7/22: Shocking News from the World of Science: Vax Jabs Won’t Keep You from Catching and Spreading the ChiCom Flu

By accident or design, Covid-19 has become a very effective way to control large groups of people. We are now flying over the cuckoo's nest.
Yes. That is one theory. They were testing the percentage of penetration.
The jabs will still protect the person jabbed.
No. I had Covid three months after the second shot, a bad case, symptoms for four months. The shots are worthless, IMO. And I didn't, but my husband had racing-heart symptoms for months after his shots, and there are news articles claiming that's due to the shots.

We've all been pwned.
Tell that to the 22,000 military men and women Brandon wants to fire and all those who already got fired for refusing the snake oil.
So what?

They don't have to get the shot and an employer can fire anyone for any reason right?

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