700,000 jobs lost in December


Anti-Tea Party Member
Sep 7, 2008
If true, that's one nasty number

Private sector shed 693,000 jobs in December - Yahoo! Finance

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Private employers shed 693,000 jobs in December, up sharply from the revised 476,000 jobs lost in November and far more than economists estimated, a report by a private employment service said on Wednesday.
The median of estimates from 20 economists surveyed by Reuters for the ADP Employer Services report was for 473,000 private-sector jobs lost in December.

The report for December was the first month the data was issued using a new methodology, which ADP said was designed to more closely predict the outcome of the government's non-farm payrolls report.
It has been reported here that a few factories are laying off a hundred workers at a time in March also. Tough times ahead for a lot of people.
things would be worse if Bill Clinton, Al Gore, or John Kerry were president.
just think how many jobs will be lost when youse guys tax cows into oblivion! :lol::lol::lol:
The vicious cycle of deflation continues.

The masters screwed the pooch again.
Just wait for January's numbers which will include many retail jobs lost after the Xmas sales season. We might see 1 million in January.
just think how many jobs will be lost when youse guys tax cows into oblivion! :lol::lol::lol:

Yeah, like that's gonna end global warming...

One thing to remember, November through December is the highest seasonal work time. So right after the holidays they tend to forget that all seasonal jobs end (well most) so that number will likely not be accurate for the long run and December through January is normally high in jobs 'lost' (really they never truly existed except for the higher buying times).

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