79% of WaPo/ABC poll respondents hold Obama personally responsible for VA scandal


Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2004
poll time:eusa_shhh:
A lot of links with this at site

This, of course, depends on how one looks at the data from the Washington Post/ABC poll I linked earlier today. The data on public perception of the VA scandal didn’t get much attention from the Post, but Business Insider’s Colin Campbell took a closer look at it and noted that the data on this looks overwhelmingly bad for Barack Obama. Eight in ten respondents assign at least some personal responsibility to Obama for the massive and systemic wait-list fraud that killed dozens of vets who couldn’t access medical care in Phoenix:

A new poll shows about 80% of Americans think President Barack Obama is “personally” responsible for at least some of the issues with the medical care provided to former soldiers by the Department of Veterans Affairs.

The Washington Post-ABC News poll, released Tuesday, found 38% of respondents viewed Obama responsible for a “good” or “great” amount of the VA’s woes; another 41% said Obama was responsible for “just some” of the controversy. That makes for 79% of voters who lay at least some of the blame for the scandal with the president.

Soon-to-be Hot Air associate editor Noah Rothman uses the same calculation at Mediaite:

Given that this poll of adults has a 3.5 percent margin of error, it is conceivable that every American thinks this scandal is a real and urgent problem. The opinion that the scandal is “serious” is shared by more than 95 percent of almost every critical subgroup; Republicans, Democrats, independents, liberals, conservatives, moderates, women, men, minorities, young people – everyone.

What’s more, this poll suggests that the administration has not escaped culpability for the scandal. 65 percent of respondents said they believed former VA Sec. Eric Shinseki “was right to resign” over the allegations. While 41 percent say President Barack Obama deserves only “some” blame for the scandal, 79 percent agree that Obama shares fault for the fiasco at the VA. Only 20 percent believe Obama deserves no blame for the failure of oversight at an expanding list of VA hospitals.

Anyone who thinks the political operatives in the White House are not terrified by those numbers is kidding themselves.

The Post’s news report on the poll calculates this differently, although agreeing with Campbell’s math on the seriousness of the scandal:

ALL of it with the links at
79% of WaPo/ABC poll respondents hold Obama personally responsible for VA scandal « Hot Air
And this is why Obama unleashed the Bergdahl Squirrel.
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And this is why Obama unleashed the Bergdahl Squirrel.

There are reports that the deal was expedited but no reasons given. Although this looks as bad or worse than the VA scandal because Obama is directly responsible for this. No underlings to throw under the bus here
So - 79% of people answering polls failed Civics.

How the hell could any intelligent person blame the President for the incompetence of people working 30 levels below him in the executive branch?

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