strategy consulting firm,” LA Times.

All those small base stations will be emitting harmful RF radiation around every corner and neighborhood in the country. What we gain in convenience and speed we will lose in our quality of life and how we feel. Cell phone towers are already linked to depression, increase in cancer, tumors, sleep problems, anxiety, ADHD, autism and more. Some experts fear the new wave of 5G technology, with all its power and speed, will also expedite cancer diagnosis’s. To really understand the potential health dangers of 5G, let’s take a closer look at this technology, how it works and why it could make you more prone to getting sick.

Great question. So often we throw around these technical terms and no one really stops to figure out what they really mean. 5G basically means 5th generation of wireless technology. According to PC Magazine, each generation of wireless technology has been defined by its capabilities, such as speed, responsiveness, and how many devices can be connected to the network at any one given time. 5G is expected to be Rolls Royce of wireless connections, if you will- without the luxury car price tag. Basically, 5G will make everything you do online a whole lot faster. We’re talking nanoseconds to open a file, cruise the internet and watch movies and shows on Netflix. 5G operates in shorter signals, and because of that some tech experts estimate there will need to be base station for every 12 homes in an urban area. We’re talking thousands, if not millions of additional base stations across the country just to make 5G available for everyone. That’s an incredible feat.

To make 5G, well, 5G, cell phone companies need more power than ever before. As I mentioned earlier, more towers and base

5G Radiation Dangers - Radiation Health Risks

It is especially dangerous to the old and young.

Most folks don't know this, but it was in Dr. Jill Stein's campaign platform, she wanted to get this out of the schools as she felt it was bad for the development of children.

There are some studies, from Harvard actually, that hypothesize that the combination and interaction of the adjuncts in flu-vaccines and the ionizing radiation from cell towers and WI-fi might be what has caused such a spike and epidemic in diseases such as autism, Alzheimers, and other autoimmune disorders, as well as disrupting wildlife migration patterns along with chemical pollution disruption pollinators.

Because so much of our Hi-tech society, consumer driven, materialist, and leisure activities revolve around this infrastructure though, most of this truth has been systematically suppressed.

Folks don't believe if it hasn't been forced fed to them in the corporate press, it simply isn't true. You have to ACTIVELY search for these studies and go out and research this stuff, but indicators are, we have been causing these problem to ourselves.
So get rid of your internet now and head for somalia.

This is some stupid shit mindwars. Why do you always have to out do yourself?
You know, you can hard wire your internet into your house, right?

Not everyone has a WI-fi router., you do know that, right?
5G service is coming – and so are health concerns over the towers that support it
The wireless industry is in a race to roll out 5G service. The network is supposed to be up to 100 times faster than current data speeds, but it requires cellphone tower equipment to be closer to users than before. Wireless companies in the U.S. say they'll have to install about 300,000 new antennas – roughly equal to the total number of cell towers built over the past three decades. That's causing outrage and alarm in some neighborhoods, as antennas go up around homes.
View attachment 195844

maybe when CBS tells the stupid asses they'll believe it compared to when infowars tries warning American jackasses months or years ahead of time it's oh a conspiracy or that's just crazy.

That's because sheep are easily sold bs as long as it says the Gov. alphabet soup says " oh it's safe" they're all for it.

The Gov. thought for them, speaks for them and they just blindly bend over and fall for it.

5G Wireless: A Ridiculous Front for Global Control

View attachment 195843

infowars on Twitter

Total Confirmation: 5G Linked To Cancer By More Scientific Studies

Just more cases of chronic illness for the medical cartels. What not for the establishment to love?
Cancer Risk From Cellphone Radiation Is Small, Studies Show

Despite years of research, there is still no clear answer. But two government studies released on Friday, one in rats and one in mice, suggest that if there is any risk, it is small, health officials said.


In male rats, the studies linked tumors in the heart to high exposure to radiation from the phones. But that problem did not occur in female rats, or any mice.

The rodents in the studies were exposed to radiation nine hours a day for two years, more than people experience even with a lot of cellphone use, so the results cannot be applied directly to humans, said John Bucher, a senior scientist at the National Toxicology Program, during a telephone news briefing.

Well what ya gonna do? Live inside of a Faraday cage and never venture out without your protective tin foil lined suit?
Any city banning 5G is also effectively banning new business from opening.

If that's their choice then so be it.

Other cities can use the jobs.
5G service is coming – and so are health concerns over the towers that support it
The wireless industry is in a race to roll out 5G service. The network is supposed to be up to 100 times faster than current data speeds, but it requires cellphone tower equipment to be closer to users than before. Wireless companies in the U.S. say they'll have to install about 300,000 new antennas – roughly equal to the total number of cell towers built over the past three decades. That's causing outrage and alarm in some neighborhoods, as antennas go up around homes.
View attachment 195844

maybe when CBS tells the stupid asses they'll believe it compared to when infowars tries warning American jackasses months or years ahead of time it's oh a conspiracy or that's just crazy.

That's because sheep are easily sold bs as long as it says the Gov. alphabet soup says " oh it's safe" they're all for it.

The Gov. thought for them, speaks for them and they just blindly bend over and fall for it.

5G Wireless: A Ridiculous Front for Global Control

View attachment 195843

infowars on Twitter

Total Confirmation: 5G Linked To Cancer By More Scientific Studies

I see you stocked up on tinfoil. Hope it helps you.
View attachment 195980

I found a pic of the op
You have to admire his single minded dedication to never not being afraid. Every day he posts about something new that we need to be afraid of. No solutions are ever presented, just fear. Even manages to try to tie these problems to people who don't support Trump, lol. Some day he'll get one of these disasters in the making correct just due to the sheer number of them he posts about.

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