6,000 Shia Militants Expected to Enter Kirkuk Area


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Let's hope that when the Shia mop up the ISIS members that they and the Kurds don't clash.

6,000 Shia Militants Expected to Enter Kirkuk Area
The deployment will be led by Badr Brigade leader Hadi Amri
Basnews | Nuwar Faqie
05.02.2015 10:41


Iraqi Shiite Militia group in Kirkuk
Tags: Badr | Iran | Iraq | ISIL | ISIS | Kirkuk | Kurdistan | Kurds | Shiite | Turkey


A senior member of the Hashd al-Sha’bi Iraqi Shia militia says that 6,000 of its militants will deploy to the Taza Khurmatu and Daquq areas, southern Kirkuk Province soon, where they will launch an attack on Islamic State (IS) at the Bashira front.

An unnamed Hasd al-Sha’bi lieutenant on Wednesday told BasNews that IS has recently increased its presence in the province.

“Shakir Walid, a deputy of IS Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has left Tikrit, in Salahaddin Province, for Kirkuk where he will lead IS attacks in Kirkuk province, posing a threat to areas around Daquq and Taza Khurmatu,” said the lieutenant.

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They know this, so where the fuck is at least 100 sorties to DISTURB the children's advance? Who the fuck is running operations against ISIS?

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