7-Year Old Beaten At School For Father's Pro-Family Stance

This one is also interesting..same site
I think read Brian Camenker is Parkers attorney.

Contrary to a statement released on June 14 by Brian Camenker of MassResistance, an altercation that involved David Parker's son at Lexington's Estabrook School was totally unrelated to his father's activism. Lexington C.A.R.E.S. views the accusations in the MassResistance press release as baseless, meaningless and without merit. This is nothing more than another publicity stunt by Brian Camenker.

Dr. Paul Ash, Lexington Superintendent of Schools, says, "The school department is conducting a thorough investigation. The safety of all children is our utmost concern." A statement is expected after the investigation is complete.

Staff and parents at Estabrook School have related the following account of what happened on May 17.

A classmate, who is a friend of Mr. Parker's son, was mad at him because he sat in someone else's seat at lunch. At recess, the boy went over and started punching him. Other children stood around and watched. The playground aide noticed a cluster of children and headed over. She was met half way by a girl who ran to get help. The aide soon arrived and broke up the fight between these two 7-year-olds. Mr. Parker's son indicated to the aide that he was not hurt and that he did not want to go to the nurse.

The classmate who started the fight was brought into the assistant principal's office to write a "think sheet". He had to write down what he did wrong, what he could have done differently and how he could make it up to his friend. He also missed two recesses and wrote an apology to Mr. Parker's son. Mr. Parker's son wrote back "that's OK. You can still be my friend."

That afternoon the teacher discussed the issue with the entire class using the Open Circle format. At that time both boys had their arms around each other and were friends again. The teacher called both sets of parents and everyone seemed to be satisfied with the outcome.

Mr. Parker's son subsequently went to the other boy's house for a play date. The Parkers never contacted anyone at the school including the principal, assistant principal, nurse or teacher to say their son had been injured or that they were dissatisfied with how things had been handled. They also never contacted the school superintendent or the police to say their son had been "assaulted".

The MassResistance press release also stated that editions of the Lexington Minuteman newspaper with front page stories related to the Parker case were being prominently displayed in the Estabrook School library. The Estabrook librarian has said that the Parkers had been to the school library looking for old copies of the Lexington Minuteman newspaper. She directed them to a pile of newspapers that were on a stand above the view of young children.

It is our understanding that these two boys are still friends, thanks to the quick intervention of the aide and the teacher, and that the Parkers never complained to the school about the incident. It's a shame that Brian Camenker would misrepresent this incident and try to further divide our community.
Mr. P said:
Posted on the supposed anti parker site...http://www.lexingtoncares.org/

I looked at the site. Thanks. Some very interesting things there. I was particularly interested in the references to exceptions to parental notification. I think it's appropriate for parents to be able to opt their children out of scheduled class instruction. But I'm not sure how you opt your child out of discussions which arise naturally.

Also seems to me that things aren't as they were painted by the initial post on this thread. Appreciated.

I had an issue with my son's school. In kindergarten, he was given a book on Anne Frank without any prior discussion with me as to my feelings on the subject. The holocaust was something I felt he should have been introduced to by me when I felt he was ready. I didn't think a kindergartner needed to know the world was that ugly a place sometimes.

But I didn't send out press releases about it. ;)
jillian said:
I looked at the site. Thanks. Some very interesting things there. I was particularly interested in the references to exceptions to parental notification. I think it's appropriate for parents to be able to opt their children out of scheduled class instruction. But I'm not sure how you opt your child out of discussions which arise naturally.

Also seems to me that things aren't as they were painted by the initial post on this thread. Appreciated.

I had an issue with my son's school. In kindergarten, he was given a book on Anne Frank without any prior discussion with me as to my feelings on the subject. The holocaust was something I felt he should have been introduced to by me when I felt he was ready. I didn't think a kindergartner needed to know the world was that ugly a place sometimes.

But I didn't send out press releases about it. ;)
Guess you didn’t have an agenda.

I was wrong about Brian Camenker, being Parkers attorney. He is the director/President of the Article 8 Alliance, now called MassResistance, an anti-gay group.

Mr. P said:
Guess you didn’t have an agenda.

I was wrong about Brian Camenker, being Parkers attorney. He is the director/President of the Article 8 Alliance, now called MassResistance, an anti-gay group.


Thanks for that information. Appreciated. And you're correct. I didn't have an agenda. Nor do I think kids should be use to advance their parents politics. I cringe when I see the anti-choice folk standing there with children with signs...same for the anti-war, pro-war, pro-choice, striking union workers or anyone else who uses their children in such a fashion. It reminds me of The Book of Daniel (by E.L. Doctorow) which is about Julius and Ethel Rosenberg's son and the scars left on him both by his parents activism and by the end result of that activism. Very sad.
SarnDuro said:
Now I'm particularly glad that this story turned out to be so much garbage. I'm sure the conservatives would have loved for it to be real. They say that if it had been kids ganging up on the child of a gay couple it would have made the headlines. Perhaps. And perhaps such a story would have had the news advantage of having actually happened. But in this case it didn't.

Why would you say something like "I'm sure the conservatives would have loved for it to be real"?

And you must know that if it was the child of a gay couple it would have been national news and nobody would have bothered to check the facts, or care what the facts were. Even if it didn't happen, like this story, they wouldn't care. They'd use it anyway. You must know that.

And as the parent of a child who is considered a "behavoir problem", and as a parent who is hated by every teacher and the principal, their explantion smacks of a cover up.

But that's just me. I've had teachers lie to my face so many times I don't believe anything any of them say anymore.

And the part about the walkie talkies? What the fuck has public education come to when kids can't even play at recess anymore without being watched like they're inmates at the local maximum security prison?
SarnDuro said:
Because then they would have some event to sink their teeth into. As it was they made something up, but a made up story has limited shelf-life. Are you so naive as to think that no one would take joy in the misfortune of others if it furthers their cause, or is that behavior you attribute only to liberals?

I'd say the right is at least equally into schadenfreud. ;)

Use it for how long? Until somebody checked the facts, like they did here. Do you think conservatives won't check facts on a story that liberals can use? In this story, whether the child in question is the son of a gay couple or the son of a right wing activist, the facts were so at odds with the actual story that it would be of no political use to anyone once someone bothered to do some basic checking.

And on how many blogs has the lie been repeated without people checking? Luckily, there are people who actually check and call things as they are.
jillian said:
I'd say the right is at least equally into schadenfreud. ;)

And on how many blogs has the lie been repeated without people checking? Luckily, there are people who actually check and call things as they are.

Oh ya--Libs have the corner on the truth !! :teeth:
dmp said:
It wont be too much longer - maybe the next generation? where Christians are once again saught out and slaughtered for their faith.

I have to be out the door real soon, but I have to quickly say... that is one of the most paranoid over-the-top things i've heard in a long time... I hope you aren't being serious.

jillian said:
Actually, Dillo, Mr P was the first to check. Last time I looked, he wasn't a "lib".

Try again! :thup:

Well actually, while no one has ever accused Mr. P of being a lib, in my experience on the board, he has been consistently supportive of gay rights.

Having said that, neither of us should speak for his politics. He is eminently capable of doing that for himself.
jillian said:
I looked at the site. Thanks. Some very interesting things there. I was particularly interested in the references to exceptions to parental notification. I think it's appropriate for parents to be able to opt their children out of scheduled class instruction. But I'm not sure how you opt your child out of discussions which arise naturally.

Also seems to me that things aren't as they were painted by the initial post on this thread. Appreciated.

I had an issue with my son's school. In kindergarten, he was given a book on Anne Frank without any prior discussion with me as to my feelings on the subject. The holocaust was something I felt he should have been introduced to by me when I felt he was ready. I didn't think a kindergartner needed to know the world was that ugly a place sometimes.

But I didn't send out press releases about it. ;)

What did you do? Call the school? Go down there to ask a few questions?
SarnDuro said:
Because then they would have some event to sink their teeth into. As it was they made something up, but a made up story has limited shelf-life. Are you so naive as to think that no one would take joy in the misfortune of others if it furthers their cause, or is that behavior you attribute only to liberals?

Use it for how long? Until somebody checked the facts, like they did here. Do you think conservatives won't check facts on a story that liberals can use? In this story, whether the child in question is the son of a gay couple or the son of a right wing activist, the facts were so at odds with the actual story that it would be of no political use to anyone once someone bothered to do some basic checking.

Check this thread again. This parent apparently has an entire website dedicated to being against him.

Or did I misread something here?

Dueling websites it seems. Sounds like both sides have an agenda. I happen to be on the parents side because gays should keep their sex lives out of elementary schools.

They should keep it in the bedroom. Or the rest area on 495. But definately out of the schools.
nt250 said:
Check this thread again. This parent apparently has an entire website dedicated to being against him.

Or did I misread something here?

Dueling websites it seems. Sounds like both sides have an agenda. I happen to be on the parents side because gays should keep their sex lives out of elementary schools.

They should keep it in the bedroom. Or the rest area on 495. But definately out of the schools.
Yeah you missed something. The supposed site against him isn’t that at all. IMO
Did you go there?
nt250 said:
They should keep it in the bedroom. Or the rest area on 495. But definately out of the schools.
Hey I don't need any more reasons for 495 to be slow as balls. Pick another highway. :poke:
GotZoom said:
What did you do? Call the school? Go down there to ask a few questions?

I let it go because it was already after the fact and ranting about it would have served no purpose. I did suggest, when we had our parent/teacher night that it was a sensitive issue and, perhaps, she should have spoken to me first.

But I absolutely didn't think it was something my son needed to know about in kindergarten. And it was, particularly, something my husband and I had discussed and already talked about how we were going to introduce him to that.

But stuff happens, ya know? The world, and teachers, aren't perfect.
Jimmyeatworld said:
Kids don't have to understand what they are doing to act on something they are taught to believe.

This is basically a reverse "hate crime". The kids hear their parents talk, and all they hear is "they are different", "they are wrong", "they are bad".

If it were a kid being raised be a gay couple, you'd be the first one on here screaming about civil rights and prejudice and how it was wrong. If it were a black kid beaten up by white kids, you'd be the first one screaming racism.

This, on the other hand, doesn't help your agenda whatsoever. So, let the kid get the shit beat out of him, and you and jason will find some way to blame the kid. How loving, caring, and open minded of you.

Nice. Real nice.

Damn it, must you always point out the freaking truth.
I did some digging on this since the original story is so one-sided... and I would say as of today (IMO) its 50/50 if this story is even true.

Reasons why it comes off a little smelly.

#1. Nobody is covering it. Not even Fox News (so no calling "liberal media biais blackout" :p) and this supposedly happened a month ago.

#2. One local paper did cover the press release put out by MassResistance / Article 8 Alliance. The school superintendent they spoke to had never heard of the incident (that supposedly took place a month ago). And given the nature of the incident and the claims made by Mr. Parker (who has shown he has no problem speaking his mind to school officals) it doesn't jive too well that the superintendent would have never heard of it, but who knows.


A press release was issued by MassResistance, formerly Article 8 Alliance, on Wednesday alleging Jacob Parker, the first-grade son of David and Tonia Parker, was assaulted on the playground at the Estabrook Elementary School on May 17, the two-year anniversary of gay marriage in Massachusetts.

The Parkers are currently suing the Lexington Public Schools for violating their rights because LPS refused to notify parents when homosexuality will be discussed in the classroom.

David Parker was arrested at the Estabrook Elementary School in April 2005 after refusing to leave a meeting with Estabrook Principal Joni Jay and then-Director of Curriculum Andre Ravenelle. At that meeting, he requested notification when any topic around sexual orientation would be discussed in his son’s classroom.

In the release, Brian Camenker, of MassResistance, alleged Jacob Parker was approached during recess, taken to a corner of the play area and assaulted by eight to 10 students. The release also stated the schools had investigated and deemed the assault a "planned and premeditated" attack.

"People are shocked," said Camenker. "Nobody ever imagined it could come to this ... especially in a town which prides itself on tolerance."

Superintendent of Schools Paul Ash said he had no knowledge of the alleged incident, but said he and Jay would be looking into the matter. Ash said if a student was aggressively assaulted on school property the event would "trigger a whole series of actions," from notifying parents, staff, the school psychologist and the Department of Social Services, to filing a report with the police. Ash said the schools would also conduct its own investigation into the incident.

According to the Lexington Police Department, no complaint has been filed and they are not currently involved with an investigation into the incident.

Neil Tassel, the Parkers’ legal counsel, spoke for the Parker family saying they had hoped to keep the incident private. Due to the age of the students involved, they had opted not to go to the police.

"It was a regrettable incident ... but no one was seriously hurt," said Tassel, adding Jacob Parker was "shaken up" by the incident.

Tassel said Jacob has been continuing to attend school at Estabrook for the past month and the Parkers are working with the school to address any additional concerns.

Camenker’s press release, however, does include a statement from David Parker stating his concern for his son’s safety in light of the alleged "premeditated" nature of the incident and questioning whether the schools would respond the same way if the child assaulted had same-sex parents.

Ash said the school policy of response to such instances of violence and bullying is standard for all schools and students.

Camenker said Parker did some "soul searching" before finally coming forward to publicly report the incident adding an "average person ... would be too afraid." He added anyone alleging the Parkers were using their son for publicity were wrong and the situation is "the exact opposite."

"It really scares people this could happen," he said. "Lexington will be looked at with a much closer eye."

#3. The source of the press release, but this is really just a minor thing as just because you don't agree with someone that doesn't make everything / anything they say a lie, but its still something worth noting.


So i'm going to reserve judgement on this untill more collaboration and facts come out.... but I will say this; regardless if this turns out to be fact or fiction there are some parent(s) from that town who probably deserve to be taken out behind a building to have their asses beat over this.

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