6 Attorney Generals plan to sue Trump to prevent mail service cuts

New York City is freaking dying. The governor of NY might be responsible for over three thousand deaths in nursing homes. Democrat cities are overrun with homeless and rioting but the A.G.'s want to sue the President of the United States over funding for the Post Office. Go figure.
Trump's attempt to suppress mail voting has sparked resistance from attorney generals, as voters have flooded their telephones to voice concerns about whether their votes will count:

Thousands of voters have called government offices in recent days to ask whether it is still safe to mail their ballots, according to officials across the country. Attorneys general from at least six states are huddling to discuss possible lawsuits against the administration to block it from reducing mail service between now and the election, several told The Washington Post. State leaders are scrambling to see whether they can change rules to give voters more options, and Democrats are planning a massive public education campaign to shore up trust in the vote and the Postal Service.

“He is undermining the safest voting method during a pandemic and forcing people to cast a ballot in person,” said Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D). “It is reprehensible.”

The race to action comes amid escalating worries that even if the president does not succeed in blocking mail voting, he has created a dangerous crisis of confidence that could jeopardize whether Americans view the eventual outcome as legitimate.

“He has succeeded enough that everybody is working overtime to clean up the mess,” said Kristen Clarke, president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a nonpartisan voting rights group.
Some say this is way more serious than Trump seeking Russian interference in an election. Finding subtle ways to cripple the postal service in order to negate millions of mail-in votes to ensure his re-election is an impeachable offense. I agree.

Some who?
Sounds like a red Chinese name....

That's what Ivanka named the Chinese voting machines she got her patent on.

Sounds more like your Lady Boy name.
Some say this is way more serious than Trump seeking Russian interference in an election. Finding subtle ways to cripple the postal service in order to negate millions of mail-in votes to ensure his re-election is an impeachable offense. I agree.

The idea to cut postal funding at this late state of the voting game

Cut federal funding? How can he do that? Be specific.

cut postal funding is what I said

Trump admitted Thursday that he is blocking $25 billion in necessary funding to the “We Deliver for You” guys in order to help block Democrats from voting by mail amid the pandemic.

During an interview on Thursday with Maria Bartiromo on Fox Business Network, Trump admitted he plans to block additional funding for USPS in order to prevent increased voting by mail.

You know it true if FOX reports it
are you saying it will not prevent Republicans from voting also?

No I am well aware that republicans know how to vote

I am saying that Trump is doing everything in his power to suppress the vote to give himself a change of winning.

he is manipulating the vote to his advantage.

The republican backlash of Trump leadership is growing and the only way he can win is by cheating.
In his attempt to suppress the vote would he not be stopping Republicans from voting?
Now that's just stupid of you to think that.

If there are more demo voters than repub voters then it is necessary to repress the votes in the hopes that he will get enough votes to win. That is how a cheater wins. If he suppress vote then yes he will suppress some repub votes but he will also suppress demo votes.

its called the desperation move

a guy hits on multiple chicks in hope that at least he will get lucky with one
How do you know who votes one way or the other?
It's stupid to think the Republican president would stop Republicans from voting just to stop an undetermined number of votes by supposed democrats
Yet by trumps own admission he is cutting funs for that very purpose. I didn't say it was a smart thing to do only that your guy is doing it.
Some say this is way more serious than Trump seeking Russian interference in an election.
More serious than the big sack of nothing that was Russian collusion? Wow! Impressive.

Finding subtle ways to cripple the postal service in order to negate millions of mail-in votes to ensure his re-election is an impeachable offense. I agree.
You jump straight from one leftist hoax and scam proved to be b.s. to another imagined scheme
in which you are already claiming, without a bit of proof, that Trump will "negate" millions of mail in votes.

Go take some Prozac and lay down, drama queen.
New York City is freaking dying. The governor of NY might be responsible for over three thousand deaths in nursing homes. Democrat cities are overrun with homeless and rioting but the A.G.'s want to sue the President of the United States over funding for the Post Office. Go figure.

Stop talking out of your ass, unlike Florida and Texas, New York actually has Covid well under control.

Trump's attempt to suppress mail voting has sparked resistance from attorney generals, as voters have flooded their telephones to voice concerns about whether their votes will count:

Thousands of voters have called government offices in recent days to ask whether it is still safe to mail their ballots, according to officials across the country. Attorneys general from at least six states are huddling to discuss possible lawsuits against the administration to block it from reducing mail service between now and the election, several told The Washington Post. State leaders are scrambling to see whether they can change rules to give voters more options, and Democrats are planning a massive public education campaign to shore up trust in the vote and the Postal Service.

“He is undermining the safest voting method during a pandemic and forcing people to cast a ballot in person,” said Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D). “It is reprehensible.”

The race to action comes amid escalating worries that even if the president does not succeed in blocking mail voting, he has created a dangerous crisis of confidence that could jeopardize whether Americans view the eventual outcome as legitimate.

“He has succeeded enough that everybody is working overtime to clean up the mess,” said Kristen Clarke, president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a nonpartisan voting rights group.
Typical Washington Compost fear mongering article. Pelosi is just using the the postal office fray as an excuse to bring the House back into session. Trump has done her in once again. Trump is not going give her a penny for the Post Office unless she give Trump all he wants in stimulus checks for the American people..... Trump wins again.
Holding the post office hostage to get the federal deficit even higher is winning to you people?
Trump's attempt to suppress mail voting has sparked resistance from attorney generals, as voters have flooded their telephones to voice concerns about whether their votes will count:

Thousands of voters have called government offices in recent days to ask whether it is still safe to mail their ballots, according to officials across the country. Attorneys general from at least six states are huddling to discuss possible lawsuits against the administration to block it from reducing mail service between now and the election, several told The Washington Post. State leaders are scrambling to see whether they can change rules to give voters more options, and Democrats are planning a massive public education campaign to shore up trust in the vote and the Postal Service.

“He is undermining the safest voting method during a pandemic and forcing people to cast a ballot in person,” said Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D). “It is reprehensible.”

The race to action comes amid escalating worries that even if the president does not succeed in blocking mail voting, he has created a dangerous crisis of confidence that could jeopardize whether Americans view the eventual outcome as legitimate.

“He has succeeded enough that everybody is working overtime to clean up the mess,” said Kristen Clarke, president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a nonpartisan voting rights group.

The Postal Service is 169 billion...that is billion with a "B,"......in debt.....any other business in that much trouble would see their corporate officers in jail..........

But let's blame Trump for something that was broken before he was born...
Trump's attempt to suppress mail voting has sparked resistance from attorney generals, as voters have flooded their telephones to voice concerns about whether their votes will count:
USPS employees are on strike (https://www.apwu.org/), holding the election hostage through the mails until all their labor union demands are met, including more pay and benefits, and the inauguration of a Democrat President in office regardless of any actual election results.
Stop talking out of your ass, unlike Florida and Texas, New York actually has Covid well under control.

Compare Florida and New York deaths per million. The only factor that is really critical, deaths.

This chart is dated 8/17/2020 For the whole chart and one for all the countries: https://www.https://photos.smugmug.com/Healthcare/Pandemic/i-nN4jtq6/0/acaab8f8/X2/2020-08-17%20%20States-X2.jpgrealclearpolitics.com/coronavirus/country/united-states/

Trump's attempt to suppress mail voting has sparked resistance from attorney generals, as voters have flooded their telephones to voice concerns about
Some say this is way more serious than Trump seeking Russian interference in an election. Finding subtle ways to cripple the postal service in order to negate millions of mail-in votes to ensure his re-election is an impeachable offense. I agree.
What Trump is doing is not the problem. The problem is your too stupid to vote for the better candidate. It's better your vote doesn't count.
You want to keep the money flowing to the post office even though it means more U.S. debt talk to the lazy, crazy Democrats. They are the ones holding up the money.
Exactly how are they 'holding up the money'?
I take it you don’t know that the house is not in session right now. I take it you don’t understand that the last time it was brought up before Pelosi called them to take a break, they added in all kinds of pork like billions to badly run cities or mass ballot mailings.

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