7 things Liberals can be Thankful for - Happy Thanksgiving!


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
In response to the Conservative list posted by 2aguy[/USER:
[URL='http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/18663447/']7 things to be grateful for this Thanksgiving....by Kurt Schlichter.[/URL]

[B]Here's the Liberal List:
[URL='https://www.politico.com/interactives/2017/tax-bill-senate-house-hurdles/']Tax reform: 7 Key players and how they could stop the bills[/URL]

7 GOP Senators who could make or break the repeal/replace Tax Bill:[/B]

[SIZE=3][B]Bob Corker (R-Tenn.)[/B][/SIZE]
Corker — who [B] will not seek reelection in 2018[/B] — has said he will oppose any tax legislation if it adds “[B] [URL='https://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/01/corker-lobbying-tax-breaks-243340']one penny to the deficit[/URL][/B] .”

[SIZE=3][B]John McCain (R- Ariz.)[/B][/SIZE]
McCain voted against the Bush tax cuts in 2001 and 2003 in part because they disproportionately [B] favored the wealthy[/B] . “The deficit went up,” McCain said. “Guess what? I was right.” It also doesn’t help that Trump feuded with McCain over the GOP’s Obamacare repeal bill this past summer.

[SIZE=3][B]Jeff Flake (R - Ariz.)[/B][/SIZE]
Flake is worried about fiscal responsibility. “I remain concerned over how the current tax reform proposals will grow the already staggering national debt by opting for short-term fixes while ignoring long-term problems for taxpayers and the economy,” Flake said in a [URL='https://www.flake.senate.gov/public/index.cfm/press-releases?ID=DBAAFC86-8FC3-48F9-897B-E2C8E2407E77']statement[/URL] released last week.

[SIZE=3][B]Don't forget: [/B][/SIZE]
Like Corker, Flake is a harsh critic of Trump who [B]isn’t running for reelection[/B] .

[SIZE=3][B]Ron Johnson (R- Wis.)[/B][/SIZE]
Johnson is [B][URL='https://www.politico.com/story/2017/11/15/republican-against-senate-tax-bill-244947']the first Senate Republican to come out against the tax plan[/URL][/B]. Johnson argued that the House and Senate bills both [B]benefit large corporations over small businesses[/B] and so-called pass-through entities, whose owners pay taxes on their companies through the individual tax code. “I do, however, look forward to working with my colleagues to address the disparity so I can support the final version,” Johnson said in a statement.

[SIZE=3][B]Don't forget: [/B][/SIZE]
He also [B]complained about the process[/B] that Republican leadership used to advance tax overhaul efforts. “I don’t like that process,” Johnson told [URL='https://www.wsj.com/articles/republican-sen-ron-johnson-opposes-gop-senate-tax-package-1510777290']The Wall Street Journal[/URL] in an interview. “I find it pretty offensive, personally.”Johnson said the process — which involved congressional leaders and administration officials outlining a plan behind closed doors — was closed to his input.

[SIZE=3][B]Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)[/B][/SIZE]
Paul has been throwing out aggressive tax proposals, including [B]cutting spending to pay for lower taxes, rather than closing loopholes[/B] in the tax code. He’s also called for a [B]15 percent corporate tax rate instead of the 20 percent rate[/B] in the House plan. Paul also called for [B]eliminating Obamacare’s individual mandate[/B] in a series of [URL='https://twitter.com/RandPaul/status/930471538985455616']tweets[/URL] before such a provision was included.

[SIZE=3][B]Don't forget: [/B][/SIZE]
Paul has no problem bucking leadership, having opposed many of the GOP leadership’s Obamacare repeal plans. But so far, he’s signaled that he supports the bill.

[SIZE=4][B]The moderates[/B][/SIZE]
Senate Republicans want to [B]repeal the individual mandate[/B] that requires most Americans to buy health insurance or pay a tax penalty. Supporters say eliminating the mandate would [B]save hundreds of billions of dollars over the next decade to help pay for bigger tax cuts for middle-class Americans[/B], but repealing the mandate risks losing the support of:

Susan Collins

Lisa Murkowski

[SIZE=3][B]Susan Collins (R- Maine)[/B][/SIZE]
Tax-writers kept many of Collins’ concerns in mind as they crafted the GOP bill. But the surprise addition of repealing Obamacare’s individual mandate could cost her support.

[SIZE=3][B]Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska)[/B][/SIZE]
Murkowski also opposed repealing Obamacare. She told [URL='http://www.rollcall.com/news/politics/murkowski-alexander-murray-necessary']Roll Call [/URL]that she [B]wants to see a separate bill stabilizing Obamacare’s insurance markets[/B] passed into law before voting to ax the mandate.

[B]See also my Statements sent to these Senators, as well as Ted Cruz as a fellow Constitutionalist
arguing the ACA mandate is unconstitutional for multiple reasons:[/B]
[URL='http://www.usmessageboard.com/posts/18643222/']Statements sent to 7 Senators (feel free to copy/paste and email)[/URL]

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We'll all live with that,,,your health is what you should be thankful for, without it, none of those things matter....

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