6 Attorney Generals plan to sue Trump to prevent mail service cuts

There are no "cuts." The Post Office is fully funded. The election will generate A FRACTION of the mail that the USPS handles every Christmas - mail that must be delivered by a fixed date, and they do fine. All you need to know:

Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, claimed without evidence that President Donald Trump “wants to cut off money for the post office so they cannot deliver mail-in ballots.”

The perpetually cash-strapped U.S. Postal Service has been hurt by COVID-19 and is negotiating with the Treasury Department for a $10 billion loan, which the president has said he will not approve without changes in USPS pricing and leadership.

But a USPS spokesman told us its current financial condition will have no impact on its ability to deliver mail-in ballots this year.
You want to keep the money flowing to the post office even though it means more U.S. debt talk to the lazy, crazy Democrats. They are the ones holding up the money.
I don’t get what democrats don’t understand it’s listing billions a year.. you don’t keep expanding it..

Cnn nbc refuse to tell it’s viewers it’s bankrupt

USPS would have made 4 billion dollar profit last year if it wasn't for SPECIAL RULES that Republicans passed in 2006 that require them to pre-fund their retirements. No other company, including UPS, is subject to such accounting.

How many postal workers did Obama cause to get laid off?

i worked there up until 2013.....no layoffs.....the PO has never laid off anyone....
There are no "cuts." The Post Office is fully funded. The election will generate A FRACTION of the mail that the USPS handles every Christmas - mail that must be delivered by a fixed date, and they do fine. All you need to know:

Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, claimed without evidence that President Donald Trump “wants to cut off money for the post office so they cannot deliver mail-in ballots.”

The perpetually cash-strapped U.S. Postal Service has been hurt by COVID-19 and is negotiating with the Treasury Department for a $10 billion loan, which the president has said he will not approve without changes in USPS pricing and leadership.

But a USPS spokesman told us its current financial condition will have no impact on its ability to deliver mail-in ballots this year.

If that is the case, then should we consider that "other matters" are at stake here?
I have little doubt that Democrats would use the Postal service against a fair election.
I also have no doubt that Mr. President wants nothing more than a transparent and fair election.
Communist AGs from Blue States :icon_rolleyes:
The Ag that will hang your POS when he loses in Nov ? Nothing would please me more than to see that republican coward hanging from a tall oak tree along with his family, Barr ,and McConnell
Trump won and the kids just could not take it and it’s been one bitter pill after another from Dems.
I am thinking about giving you a shot in 2024 just to see if there can be a peaceful adult non sore loser USA again.
There are no "cuts." The Post Office is fully funded. The election will generate A FRACTION of the mail that the USPS handles every Christmas - mail that must be delivered by a fixed date, and they do fine. All you need to know:

Joe Biden, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, claimed without evidence that President Donald Trump “wants to cut off money for the post office so they cannot deliver mail-in ballots.”

The perpetually cash-strapped U.S. Postal Service has been hurt by COVID-19 and is negotiating with the Treasury Department for a $10 billion loan, which the president has said he will not approve without changes in USPS pricing and leadership.

But a USPS spokesman told us its current financial condition will have no impact on its ability to deliver mail-in ballots this year.

If that is the case, then should we consider that "other matters" are at stake here?
I have little doubt that Democrats would use the Postal service against a fair election.
I also have no doubt that Mr. President wants nothing more than a transparent and fair election.
And I have no doubt you're an AH
USPS would have made 4 billion dollar profit last year

So what's their profit over the last 5 years? Over the last 10?

if it wasn't for SPECIAL RULES that Republicans passed in 2006 that require them to pre-fund their retirements.

Republicans passed? By what vote? Be specific.

And what's the correct amount they should be funding their pensions? Link?
Trump's attempt to suppress mail voting has sparked resistance from attorney generals, as voters have flooded their telephones to voice concerns about whether their votes will count:

Thousands of voters have called government offices in recent days to ask whether it is still safe to mail their ballots, according to officials across the country. Attorneys general from at least six states are huddling to discuss possible lawsuits against the administration to block it from reducing mail service between now and the election, several told The Washington Post. State leaders are scrambling to see whether they can change rules to give voters more options, and Democrats are planning a massive public education campaign to shore up trust in the vote and the Postal Service.

“He is undermining the safest voting method during a pandemic and forcing people to cast a ballot in person,” said Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D). “It is reprehensible.”

The race to action comes amid escalating worries that even if the president does not succeed in blocking mail voting, he has created a dangerous crisis of confidence that could jeopardize whether Americans view the eventual outcome as legitimate.

“He has succeeded enough that everybody is working overtime to clean up the mess,” said Kristen Clarke, president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a nonpartisan voting rights group.

All that trouble over a fucking hoax. Of course people are concerned, the propaganda media has been pushing this fake crap for more than a week. I live in a rural area and have seen zero changes in my postal service since Trump took office. When this crap is proven false, the commies will dream up an new conspiracy.

If your going to talk about the postal service losing money how about the Pentagon, they lose about 7 billion a year,& we still support them.
6 former psychiatrists say Trump hates mail carriers because one broke a toy when Trump was 5
Libbies are still mostly 5 so do not understand why they cant relate to this feeling.
6 former psychiatrists say Trump hates mail carriers because one broke a toy when Trump was 5
Libbies are still mostly 5 so do not understand why they cant relate to this feeling.
How many cases do you want to lose in court?/ Here comes another one for the crook in our WH
Trump's attempt to suppress mail voting has sparked resistance from attorney generals, as voters have flooded their telephones to voice concerns about whether their votes will count:

Thousands of voters have called government offices in recent days to ask whether it is still safe to mail their ballots, according to officials across the country. Attorneys general from at least six states are huddling to discuss possible lawsuits against the administration to block it from reducing mail service between now and the election, several told The Washington Post. State leaders are scrambling to see whether they can change rules to give voters more options, and Democrats are planning a massive public education campaign to shore up trust in the vote and the Postal Service.

“He is undermining the safest voting method during a pandemic and forcing people to cast a ballot in person,” said Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D). “It is reprehensible.”

The race to action comes amid escalating worries that even if the president does not succeed in blocking mail voting, he has created a dangerous crisis of confidence that could jeopardize whether Americans view the eventual outcome as legitimate.

“He has succeeded enough that everybody is working overtime to clean up the mess,” said Kristen Clarke, president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a nonpartisan voting rights group.

The Postal Service is 169 billion dollars in the red.........they are 4 billion or more in the red every year now......Trump has nothing to do with the failure of the Postal service..
6 former psychiatrists say Trump hates mail carriers because one broke a toy when Trump was 5
Libbies are still mostly 5 so do not understand why they cant relate to this feeling.
How many cases do you want to lose in court?/ Here comes another one for the crook in our WH
Elections >courts and only chickenshits who can’t win elections go to the courts to soothe their frayed emotions
6 former psychiatrists say Trump hates mail carriers because one broke a toy when Trump was 5
Libbies are still mostly 5 so do not understand why they cant relate to this feeling.
How many cases do you want to lose in court?/ Here comes another one for the crook in our WH
Elections >courts and only chickenshits who can’t win elections go to the courts to soothe their frayed emotions
Check out how many times turd for brains trump was in court
Trump's attempt to suppress mail voting has sparked resistance from attorney generals, as voters have flooded their telephones to voice concerns about whether their votes will count:

Thousands of voters have called government offices in recent days to ask whether it is still safe to mail their ballots, according to officials across the country. Attorneys general from at least six states are huddling to discuss possible lawsuits against the administration to block it from reducing mail service between now and the election, several told The Washington Post. State leaders are scrambling to see whether they can change rules to give voters more options, and Democrats are planning a massive public education campaign to shore up trust in the vote and the Postal Service.

“He is undermining the safest voting method during a pandemic and forcing people to cast a ballot in person,” said Colorado Secretary of State Jena Griswold (D). “It is reprehensible.”

The race to action comes amid escalating worries that even if the president does not succeed in blocking mail voting, he has created a dangerous crisis of confidence that could jeopardize whether Americans view the eventual outcome as legitimate.

“He has succeeded enough that everybody is working overtime to clean up the mess,” said Kristen Clarke, president of the Lawyers’ Committee for Civil Rights Under Law, a nonpartisan voting rights group.

Trump should have them all arrested for sedition and voter fraud

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