7 setbacks for the middle class


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2010

Yet is the state of the union address he will stand there and lie to our faces and tell is how great everything is. well it is, for the rich and corporations. after all, he has willing convinced the middle class that hope and change is for their benefit while they stand there bleeding to death.

Five years into his presidency, Barack Obama is still falling short of his number one goal: to fix the economy for the middle class.

Sure, a recovery has been underway for most of his presidency, but it's still slow and uneven. And despite Obama's focus on the middle class, the improvement so far has largely benefited corporations and the ultra-rich.

Whether you blame Obama or a dysfunctional Congress, either way the recovery is hardly a middle-class success story.

1. Workers are taking home their smallest slice of U.S. income on record: At around $15.8 trillion a year, the United States produces more in annual economic output than ever before, but it's not the worker that's benefiting. Instead, corporate profits now account for their largest slice of that pie on record, whereas the slice for workers has been steadily declining.

2. Inequality has widened: The recovery has been good to families earning more than $394,000 a year, but the other 99% of Americans have barely felt it. The richest 1% of American families have captured 95% of the income gains in the recovery period spanning 2009 to 2012, according to economists at the forefront of income inequality research, Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez.
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Part of the problem stems from workers dropping out of the labor force. If these "missing workers" were looking for work, Shierholz estimates the unemployment rate would be closer to 10% today, rather than its 6.7%
I am not sure the economy was ever one of his number one objectives. Quantitative Easing isn't exactly what I call planning for the future.

The cost of everything is skyrocketing and yet they still claim there is little inflation. Take for example a case of beer, 13 dollars for Miller Highlife last year 17 this year, is about a 30 percent increase. WTF. Gasoline in our state was coming down a bit to where we had grown accustomed. But then it spiked back up 10 cent, seems like the new year brought in another 10 cent tax per gallon. I don't see how the middle class is going to make it.
7 setbacks for the middle class - Yahoo Finance

Yet is the state of the union address he will stand there and lie to our faces and tell is how great everything is. well it is, for the rich and corporations. after all, he has willing convinced the middle class that hope and change is for their benefit while they stand there bleeding to death.

Five years into his presidency, Barack Obama is still falling short of his number one goal: to fix the economy for the middle class.

Sure, a recovery has been underway for most of his presidency, but it's still slow and uneven. And despite Obama's focus on the middle class, the improvement so far has largely benefited corporations and the ultra-rich.

Whether you blame Obama or a dysfunctional Congress, either way the recovery is hardly a middle-class success story.

1. Workers are taking home their smallest slice of U.S. income on record: At around $15.8 trillion a year, the United States produces more in annual economic output than ever before, but it's not the worker that's benefiting. Instead, corporate profits now account for their largest slice of that pie on record, whereas the slice for workers has been steadily declining.

2. Inequality has widened: The recovery has been good to families earning more than $394,000 a year, but the other 99% of Americans have barely felt it. The richest 1% of American families have captured 95% of the income gains in the recovery period spanning 2009 to 2012, according to economists at the forefront of income inequality research, Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez.

In evaluating Obama, we have consider what a president can and can't do.

The government needs to ensure a stable money and banking system. That's in place.

It funds certain projects that government does better than the private sector. Like infrastructure, national security, etc....While we've been secure, I'd say infrastructure construction and maintenance needs more support.

We need fair trade. I don't know if that's going on, but it's been broken for a long time. Same with immigration.

We provide a backstop for our seniors, the poor, unemployed and now the working poor were doing without health insurance. I don't see where any changes to this have had much impact on the overall economy.

The government provides regulation making our air & water more clean. While regulations have gradually gotten more stringent, we are producing 60% more domestic oil than just five years ago. We are in the midst of an oil boom.

So the basic problem comes to the private sector, how we deal with a technological revolution that doesn't need as many people to do high wage manufacturing jobs, instead has replaced them with lower paid retail and service jobs, offset by some higher paid health care jobs.

There will be more technological changes in the next 20 years than occurred in the last 100 years. It will make many new billionaires, but obsolete others who don't adjust. I don't know how we can blame all this on a president, but it definitely will challenge all of society.
Legalize Marijuana.

Uh, Obama said he was going to raise the cost of energy on people to "save the planet."

When businesses are paying more to heat and light their business they raise their price of goods and services.

Add on to that endless regulation by Obama, higher taxes, obamacare, etc then you see a recipe for destroying the economy and the middle class.

He doesn't give a shit...he has his stuff and he put his evil plan in motion, that is all that matters to the shitbag.
I am not sure the economy was ever one of his number one objectives. Quantitative Easing isn't exactly what I call planning for the future.

The cost of everything is skyrocketing and yet they still claim there is little inflation. Take for example a case of beer, 13 dollars for Miller Highlife last year 17 this year, is about a 30 percent increase. WTF. Gasoline in our state was coming down a bit to where we had grown accustomed. But then it spiked back up 10 cent, seems like the new year brought in another 10 cent tax per gallon. I don't see how the middle class is going to make it.

inflation was one of the things predicted to happen with obamas economic recovery plan. what is interesting, the economy hasn't recovered yet inflation is setting in. it is setting in heavily on the staples, like food. the middle class won't make it if they continue to listen to the lies government is telling them.
Republican logic: "We can't trust big corrupt government. Trust private industry and Wall Street."
7 setbacks for the middle class - Yahoo Finance

Yet is the state of the union address he will stand there and lie to our faces and tell is how great everything is. well it is, for the rich and corporations. after all, he has willing convinced the middle class that hope and change is for their benefit while they stand there bleeding to death.

Five years into his presidency, Barack Obama is still falling short of his number one goal: to fix the economy for the middle class.

Sure, a recovery has been underway for most of his presidency, but it's still slow and uneven. And despite Obama's focus on the middle class, the improvement so far has largely benefited corporations and the ultra-rich.

Whether you blame Obama or a dysfunctional Congress, either way the recovery is hardly a middle-class success story.

1. Workers are taking home their smallest slice of U.S. income on record: At around $15.8 trillion a year, the United States produces more in annual economic output than ever before, but it's not the worker that's benefiting. Instead, corporate profits now account for their largest slice of that pie on record, whereas the slice for workers has been steadily declining.

2. Inequality has widened: The recovery has been good to families earning more than $394,000 a year, but the other 99% of Americans have barely felt it. The richest 1% of American families have captured 95% of the income gains in the recovery period spanning 2009 to 2012, according to economists at the forefront of income inequality research, Thomas Piketty and Emmanuel Saez.

In evaluating Obama, we have consider what a president can and can't do.

The government needs to ensure a stable money and banking system. That's in place.

It funds certain projects that government does better than the private sector. Like infrastructure, national security, etc....While we've been secure, I'd say infrastructure construction and maintenance needs more support.

We need fair trade. I don't know if that's going on, but it's been broken for a long time. Same with immigration.

We provide a backstop for our seniors, the poor, unemployed and now the working poor were doing without health insurance. I don't see where any changes to this have had much impact on the overall economy.

The government provides regulation making our air & water more clean. While regulations have gradually gotten more stringent, we are producing 60% more domestic oil than just five years ago. We are in the midst of an oil boom.

So the basic problem comes to the private sector, how we deal with a technological revolution that doesn't need as many people to do high wage manufacturing jobs, instead has replaced them with lower paid retail and service jobs, offset by some higher paid health care jobs.

There will be more technological changes in the next 20 years than occurred in the last 100 years. It will make many new billionaires, but obsolete others who don't adjust. I don't know how we can blame all this on a president, but it definitely will challenge all of society.

higher wage manufacturing jobs mean higher cost goods. who can afford them? we have national healthcare reform now don't we? or do we? what was reformed? all we have changed is that the middle class is now footing more of a bill. we haven't controlled health care costs. we haven't improved the quality of healthcare. true, we've lost jobs. so why do we continue to allow more and more undocumented workers into this country? why do we have welfare policies that incent people to have more kids who statistics show grow up in a higher percentage to draw additional welfare. why do we continue to allow anchor babies? what these idiots in government can stop doing is passing legislation that increases costs, that cripple business, that restrict sales by forcing their agendas. it goes from the president all the way down. government is the problem
Republican logic: "We can't trust big corrupt government. Trust private industry and Wall Street."

private industry and wall street own government. the bigger the government the longer the arm of wall street
1. Obama
2. Reid
3. Pelosi
4. Biden
5. Clinton
6. Soros

Im sure there are more.
We need some kind of fairness doctrine for the middle class.

Redistribution of wealth has been going on for a long time.
Redistributed from the many into the hands of the few. The more money is concentrated the more it can create the conditions for this to occur. It's a self-perpetuating phenomenon. Influence in elections, lobbying, favorable banking regulations etc. etc.
85 individuals owning half the world's wealth. Imagine that. Of course the cry's of Socialist! and Free Markets are the Answer! assail anyone who points out the facts. If economic regulations and laws weren't up for sale to the highest bidder it would look a lot better. The American worker can take care of himself on a level playing field.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=QPKKQnijnsM]Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube[/ame]
Five years into his presidency, Barack Obama is still falling short of his number one goal: to fix the economy for the middle class.
Fixing the economy has never been Pres. Obama's #1 goal or even a top priority.

His focus in the last 5 years has been about re-engineering American society .

Things like homo marriage, open gays in the military, attracting more illegal aliens, expanding the food stamp programs, amnesty for undocumented people, restricting gun ownership by American citizens, etc. ... :doubt:
Five years into his presidency, Barack Obama is still falling short of his number one goal: to fix the economy for the middle class.
Fixing the economy has never been Pres. Obama's #1 goal or even a top priority.

His focus in the last 5 years has been about re-engineering American society .

Things like homo marriage, open gays in the military, attracting more illegal aliens, expanding the food stamp programs, amnesty for undocumented people, restricting gun ownership by American citizens, etc. ... :doubt:

that is very true. Obama has been trying to create an environment for a large majority dependent on government. keep the voters needed government help and they will vote democrat. in the process trying to take away peoples rights and give government more and more control over them.

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