61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

NFBW You say Mr healthmvths #473 “It is a truly complicated decision” to take the life of one’s own fetus and that “….. the majority of humans believe in responsibility.”

LET’s say for the sake of argument that we are addressing abortions that are performed sooner than 13 weeks of gestation. In these cases what does it matter to you if an “irresponsible” couple make a decision to end an unwanted pregnancy. How would you know if their decision is complicated.

I do not think that it is complicated for the woman when it’s her body could be harmed if the government can force nine months of gestation on every woman who is not willing to take the risk.

Why do you think you know the decision is complicated?
We found that 45% of patients reported having one or more prior abortions.
Age was most strongly associated with this outcome, and patients aged 30 and older had more than two times the odds of having had a prior abortion compared with those aged 20–24. Other characteristics associated with an increased likelihood of prior abortion included having one or more children, being black, relying on insurance or financial assistance to pay for the procedure, and exposure to disruptive events in the last 12 months

Why are these women allowed by compassionate supposedly "reproductive rights" allow a woman to totally and thoughtlessly get pregnant again?
Another fact:
Medical science has progressed to the point where an abortion is never necessary to preserve the life or the health of the mother. This has been true for more than half a century.
Abortions performed to preserve the life or the health of the mother are so rare that they do not register statistically, according to Alan Guttmacher of Planned Parenthood, who did more to promote and spread abortion on demand throughout the world than any other individual. In 1967 he commented, “Today it is possible for almost any patient to be brought through pregnancy alive, unless she suffers from a fatal disease such as cancer or leukemia, and if so, abortion would be unlikely to prolong, much less save the life.”
Have you seen this thread?


I had never heard of the book mentioned in that story, "The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories".

I would love to read it but -- and this is rich irony -- the only place I can find it is on Amazon and I have stopped giving Amazon my money since they pledged to pay for their employees' abortions if they need to go out of state to get them!

I'll keep looking for it. Double thanks!

Let the states decide, and yes people involved in abortions, regardless of their religious affiliations, are murderers when it's about "convenience".

23MAY30 NFBW: You have determined Mr digtldrftr in post #493 That people involved in abortions, are murderers when it's about "convenience".

Mr Redstrmrsng posted the following image in post #44 .


If we imagine this woman and her doctor are involved in an abortion in her 12th week of gestational development could you tell me what person is being murdered because as I understand reproductive biology, there is only one person involved that is sustaining her life and the life of the unborn child in the womb.

How can it be murder if there is only one person having acquire consciousness at this moment during pregnancy,,

it cannot be homicide or suicide because no actual person dies. The fetus dies befire having acquired consciousness. That is not murder.
Courtesy “SAVING BABY FETUS” propagandist Mr Redstrmrsng #44


Please OhPleaseJustQuit qvt are you ever going to tell us many functional brains with a neurologically active life sustaining nerve system are in a woman’s body in the 15th week of pregnancy?

I had never heard of the book mentioned in that story, "The Walls Are Talking: Former Abortion Clinic Workers Tell Their Stories".

I would love to read it but -- and this is rich irony -- the only place I can find it is on Amazon and I have stopped giving Amazon my money since they pledged to pay for their employees' abortions if they need to go out of state to get them!

I'll keep looking for it. Double thanks!

thanks for the heads up on Amazon paying for employees' abortions.

I was never big on ordering from them but I know people who do. .
23MAY30 NFBW: You have determined Mr digtldrftr in post #493 That people involved in abortions, are murderers when it's about "convenience".

Mr Redstrmrsng posted the following image in post #44 .

View attachment 790264

If we imagine this woman and her doctor are involved in an abortion in her 12th week of gestational development could you tell me what person is being murdered because as I understand reproductive biology, there is only one person involved that is sustaining her life and the life of the unborn child in the womb.

How can it be murder if there is only one person having acquire consciousness at this moment during pregnancy,,

it cannot be homicide or suicide because no actual person dies. The fetus dies befire having acquired consciousness. That is not murder.
When a tree is chopped down, a life is terminated. We don't know about whether a tree has consciousness because we've never been able to communicate.
When a tree is chopped down, a life is terminated.
NFBW 23MAY30: { to vths #510 } When a tree is chopped down it is true that a life is terminated. Do you know of any woman who was growing a tree inside her body when “she” decided to chop it down?

Courtesy Mr Redstrmrsng #44 totalitarian red wave rising propagandist


Science says there is only one brain and one neurological system sustaining life until 24 weeks. That means there is only one person inside a pregnant woman’s body. My question is based on when there is a quantity of one, how can the one be accused of killing somebody else?
As noted above. Abortion was not an issue with “Christian’s” prior to about 1980 when evangelical leaders realized they could use it as a political tool.

You people are being used
It's an issue, regardless of who could use it however, whenever.
23MAY30 Think about what you are saying through a biological and neurological scientific examination of what is going on inside a woman’s body when she is 16 weeks pregnant.

If you need a picture, Mr protctnvst we can use one provided by your Mr redstrmrsng’s “SAVING BABY FETUS” propaganda campaign.

00044 Redstrmrsng #44 someone else’s body pavone y21m11d25

View attachment 790115

At 16 weeks gestation how many functional neurological systems are sustaining life in the image shown above.

Is it ever by this 25th week of gestation - more than one?
Does anybody have any idea what all this babbling is about ?... or how it in any way relates to my Post # 421, which it quoted ?
So you're fine with it being used cynically and politically to manipulate people like yourself...
1. If that were being done, no.
2. I'm not manipulated one iota.
3. It is an issue no, matter what anybody may do with it
Because evangelicals had considered abortion a Catholic issue until the late 1970s, they expressed little interest in the matter; Falwell, by his own admission, did not preach his first anti-abortion sermon until February 26, 1978, more than five years after Roe. During the midterm elections of 1978, however, antiabortion activists — Roman Catholics — leafleted church parking lots in four Senate races during the final weekend of the campaign: New Hampshire, Iowa and two races in Minnesota, one for the unexpired term of Walter Mondale, Carter’s vice president. Two days later, in an election with a very low turnout, anti-abortion Republicans defeated the favored Democratic candidates.

And that's how Republicans and evangelicals learned of POLITICAL power of this issue
I repeat

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