8 “teens” shot in philly


Diamond Member
Oct 9, 2019

In Liberish “teen” stands for black

So the race of the student who was killed came as no surprise

But fear not

The largely black city officials are not going to put up with anymore of this misbehavior and plans are underway to fire half the police force and replace them with social workers

Ok, that last part just my comment

But its based on years of observing libs in their native habitat

View attachment 913445
In Liberish “teen” stands for black

So the race of the student who was killed came as no surprise

But fear not

The largely black city officials are not going to put up with anymore of this misbehavior and plans are underway to fire half the police force and replace them with social workers

Ok, that last part just my comment

But its based on years of observing libs in their native habitat

Surveillance video of the shooters:
View attachment 913445
In Liberish “teen” stands for black

So the race of the student who was killed came as no surprise

But fear not

The largely black city officials are not going to put up with anymore of this misbehavior and plans are underway to fire half the police force and replace them with social workers

Ok, that last part just my comment

But its based on years of observing libs in their native habitat

Lip service, that police chief should have said hell yeah we're going to institute stop, question and frisk. But he didn't have the balls to go there. The question was asked at the tail end of the second video.

Lip service, that police chief should have said hell yeah we're going to institute stop, question and frisk. But he didn't have the balls to go there. The question was asked at the tail end of the second video.

The answer is always 'invest more in education' and such and gun control. They never say its time to return to old fashioned parenting and taking kids away from parents who won't feed, clothe, properly house them, mentor them, set reasonable limits for them, discipline them. It's time to take the velvet gloves off the police and do some serious police work to get the thugs and hoodlums off the street and keep them off the street. Making violent gangs illegal and having the guts to take them out. It's time the bad people not have more consideration and protections than their victims do. It's time to allow children natural spirituality again and not make God unwelcome in the schools and other public places.

According to our local police officers the main problem these days is addicted parents who are incapable of good parenting and a lucrative black market for illegal drugs that is thriving and given a pass by far too much law enforcement.
The answer is always 'invest more in education' and such and gun control. They never say its time to return to old fashioned parenting and taking kids away from parents who won't feed, clothe, properly house them, mentor them, set reasonable limits for them, discipline them. It's time to take the velvet gloves off the police and do some serious police work to get the thugs and hoodlums off the street and keep them off the street. Making violent gangs illegal and having the guts to take them out. It's time the bad people not have more consideration and protections than their victims do. It's time to allow children natural spirituality again and not make God unwelcome in the schools and other public places.

According to our local police officers the main problem these days is addicted parents who are incapable of good parenting and a lucrative black market for illegal drugs that is thriving and given a pass by far too much law enforcement.

Law enforcement is willing to do the job, but they need the backing of the admin.

Law enforcement is willing to do the job, but they need the backing of the admin.

Some are. But I was watching the police chief or whomever the uniformed officer speaking was talking gun control instead of getting dangerous people behind bars. A lot of the the best police officers have taken early retirement or just found other jobs. There are still good cops out there but not like there used to be.
What has happened to all of our large cities since the 1960s is surely the saddest thing in the history of this nation.

And it will never get better.

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