62% of Americans are concerned that cheating will impact this year’s election

In 2024, the unique new fraud scheme – demonstrated in the data – at scale, in multiple states – now – is allegedly registering illegal aliens, flown in via the Biden Express, delivered to newly formed homeless addresses – then sending the migrants on their way – and collecting their ballots – and voting them.

This is happening at super scale – think hundreds of thousands already – it is completely invisible to all current relational technology. It is equally invisible to the RINO bunch telling you to vote early, ballot harvest and do not question elections.
These NGOs set up addresses that seem like homeless shelters – but aren’t – they are migrant ballot registration collection points. Some are just offices in crappy strip malls.

We know because we drill into the actual address photos. Watch our videos on Omega4America.com.

The migrants show up, get a phone, gift cards worth several grand, get registered to vote. In Wisconsin, for instance, there is a Form EL-131.

Form EL-131 says if you are homeless, check the box. You can register to vote with no supporting ID.

For you election deniers, and Republican types – read this slowly so you can comprehend this madness. n a swing state, one of 7 that will determine the next leader of the free world – today – using Form EL-131, anyone with a heartbeat can register to vote with no ID, as long as they check the box that says “homeless.”

Or someone can do it for them! What can go wrong?

This is what the Republican Party allowed to happen – bending over and taking it – with literally zero push back.
These migrants are from equatorial climates – places that are warm all the time. No snow. No ice. No crappy roads with potholes.

Do you think for a minute these almost-Americans got all the way to Wisconsin or Michigan – from some Central American hellhole – being stupid?

They know idiots when they encounter them and the religious do-gooders are perfect.

Our migrants take the several grand debit cards, the new clothes, the phone and they grin as they register to vote from that homeless shelter – which has no beds.

Then they travel from Wisconsin to Michigan – with directions in hand from another religious NGO – who gives them more money, debit cards. It is very entrepreneurial – maybe they are emerging Republicans!

They register in several states – who knows if they use the same names – there is literally no way to check them – they are untraceable – so 10,000 new illegal voters in Wisconsin may be 10,000 in Minnesota and Michigan – with different names.

***need more? There is much more out there.
In the city of Milwaukee, nearly half of all its votes were cast by mail, totaling
217,424 ballots. The city deployed 15 drop boxes, with election officials
claiming the drop boxes would be “under 24-hour surveillance.” However,
after the election, not a single municipality in the county produced video
surveillance of drop boxes in response to open records requests

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