75 Years in the Future

In less time that it takes me to type yet another reply, the ACA crashed and burned.

Obama is a nitwit wannabe stooge who is way far out of his league. A Chicago Democrat and erstwhile temporary State Senator who was ushered to the podium rife with semi-negro prowess and zero curricula vitae.
Obama- the cockles American.

No dick, no balls, but all un-American.

Fuck that piece of shit excuse for a President. He has trashed us all and flushed us down the toilet.

And 47% of the voting public heartily approve.
Imagine someone 75 years from the future came here, knowing that their America was in a steep decline, eclipsed by China and India, losing ground, deep in debt, void of freedom, and mired in a permanent recession. Liberals, ask yourself this?
How could you justify to that person spending trillions of dollars you know the US didn't have?
How could you justify opposing a balanced-budget amendment when the debt was skyrocketing out of control?
How could you justify supporting policies that reduced economic freedom when the evidence (see siggy) overwhelmingly shows that anti-economic freedom policies kill jobs and destroy countries?
How could you justify a government that continues to extend its grasp into e-mails, phone records, tax returns, news offices, and virtually every facet of private life?

Ask yourself this, liberals. And please, vote differently.

You're expecting sense from liberals?

I bet it won't be a conservative that invents hoverboards

A Lib version would have WiFi connection to your bank account and charge you per mile based on your voter registration.
Liberals will never understand the impartiality of the Heritage Index. The Wall Street Journal & Heritage foundations are two organizations only committed to the preservation of the Union. These two have no ulterior motive, since their ulterior motive is love of America.

And by America, you mean piles of dirty money lol...
In 75 years teabagger grandsons and granddaughters will be holding up signs that say "Keep the government outta my Obamacare."

Trouble is Dutch,Americans are hopeless without Government intervention......Sorry but it's true.

You complain toooooooo much methinks for your own inadequacies........so you blame the Government what ever their colour.

Time to Get Up and Stand Up

You have no knowledge of how this country came to be do you?

Yep I do,but what I know better is how Americans ended Up.....and that is more to the point.

Your Self delusion and ignorance is NO EXCUSE,NO EXCUSE AT ALL
I can imagine china with a moon and mars base in 75 years. Sure as fuck can't expect much out of America.

Not from a party that wishes to go back to 1791.

Democrats are the ones who have been cutting back the space program.
75 years from now all of you will probably be dead. All that matters to Liberals and Progressives and hell frankly everyone is what they can get now.
Imagine someone 75 years from the future came here, knowing that their America was in a steep decline, eclipsed by China and India, losing ground, deep in debt, void of freedom, and mired in a permanent recession. Liberals, ask yourself this?
How could you justify to that person spending trillions of dollars you know the US didn't have?
How could you justify opposing a balanced-budget amendment when the debt was skyrocketing out of control?
How could you justify supporting policies that reduced economic freedom when the evidence (see siggy) overwhelmingly shows that anti-economic freedom policies kill jobs and destroy countries?
How could you justify a government that continues to extend its grasp into e-mails, phone records, tax returns, news offices, and virtually every facet of private life?

Ask yourself this, liberals. And please, vote differently.

Yes how do we justify giving the banksters buillions of dollars?

Good question.

Has nothing to do with liberalism or conservatism, but still...good question
The world will be a different place in 75 years but one thing I can guarantee, they will hate our 20th century guts.
75 years ago, the Conservatives were swearing that Roosevelt had doomed this nation. Today, the Consevatives are swearing that Obama has doomed this nation. 75 years from now, the Conservatives will be swearing that the female President with the latino name and black complexion is dooming the nation. Not much changes politically.

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