75 Years in the Future


Libertarian Republican
Oct 14, 2013
Imagine someone 75 years from the future came here, knowing that their America was in a steep decline, eclipsed by China and India, losing ground, deep in debt, void of freedom, and mired in a permanent recession. Liberals, ask yourself this?
How could you justify to that person spending trillions of dollars you know the US didn't have?
How could you justify opposing a balanced-budget amendment when the debt was skyrocketing out of control?
How could you justify supporting policies that reduced economic freedom when the evidence (see siggy) overwhelmingly shows that anti-economic freedom policies kill jobs and destroy countries?
How could you justify a government that continues to extend its grasp into e-mails, phone records, tax returns, news offices, and virtually every facet of private life?

Ask yourself this, liberals. And please, vote differently.
Imagine someone 75 years from the future came here, knowing that their America was in a steep decline, eclipsed by China and India, losing ground, deep in debt, void of freedom, and mired in a permanent recession. Liberals, ask yourself this?
How could you justify to that person spending trillions of dollars you know the US didn't have?
How could you justify opposing a balanced-budget amendment when the debt was skyrocketing out of control?
How could you justify supporting policies that reduced economic freedom when the evidence (see siggy) overwhelmingly shows that anti-economic freedom policies kill jobs and destroy countries?
How could you justify a government that continues to extend its grasp into e-mails, phone records, tax returns, news offices, and virtually every facet of private life?

Ask yourself this, liberals. And please, vote differently.

You're expecting sense from liberals?
Imagine someone 75 years from the future came here, knowing that their America was in a steep decline, eclipsed by China and India, losing ground, deep in debt, void of freedom, and mired in a permanent recession. Liberals, ask yourself this?
How could you justify to that person spending trillions of dollars you know the US didn't have?
How could you justify opposing a balanced-budget amendment when the debt was skyrocketing out of control?
How could you justify supporting policies that reduced economic freedom when the evidence (see siggy) overwhelmingly shows that anti-economic freedom policies kill jobs and destroy countries?
How could you justify a government that continues to extend its grasp into e-mails, phone records, tax returns, news offices, and virtually every facet of private life?

Ask yourself this, liberals. And please, vote differently.

You're expecting sense from liberals?

I bet it won't be a conservative that invents hoverboards
Imagine someone 75 years from the future came here, knowing that their America was in a steep decline, eclipsed by China and India, losing ground, deep in debt, void of freedom, and mired in a permanent recession. Liberals, ask yourself this?
How could you justify to that person spending trillions of dollars you know the US didn't have?
How could you justify opposing a balanced-budget amendment when the debt was skyrocketing out of control?
How could you justify supporting policies that reduced economic freedom when the evidence (see siggy) overwhelmingly shows that anti-economic freedom policies kill jobs and destroy countries?
How could you justify a government that continues to extend its grasp into e-mails, phone records, tax returns, news offices, and virtually every facet of private life?

Ask yourself this, liberals. And please, vote differently.

So, liberals should ask themselves why they continued policies and practices that were begun and fostered under repub admins...

I guess you are hoping that these advanced future folks are bereft of the concept of percentages... because looking at it that way, it would seem it was more the doing of repubs.

And why look into a mythical "75 years from now"?

How about asking 30 years later here in reality how Reagan's "Trickle-down" helped get America where she is today? 1% have 40% of the wealth in America?

Thx :)
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Wealth is overrated. Yet Liberals use it as leverage to justify and enable lethargy, indifference, and incivility.

As long as someone has more than do you, you will be compensated by the government.
Wealth is overrated. Yet Liberals use it as leverage to justify and enable lethargy, indifference, and incivility.

As long as someone has more than do you, you will be compensated by the government.

Indeed. What amazes me is that liberals never realize that maybe, just maybe, wealth inequality is do to inequality in effort in ability. Do you really think that most billionaires were just born rich? The truth is that most are self-made.
Imagine someone 75 years from the future came here, knowing that their America was in a steep decline, eclipsed by China and India, losing ground, deep in debt, void of freedom, and mired in a permanent recession. Liberals, ask yourself this?
How could you justify to that person spending trillions of dollars you know the US didn't have?
How could you justify opposing a balanced-budget amendment when the debt was skyrocketing out of control?
How could you justify supporting policies that reduced economic freedom when the evidence (see siggy) overwhelmingly shows that anti-economic freedom policies kill jobs and destroy countries?
How could you justify a government that continues to extend its grasp into e-mails, phone records, tax returns, news offices, and virtually every facet of private life?

Ask yourself this, liberals. And please, vote differently.

They just wouldn't bother to come......ever.........
Imagine someone 75 years from the future came here, knowing that their America was in a steep decline, eclipsed by China and India, losing ground, deep in debt, void of freedom, and mired in a permanent recession. Liberals, ask yourself this?
How could you justify to that person spending trillions of dollars you know the US didn't have?
How could you justify opposing a balanced-budget amendment when the debt was skyrocketing out of control?
How could you justify supporting policies that reduced economic freedom when the evidence (see siggy) overwhelmingly shows that anti-economic freedom policies kill jobs and destroy countries?
How could you justify a government that continues to extend its grasp into e-mails, phone records, tax returns, news offices, and virtually every facet of private life?

Ask yourself this, liberals. And please, vote differently.

You're expecting sense from liberals?

Imagine someone 75 years from the future came here, knowing that their America was in a steep decline, eclipsed by China and India, losing ground, deep in debt, void of freedom, and mired in a permanent recession. Liberals, ask yourself this?
How could you justify to that person spending trillions of dollars you know the US didn't have?
How could you justify opposing a balanced-budget amendment when the debt was skyrocketing out of control?
How could you justify supporting policies that reduced economic freedom when the evidence (see siggy) overwhelmingly shows that anti-economic freedom policies kill jobs and destroy countries?
How could you justify a government that continues to extend its grasp into e-mails, phone records, tax returns, news offices, and virtually every facet of private life?

Ask yourself this, liberals. And please, vote differently.

Liberals embrace fascist political philosophies imported from Europe, such as communism, Marxism, fascism, socialism etc. It is their goal to then bring down the only country of note to counter European tyranny, and that is the US.
Wealth is overrated. Yet Liberals use it as leverage to justify and enable lethargy, indifference, and incivility.

As long as someone has more than do you, you will be compensated by the government.

Indeed. What amazes me is that liberals never realize that maybe, just maybe, wealth inequality is do to inequality in effort in ability. Do you really think that most billionaires were just born rich? The truth is that most are self-made.

And to say nothing (of course) of stagnant wages and tax breaks for the wealthy... the "job creators".. so where are the jobs?

So, did Reagan not get the debt ball rolling and didn't he triple the national debt in his terms?

Perhaps you expect Fox News to become the only source of history and information in the distant future?... Given that circumstance I could see repub inventions like "trickle-down" being blamed on dems.

Thx :rolleyes:
Wealth is overrated. Yet Liberals use it as leverage to justify and enable lethargy, indifference, and incivility.

As long as someone has more than do you, you will be compensated by the government.

Indeed. What amazes me is that liberals never realize that maybe, just maybe, wealth inequality is do to inequality in effort in ability. Do you really think that most billionaires were just born rich? The truth is that most are self-made.

And to say nothing (of course) of stagnant wages and tax breaks for the wealthy... the "job creators".. so where are the jobs?

So, did Reagan not get the debt ball rolling and didn't he triple the national debt in his terms?

Perhaps you expect Fox News to become the only source of history and information in the distant future?... Given that circumstance I could see repub inventions like "trickle-down" being blamed on dems.

Thx :rolleyes:

Keep driving that wedge between the "haves" and "have-nots". You'll have you're much-desired insurrection soon enough.

I much prefer recognition of wealth defined by self, family, and friends.

You know, the kind of shit that money can't buy.

Liberals languish in the fantasies of others, Conservatives work to make fantasy... reality.
Wealth is overrated. Yet Liberals use it as leverage to justify and enable lethargy, indifference, and incivility.

As long as someone has more than do you, you will be compensated by the government.

Indeed. What amazes me is that liberals never realize that maybe, just maybe, wealth inequality is do to inequality in effort in ability. Do you really think that most billionaires were just born rich? The truth is that most are self-made.

And to say nothing (of course) of stagnant wages and tax breaks for the wealthy... the "job creators".. so where are the jobs?

So, did Reagan not get the debt ball rolling and didn't he triple the national debt in his terms?

Perhaps you expect Fox News to become the only source of history and information in the distant future?... Given that circumstance I could see repub inventions like "trickle-down" being blamed on dems.

Thx :rolleyes:

Fox News is POX News......Taking some of you years before the penny eventually drops.
Imagine someone 75 years from the future came here, knowing that their America was in a steep decline, eclipsed by China and India, losing ground, deep in debt, void of freedom, and mired in a permanent recession. Liberals, ask yourself this?
How could you justify to that person spending trillions of dollars you know the US didn't have?
How could you justify opposing a balanced-budget amendment when the debt was skyrocketing out of control?
How could you justify supporting policies that reduced economic freedom when the evidence (see siggy) overwhelmingly shows that anti-economic freedom policies kill jobs and destroy countries?
How could you justify a government that continues to extend its grasp into e-mails, phone records, tax returns, news offices, and virtually every facet of private life?

Ask yourself this, liberals. And please, vote differently.

It won't be brought up in general education. It will simply be folded into common core education as a fact of life that nothing is better than socialism and nothing exists outside of that mind set. In 75 years at the rate we are going there will be no so such thing as the individual, independence, self reliance, freedom or even the ability to bring up such topics. Anything outside the liberal view will have been stomped out by then and it will be portrayed as being best for the group. That group of course will be the people that can't take care of themselves and rely on the handouts to survive but they will out number producers. I'm thinking we are closer to 10 years from this happening.
In 75 years teabagger grandsons and granddaughters will be holding up signs that say "Keep the government outta my Obamacare."

Trouble is Dutch,Americans are hopeless without Government intervention......Sorry but it's true.

You complain toooooooo much methinks for your own inadequacies........so you blame the Government what ever their colour.

Time to Get Up and Stand Up
In 75 years teabagger grandsons and granddaughters will be holding up signs that say "Keep the government outta my Obamacare."

Trouble is Dutch,Americans are hopeless without Government intervention......Sorry but it's true.

You complain toooooooo much methinks for your own inadequacies........so you blame the Government what ever their colour.

Time to Get Up and Stand Up

You have no knowledge of how this country came to be do you?
Liberals will never understand the impartiality of the Heritage Index. The Wall Street Journal & Heritage foundations are two organizations only committed to the preservation of the Union. These two have no ulterior motive, since their ulterior motive is love of America.

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