61% Americans Say Abortions Should Be Legal!

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Thanks for sharing.

For me, the moment happened when I recognized that I was flushing a human nervous system down the sink in the procedure room. I puked all over the place and quit my job.

I had believed the lie -- that it was just a blob of cells.

A human spine less than the length of my little finger made me puke. I can't imagine what kind of person could dismember a child as they vacuumed it out of its mother's womb.

It is a truly complicated decision.
My major distinction is that a woman pregnant for the 2nd time has made a decision to take a life that began as a fling. Her immediate gratification.
Now this is OK for the animal kingdom. But the majority of humans believe in responsibility.

NFBW You say Mr healthmvths #473 “It is a truly complicated decision” to take the life of one’s own fetus and that “….. the majority of humans believe in responsibility.”

LET’s say for the sake of argument that we are addressing abortions that are performed sooner than 13 weeks of gestation. In these cases what does it matter to you if an “irresponsible” couple make a decision to end an unwanted pregnancy. How would you know if their decision is complicated.

I do not think that it is complicated for the woman when it’s her body could be harmed if the government can force nine months of gestation on every woman who is not willing to take the risk.

Why do you think you know the decision is complicated?
Let the states decide, and yes people involved in abortions, regardless of their religious affiliations, are murderers when it's about "convenience".
Now the quite part Democrats don’t want to talk about out loud:

65% said abortion should usually be illegal in the second trimester, and 80% said that about the third trimester.

In other words, if Democrats are forced to fight for their actual position on abortion legislatively, they'll be demolished. Third-term abortions are an 80%-20% loser. Second-term abortions are a 65%-35% loser.

So... will Democrats fight for a federal abortion law promising people the right to an abortion in the first fifteen weeks of pregnancy? The period of time the current Mississippi law permits? The one they're claiming is a monstrosity that strips away women's rights?

I'd guess that if the two fucked up parties came out and agreed on a 15-week limit, it would be very popular.

Neither end gets what it wants, but both ends bend. Like adults.
FYI murder is the UNLAWFUL taking of a life. If abortion is not unlawful then by definition it is not murder.

So, no Jews or other Untermenschen were murdered in Germany and the territories controlled thereby, in the 1930s and 1940s, right?

No millions of people murdered in the Союз Советских Социалистических Республик under Stalin either.

No tens of millions murdered in the late 1950s to early 1960s under China's “Great Leap Forward”.

Nobody murdered in Cambodia under the regime of Pol Pot.

All of those happened in accordance with the laws and policies of the governments that were in power, there, and were therefore not “unlawful”, and by your degenerate logic, not murders.

To hide behind legalities in such a manner is exactly indicative of the sorts of cowardice, sociopathy, and intellectual dishonesty that have come to be among your defining traits.
In order to rid ourselves of abortion it will have to come from the promotion of contraception and NOT having kids People who have abortions never wanted kids in the first place. If a woman has any doubts at all about wanting kids she shouldn't have them until she is all in on them. So as a nation pushing and promoting birth control is of utmost importance.
Let the states decide, and yes people involved in abortions, regardless of their religious affiliations, are murderers when it's about "convenience".

Where is the line on “inconvenience”? If I kill you to take your wallet, and it contains $100, was that murder?

What if there is some way I can get a million dollars for killing you; is that murder?

What if it's a billion dollars?

How much do I have to be able to benefit from your death, for it to not be murder for me to intentionally take your life in order to gain that benefit?
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I am by law defined as a person with rights so no.

FYI murder is the UNLAWFUL taking of a life. If abortion is not unlawful then by definition it is not murder.


murder is the taking of an INNOCENT human life

The Nazis would agree w/ you though... I'm sure they used your line here as a defense at Nuremberg

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