85% of Americans unhappy with congress. Gee I wonder why.LOL

Let me guess ... is because of 'the you know whos'?

Let me guess ... is because of 'the you know whos'?


a pesky FACT that you stupid fuck trolls cant refute.even TRUE Jewish folks,the juduism citizens want to reform the fucking zionists Israls murdering ways,you dont last long in washington as a politican if you condemn Israle shill. there is an awakening in america how congress serves the lobbyists of Israel.
Let me guess ... is because of 'the you know whos'?


a pesky FACT that you stupid fuck trolls cant refute.even TRUE Jewish folks,the juduism citizens want to reform the fucking zionists Israls murdering ways,you dont last long in washington as a politican if you condemn Israle shill. there is an awakening in america how congress serves the lobbyists of Israel.

And...... there he is. We missed you, buddy...

You guys are nothing if not predictable.
Let me guess ... is because of 'the you know whos'?

Let me guess ... is because of 'the you know whos'?


Sorry, while Jews are smart with 8 times the people as the Cherokee but no Elvis much less a Sequoya You should have hired us as cutouts we would like some of that I will bless those who bless you stuff and our fees are quite reasonable.
Let me guess ... is because of 'the you know whos'?

Let me guess ... is because of 'the you know whos'?

85% of Americans unhappy with Congress, most think it serves lobbyists, not the people

There is indeed an awakening,a great many amount of americans are finally seeing the truth that congress serves the corporations,the lobbyists,not us.

The thing that pisses me off is they allowed it to happen,all they do is bitch about it but they dont do something about it.

I can tell you McCain did the most damage with his Machiavellian thumbs down. That could have started a long run of the GOP to support Trump and accomplish much of his promises to America, instead, all the closet Resistance folks and the openly Resistance folks became emboldened.

A little chat by the donors changed that to get the tax plan through, but he could have done much more if the government had supported him.

There will be a lesson learned by many of them come election time. Everyone knows that America First was needed after decades of being fleeced. If the U.S trade policies are such great policies, how come Germany doesn't follow them and allow the world to exploit their economy for half a trillion a year?

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