Going in for Cancer removal surgery tomorrow.

About two months ago, I had a skin cancer check with a dermatologist, and the minute the Physician Assistant walked in the room, before me even undressing for the body cancer check, she saw a mole on my face, looked at it, said I'm certain that is Basal Cell Cancer let me biopsy it, stuck numbing needle in, and that's that....next day, got a call it was cancer and them trying to set up the appointment to have something called MOHS surgery to have it removed....

Basically, they cut it out, then they examine it for cancer in the edges of the cut, I'll wait 45 minutes for results, if there is more, they will cut again, I wait again 45 minutes for results if there is cancer still then they cut out more and this is repeated until they get it all....it could take the whole day or half day....

This mole showed up during the COVID epidemic, it took months to get in with my doctor and she thought it was nothing...I knew it was not nothing....it showed up out if nowhere....but then Matt damaged his Rotator cuff and we dealt with that and surgery the next year and then after that we found out he had prostate cancer and then the radiation treatments, and then I finally got my doctor to give me a referral to a dermatologist, and it took 8 months to get the appointment....

Anyway.....here I am, 4 years later and finally, getting it removed!

It's right under the circle under my eye, near the nose.... I hope the doc works a miracle and it doesn't leave a bad scar....:(

All the best.

I had a workmate who they had to gouge (his face) for Melanoma. He quickly started to heal. Initially, he was asking about plastic surgery. Doc told him to give it some time. Doc was right.

Much worse than Basal Cell.

All the best......

He went through several cycles.

I had a basal cell on my ear. They got it the first try.

Good luck and we'll be thinking of you.
If you have an issue, get after it sooner than later.

The friend I mentioned let his melanoma go for a while. It was his daughter who hauled his ass into the the doctor. Doctor told him it was deep and he was lucky. Another year and it would have been in his lymph nodes and all over the place.....bad prognosis.

I realize Covid was a factor for a lot of people. And this is not a rebuke of anyone. But the sooner the better.

I had a spot show up on my neck (dark and it appeared fast). Got in fast. They called it a stage zero melanoma (it was just getting started). Surgery took care of it. 4 inch cut on my neck. six months later, you had to look hard to see it.

Don't wait !!!!!!!
If you have an issue, get after it sooner than later.

The friend I mentioned let his melanoma go for a while. It was his daughter who hauled his ass into the the doctor. Doctor told him it was deep and he was lucky. Another year and it would have been in his lymph nodes and all over the place.....bad prognosis.

I realize Covid was a factor for a lot of people. And this is not a rebuke of anyone. But the sooner the better.

I had a spot show up on my neck (dark and it appeared fast). Got in fast. They called it a stage zero melanoma (it was just getting started). Surgery took care of it. 4 inch cut on my neck. six months later, you had to look hard to see it.

Don't wait !!!!!!!
Well about two years ago on a skin cancer check by my doctor... she found a mole on the cheek of my butt, which has never seen sunshine....

I could barely twist to see it so she took a picture to show me.....it was a small freckle to me...but it had a little comma on it, so she cut it out and sent it off for cancer testing and it was what you had, stage zero, melanoma and she went back in and cut out a little more.....and that, was that...

Even places that are not exposed to sun, and unlikely places for skin cancer, you can still have cancer! That was surprising!

My dad has had both, and I guess you can now put me in that category.... They found his first skin cancer about 30 years ago... He just goes twice a year for a skin cancer check up with a dermatologist and has the moles removed.... He hasn't had any new occurrences for the past 10 years.... I obviously inherited his weakness.... My older sister has had none! No skin cancer at all! She must have gotten the good genes from my mom! :).
ahh now you must come to the dark side ....like vampires we stay outta the sun...you can go out in the morning and late in the day but mid day you have to stay outta the sun...get use to hats...and sunscreen...if you go out...I wear long sleeves etc...umbrella and chairs at the beach...I had a skin conditions when I was young that the solution to was sunlight...I slept under the old fashion sun lamps...so I see a dermo every 6 months...basal cell is just a bitch but the surgery should be easy on the scar it wont look that way for a while...then suddenly its good again
ahh now you must come to the dark side ....like vampires we stay outta the sun...you can go out in the morning and late in the day but mid day you have to stay outta the sun...get use to hats...and sunscreen...if you go out...I wear long sleeves etc...umbrella and chairs at the beach...I had a skin conditions when I was young that the solution to was sunlight...I slept under the old fashion sun lamps...so I see a dermo every 6 months...basal cell is just a bitch but the surgery should be easy on the scar it wont look that way for a while...then suddenly its good again
Up here, the sun isn't so bad...the dermatologist said to always from when I wake, put 30spf on....

In the winter, part of fall too, there is no sun....maybe 8 hours a day max...

We have really long days of sunshine in the summer though....

Matt and I have a secluded beach we found, have maybe seen 5 other people there, over the last 5 years of going there...it's an awesome beach with trees all the way up to the beach.... We sit under a wild apple tree, that completely puts us in the shade, so we set up ourselves there with chairs, cooler, blanket, small grill sometimes too....drinking on beaches in Maine and grilling is legal here. We do take long walks on the beach though, looking for sea glass....I do have a straw floppy beach hat and wear a long sleeve... The water up here is like ice water to us, with us used to the bathwater in Florida, so we NEVER go in but a little over the feet!

This damage I got happened when young, living in Florida, (and living in Puerto Rico when really young when dad was stationed there) and worshipping the beach, and sun....but additional sun now, is also a no, no!

Sigh, the scar looks horrible still...has swelling underneath it still too, but less swelling than there was.... Of course Matt tells me he can't see it, and I look fine all the time, God Bless his loving heart....he's a keeper!
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Up here, the sun isn't so bad...the dermatologist said to always from when I wake, put 30spf on....

In the winter, part of fall too, there is no sun....maybe 8 hours a day max...

We have really long days of sunshine in the summer though....

Matt and I have a secluded beach we found, have maybe seen 5 other people there, over the last 5 years of going there...it's an awesome beach with trees all the way up to the beach.... We sit under a wild apple tree, that completely puts us in the shade, so we set up ourselves there with chairs, cooler, blanket, small grill sometimes too....drinking on beaches in Maine and grilling is legal here. We do take long walks on the beach though, looking for sea glass....I do have a straw floppy beach hat and wear a long sleeve... The water up here is like ice water to us, with us used to the bathwater in Florida, so we NEVER go in but a little over the feet!

This damage I got happened when young, living in Florida, (and living in Puerto Rico when really young when dad was stationed there) and worshipping the beach, and sun....but additional sun now, is also a no, no!

Sigh, the scar looks horrible still...has swelling underneath it still too, but less swelling than there was.... Of course Matt tells me he can't see it, and I look fine all the time, God Bless his loving heart....he's a keeper!
my friend had it done on her cheek I remember her bitching for weeks or months that they lied to her about the scaring then suddenly it was gone...
Up here, the sun isn't so bad...the dermatologist said to always from when I wake, put 30spf on....

In the winter, part of fall too, there is no sun....maybe 8 hours a day max...

We have really long days of sunshine in the summer though....

Matt and I have a secluded beach we found, have maybe seen 5 other people there, over the last 5 years of going there...it's an awesome beach with trees all the way up to the beach.... We sit under a wild apple tree, that completely puts us in the shade, so we set up ourselves there with chairs, cooler, blanket, small grill sometimes too....drinking on beaches in Maine and grilling is legal here. We do take long walks on the beach though, looking for sea glass....I do have a straw floppy beach hat and wear a long sleeve... The water up here is like ice water to us, with us used to the bathwater in Florida, so we NEVER go in but a little over the feet!

This damage I got happened when young, living in Florida, (and living in Puerto Rico when really young when dad was stationed there) and worshipping the beach, and sun....but additional sun now, is also a no, no!

Sigh, the scar looks horrible still...has swelling underneath it still too, but less swelling than there was.... Of course Matt tells me he can't see it, and I look fine all the time, God Bless his loving heart....he's a keeper!
Just the surgery right? If so thats easily dealt with in life.

Mom had a bunch of those over the years. Always scary.

EDIT: To clarify - I know its hard, I know scars are hard. But skin cancer can be very hard to treat and will kill you very very dead but only long after you WANT to die. As such a minor scar is a piece of cake!
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Care4all - Just look at it this way...

..... ..... ..... You will be all set...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... To dress up like a pirate on Halloween.

[J/K - hope it's going well.]
Care4all - Just look at it this way...

..... ..... ..... You will be all set...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... To dress up like a pirate on Halloween.

[J/K - hope it's going well.]


You might want to preorder one of these.


I had bcc on my nose for 5 years. Got the MOHS and they got it all on the first pass. But years later, it had not healed well and I had to have plastic surgery and skin grafts/flaps and now I need laser as the last part to smooth it out.

I recently had a red dot on my hand and a month later it turned ugly. Went in to see doc and he said "That's cancer" and they took me in the prep room. I always thought they would wait until the biopsy but nope, he could tell it was skin cancer. (squamus cell carcinoma)

The only thing I can say is if you see something strange and it's changing and growing, go see the doctor.

Glad you made it with the one pass :)
I have a scar from right eye to right ear...looks like I lost a knife fight..I am the only person who notices it now..remember we are women and know how to use make up ...I haven't worn make up in over 30 yrs lol
so what's the latest update? I hope its a better one and stop calling your man a liar ..he doesn't see that scar cause he is blinded by love...my husband pretends that a 7 in scar in the middle of the breasts is not distracting at all...
so what's the latest update? I hope its a better one and stop calling your man a liar ..he doesn't see that scar cause he is blinded by love...my husband pretends that a 7 in scar in the middle of the breasts is not distracting at all...

Thanks for asking Bones!

It's still there 1 1/2", vertical from below the eye to almost the end of my nose, on the cheek. It's not super red anymore, the swelling underneath has mostly all gone down. Make up will cover it...sort of...but I don't wear makeup unless heading in to town...if then.

I do have hope now, that maybe in time, it will disappear....so I feel better about it now, and have also developed an "I don't give a shit" attitude about it....

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