"60 Days In"


I'd love to know what municipality hired her to be a police officer. How in heaven's name did she ever pass the psychological evaluation?

The psych/eval for these jobs is comparatively brief and far too superficial to detect any but the most outstanding disorders.

Being a cop probably has compensated for some of Tami's more disturbing hang-ups by imparting a sense of superiority and authority. But that superimposed identity has been suspended under extreme circumstances and she's having a real problem adjusting to this stressful new reality.

It would help if she knew what was going on in her psyche right now. But it's difficult to impossible for an individual undergoing emotional upheaval to objectively analyze the problem and identify the cause. Right now Tami is desperately in need of professional assistance.

How this experience will affect her performance as a cop is anybody's guess.
"Yer Fired" is what is waiting for her when she gets out. That is, if she doesn't fuck up the whole program.
Has anyone noticed the almost constant expression of unmistakable repressed anger on the face of the supervisory correction officer? He seems bitterly opposed to the charade he's been placed in charge of. He obviously was extremely frustrated when Robert, who is not a real inmate, placed the towel over the camera. Because he had to deal with the fact that Robert was in a position to tell him to go screw himself if he chose to.

The effect of this undercover operation is turning his world upside-down.

I think I'd be pissed too. First that malignant narcissist Robert got himself thrown into solitary (on purpose because he was going to get his head stomped); then that guy Brian wimped out and left the program; then Robert, who really is full of shit, developed an imaginary case of constipation and left the program to go to the hospital. The entire thing doesn't seem to be producing any insight into where the contraband is coming from and that was supposed to be the purpose, wasn't it? The sheriff knew that the inmates were getting high, he just didn't know how the drugs were making their way into the jail and he still doesn't! Other than witnessing and exhibiting bad behavior, exactly what are these moles doing?

I meant that guy Jeff wimped out and left.
I know I read it in this forum but I also read it somewhere else: Tami, Robert and Barbie have all been on other shows. I actually saw pictures of Tami on the other reality show which, coincidentally, was another jail house show where she was planted as an inmate. So that tells me that most of this crap is all orchestrated.
Really. If this is the case, I won't even bother to watch it any more.
Really. If this is the case, I won't even bother to watch it any more.

Here's the link to the pictures of Tami on the other show: Tami Ferraiuolo sexy photo - Tami Ferraiuolo hot picture - Tami Ferraiuolo in Caught Red Handed picture #4 of 4

The description of the show: Caught Red Handed takes a close look at the daily life of loss-prevention agents as they apprehend shoplifting suspects.[1] In May 2012, the producers issued a casting call for actors to portray shoplifters on the show.[2] At the end of each show, the credits reveal that the show consists of "reenactments inspired by true events"

If this is the case, it makes a little more sense. Tami isn't a police officer; she's a security officer.

Robert was previously on a show called "Extreme Time Crashers" which was on TLC. Extreme Time Cheaters: meet the people who wash up in the shower

I read that Barbra was an actress and this was what I found: {{og.title}}
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She has said quite a few times she is in law enforcement or police officer. She should be arrested for impersonating one.
She has said quite a few times she is in law enforcement or police officer. She should be arrested for impersonating one.

Barbra was in Sharknado 3, Duff, Get on Up and another movie. I found her listed on a few different actor sites. This show is fake and now I'm pissed. I wonder if Isaiah and Zac are fake too?
Really. If this is the case, I won't even bother to watch it any more.

Here's the link to the pictures of Tami on the other show: Tami Ferraiuolo sexy photo - Tami Ferraiuolo hot picture - Tami Ferraiuolo in Caught Red Handed picture #4 of 4

The description of the show: Caught Red Handed takes a close look at the daily life of loss-prevention agents as they apprehend shoplifting suspects.[1] In May 2012, the producers issued a casting call for actors to portray shoplifters on the show.[2] At the end of each show, the credits reveal that the show consists of "reenactments inspired by true events"

If this is the case, it makes a little more sense. Tami isn't a police officer; she's a security officer.

Robert was previously on a show called "Extreme Time Crashers" which was on TLC. Extreme Time Cheaters: meet the people who wash up in the shower

I read that Barbra was an actress and this was what I found: {{og.title}}
Thanks for the revelations. I'm now done with that obnoxious waste of time.
That interview with Robert made me want to reach thru the screen and punch his face in.
He does have a rather annoying personality.

My impression of Robert is he led a spoiled, sheltered, suburban childhood and adolescence, he bullshitted his way through high-school, then bullshitted his way through an Ed. curriculum, he bullshits his students as a teacher, and now he thinks he can bullshit his way through this charade. He was a fish out of water in that environment and I doubt he knows how close he came to being seriously hurt.

You know, it didn't occur to me until this morning just how fake the whole thing was. I was watching it and not catching on. Robert was in solitary; inmates in solitary don't get commissary, and yet there he was with a rolling cart full of commissary items. How did I miss that?
You know, watching Robert's exit interview, I'm wondering how the cops restrained themselves from beating his ass.

And..............he knew he was getting under their skin, because when he left and they held out their hands, he replied he was surprised they still wanted to shake his hand.

I think the only reason he did it was for ego and his 15 min of fame.
You know, watching Robert's exit interview, I'm wondering how the cops restrained themselves from beating his ass.

And..............he knew he was getting under their skin, because when he left and they held out their hands, he replied he was surprised they still wanted to shake his hand.

I think the only reason he did it was for ego and his 15 min of fame.

When he did that fake yawn I wanted to plant my foot right down his throat. But, since it's come to light that at least 3 of the 7 so-called "participants" has previously been on TV (and in addition, Barbra has written 2 books that have been featured on Amazon), it's almost certain that the whole show was scripted anyway.
Scripted or not, that sheriff didn't really have a good idea for busting the prison, just a way to get himself and some others on television.

Going in there with zero safety net seems like a bad idea to me.
Scripted or not, that sheriff didn't really have a good idea for busting the prison, just a way to get himself and some others on television.

Going in there with zero safety net seems like a bad idea to me.
Personally...I think the whole thing is rigged. The "prison", the other "inmates"...the whole shebang.
I am. The cop lady is going to get in a shitload of trouble if she doesn't mellow out and act like a prisoner. Ali's daughter looks NOTHING like her sister or her dad and seems pretty shy. Zack is cool, but I wonder how long he can keep his cool in there? The dweeb that played sick instead of going out in general population was a chickenshit and I am glad he is gone. The blonde mom..I hope she gets her ass kicked all over the place. Seeing a foot stomp a flag in that crayon art is bullshit. That bitch is a drama queen to the max and I loathe her. The black kid is going to wind up turning bad being in there. He is being tempted and taking the bait.
The lesbo cop got offended at the short bus comment? The other plant is a snowflake too. She got offended because she thought Ali drew a foot on the American flag?
I am. The cop lady is going to get in a shitload of trouble if she doesn't mellow out and act like a prisoner. Ali's daughter looks NOTHING like her sister or her dad and seems pretty shy. Zack is cool, but I wonder how long he can keep his cool in there? The dweeb that played sick instead of going out in general population was a chickenshit and I am glad he is gone. The blonde mom..I hope she gets her ass kicked all over the place. Seeing a foot stomp a flag in that crayon art is bullshit. That bitch is a drama queen to the max and I loathe her. The black kid is going to wind up turning bad being in there. He is being tempted and taking the bait.
You’re spot on.

Id never let Robert teach kids. He was a school teacher. He’s crazy!
Tami, the lesbian cop, seems to have considerable psychological issues. One can only wonder how this experience will affect her attitude on the job, presuming she survives sixty days locked up with the criminal element. Will she become more sympathetic toward some types of offender, or will she develop a more that ordinary indifference toward them?

Ali's daughter seems able to fit right in and I expect she will relate very well to most of the inmates. She appears to be the most level-headed of the entire group of impostors.

By the "blond mom," I presume you're talking about Barbara, the mousy little bimbo. She is totally self-absorbed and I expect her to develop a closeness to one of the inmates and expose the undercover operation. I can't blame you for loathing her and I'm not at all surprised that her husband seems annoyed by her phone calls. He's probably glad to be rid of her for two months.

I don't know what you mean by, "Seeing a foot stomp a flag in that crayon art is bullshit." Could be I've missed an episode. (I don't recall what nights it's on.)

By the "Black kid," do you mean Isaiah? He is an extremely repressed personality. Have you noticed he cannot converse without having his hand moving close to his mouth, diverting attention from what he is saying?

Zack strikes me as a rather contemptible individual. His committed purpose there is to find out which of those inmates is bringing drugs in and to inform on him. To achieve this he is doing his best to cultivate trust and friendship. Interestingly his ambition is to become a DEA cop, which is as low as it goes in the police profession. Narcs and vice cops are the scumbags of law-enforcement and Zack will fit right in.

Robert is lucky to have been placed in segregation because it appears he was on the verge of a serious ass-kicking. It would be best for him to drop out because he is incapable of behaving appropriately in that environment.

Isn't it amazing that the sissified "dweeb" who was beat up and has dropped out had aspired to be a correction officer? That's like someone who is afraid of heights wanting to be an ironworker.

All in all, with the exception of Ali's daughter, that entire group consists of exotic oddballs. I'd be interested in knowing how they were selected.
You don remember barbara got offended at Ali drawing? Thought it was a foot on the American flag? The cop explained in prison little things get amplified.

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