New Study: Gender surgery causes 12x increase in suicide

I'm laughing at you. I'm not angered by the fact that you dumb Bingos thought this study meant something. :lmao:
Your ignorance is something you will never realize. Your post proves my point I made about your character, so thank you for that.
I think it all points to the detrimental effect mentally abandoning one’s sex-defined behavioral psychology can have.

The very practice of attempting to walk off the plank of one’s natural sex causes mental turmoil, confusion, and depression. The data clearly shows this.

Or maybe mental illness causes people to suddenly think this must be why they are so abnormal---they were born in the wrong body. IDK.
Or maybe mental illness causes people to suddenly think this must be why they are so abnormal---they were born in the wrong body. IDK.
There would be no way to know if you were born in the wrong body, because you can’t compare the feeling to being in another body.

The confusion is irrational, and we need to coax kids back to their natural sex identify, not away from it and cause them increased harm
There would be no way to know if you were born in the wrong body, because you can’t compare the feeling to being in another body.

The confusion is irrational, and we need to coax kids back to their natural sex identify, not away from it and cause them increased harm
And you're speaking from all your knowledge and experience in administering mental health care? :dunno: :laugh:
There would be no way to know if you were born in the wrong body, because you can’t compare the feeling to being in another body.

The confusion is irrational, and we need to coax kids back to their natural sex identify, not away from it and cause them increased harm

Mentally ill people seem to latch onto trends. Suddenly there was a huge waive of eating disorders, then there was a huge waive of people claiming to be sexual assault victims when they were little ones, and in between there have been the constant stream of shootings with all sorts of mental people. I see this trans stuff as just the next ideation of the same pattern. Accordingly, my gut reaction isn't that perfectly normal people are being dupped into thinking they are non-binary and shit; it is that already nutty people are finding a newer way to express their already existing nuttiness. As for suicides, trans people have always had high rates of depression and suicide even before all this new gender affirming agenda. It is just their flavor of nutty butter so far as I can tell. Nothing anyone can do about it except wait until the next trend to gnash teeth over.
Mentally ill people seem to latch onto trends. Suddenly there was a huge waive of eating disorders, then there was a huge waive of people claiming to be sexual assault victims when they were little ones, and in between there have been the constant stream of shootings with all sorts of mental people. I see this trans stuff as just the next ideation of the same pattern. Accordingly, my gut reaction isn't that perfectly normal people are being dupped into thinking they are non-binary and shit; it is that already nutty people are finding a newer way to express their already existing nuttiness. As for suicides, trans people have always had high rates of depression and suicide even before all this new gender affirming agenda. It is just their flavor of nutty butter so far as I can tell. Nothing anyone can do about it except wait until the next trend to gnash teeth over.
Indeed, the Trans movement is much like the anorexia influx in the 80’s. A social contagion upon the youth, who irrationally think something that isn’t true, and their desires are actually dangerous to their well being over the long run with irreversible effects.

But our president, our media, and our academic institutions are glorifying this social contagion. It’s insane.

Just imagine if George H W Bush were at the podium inspiring starved 90lb high school girls to continue their quest to become skinnier because they ARE too fat, we have to respect their perspective, and if anyone says they’re delusional and have warped body image issues, those people are “hateful, bigoted, anorexophobes” LOL
Mentally ill people seem to latch onto trends. Suddenly there was a huge waive of eating disorders, then there was a huge waive of people claiming to be sexual assault victims when they were little ones, and in between there have been the constant stream of shootings with all sorts of mental people. I see this trans stuff as just the next ideation of the same pattern. Accordingly, my gut reaction isn't that perfectly normal people are being dupped into thinking they are non-binary and shit; it is that already nutty people are finding a newer way to express their already existing nuttiness. As for suicides, trans people have always had high rates of depression and suicide even before all this new gender affirming agenda. It is just their flavor of nutty butter so far as I can tell. Nothing anyone can do about it except wait until the next trend to gnash teeth over.
Funny how we tell people that think they are the other sex to take drugs and get surgery, yet no professional would recommend an a person believes they are overweight when they are skin and bones to have lap band surgery and in fact would never preform such a surgery.
Funny how we tell people that think they are the other sex to take drugs and get surgery, yet no professional would recommend an a person believes they are overweight when they are skin and bones to have lap band surgery and in fact would never preform such a surgery.
Is that funny or merely informative of how the medical community views trans care in contrast to your ignorant opinion? :dunno:
Funny how we tell people that think they are the other sex to take drugs and get surgery, yet no professional would recommend an a person believes they are overweight when they are skin and bones to have lap band surgery and in fact would never preform such a surgery.

Actually, they do a lot of testing before they give you lap band operation, including psychological testing.

They also do a lot of psychological screening and testing before they provide ANY kind of gender-affirming care.
Is that funny or merely informative of how the medical community views trans care in contrast to your ignorant opinion? :dunno:
Medical doctors years ago thought blood letting in their expert opinions were the correct method of curing sick patients. Live and learn cupcake.
Medical doctors years ago thought blood letting in their expert opinions were the correct method of curing sick patients. Live and learn cupcake.

Except your side hasn't proven gender-affirming care is unsound, other than, "It makes Baby Jesus Cry!"
Actually, they do a lot of testing before they give you lap band operation, including psychological testing.

They also do a lot of psychological screening and testing before they provide ANY kind of gender-affirming care.
So you are in favor of anorexics getting lap band surgery? any proof that they give lap ban surgery to anorexic's? That is what I am comparing the gender surgery to, for a mental health patient that has a very high risk of suicide.
Except your side hasn't proven gender-affirming care is unsound, other than, "It makes Baby Jesus Cry!"
I am not on any side, I don't care what Jesus thinks on the matter, I am on the side of what is best for a mental health patient.
So you are in favor of anorexics getting lap band surgery? any proof that they give lap ban surgery to anorexic's? That is what I am comparing the gender surgery to, for a mental health patient that has a very high risk of suicide.
Well, it's a stupid comparison, even for you, Stalkergeorgio.

We know that anorexics aren't overweight.

We know that gender dysphoric people identify with something other than their birth gender.

I am not on any side, I don't care what Jesus thinks on the matter, I am on the side of what is best for a mental health patient.
Then you should support gender-affirming care.
Medical doctors years ago thought blood letting in their expert opinions were the correct method of curing sick patients. Live and learn cupcake.
Ok. Other medical professionals proved them wrong. That's the thing you guys keep leaving out of your arguments. Proof. :laugh:
Well, it's a stupid comparison, even for you, Stalkergeorgio.

We know that anorexics aren't overweight.

We know that gender dysphoric people identify with something other than their birth gender.
We know they want to be the opposite sex. Wanting to be something you're not and can't be, is a mental health issue.
Ok. Other medical professionals proved them wrong. That's the thing you guys keep leaving out of your arguments. Proof. :laugh:
Medical professionals are debunking the idea that SRS reduces suicide:

These people have mental health and or brain disorders
Medical professionals are debunking the idea that SRS reduces suicide:

These people have mental health and or brain disorders
Well first, right off the bat I notice this study is from the 1970s to 2003 and transcare has expanded since then so this, just on that alone, isn't a great example of medical professionals pulling back from gender affirming care. Secondly once you read the conclusions it states that surgery did alleviate gender dysphoria but suicidal tendencies remained and the recommendation was continued therapy after surgery. So even this study is still recommending surgery. Thirdly, those findings mirror more recent ones which stress that while gender affirming care does address gender dysphoria it doesn't address all the other psychological trauma associated with trans patients. They're more likely to suffer abuse, homelessness, job insecurity, and family abandonment. Those things don't go away because they received gender affirming care.

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