86% Of Swiss Glaciers Were Retreating In The Year 1900

You ever going to talk about the science again, or have you officially decided to focus solely on attacking the EnemiesOfTheCult?
You ever going to talk about the science again, or have you officially decided to focus solely on attacking the EnemiesOfTheCult?
What's to discuss about the science? Glaciers were retreating when CO2 was lower than it is now. Your cult's insistence that manmade CO2 is the only thing that can melt glaciers is obviously wrong.

Now, would you like to discuss Hansen's lack of ethics? I suggest you follow the money.
I'd like to discuss why you kiss up to the criminals at ATI (a splitoff of ATP and WTP). You know, the ones suing.

ATI is a fossil-fuels industry funded think tank. In addition to suing over anything that threatens fossil fuel profits, they also sue over anything that requires campaign contributions to be disclosed. And they've been in mucho legal trouble in Montana.

Ruling says Western Tradition Partnership broke state campaign law

Great heroes you have there. Buncha crooks, shills and anti-democracy election buyers. Golly, they said bad things about Hansen. Well, that sure settles it. We know how this is going to work. The crap lawsuit will reveal nothing, as expected, since it was filed solely so they could propagandize to the rubes about how they were filing a lawsuit. As Dave shows, it worked like a charm.
Dave boy, you are and always have been a liar. Hansen said nowhere that returning to 350 degrees would stop the melting of the glaciers. What he said was that if we wished to return to a climate "similiar" to one civilization developed in, we have to return to 350 ppm of CO2. Now that we have already crossed the threshold of 400 ppm, and, worse yet, the CH4 is rising from Arctic outgassing, we are not going to see anything below 400 ppm in my or your lifetime. In fact, I fully expect to see the time that the emissions from the Arctic clathrates and permafrost simply surpass anything that we are putting out.
You ever going to talk about the science again, or have you officially decided to focus solely on attacking the EnemiesOfTheCult?
What's to discuss about the science? Glaciers were retreating when CO2 was lower than it is now. Your cult's insistence that manmade CO2 is the only thing that can melt glaciers is obviously wrong.

Now, would you like to discuss Hansen's lack of ethics? I suggest you follow the money.

I suggest that you are totally dumb ass. Know what the Little Ice Age was? Know when it ended?

Given your heroes are sucking the tits of the energy companies, Hansen's money from lectures are completely ethical. After all, he is regarded as the premier atmospheric physicist in the world.
James Hansen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Honors and awards[edit source]

Hansen was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1996 for his "development of pioneering radiative transfer models and studies of planetary atmospheres; development of simplified and three-dimensional global climate models; explication of climate forcing mechanisms; analysis of current climate trends from observational data; and projections of anthropogenic impacts on the global climate system."[84] In 2001, he received the 7th Annual Heinz Award in the Environment (endowed with US$250,000) for his research on global warming,[85] and was listed as one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in 2006. Also in 2006, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) selected James Hansen to receive its Award for Scientific Freedom and Responsibility "for his courageous and steadfast advocacy in support of scientists' responsibilities to communicate their scientific opinions and findings openly and honestly on matters of public importance."[86]

In 2007, Hansen shared the US $1-million Dan David Prize for "achievements having an outstanding scientific, technological, cultural or social impact on our world". In 2008, he received the PNC Bank Common Wealth Award of Distinguished Service for his "outstanding achievements" in science. At the end of 2008, Hansen was named by EarthSky Communications and a panel of 600 scientist-advisors as the Scientist Communicator of the Year, citing him as an "outspoken authority on climate change" who had "best communicated with the public about vital science issues or concepts during 2008."[87]

In 2009, Hansen was awarded the 2009 Carl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal,[87] the highest honor bestowed by the American Meteorological Society, for his "outstanding contributions to climate modeling, understanding climate change forcings and sensitivity, and for clear communication of climate science in the public arena."[88]

Hansen won the 2010 Sophie Prize, set up in 1997 by Norwegian Jostein Gaarder, the author of the 1991 best-selling novel and teenagers' guide to philosophy Sophie's World,[89] for his " key role for the development of our understanding of human-induced climate change."

Foreign Policy named Hansen one of its 2012 FP Top 100 Global Thinkers "for sounding the alarm on climate change, early and often".[90]

In December 2012, Hansen received the Commonwealth Club of California’s annual Stephen H. Schneider Award for Outstanding Climate Science Communications at a ceremony in San Francisco[91]

Hansen was born in Denison, Iowa to James Ivan Hansen and Gladys Ray Hansen.[2] He was trained in physics and astronomy in the space science program of James Van Allen at the University of Iowa. He obtained a B.A. in Physics and Mathematics with highest distinction in 1963, an M.S. in Astronomy in 1965 and a Ph.D. in Physics, in 1967, all three degrees from the University of Iowa. He participated in the NASA graduate traineeship from 1962 to 1966 and, at the same time, between 1965 and 1966, he was a visiting student at the Institute of Astrophysics at the University of Kyoto and in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Tokyo. Hansen then began work at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in 1967
Dave boy, you are and always have been a liar. Hansen said nowhere that returning to 350 degrees would stop the melting of the glaciers. What he said was that if we wished to return to a climate "similiar" to one civilization developed in, we have to return to 350 ppm of CO2. Now that we have already crossed the threshold of 400 ppm, and, worse yet, the CH4 is rising from Arctic outgassing, we are not going to see anything below 400 ppm in my or your lifetime. In fact, I fully expect to see the time that the emissions from the Arctic clathrates and permafrost simply surpass anything that we are putting out.
Yes, yes, we know -- the sky is falling. Save the women and children. Give us all your money and we'll make it stop.

You ever going to talk about the science again, or have you officially decided to focus solely on attacking the EnemiesOfTheCult?
What's to discuss about the science? Glaciers were retreating when CO2 was lower than it is now. Your cult's insistence that manmade CO2 is the only thing that can melt glaciers is obviously wrong.

Now, would you like to discuss Hansen's lack of ethics? I suggest you follow the money.

I suggest that you are totally dumb ass. Know what the Little Ice Age was? Know when it ended?

Given your heroes are sucking the tits of the energy companies, Hansen's money from lectures are completely ethical. After all, he is regarded as the premier atmospheric physicist in the world.
And of course, that permits him to break Federal ethics laws.

Oh, wait -- no, it doesn't.

Your high priest is a crook, Roxy. But you like the taste of his crap.

Just don't expect me to believe you when you tell me it's yummy.
James Hansen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Honors and awards[edit source]

Hansen was elected to the National Academy of Sciences in 1996 for his "development of pioneering radiative transfer models and studies of planetary atmospheres; development of simplified and three-dimensional global climate models; explication of climate forcing mechanisms; analysis of current climate trends from observational data; and projections of anthropogenic impacts on the global climate system."[84] In 2001, he received the 7th Annual Heinz Award in the Environment (endowed with US$250,000) for his research on global warming,[85] and was listed as one of Time Magazine's 100 Most Influential People in 2006. Also in 2006, the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) selected James Hansen to receive its Award for Scientific Freedom and Responsibility "for his courageous and steadfast advocacy in support of scientists' responsibilities to communicate their scientific opinions and findings openly and honestly on matters of public importance."[86]

In 2007, Hansen shared the US $1-million Dan David Prize for "achievements having an outstanding scientific, technological, cultural or social impact on our world". In 2008, he received the PNC Bank Common Wealth Award of Distinguished Service for his "outstanding achievements" in science. At the end of 2008, Hansen was named by EarthSky Communications and a panel of 600 scientist-advisors as the Scientist Communicator of the Year, citing him as an "outspoken authority on climate change" who had "best communicated with the public about vital science issues or concepts during 2008."[87]

In 2009, Hansen was awarded the 2009 Carl-Gustaf Rossby Research Medal,[87] the highest honor bestowed by the American Meteorological Society, for his "outstanding contributions to climate modeling, understanding climate change forcings and sensitivity, and for clear communication of climate science in the public arena."[88]

Hansen won the 2010 Sophie Prize, set up in 1997 by Norwegian Jostein Gaarder, the author of the 1991 best-selling novel and teenagers' guide to philosophy Sophie's World,[89] for his " key role for the development of our understanding of human-induced climate change."

Foreign Policy named Hansen one of its 2012 FP Top 100 Global Thinkers "for sounding the alarm on climate change, early and often".[90]

In December 2012, Hansen received the Commonwealth Club of California’s annual Stephen H. Schneider Award for Outstanding Climate Science Communications at a ceremony in San Francisco[91]

Hansen was born in Denison, Iowa to James Ivan Hansen and Gladys Ray Hansen.[2] He was trained in physics and astronomy in the space science program of James Van Allen at the University of Iowa. He obtained a B.A. in Physics and Mathematics with highest distinction in 1963, an M.S. in Astronomy in 1965 and a Ph.D. in Physics, in 1967, all three degrees from the University of Iowa. He participated in the NASA graduate traineeship from 1962 to 1966 and, at the same time, between 1965 and 1966, he was a visiting student at the Institute of Astrophysics at the University of Kyoto and in the Department of Astronomy at the University of Tokyo. Hansen then began work at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies in 1967
So what? Is this supposed to impress me? Is it supposed to make his ethics violations go away?
The desperate denier cult retards will grasp at any straw in their fanatical effort to protect Exxon's profits. Most of the mountain glaciers in the world are melting fast, which is a fact they want everyone to ignore, so their puppet masters in the fossil fuel industry feed them this kind of spun up bullshit about the retreat of the Alpine glaciers in Europe a century ago, which was relatively small compared to the glacial shrinkage happening today.

Here's the actual facts about that early glacial shrinkage.

Abrupt Retreat of Europe's Glaciers Tied to Early Industrial Soot
The Weather Channel
Laura Poppick, LiveScience.com
Sep 4, 2013
Soot billowing across Western Europe during the Industrial Revolution may have caused the abrupt and unexpected retreat of European glaciers during a climatically cool period in the 19th century, new research suggests. Mountain glaciers in the European Alps retreated by an average of nearly 0.6 miles between 1860 and 1930. This period falls at the end of Europe's so-called Little Ice Age, when temperatures dipped below average by about 1.8 degrees Fahrenheit across much of the continent. Scientists have long struggled to identify a cause for this surprising retreat, but had been unable to find a suitable answer in the climate record. Now, researchers based at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, Calif., have honed in on the potential anthropogenic — or human-induced — causes of the retreat. The researchers focused on the potential impact of particulate carbon, or soot, on snow melt. Soot was a major form of pollution at the time of the melt, given the prevalence of coal burning in that era. When soot settles on snow in large enough quantities, it creates a dark, heat-absorbent film on the otherwise reflective white surface of the snow. This causes the surface to absorb significantly more heat than it otherwise would, which eventually thins the snow down to the glacial ice that sits below the surface layer, causing further retreat.

To examine whether this effect would have been strong enough to induce the abrupt glacial retreat in the European Alps, the team analyzed ice cores collected from several European mountain glaciers and measured the levels of soot in various ice layers. The researchers used these measurements to estimate the quantities of soot that would have settled on glaciers lower in the Alps during the Industrial Revolution, and then entered this data into a computer model of glacial behavior. They found that the soot could, in fact, have had a strong enough effect to heat and melt the snow at the rate recorded. "This study uncovers some likely human fingerprints on our changing environment," Waleed Abdalati, a researcher at the University of Colorado and an author on the paper, said in a statement. "It's a reminder that the actions we take have far-reaching impacts on the environment in which we live." The research appeared in the Sept. 2 issue of the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The desperate denier cult retards will grasp at any straw in their fanatical effort to protect Exxon's profits. Most of the mountain glaciers in the world are melting fast, which is a fact they want everyone to ignore, so their puppet masters in the fossil fuel industry feed them this kind of spun up bullshit about the retreat of the Alpine glaciers in Europe a century ago, which was relatively small compared to the glacial shrinkage happening today.

When you criticize someone for parroting their masters' talking points, you probably shouldn't parrot your masters' talking points.
The desperate denier cult retards will grasp at any straw in their fanatical effort to protect Exxon's profits. Most of the mountain glaciers in the world are melting fast, which is a fact they want everyone to ignore, so their puppet masters in the fossil fuel industry feed them this kind of spun up bullshit about the retreat of the Alpine glaciers in Europe a century ago, which was relatively small compared to the glacial shrinkage happening today.

When you criticize someone for parroting their masters' talking points, you probably shouldn't parrot your masters' talking points.

LOLOLOL.....yeah right, we all bow down to our "masters" at The Weather Channnel and LiveScience and the National Academies of Science.

You are such a retard.

Your dimwitted BS propaganda thread has been totally debunked but you're too stupid and brainwashed to realize it.

Abrupt Retreat of Europe's Glaciers Tied to Early Industrial Soot
Last edited:
The desperate denier cult retards will grasp at any straw in their fanatical effort to protect Exxon's profits. Most of the mountain glaciers in the world are melting fast, which is a fact they want everyone to ignore, so their puppet masters in the fossil fuel industry feed them this kind of spun up bullshit about the retreat of the Alpine glaciers in Europe a century ago, which was relatively small compared to the glacial shrinkage happening today.

When you criticize someone for parroting their masters' talking points, you probably shouldn't parrot your masters' talking points.

LOLOLOL.....yeah right, we all bow down to our "masters" at The Weather Channnel and LiveScience and the National Academies of Science.

You are such a retard.

Your dimwitted BS propaganda thread has been totally debunked but you're too stupid and brainwashed to realize it.

Abrupt Retreat of Europe's Glaciers Tied to Early Industrial Soot
Correction: You CLAIM it's been debunked.

But you cultists claim a lot of things that simply aren't true.
The desperate denier cult retards will grasp at any straw in their fanatical effort to protect Exxon's profits. Most of the mountain glaciers in the world are melting fast, which is a fact they want everyone to ignore, so their puppet masters in the fossil fuel industry feed them this kind of spun up bullshit about the retreat of the Alpine glaciers in Europe a century ago, which was relatively small compared to the glacial shrinkage happening today.

When you criticize someone for parroting their masters' talking points, you probably shouldn't parrot your masters' talking points.

LOLOLOL.....yeah right, we all bow down to our "masters" at The Weather Channnel and LiveScience and the National Academies of Science.

You are such a retard.

Your dimwitted BS propaganda thread has been totally debunked but you're too stupid and brainwashed to realize it.

Abrupt Retreat of Europe's Glaciers Tied to Early Industrial Soot

"Soot billowing across Western Europe during the Industrial Revolution may have caused the abrupt and unexpected retreat of European glaciers during a climatically cool period in the 19th century, new research suggests."

It may have caused it. I think it is plausible, but don't go around saying that it's a proven fact yet.
When you criticize someone for parroting their masters' talking points, you probably shouldn't parrot your masters' talking points.

LOLOLOL.....yeah right, we all bow down to our "masters" at The Weather Channnel and LiveScience and the National Academies of Science.

You are such a retard.

Your dimwitted BS propaganda thread has been totally debunked but you're too stupid and brainwashed to realize it.

Abrupt Retreat of Europe's Glaciers Tied to Early Industrial Soot
Correction: You CLAIM it's been debunked.

But you cultists claim a lot of things that simply aren't true.

How would you know? You give no evidence of ever having done even to most basic research. You are just a really stupid flap-yapper.
When you criticize someone for parroting their masters' talking points, you probably shouldn't parrot your masters' talking points.

LOLOLOL.....yeah right, we all bow down to our "masters" at The Weather Channnel and LiveScience and the National Academies of Science.

You are such a retard.

Your dimwitted BS propaganda thread has been totally debunked but you're too stupid and brainwashed to realize it.

Abrupt Retreat of Europe's Glaciers Tied to Early Industrial Soot

"Soot billowing across Western Europe during the Industrial Revolution may have caused the abrupt and unexpected retreat of European glaciers during a climatically cool period in the 19th century, new research suggests."

It may have caused it. I think it is plausible, but don't go around saying that it's a proven fact yet.

Well, let's look at what was happening then. We were coming out of the Little Ice Age, and the sun was increasing it's TSI, according to the proxies for measuring that sort of thing. And the Industrial Revolution was beginning. Two very good reason to see the regression of the glaciers starting, after they had been increasing during the Little Ice Age. Also, as the Industrial Revolution geared up, the GHGs were increased.

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