70% of Americans support Obama's carbon plan


Gold Member
Apr 5, 2009
70% of Americans support Obama's carbon plan and-----and a majority of Americans support the Presidents plan even if they have to pay more for electricity.

Public endorses limits on carbon pollution

By Steve Benen


The Washington Post/ABC News poll specifically asked respondents, “Do you think the federal government should or should not limit the release of greenhouse gases from existing power plants in an effort to reduce global warming?” Overall, 70% support federal limits.

But in the chart I put together – darker colors show support for federal limits, lighter colors show opposition – consider the partisan breakdown. Sure, Republican support is weaker than among self-identified Democrats and Independents, but it’s nevertheless clear that a majority of GOP voters support federal limits on carbon pollution.

The same poll asked respondents about a policy that sounds a lot like the new Obama administration plan: “Do you think the federal government should or should not require states to limit the amount of greenhouse gases produced within their borders, in an effort to reduce global warming? The states could make their own plans how to comply.” The results were practically identical – 70% overall support state requirements, and that includes a majority of self-identified Republicans.

I'm calling bullshit on this, and the 2014 Shellacking, Part II will back me up on it


washintonCOMPOST/AND abc, the all Barack channel


why not just FRIKKEN MAKE IT 100%

Damn near 70% of the people DISAPPROVES of Obama yet these same just loves his carbon plan..

so disgusting in their lying and misleading propaganda

they put PRAVDA TO Shame and the op has no shame either in the crap he spreads
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You have a source for those claims, don't you Stephanie?
That a majority of republicans support federal limits on carbon pollution bears up yesterday's post showing majority concern among republicans regarding climate change.
As the responses here illustrate, it's just the Tea Party wing losing their shit over this, not Republicans as a whole.

It will pass. Eventually, they'll be instructed to lose their shit over a different issue. They're easily distracted by any bright shiny object.
You have a source for those claims, don't you Stephanie?


"Bipartisan support for power plant regulations"
Chew on that while scuffling around looking for a source to support your claims.

A huge majority of Americans support regulating carbon from power plants. And they’re even willing to pay for it.

By Scott Clement Updated: June 2 at 1:00 pm


Democrats and Republicans are in rare agreement on the issue. Fifty-seven percent of Republicans, 76 percent among independents and 79 percent of Democrats support state-level limits on greenhouse gas emissions. Strong tea party supporters are most resistant to limits on emissions by states and power plants; 50 percent say the federal government should impose caps, while 45 percent say they should not.

click here for chart

The cross-party agreement extends to a willingness to pay for such limits with higher energy bills, a flashpoint for debate and a key area of uncertainty in new regulations. Asked whether Washington should still go forward with limits if they "significantly lowered greenhouse gases but raised your monthly energy expenses by 20 dollars a month," 63 percent of respondents say yes, including 51 percent of Republicans, 64 percent of independents and 71 percent of Democrats.

Americans living in coal-heavy states are supportive of limiting greenhouse gas emissions in the poll, even as their states will be forced to make bigger adjustments to meet the EPA's new emissions targets. Among those in states where a majority of electricity is produced by burning coal, 69 percent say the government should place limits on greenhouse gas emissions. Support is a similar 71 percent in states where less than half of electricity comes from coal.*

The rising cost of all OF OBAMA's visions of transforming us I hope it HURTS THE WORST

is you sheep who just follows every disgusting thing he does to us and the op especially

Gas BACK up to nearly four dollars a gallon, ANYONE been grocery shopping lately? dear gawd can hardly afford Hamburger and Milk, $5 a gallon and now this war on our electricity and heating our homes
1000 people from 18-39 is hardly a representative sample of 350 million people


they don't care they'll use anything to push their agendas

Don't we all go to our 18 year old kids to ask their advice on our lives?
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The rising cost of all OF OBAMA's visions of transforming us I hope it HURTS THE WORST

is you sheep who just follows every disgusting thing he does to us and the op especially

Gas BACK up to nearly four dollars a gallon, ANYONE been grocery shopping lately? dear gawd can hardly afford Hamburger and Milk, $5 a gallon and now this war on our electricity and heating our homes

It's already been proven that:
A) Presidents don't control fuel prices, and
B) You never credit Obama when gas prices drop.

There's a drought going on, edibles are going to cost more to grow, plus less food means higher demand, which increases consumer cost.

The Farm Bill cut subsidies to farmers.

Your imaginary War On Coal has already been blown out of the water in two other threads. Accept the fail moving forward.
I can already see the new Government programs giving away free energy to those who need it...........

Buy those votes.............
The rising cost of all OF OBAMA's visions of transforming us I hope it HURTS THE WORST

is you sheep who just follows every disgusting thing he does to us and the op especially

Gas BACK up to nearly four dollars a gallon, ANYONE been grocery shopping lately? dear gawd can hardly afford Hamburger and Milk, $5 a gallon and now this war on our electricity and heating our homes

It's already been proven that:
A) Presidents don't control fuel prices, and
B) You never credit Obama when gas prices drop.

There's a drought going on, edibles are going to cost more to grow, plus less food means higher demand, which increases consumer cost.

The Farm Bill cut subsidies to farmers.

Your imaginary War On Coal has already been blown out of the water in two other threads. Accept the fail moving forward.

libs are simply morons who lie to themselves

Obama and his Energy Czar are already on record vowing to "crush" coal companies AND saying "energy prices will necessarily skyrocket" if they had their way
it is ludicrous to try to pretend placing more restrictions on coal wont lead to higher energy prices
it's the weather; it's the Farm Bill. its this it's that

facts are food prices have been going up because of PRICE INFLATION due to Obama's propping up markets with hundreds of billions in money printed for quantitative easing
[ame=http://youtu.be/HlTxGHn4sH4]Obama: My Plan Makes Electricity Rates Skyrocket - YouTube[/ame]
The rising cost of all OF OBAMA's visions of transforming us I hope it HURTS THE WORST

is you sheep who just follows every disgusting thing he does to us and the op especially

Gas BACK up to nearly four dollars a gallon, ANYONE been grocery shopping lately? dear gawd can hardly afford Hamburger and Milk, $5 a gallon and now this war on our electricity and heating our homes

It's already been proven that:
A) Presidents don't control fuel prices, and
B) You never credit Obama when gas prices drop.

There's a drought going on, edibles are going to cost more to grow, plus less food means higher demand, which increases consumer cost.

The Farm Bill cut subsidies to farmers.

Your imaginary War On Coal has already been blown out of the water in two other threads. Accept the fail moving forward.

libs are simply morons who lie to themselves

Obama and his Energy Czar are already on record vowing to "crush" coal companies AND saying "energy prices will necessarily skyrocket" if they had their way
it is ludicrous to try to pretend placing more restrictions on coal wont lead to higher energy prices
it's the weather; it's the Farm Bill. its this it's that

facts are food prices have been going up because of PRICE INFLATION due to Obama's propping up markets with hundreds of billions in money printed for quantitative easing

reality is hard for some to accept
The point of this thread is not to argue the value of his coal emissions plan but whether or not it has as much support among republicans as the polls seem to indicate.

I want to believe those polls so I will. I suspect you don't want to believe them so you won't. But as more and more polls show the same trend, it's gonna get hard to maintain your disbelief.

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