9/11 Explosive Connections - The 9/11 Masterminds

I did answer your strawman argument.
Still angry ?
So there was resistance then eh?

That's means the upper section was SLOWED down because it didn't fall at free fall right?

Resistance to a falling object being pulled by gravity means it was slowed somehow right Angelo?

Be sure to see the rest of these excellent videos, including Cutter Charges in the North Tower of the World Trade Center, which shows how Chandler was able to link two “puffs” to an actual column being cut. These are striking examples which use high school physics to provide a devastating challenge to the official conspiracy theory. Additional critical analysis can be found in Jim Hoffman’s essay NIST’s 3- Year $20,000,000 Cover-up of the Crime of the Century.
Angelo, you must have missed this.

Explain how you think those puffs are proven to be caused by explosives and not air being pushed out at the corners.

I bet you balk at this and can't explain in your own words.
Angelo, you must have missed this.

Explain how you think those puffs are proven to be caused by explosives and not air being pushed out at the corners.

I bet you balk at this and can't explain in your own words.
First, I don't like your arrogant attitude, but fyi,
I've answered all the questions before, whether yours or some other troll's.

What I post is self-explanatory information that
each person reading can discern for themselves.

Answer any one of my questions, which you never do, then we'll
look at yours.
No new tactics troll ?

I've been spanking clowns like you since 2004.
You never have troll.

You have lost every argument and every one knows this incljuding you now stop dodging and prove you can " SPANK " someone by asking the fucking question which you are running from like the proven coward you are.
First, I don't like your arrogant attitude, but fyi,
I've answered all the questions before, whether yours or some other troll's.

What I post is self-explanatory information that
each person reading can discern for themselves.

Answer any one of my questions, which you never do, then we'll
look at yours.
You are a total fucking liar.

YOU NEVER answer.

You are a chicken shit fool
First, I don't like your arrogant attitude, but fyi,
I've answered all the questions before, whether yours or some other troll's.

What I post is self-explanatory information that
each person reading can discern for themselves.

Answer any one of my questions, which you never do, then we'll
look at yours.
Once again, look in the mirror.

And as far as each person reading, they sure can discern for themselves. All they see is you getting your ass handed to you and never legitemately answering questions. They see your claims being crushed at every turn. They see you posting insults or music videos when you get trapped in a corner.

Yup, they sure can discern for themselves.


Here's one of my favorite questions THEY never answer.......
Why did BBC report tower 7 collapsing ------30 minutes before it happened ???

And then part 2---why was it not reported immediately in the US after that ?

It's my thread.
That is your answer.

See many others starting 9/11 threads ?
I'm one of the half dozen only brave patriotic souls here apparently.
It is not your thread bitch/

You are a coward who will not answer and you lie like a fucking loser statting that you have answered and you FUCKING KNOW IT.

Answer thequestion you coward

You are nno patriot you are a coward and liar

You are not brave you are a little chicken shit coward. Physically morally and mentally you are a weak little chicken shit liar.

Now answer the fucking questions

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