What drivel.
Your poll does nothing more than measure the effectiveness of rightwing propaganda. The media are full of paens to capitalism and demonization of socialism. The average American know little more than that.
If rightwing propaganda is effective given how much more prevalent and overwhelming is leftwing propaganda in the media, in politics, and in the education system, there must be something very compelling in that rightwing propaganda, wouldn't you think? I mean rightwing propaganda doesn't promise cradle to grave security, benevolence, favoritism, etc. etc. etc. Rightwing propaganda only promises personal freedom, accountability, security of our God given rights, and opportunity for all to reach for their goals.
Hmmm. Freebies vs freedom and unlimited opportunity. Tough choice huh? And yet most Americans are just wierd enough to choose the latter and take their chances.
Why do you think that is?
No one ever said the propagandists weren't good at their jobs. They know how to distort and misrepresent the issues to favor the special interests who can pay for their services.
They've managed to convince guys who'll never make much more than minimum wage that taxing the rich at fair rates is a bad idea.
They managed to convice guys who'll die long before their times that universal health care is a bad idea.
They manage to convince guys who'll drift from one dead-end job to another that protecting American jobs is a bad idea.
They call it free-market capitalism, wrap it in the flag and shove it down the dupes' throats and they love it.
Go figure.
Why do you think the rightwing propagandists, who are in a significantly distinct minority among propagandists, are so much more effective in getting people to respond to their message than is your side?
Could it be that you're interpreting the conservative message entirely wrong?