86% Of Swiss Glaciers Were Retreating In The Year 1900

LOLOLOL.....yeah right, we all bow down to our "masters" at The Weather Channnel and LiveScience and the National Academies of Science.

You are such a retard.

Your dimwitted BS propaganda thread has been totally debunked but you're too stupid and brainwashed to realize it.

Abrupt Retreat of Europe's Glaciers Tied to Early Industrial Soot
Correction: You CLAIM it's been debunked.

But you cultists claim a lot of things that simply aren't true.

How would you know? You give no evidence of ever having done even to most basic research. You are just a really stupid flap-yapper.
:lol: If that's your standard, you're just a really stupid flap-yapper.

Now tell me it's different...somehow...it just is, dammit!! when you do it.

Correction: You CLAIM it's been debunked.

But you cultists claim a lot of things that simply aren't true.

How would you know? You give no evidence of ever having done even to most basic research. You are just a really stupid flap-yapper.
:lol: If that's your standard, you're just a really stupid flap-yapper.

Now tell me it's different...somehow...it just is, dammit!! when you do it.



How soot killed the Little Ice Age : Nature News & Comment

The late Neoglacial ('Little Ice Age') glacier maximum in southern Norway : new 14C-dating evidence and climatic implications

Soot suspect in mid-1800s Alps glacier retreat
How would you know? You give no evidence of ever having done even to most basic research. You are just a really stupid flap-yapper.
:lol: If that's your standard, you're just a really stupid flap-yapper.

Now tell me it's different...somehow...it just is, dammit!! when you do it.



How soot killed the Little Ice Age : Nature News & Comment

The late Neoglacial ('Little Ice Age') glacier maximum in southern Norway : new 14C-dating evidence and climatic implications

Soot suspect in mid-1800s Alps glacier retreat
Really? You wrote those papers?

Or are you taking credit for other people's research?
How would you know? You give no evidence of ever having done even to most basic research. You are just a really stupid flap-yapper.
:lol: If that's your standard, you're just a really stupid flap-yapper.

Now tell me it's different...somehow...it just is, dammit!! when you do it.



How soot killed the Little Ice Age : Nature News & Comment

The late Neoglacial ('Little Ice Age') glacier maximum in southern Norway : new 14C-dating evidence and climatic implications

Soot suspect in mid-1800s Alps glacier retreat

BUT TODAY --- particulates from newly industrialized China are responsible for a COOLING EFFECT and masking the CO2 warming trend..

Cooling effects from volcanoes are ALWAYS blamed on particulates aren't they?

Say WHAT????
BUT TODAY --- particulates from newly industrialized China are responsible for a COOLING EFFECT and masking the CO2 warming trend.. Cooling effects from volcanoes are ALWAYS blamed on particulates aren't they??

Arguing from ignorance always makes you look stupid. Of course, in your case, fecalhead, you are stupid.

Volcanoes produce a variety of effects on the Earth and its climate, not just one. Volcanoes shoot a lot of particulates, aerosols and gases into the stratosphere where the ash particulates cause a cooling effect and the sulfuric gases, after combining with water droplets to form tiny sulfuric acid droplets, cause an even greater cooing effect, by reflecting sunlight back into outer space. Industrial emissions can have a similar effect, particularly if they contain a lot of sulfates from coal burning power plants.

Volcanoes also produce a lot of black carbon soot that absorbs sunlight and can cause a slight warming effect in upper atmosphere and also settles out on the surface of the Earth. When black carbon soot settles on snow or ice, it changes the albedo and causes a melting effect. Industrial black soot has a similar effect. So volcanoes can have both a cooling effect, that lasts a few years before the ash and sulfuric acid droplets settle out of the atmosphere, and an ice melting effect that can last even longer. Scientists now think that a large part of the current melting of glaciers in the Himalayas is being caused by deposited layers of black carbon soot from Chinese and Indian industrialization, in addition to the increased temperatures caused by global warming from the increased levels of CO2.


Certain gases, called greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide and water vapor; but also methane, N2O, and CFCs), allow short wavelength radiation from the sun (UV and visible light) to penetrate through the lower atmosphere to the earth's surface. These same gases, however, absorb long wavelength radiation (infrared), which is the energy the earth reradiates back into space. The trapping of this infrared heat energy by these greenhouse gases results in global warming. Global warming has been evident since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Most scientists attribute global warming to the release of greenhouse gases through the burning of fossil fuels.

Suspended particles, such as dust and ash, can block out the earth's sunlight, thus reducing solar radiation and lowering mean global temperatures. The haze effect often generates exceptionally red sunsets due to the scattering of red wavelengths by submicron-size particles in the stratosphere and upper troposphere.

Volcanic eruptions can enhance global warming by adding CO2 to the atmosphere. However, a far greater amount of CO2 is contributed to the atmosphere by human activities each year than by volcanic eruptions. T.M.Gerlach (1991, American Geophysical Union) notes that human-made CO2 exceeds the estimated global release of CO2 from volcanoes by at least 150 times. The small amount of global warming caused by eruption-generated greenhouse gases is offset by the far greater amount of global cooling caused by eruption-generated particles in the stratosphere (the haze effect). Greenhouse warming of the earth has been particularly evident since 1980. Without the cooling influence of such eruptions as El Chichon (1982) and Mt. Pinatubo (1991), described below, greenhouse warming would have been more pronounced.

Volcanic eruptions enhance the haze effect to a greater extent than the greenhouse effect, and thus they can lower mean global temperatures. It was thought for many years that the greatest volcanic contribution of the haze effect was from the suspended ash particles in the upper atmosphere that would block out solar radiation. However, these ideas changed in the 1982 after the eruption of the Mexican volcano, El Chichon. Although the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens lowered global temperatures by 0.1OC, the much smaller eruption of El Chichon lowered global temperatures three to five times as much. Although the Mt. St. Helens blast emitted a greater amount of ash in the stratosphere, the El Chichon eruption emitted a much greater volume of sulfur-rich gases (40x more). It appears that the volume of pyroclastic debris emitted during a blast is not the best criteria to measure its effects on the atmosphere. The amount of sulfur-rich gases appears to be more important. Sulfur combines with water vapor in the stratosphere to form dense clouds of tiny sulfuric acid droplets. These droplets take several years to settle out and they are capable to decreasing the troposphere temperatures because they absorb solar radiation and scatter it back to space.

PINATUBO (1991) -- Mt. Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines on June 15, 1991, and one month later Mt. Hudson in southern Chile also erupted. The Pinatubo eruption produced the largest sulfur oxide cloud this century. The combined aerosol plume of Mt. Pinatubo and Mt. Hudson diffused around the globe in a matter of months. The data collected after these eruptions show that mean world temperatures decreased by about 1 degree Centigrade over the subsequent two years. This cooling effect was welcomed by many scientists who saw it as a counter-balance to global warming.
Last edited:

No, doing something you have yet to learn to do, present evidence for your opinion.

BUT TODAY --- particulates from newly industrialized China are responsible for a COOLING EFFECT and masking the CO2 warming trend..

Cooling effects from volcanoes are ALWAYS blamed on particulates aren't they?

Say WHAT????

Say, you are about a dumb fuck. A vast differance between carbon particulates and sulfer particulates. But then you know that.

Say, you are about a dumb fuck. A vast differance between carbon particulates and sulfer particulates. But then you know that.

REALLY??? You trying to tell me that industrial sourced particulates are different TODAY than they were in 1800?

Or that every volcano has a similiar profile of what it ejects??
Do you have a point? or ya just like the sound of dumb fuck GoldiRocks ???
Oh, my goodness. That's just a flat-out lie.


Lots and lots of links.

Now I fully expect you to apologize for your lie.

Well, I would, but I know better.

Say, you are about a dumb fuck. A vast differance between carbon particulates and sulfer particulates. But then you know that.
What's "sulfer"? :confused:
I think it's when you take a picture of yourself with a cell phone..
Hope that Geology degree comes with spell-check..
Really? You wrote those papers?

Or are you taking credit for other people's research?

No, doing something you have yet to learn to do, present evidence for your opinion.
Oh, my goodness. That's just a flat-out lie.


Lots and lots of links.

Now I fully expect you to apologize for your lie.b

Well, I would, but I know better.

Your link in this post doesn't actually go anywhere. Just like all of your arguments.

Of course, what you're too brainwashed and retarded to comprehend is that links to fraudulent denier cult blogs and fossil fuel industry propaganda outlets don't constitute actual "evidence" in the sense that OldRocks meant. The pseudo-science and lies you find there are not 'scientific evidence'.

I notice you're ignoring the material I just posted on the multiple effects that volcanic eruptions have. Can't deal with the facts that debunk your ignorant assumptions, eh?
No, doing something you have yet to learn to do, present evidence for your opinion.
Oh, my goodness. That's just a flat-out lie.


Lots and lots of links.

Now I fully expect you to apologize for your lie.b

Well, I would, but I know better.

Your link in this post doesn't actually go anywhere. Just like all of your arguments.

Of course, what you're too brainwashed and retarded to comprehend is that links to fraudulent denier cult blogs and fossil fuel industry propaganda outlets don't constitute actual "evidence" in the sense that OldRocks meant. The pseudo-science and lies you find there are not 'scientific evidence'.

I notice you're ignoring the material I just posted on the multiple effects that volcanic eruptions have. Can't deal with the facts that debunk your ignorant assumptions, eh?
Yawn. Yawn. And just for variety, yawn.

My link is a search result of all the threads I've started, and of course, it timed out. You can see the same thing from my profile.

Your outrage and irrational hatred are winning you no converts, Slappy. You're not going to insult anyone into agreeing with you.

Of course, if you had facts and science on your side, you wouldn't have to resort to extreme emotionalism, would you?
Your link in this post doesn't actually go anywhere. Just like all of your arguments.

Of course, what you're too brainwashed and retarded to comprehend is that links to fraudulent denier cult blogs and fossil fuel industry propaganda outlets don't constitute actual "evidence" in the sense that OldRocks meant. The pseudo-science and lies you find there are not 'scientific evidence'.

I notice you're ignoring the material I just posted on the multiple effects that volcanic eruptions have. Can't deal with the facts that debunk your ignorant assumptions, eh?
My link is a search result of all the threads I've started, and of course, it timed out. You can see the same thing from my profile.
You mean all the idiotic bogus threads you started that got immediately debunked by the actual facts? You're told you never provide evidence for your dimwitted opinions and you somehow imagine that you're refuting that accusation by just linking to all of the threads you've started? LOLOL. Good way to demonstrate that the accusation was accurate.

Your outrage and irrational hatred are winning you no converts, Slappy. You're not going to insult anyone into agreeing with you. Of course, if you had facts and science on your side, you wouldn't have to resort to extreme emotionalism, would you?
As I have demonstrated many times, I do indeed have the facts and the science on my side. I just also enjoy insulting you for being such a retarded tool of the fossil fuel industry in their propaganda campaign to protect the profits they're making from selling the carbon emitting fuels that are destabilizing the Earth's climate.

I guess you're just giving up on defending your mistaken assertions about volcanoes. No surprise. You're just following the denier cult troll playbook by changing the subject when your BS gets debunked.
No, doing something you have yet to learn to do, present evidence for your opinion.
Oh, my goodness. That's just a flat-out lie.


Lots and lots of links.

Now I fully expect you to apologize for your lie.b

Well, I would, but I know better.

Your link in this post doesn't actually go anywhere. Just like all of your arguments.

Of course, what you're too brainwashed and retarded to comprehend is that links to fraudulent denier cult blogs and fossil fuel industry propaganda outlets don't constitute actual "evidence" in the sense that OldRocks meant. The pseudo-science and lies you find there are not 'scientific evidence'.

I notice you're ignoring the material I just posted on the multiple effects that volcanic eruptions have. Can't deal with the facts that debunk your ignorant assumptions, eh?

Now I understand you Tinkerbelle.. To find REAL pseudo-science and lies you have to be up the wazoo on skepticalscience.com and thinkprogress.com..

THAT -- was my mistake all along.. :lol:
BUT TODAY --- particulates from newly industrialized China are responsible for a COOLING EFFECT and masking the CO2 warming trend.. Cooling effects from volcanoes are ALWAYS blamed on particulates aren't they??

Arguing from ignorance always makes you look stupid. Of course, in your case, fecalhead, you are stupid.

Volcanoes produce a variety of effects on the Earth and its climate, not just one. Volcanoes shoot a lot of particulates, aerosols and gases into the stratosphere where the ash particulates cause a cooling effect and the sulfuric gases, after combining with water droplets to form tiny sulfuric acid droplets, cause an even greater cooing effect, by reflecting sunlight back into outer space. Industrial emissions can have a similar effect, particularly if they contain a lot of sulfates from coal burning power plants.

Volcanoes also produce a lot of black carbon soot that absorbs sunlight and can cause a slight warming effect in upper atmosphere and also settles out on the surface of the Earth. When black carbon soot settles on snow or ice, it changes the albedo and causes a melting effect. Industrial black soot has a similar effect. So volcanoes can have both a cooling effect, that lasts a few years before the ash and sulfuric acid droplets settle out of the atmosphere, and an ice melting effect that can last even longer. Scientists now think that a large part of the current melting of glaciers in the Himalayas is being caused by deposited layers of black carbon soot from Chinese and Indian industrialization, in addition to the increased temperatures caused by global warming from the increased levels of CO2.


Certain gases, called greenhouse gases (primarily carbon dioxide and water vapor; but also methane, N2O, and CFCs), allow short wavelength radiation from the sun (UV and visible light) to penetrate through the lower atmosphere to the earth's surface. These same gases, however, absorb long wavelength radiation (infrared), which is the energy the earth reradiates back into space. The trapping of this infrared heat energy by these greenhouse gases results in global warming. Global warming has been evident since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Most scientists attribute global warming to the release of greenhouse gases through the burning of fossil fuels.

Suspended particles, such as dust and ash, can block out the earth's sunlight, thus reducing solar radiation and lowering mean global temperatures. The haze effect often generates exceptionally red sunsets due to the scattering of red wavelengths by submicron-size particles in the stratosphere and upper troposphere.

Volcanic eruptions can enhance global warming by adding CO2 to the atmosphere. However, a far greater amount of CO2 is contributed to the atmosphere by human activities each year than by volcanic eruptions. T.M.Gerlach (1991, American Geophysical Union) notes that human-made CO2 exceeds the estimated global release of CO2 from volcanoes by at least 150 times. The small amount of global warming caused by eruption-generated greenhouse gases is offset by the far greater amount of global cooling caused by eruption-generated particles in the stratosphere (the haze effect). Greenhouse warming of the earth has been particularly evident since 1980. Without the cooling influence of such eruptions as El Chichon (1982) and Mt. Pinatubo (1991), described below, greenhouse warming would have been more pronounced.

Volcanic eruptions enhance the haze effect to a greater extent than the greenhouse effect, and thus they can lower mean global temperatures. It was thought for many years that the greatest volcanic contribution of the haze effect was from the suspended ash particles in the upper atmosphere that would block out solar radiation. However, these ideas changed in the 1982 after the eruption of the Mexican volcano, El Chichon. Although the 1980 eruption of Mt. St. Helens lowered global temperatures by 0.1OC, the much smaller eruption of El Chichon lowered global temperatures three to five times as much. Although the Mt. St. Helens blast emitted a greater amount of ash in the stratosphere, the El Chichon eruption emitted a much greater volume of sulfur-rich gases (40x more). It appears that the volume of pyroclastic debris emitted during a blast is not the best criteria to measure its effects on the atmosphere. The amount of sulfur-rich gases appears to be more important. Sulfur combines with water vapor in the stratosphere to form dense clouds of tiny sulfuric acid droplets. These droplets take several years to settle out and they are capable to decreasing the troposphere temperatures because they absorb solar radiation and scatter it back to space.

PINATUBO (1991) -- Mt. Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines on June 15, 1991, and one month later Mt. Hudson in southern Chile also erupted. The Pinatubo eruption produced the largest sulfur oxide cloud this century. The combined aerosol plume of Mt. Pinatubo and Mt. Hudson diffused around the globe in a matter of months. The data collected after these eruptions show that mean world temperatures decreased by about 1 degree Centigrade over the subsequent two years. This cooling effect was welcomed by many scientists who saw it as a counter-balance to global warming.

You didn't address my question.. What has CHANGED in the content of industrial particulates since 1800s?? And what has CHANGED in the output of volcanoes to make them NOT agents of cooling..

Youre off on some tangent that doesn't have anything to do with my observation..

It says right there in your MASSIVELY arrogant font-rant..

Industrial emissions can have a similar effect, particularly if they contain a lot of sulfates from coal burning power plants.

What was soot and particulates a more effective glacier killer in the 1800s MORE than it is today? Especially if TODAY --- you are crediting particulates as a powerful coolant effect.

(There is an answer.. This IS a test ----Ha Ha Ha)
Your link in this post doesn't actually go anywhere. Just like all of your arguments.

Of course, what you're too brainwashed and retarded to comprehend is that links to fraudulent denier cult blogs and fossil fuel industry propaganda outlets don't constitute actual "evidence" in the sense that OldRocks meant. The pseudo-science and lies you find there are not 'scientific evidence'.

I notice you're ignoring the material I just posted on the multiple effects that volcanic eruptions have. Can't deal with the facts that debunk your ignorant assumptions, eh?
My link is a search result of all the threads I've started, and of course, it timed out. You can see the same thing from my profile.
You mean all the idiotic bogus threads you started that got immediately debunked by the actual facts? You're told you never provide evidence for your dimwitted opinions and you somehow imagine that you're refuting that accusation by just linking to all of the threads you've started? LOLOL. Good way to demonstrate that the accusation was accurate.

Your outrage and irrational hatred are winning you no converts, Slappy. You're not going to insult anyone into agreeing with you. Of course, if you had facts and science on your side, you wouldn't have to resort to extreme emotionalism, would you?
As I have demonstrated many times, I do indeed have the facts and the science on my side. I just also enjoy insulting you for being such a retarded tool of the fossil fuel industry in their propaganda campaign to protect the profits they're making from selling the carbon emitting fuels that are destabilizing the Earth's climate.

I guess you're just giving up on defending your mistaken assertions about volcanoes. No surprise. You're just following the denier cult troll playbook by changing the subject when your BS gets debunked.
Ummmm...I have not mentioned volcanoes in this thread, genius.

Remind me again -- why is it you mistakenly believe you're intelligent...?
Really? You wrote those papers?

Or are you taking credit for other people's research?

No, doing something you have yet to learn to do, present evidence for your opinion.
Oh, my goodness. That's just a flat-out lie.


Lots and lots of links.

Now I fully expect you to apologize for your lie.

Well, I would, but I know better.

LOL Clicked on your link. About what I expected;

Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms
Wait Chinese cooling ate the global warming...???? What happened to the deep ocean eating it???

Do you realize how insane you warmers sound???

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